Default for EDU256 The default category for questions shared in context 'EDU256'. Fill in the Blank (FBQs) FBQ1 According to a renowned psychologist who propounded theory on stages of intellectual development, age 0 – 2 years stands for _____________ *Sensory-motor stage* 1.0000000 *Sensory - motor stage* 1.0000000 FBQ2 Considering the stages of intellectual development of a renowned educational psychologist, age 2 – 7 years stands for _____________ *Pre-operational stage* 1.0000000 *Pre - operational stage* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ3 In the Piagetian theory of intellectual development, age 11 - 15 years stands for _____________ *Formal operational stage* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ4 A pre-verbal stage where the entire child’s learning activities are based on seeing, sucking, tasting, touching and pushing can be simply called _____________ *Sensory Motor Stage* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ5 At what stage of Piaget intellectual development will a child speak clearly and use symbolic representation by drawing, writing and perform complex manipulation *Pre-Operational stage* 1.0000000 *Pre - Operational stage* 1.0000000 FBQ6 At what stage of intellectual development will a child develop the idea of conservation of matter, length, weight, volume and concept of time and space *Concrete operational stage* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ7 According to Piaget theory of learning, at what stage will the child be able to engage in logical argument? *Formal operational stage* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ8 _____________is a general term that entails curriculum planning, instruction, measurement and evaluation *Teaching* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ9 Which of this list is not a method of teaching physics (i. demonstration, ii. discussion, iii. indoctrination, iv. discovery, v. project and field trip) *Indoctrination* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ10 _____________is the most popular teaching method that can be used for large class where students are passive and merely take notes. *Lecture method* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ11 In the absence of adequate laboratory facilities to aid physics practical in a large class, the teacher can result to _____________method *Demonstration method* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ12 _____________ is the teaching method that emphasizes the scientific skills of observing, measuring, classifying, hypothesizing etc. in the physics laboratory *Discovery method* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ13 The teaching method where the learner construct his knowledge among his peers while the teacher moderates and guide is best described as _____________method. *Discussion method* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ14 The teaching method that adopt excursion outside the classroom can be described as_____________ *Field trip method* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ15 In your study of resources for teaching physics, _____________ refers to those resources which appeal to sense of hearing. *Aural aids* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ16 The teaching resources which appeal to sense of sight, touch, and smell can be best described as _____________ resources *Visual* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ17 In the classification of teaching resources in physics, sound film projector, television, computer are example of _____________ *Audio-Visual aids* 1.0000000 *Audio - Visual aids* 1.0000000 FBQ18 Consider these criteria: Relevance, appropriateness, cost, availability, validity. Which of these is not relevant when selecting teaching resources in physics *Validity* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ19 The uniqueness of a child depends on these factors (socio-economic background, physiological structure, intelligence, interest, need) except _____________ one. Which of these? *Physiological structure* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ20 A place where a wide range of educational materials, equipment and information are stored is called _____________ *Resources Centre* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ21 _____________ is a systematic arrangement of a number of physics topics into a unit for a particular level of physics students *Curriculum* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ22 In a teaching-learning enterprise, what word will you use to describe the end product of physics instruction. *Objective* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ23 The common concepts in the definition of curriculum are objectives, subject matter, methodology and evaluation. Which of these concepts best describe the results of physics instruction? *Evaluation* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ24 Which concept describe the “How” physics instruction is delivered in the classroom *Methodology* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ25 _____________ is the condensed outline or statement of the main topics of a course of study in physics which are drawn from broad curriculum. *Syllabus* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ26 _____________ is the weekly arrangement of physics topics to cover a defined academic year. *Scheme of work* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ27 _______________ is the daily guide to physics instruction. *Lesson plan* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ28 The stated objective that focus on what the physics teacher is going to do during the lesson is called _____________ objective *Instructional* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ29 The objective that focus on what the learners should achieve at the end of the lesson is called _____________ *Behavioural objective* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ30 _____________ can be defined as the product of force and displacement in the direction of the force. *Work done* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ31 A spring is stretched by 5cm by a force of 20N. Compute the work done on the spring. *100J* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ32 _____________ is the philosopher that succeeded Plato *Aristotle* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ33 In what year was WAEC established? *1950* 1.0000000 0.0000000 FBQ34 The credit for the popularization of science teaching in Nigeria in the year 1957 will be given to an association called ____________ *STAN* 1.0000000 *Science Teachers Association of Nigeria* 1.0000000 FBQ35 In which state was the first Northern Government College situated? *Kaduna* 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) MCQ1 Science teacher must not present new materials during teaching unless the learner is ready. This is the implication of _______ theory of learning Ausubel 1.0000000 Jerome Brunner 0.0000000 Jean Piaget’s 0.0000000 Robert Gagne’s 0.0000000 MCQ2 Which singular effort of the Russia plunged the world into re-evaluation of their science curriculum in the 1950s The role of Russia in the World War II 0.0000000 The inauguration of Russia Nuclear Power 0.0000000 The launching of Satellite Sputnik I 1.0000000 StationThe cold war among USA, Germany, Britain and Russia in the early 1940s 0.0000000 MCQ3 ___________ is not a process of science philosophising 1.0000000 identifying problem 0.0000000 observation 0.0000000 hypothesizing 0.0000000 MCQ4 All the following described the scientific enterprise except ______________ Passing judgement with little data to avoid error 1.0000000 objectivity while collecting, analysing 0.0000000 open-mindednesshumility and scepticism 0.0000000 evaluating and interpreting data 0.0000000 MCQ5 _________ is the part of the learner’s cognitive structure which can provide for the interaction necessary for meaningful learning. comprehension 0.0000000 receptor 0.0000000 cognition 0.0000000 Subsumer 1.0000000 MCQ6 Which of the following statements best describes science? science is both a body of knowledge and the process of acquiring and refining knowledge 1.0000000 science is an ordered body of knowledge, in form of laws, theories and concepts 0.0000000 science is a group of exact non demonstrable facts and proven theories 0.0000000 science is the 'what' and 'why' of all things happening in our environment 0.0000000 MCQ7 At what stage will a child carryout some logical processes like observing, describing, classifying and measuring real objects? pre – operational stage 0.0000000 post – operational stage, 0.0000000 concrete – operational stage 1.0000000 formal – operational stage 0.0000000 MCQ8 Which of these is not a curriculum project in the western world? Ford-Cliff Biology Project 1.0000000 Harvard Project Physics 0.0000000 PhysicsIntegrated Science Project 0.0000000 Nuffield Secondary Science 0.0000000 MCQ9 What stage is characterized by freedom from reality? pre – operational stage 0.0000000 formal – operational stage 1.0000000 concrete – operational stage 0.0000000 post – operational stage 0.0000000 MCQ10 The first to conceive the atomic theory and use the word atom was _____ Democritus (470 - 380 BC) 1.0000000 Thales (640 - 540 BC) 0.0000000 Empedocles (495 - 435 BC) 0.0000000 Plato (428 - 347 BC) 0.0000000 MCQ11 The science that was majorly regarded as conceptual science because it was not based on sound data was the _____ Asian science 0.0000000 Romans science 0.0000000 European science 0.0000000 Greeks science 1.0000000 MCQ12 Science as an enterprise as practised today was greatly influenced by the early ideas of _____ Greeks philosophers 1.0000000 Asian philosophers 0.0000000 European philosophers 0.0000000 Romans philosophers 0.0000000 MCQ13 The philosophers who initiated speculation and later logic as tools for systematic reasoning and the explanation of events and phenomenon in nature are from _____ Romans philosophers 0.0000000 Greeks philosophers 1.0000000 European philosophers 0.0000000 