Default for INR112 The default category for questions shared in context 'INR112'. Fill in the Blank (FBQs) FBQ1 The small stone implement used in the late stone Age are often called_ *Microliths* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ2 Cultural heritage left behind by the early man is called_ *Artifact* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ3 The Origin of man is located geographically in_ continent *Africa* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ4 The earliest Primate fossil found in South Africa is called_ *Australopithecus* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ5 The use of words of mouth to explain past diplomatic events constitute_ history *Oral history* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ6 Fixed territorial States were difficult to establish in pre colonial Africa due to _ *Relatively low population density* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ7 Before the emergence of centralized states system, political organizations in pre-colonial society were rooted in_ *Kingship* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ8 The title of the office of the king of Buganda in the Pre-Colonial Era is ______ *Kabaka* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ9 In pre colonial Oyo Kingdom the Oyo Messi and _____ exercise checks and controls on the king *Ogboni Society* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ10 _ a form of Trade which had tremendous impact on various countries in Africa *Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ11 Carmel that eased the desert passage during the trans saharan trade was introduced by the _ Traders *Arab* 1.0000000 *Baber* 1.0000000 FBQ12 In the Trans Sahara Trade, ________ major routes were used effectively because of advantages of security and availability of water *Four* 1.0000000 *4* 1.0000000 FBQ13 Contact with the Northern African States brought about the spread of _ religion into West Africa *Islamic* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ14 Laws of war are intended to protect both combatants and_ *Non combatants* 1.0000000 *civilians* 1.0000000 FBQ15 Striking anyone whose back was turned to the warrior was considered an act of _ *Cowardice* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ16 Two places of worship protected from denigration in the course of conflict in pre colonial Africa are _and_ *Shrines and Sacred Bush* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ17 Space law was developed in the 1960s under the _ Auspices *United Nations* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ18 The Interpretation of International Law has been done through_ *Theories* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ19 Some waters referred to Article 38 of the statute of the International Court of Justice as the _ of the poor *Bible* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ20 _ are formal agreements between states *Treaties* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ21 The Alabama Claim Arbitration of 1872 was between the United Kingdom and the *United States* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ22 ADR Stands for_ *Alternative Dispute Resolution* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ23 Mediation method involve the use of _ *Third Party Mediator* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ24 Key Pre-requisites of statehood are the possession of a _ *Fixed territory* 1.0000000 *Government* 1.0000000 FBQ25 In the Monist view, there is only_ Legal system in the world *One* 1.0000000 *1* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ26 In the Naturalist view, Laws are handed down by some_ *Supernatural Forces* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ27 Russia was defeated in 1905 war with_ *Japan* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ28 In Pre-Colonial Africa, _ was the Predominant religion *African Traditional Religion* 1.0000000 0.0000000 BQ29 The International Law of Pre-Colonial Africa was rooted in_ *Customary Law* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ30 _ was a bond that kept sacred International Law among various kingdoms in Pre-Colonial Africa *Oath taking* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ31 Barter exchange was a feature of _ relations in pre- colonial Africa *Trade* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ32 In Pre colonial Africa, the Lumpemba tools named after Lupemba in Angola included lance heads and __ *Arrow points* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ33 _are individuals occasionally appointed to represent a country at important ceremonial events *Special emissaries* 1.0000000 FBQ34 The deliberate manipulation of symbols in pre-colonial Africa with the purpose of affecting men’s ideas, altitudes or behavior is called_ *Propaganda* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ35 _ is one of the forceful acts which does not involve physical violence but instituted to get cooperation of other parties *Coercion* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) MCQ1 Trade in _affected the population of African States Humans 1.0000000 Bronze 0.0000000 Rubber 0.0000000 Cocoa 0.0000000 MCQ2 In Pre-Colonial Africa, International Law was an extension of _ Legal Law 0.0000000 Customary Law 1.0000000 General Law 0.0000000 Commercial Law 0.0000000 MCQ3 Historical evidence and accounts suggest that thriving commerce had existed in pre colonial Africa long before __ colonization 0.0000000 militarization 0.0000000 chistianization 0.0000000 commerce 1.0000000 MCQ4 The earliest reference to diplomatic relations in West Africa seems to be the account by Alaafin 0.0000000 Shehus 0.0000000 Saghir 1.0000000 Gbenemene 0.0000000 MCQ5 Most African Society worshipped