FBQ1: The dynamics of tourism debate in contemporary times is centred on the phenomenon of ___________ Answer: *Perceptions* FBQ2: It is noted that tourism system have _____ tier frameworks Answer: *Four* FBQ3: It is acknowledged that the process of tourism demands participation of both groups/stakeholders for its -------- Answer: *Success* FBQ4: Recreation and _________ in tourism are necessary for coping with routine life Answer: *Leisure* FBQ5: Problem resolution in tourism system, is achieved through the __________ and push factors Answer: *Pull* FBQ6: Success of a tourist ________________ does not depend only on richness of the tourist product but on the effectiveness of the tourism system. Answer: *Destination* FBQ7: Tourism system determines the ______ and marketing of the tourism products Answer: *Packaging* FBQ8: It is noted that the more ____________ than inbound tourists experienced in Nigeria, is signal to failure of tourism policy Answer: *Outbound* FBQ9: All countries tend to concentrate in ______________ perspective of tourism because of the foreign exchange components Answer: *International* FBQ10: The hospitability model creates real benefits for the consumer without protecting the _________ Answer: *Destination* FBQ11: In tourism management, ______________ of culture removes the world of leisure from the world of work Answer: *Commercialisation* FBQ12: _________ is viewed as a framework in which the theory and practice link up with each other to address the satisfaction of those concerned with the function of the system. Answer: *Tourism* FBQ13: In the earlier days of the hospitality industry, it is refers to as _____ industry Answer: *Travel* FBQ14: In management practice, ________________ is one of the major factors that influence decision-making Answer: *Motivation* FBQ15: The trade activities associated with banned items like Rhinos, tiger claws and ivory have encouraged the continuation of _________ of some animals Answer: *Poaching* FBQ16: Tourists may provide market for such undesirable activities such as pimps, touts and black market among a section of the local ________ Answer: *Population* FBQ17: ________ is simply mean when a currency is fixed lower in value to another currency Answer: *Devaluation* FBQ18: One of the roles of _____________ is to collect published statistics from every member country, to make global appraisal and projections of global tourism practices Answer: *World Tourism Organisation* FBQ19: In tourism, __________ refers to numerical facts relating to tourism and tourist Answer: *Statistics* FBQ20: Statistics cannot be used for the measurement of ____________ phenomenon like the colour of a person or the taste of oranges. Answer: *Qualitative* FBQ21: The aggregate of all the units in a system is called the population and a part of it is called a _________________ Answer: *Sample* FBQ22: An _____________________ is the most representative value of a sample of units Answer: *Average* FBQ23: ___________ is obtained by dividing the total value by the total number of units Answer: Arithmetic mean FBQ24: Which statistical tool is useful in determining common size of group that is demanding a tour facility ______ Answer: *Mode* FBQ25: After arranging values in ascending or descending order, the values of the variables corresponding to one- fourth of the cumulative frequencies is known as _______________ Answer: *Quartile* FBQ26: _______________ is the difference between the highest and the lowest values assumed by a variable in a group. Answer: *Range* FBQ27: Quantities used to measure changes over a period of time and geographical regions is called ________________________ Answer: *Indices* FBQ28: Travel agency, tour operator and guide are examples of _____­­­­_________ constituents of tourism industry services. Answer: *Intermediaries* FBQ29: _______________ is a useful and invaluable intermediary between the traveller and the supplier of tourist services Answer: *Travel agents/Tour operator* FBQ30: ____________ system is designed for the purpose of assisting the Immigration Authorities regarding the entry of Aliens (non-Nigerians) to Nigeria Answer: *Visa* FBQ31: Nigerian Conservation Foundation is an example of Non -Governmental Organisation in the _______________ industry in Lagos Nigeria. Answer: *Tourism* FBQ32: The establishment of the World International Tourism Organizations (WTO) was done to represent the -------- as well as the private sectors Answer: *Government* FBQ33: The International Union of official Travel Organization (IUTO) was established in _________________ as the United Nations specialised agency Answer: *1947* FBQ34: The function of _________ is to provide assistance to governments on a wide range of tourism issues Answer: *World International Tourism Organizations* FBQ35: Valid passport is important for all the visitors to Nigeria coming from all over the world except from ________ countries Answer: *ECOWAS* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: It is observed that tourism system has a _____ framework in