Asian philosophers 0.0000000 MCQ14 The development of science education in Nigeria was tied to the work of the colonial masters’ twofold agenda namely: _____ and _____ trade and teaching 0.0000000 teaching and evangelism 0.0000000 trade and evangelism 1.0000000 education and evangelism 0.0000000 MCQ15 The first secondary school in Nigeria was established by the _____ in the year _____D Methodist church, 1859 0.0000000 CMS, 1859 1.0000000 CMS, 1743 0.0000000 Methodist church, 1843 0.0000000 MCQ16 The _____________ of science include knowledge in the form of concept, facts, generalizations, principle, rules and laws Process 0.0000000 Motives 0.0000000 Product 1.0000000 Context 0.0000000 MCQ17 Which of these components is not inclusive in the definition of science? ______________ context 1.0000000 motives and ethics 0.0000000 the method 0.0000000 product 0.0000000 MCQ18 Which philosopher of science criticised hypothetico-deductive interpretation of the growth of science? Karl Popper 0.0000000 Keiesberger John 0.0000000 Thomas Kuhn 1.0000000 Ronald Brunner 0.0000000 MCQ19 Which of these is not necessarily an assumptions and basic principles, which a science teacher would hold in bringing up activities of the students Parsimony 0.0000000 Casualty 0.0000000 Previous knowledge 1.0000000 Complementarity 0.0000000 MCQ20 A preparation room in the physics laboratory should be provided with the following EXCEPT _______________ baton 1.0000000 gas 0.0000000 water 0.0000000 electricity 0.0000000 MCQ21 A principal characteristic of science is that ________________ Facts if established are unchangeable 0.0000000 It consists of hypothesis 0.0000000 It is a body of laws 0.0000000 It is dynamic 1.0000000 MCQ22 Which of the following is not true about philosophy of science? posting questions and the validity of the scientific knowledge 0.0000000 knowing how knowledge is fabricated 1.0000000 seeking rational answers relating to the nature of science 0.0000000 knowing how knowledge is acquired 0.0000000 MCQ23 The concept of pre-test in teaching-learning process can be best linked to ________ theory of learning Gagne 1.0000000 Brunner 0.0000000 Pavlov 0.0000000 Piaget 0.0000000 MCQ24 _________ proposed a hierarchy of learning where problem-solving is the highest level while the lower levels involved facts, concepts and generalization. Pavlov 0.0000000 Thorndike 0.0000000 Gagne 1.0000000 Brunner 0.0000000 MCQ25 The cognitive psychologist that emphasized previous knowledge of learners is _______ Jerome Brunner 0.0000000 Ivan Pavlov 0.0000000 Robert Gagne 1.0000000 B.F. Skinners 0.0000000 MCQ26 The stage at which the child uses language to express the object is called Ionic stage 0.0000000 Enactive stage 0.0000000 Symbolic stage 1.0000000 Platonic stage 0.0000000 MCQ27 At _____________ the child will be able to deal with mental changes of objects but would not be able to manipulate the object directly Ionic stage 1.0000000 Symbolic stage 0.0000000 Platonic stage 0.0000000 Enactive stage 0.0000000 MCQ28 The child's ability to manipulate the training materials directly by neuro-muscular effect activities is possible at ________ stage Platonic stage 0.0000000 Enactive stage 1.0000000 Ionic stage 0.0000000 Symbolic stage 0.0000000 MCQ29 Brunner (1960) proposed two forms of discovery process. They are Assimilation and accommodation 1.0000000 Representation and argumentation 0.0000000 Deduction and induction mode 0.0000000 Replication and duplication 0.0000000 MCQ30 According to Brunner, all these are human activities for learning except Symbolic representation 0.0000000 Ionic representation 0.0000000 Enactive representation 0.0000000 Platonic representation 1.0000000 MCQ31 In 1967, The Harvard Project Physics developed the followings units of physics concept except____ The triumph of mechanics 0.0000000 Light and electromagnetism 0.0000000 Quanta 1.0000000 Concept of motion 0.0000000 MCQ32 Which of these is not correct about science? Science is about the future 0.0000000 Science is about Conjectures 1.0000000 Science is about intuition and deductions 0.0000000 Science is about logical reasoning 0.0000000 MCQ33 The science manpower project (1960) provides a definition of science that is most credible because: Its main focus is about the dual nature of science 1.0000000 It is about the true nature of science and its processes 0.0000000 It projects science as an activity-based subject 0.0000000 It provides a historical background of science 0.0000000 MCQ34 Processes of science entails......... Stating problems, hypothesizing, designing experiments, interpreting data and synthesizing theories 1.0000000 Stating problems solely, 0.0000000 Stating problems and hypothesizing speculating, philosophising, synthesizing. 0.0000000 None of these adequately qualifies it 0.0000000 MCQ35 _________ is the foreign curriculum body that supported the Biological Science Curriculum Project National Science Foundation 1.0000000 Nuffield Secondary Science 0.0000000 Ford Foundation 0.0000000 Scottish Science Project 0.0000000