their gods and deities using _ Ancestors 1.0000000 Godfathers 0.0000000 Juju Priest 0.0000000 Oat taking 0.0000000 MCQ6 Theories advanced on the origin of man include all the following except____. Theory of spontaneous generation 0.0000000 Theory of uniformitarianism 0.0000000 Theory of prior simpler form 0.0000000 Theory of power 1.0000000 MCQ7 __ presupposes that the evolution of man is not traceable to any object or substance that had existed sometime in the past Theory of spontaneous generation 0.0000000 Inheritance theory 0.0000000 Degeneration theory 0.0000000 Theory of uniformitarianism 1.0000000 MCQ8 The Kings and other rulers of Traditional African societies make and _ Law Enforce 1.0000000 Mediate 0.0000000 Contravened 0.0000000 Arbitration 0.0000000 MCQ9 A combatant is any member of the Arm Forces except_ Air force Staff 0.0000000 Army Staff 0.0000000 Naval Staff 0.0000000 Religious Staff 1.0000000 MCQ10 The first manual of International Law was authored by_ Richard Zouche 0.0000000 Samuel Pufendof 0.0000000 Emerich De vattiel 0.0000000 Francisico de Victoria 1.0000000 MCQ11 The Stone Age is split into three. They are Middle Stone Age, Early Stone and__ Late Stone Age 1.0000000 Current Stone Age 0.0000000 Precius Stone Age 0.0000000 Gravel Stone Age 0.0000000 MCQ12 _ contributed greatly to the formation of League of Nations USA 1.0000000 Russia 0.0000000 Nigeria 0.0000000 South Africa 0.0000000 MCQ13 Part of the material cultural heritage left behind by the early man is called__ Artefacts 1.0000000 Rituals 0.0000000 Ancestors 0.0000000 Kingdoms 0.0000000 MCQ14 _ was used to guarantee debt payment in pre-colonial era Check 0.0000000 Market exchange 0.0000000 Payar ring 1.0000000 Ritual 0.0000000 MCQ15 _ was the basic feature of production in Pre-Colonial African Societies Expert 0.0000000 Subsistence 1.0000000 Commercial 0.0000000 Wholesale 0.0000000 MCQ16 Laws of war mitigate the cold war by all the following except_ Protecting both combatant and non-combatants 0.0000000 Safe guarding human rights 0.0000000 Facilitating the restoration of peace 0.0000000 increase war intensity 1.0000000 MCQ17 Value and authority of International Law is dependent on all except_ Voluntary participation of states 0.0000000 Observance 0.0000000 Enforcement 0.0000000 Writing of Jurists 1.0000000 MCQ18 All these theorists except _ denied that International Law is true law Thomas Hobbes 0.0000000 Samuel Pufendof 0.0000000 John Austin 0.0000000 Woodrow Wilson 1.0000000 MCQ19 Evidence shows that most natives of pre-colonial Africa relied police the behavior of the market participants Chieftaincy 1.0000000 Mobile Police 0.0000000 Culture 0.0000000 Oral history 0.0000000 MCQ20 The following are styles of negotiation except_ Consultation 0.0000000 Competition 0.0000000 Co-operative 0.0000000 Conciliation 1.0000000 MCQ21 Advantage of cooperative style of Negotiation include all except_ Produce fewer breakdowns 0.0000000 Produce more favourable outcomes for Both parties 0.0000000 It leave friendly environment for both parties 0.0000000 Encourage breakdown of relationship between parties 1.0000000 MCQ22 All except _ are mechanisms employed in the conduct of diplomacy in Pre-colonial Africa Negotiation 0.0000000 Protocol 0.0000000 Flattering 0.0000000 Creation of Embassy 1.0000000 MCQ23 Thomas Hobbes refers to State of Nature as where life was brutish, nasty and__ Short 1.0000000 Long 0.0000000 Sweet 0.0000000 Pleasurable 0.0000000 MCQ24 All the following are types of wars in Pre-colonial Africa except_ Religions war 0.0000000 Seasonal War 0.0000000 Ceremonial War 0.0000000 Cold War 1.0000000 MCQ25 The area of coverage of Traditional/Customary Laws of Pre-Colonial Africa does not include_ Trade 0.0000000 Inheritance 0.0000000 Marriage 0.0000000 Slavery 1.0000000 MCQ26 _ defended the idea that International Law is not restricted to Christendom but constitute a common bond for all nations Samuel Pufendof 0.0000000 Fransilo de Victoria 1.0000000 Allmenia Gentiles 0.0000000 Hugo Crotious 0.0000000 MCQ27 The author of reflection Theologians is_ Fransico de Victoria 0.0000000 Allimene Gentiles 0.0000000 Richard Zouche 1.0000000 Hugo Crotions 0.0000000 MCQ28 A good diplomat is expected to possess sterling qualities which include all except_ Eloquence 0.0000000 Intelligence 0.0000000 Multilingual 0.0000000 Indecency 1.0000000 MCQ29 In post-colonial Africa Africa, conference diplomacy is conducted through one of the following African Union 1.0000000 European Union 0.0000000 NATO 0.0000000 Arab League 0.0000000 MCQ30 One of the Theoretical bases of Immunities and Privileges is_ Functional necessity theory 1.0000000 Realist theory 0.0000000 Conservation theory 0.0000000 Persona Non Crata theory 0.0000000 MCQ31 _ Jurisdiction is exercised by states over ships, submarines, Aircrafts and Space Craft Quasi - territorial Jurisdiction 1.0000000 Ordinarily Jurisdiction 0.0000000 Territorial Jurisdiction 0.0000000 Personal/National Jurisdiction 0.0000000 MCQ32 ----- is adopted in order to punish a non-national citizen who is guilty of serious crime Passive nationality principle 0.0000000 Active nationality principle 0.0000000 Universality principle 1.0000000 Protective principle 0.0000000 MCQ33 The Nilotic speakers formed several kingdoms, notably Bunyoro, south of Lake Albert and__ Ankole, west of Lake Victoria 1.0000000 Hausa Kingdom 0.0000000 Oyo kingdom 0.0000000 Niger Delta 0.0000000 MCQ34 ___ is believed to be the opium of any society including pre colonia Africa. Religion 0.0000000 Commerce 0.0000000 Education 1.0000000 Politics. 0.0000000 MCQ35 Until recently many Western writers had shown obvious contempt and prejudice for Africa, describing it as the___ continent of the World Dark 0.0000000 Yellow 0.0000000 Blue 0.0000000 Red 1.0000000