tourism industry Answer: Three-tier MCQ2: Which of these is not a factor in the Supply of a Tourism Exchange____ Answer: Transport MCQ3: Which of these is not a factor in demand in Tourism Exchange_____ Answer: Policy MCQ4: One of the following is not classified as host in Push factors in Tourism Exchange___ Answer: Government MCQ5: One of the following is not a host in Pull factor in Tourism Exchange Answer: Receivers MCQ6: One of these is the reason why tourism is no longer ignored by policy makers and in the economic and social policy debates Answer: It influences governments, industry, business and is contributing to the GDP of a country MCQ7: This decade has been declared as the value decade in tourism, because _____________ Answer: Rising consumer costs and high demands MCQ8: The effectiveness of the Tourism System determines the _______ Answer: Packaging and Marketing power of the Tour operator. MCQ9: In making a major bid for a premier position in World Tourism, China has chosen _______ as one of its major systematic interventions Answer: Rugby MCQ10: The needs of tourists often given exclusive importance to policy makers ____ Answer: Because demand for tourism can be evaluated MCQ11: The development of tourism system is a failure as far as Nigeria's policy is is concerned because __________ Answer: Nigeria usually has more outbound touriststhan inbound tourists MCQ12: These are factors which shape demand for tourism except ___________ Answer: Affluence decreased real incomes MCQ13: It is expected that destinations should do the following except one, to encourage full potential of the factors that shape demand for tourism ____________ Answer: Re-orient the business cycle MCQ14: Presently, the challenge of hospitability model is that it creates realbenefits for the consumer without doing one of these _________ Answer: Protecting the destination, which is really a renewable resource MCQ15: The typology created by Eric Cohen is based on _______ Answer: The meaning tourism is for the tourists MCQ16: There are four motivational categories involved in tourism- Which of the following is not one of them _____ Answer: Cultural MCQ17: Motivation is a factor that influences which of the following processes _____ Answer: Decision-making MCQ18: It is very difficult for a destination developer to intervene in decision making on the __________ stage. Answer: Third MCQ19: Which of the following is not part of primary constituents that make thetourism industry? Answer: Hotels and Restaurants MCQ20: The intermediaries as one of the constituents of tourism industry include one of the following ______ Answer: Travel agent, tour operator and guide services MCQ21: ____________ is a constituent which correlates all the components of tourism because of its accumulated knowledge, expertise and contacts with providers of services Answer: Travel agent/tour operator MCQ22: The agency has specialized departments each having to perform different functions such as the following except ______________ Answer: Providing travel information MCQ23: A variety of services tourism mix exists - Which of these services is not one of it? Answer: Banks MCQ24: Which of the following is not a “secondary constituents” in the Classifications of tourism industry? Answer: Catering services MCQ25: ____________ have played vital role in tourist policy formation, planning, promotion, resort and infrastructure developments. Answer: National Conservation Foundation MCQ26: __________ is a successor to the International Union of official Travel Organization (IUTO) Answer: World Tourism organization MCQ27: World Tourism organization has the following structures except _______ Answer: General Assembly which meets every two years MCQ28: World Tourism Organization has the following activities except _______ Answer: International Budgeting and Planning MCQ29: WTO also has a number of publications, these includes except _____ Answer: Year book of tourism statistics MCQ30: All applicants for entry visa application are required to do three things. Which of the following processes is not part of the processes? Answer: Complete a visa application form MCQ31: A stamped impression on an ‘Alien's Passport’, travel document or on other documents and with inked insertions usually containing the following except ______ Answer: Signature of Director of Immigration MCQ32: A manuscript record book of the entry permits issued shall be maintained and shall contain the following information except ________ Answer: Number of passport and date of Issuance MCQ33: The aggregate of all the units in a system or region is called? Answer: Population MCQ34: In order to have a proper perspective of tourism in relation to any particular destination or region, it is necessary to evaluate its _____ Answer: Magnitude and significance MCQ35: The statistical measurements of tourist flow and their impact are obtained by surveying the visitors or the tourism production units at one or more of the following places except _________________ Answer: Place of visit or destination