FBQ1: A group of people who share a common culture are called______ Answer: *Ethnic group* FBQ2: A situation of competition in which the parties are in pursuit of incompatible goal is referred to as ______ Answer: *Conflict* FBQ3: The Chinese define conflict as the situation of danger plus ______ Answer: *Opportunity* FBQ4: Those who emphasises on characteristics such as myths of common origin, religion and language in their approach to the study of ethnicity are called ______ Answer: *Primodialists* FBQ5: The book Communist Manifesto was published in what year? Answer: *1848* FBQ6: Religion can either be a burden or ______for any human society Answer: *Blessing* FBQ7: ________ conflict occur between adherents of the same religion Answer: *Intra-religious* FBQ8: The hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and ____are the four major sub-division of the earth Answer: *Atmosphere* FBQ9: conflict theories include analytic, normative, scientific, and ______ Answer: *Metaphysical* FBQ10: ________theories have universal applications Answer: *Scientific* FBQ11: The Tuaregs are an ethnic group found in which country? Answer: *Niger* FBQ12: the death toll in a war is expected to be more than ____ figure Answer: *999* FBQ13: Despite their peculiarities, issues of _______ is common to post-conflict and post-disaster states Answer: *human security* FBQ14: Choba, Ogoniland, Odi, Ilaje, and Zaki-Biam are post – conflict communities rendered desolate by ________ conflict handling style. Answer: *Militaristic* FBQ15: One way Third Party Decision-making handle conflict is through the _____ Answer: *Judiciary* FBQ16: Negotiation and mediation are examples of what style of handling conflict? Answer: *Joint Problem solving* FBQ17: Herbert Kelman and ______develop the Analytical Problem Solving approach to handling conflicts Answer: *John Burton* FBQ18: ______ is what happens when parties in conflict make concessions Answer: *Compromise* FBQ19: _______ approach to handling conflict makes a distinction between the core conflicts and the conflicts overlay Answer: *Constructive confrontation* FBQ20: ________ are those who provide logistical and inspirational support for parties in conflict Answer: *shadow parties* FBQ21: _______are defined as basic beliefs that are non – negotiable Answer: *Values* FBQ22: the Onion analytical tool is made up three parts namely, Position, Interest and_____ Answer: *Needs* FBQ23: In conflict mapping tool of analysis, the Zig-zag lines like lightning indicate _______ Answer: *Discord* FBQ24: In conflict mapping tool of analysis, the double connecting lines indicate an______ Answer: *Alliance* FBQ25: What is the name of the former Secretary General of the United Nations who defined peacebuilding as actions that solidify peace and avoid relapse into conflict? Answer: *Boutros-Boutros Ghali* FBQ26: During peace – keeping operations troops are lightly armed, true or false? Answer: *True* FBQ27: ________ and the exclusivist are two divergent schools of thought on peacebuilding and development Answer: *Inclusivist* FBQ28: The _____ argue that peace building aids peacekeeping, peace-making and peace enforcement and should be part of activities of preventive diplomacy Answer: *Synergist* FBQ29: The ____ argue that peacebuilding should be the last step after a political settlement Answer: *Gradualists* FBQ30: The ______ and gradualists argue that peacebuilding should strictly be a civilian affair Answer: *Exclusivist* FBQ31: the synergists and the ______ posit that in dangerous situations, the military can also participate in peacebuilding activities Answer: *Inclusivist* FBQ32: ______ is a multi – sectoral approach to conflict transformation Answer: *Multi- track diplomacy* FBQ33: Track ONE in the multi-track diplomacy is what? Answer: *Government* FBQ34: Frustration– Aggression hypothesis was developed by _____ Answer: *John Dolland* FBQ35: violence directed at and resulting in large number of death within a specific group of people is known as _______ Answer: *Genocide* FBQ36: Two popular notions of human security are freedom from fear and freedom from ____ Answer: *Want* FBQ37: Conflict transformation involves the transformation of issues, actor, rules and_____ Answer: *Structures* FBQ38: Who is associated with the quote; “there is no way to peace; peace is the way; to be taken, now” Answer: *Gandhi* FBQ39: One of the chief proponents of conflict transformation is _____ Answer: *John Lederach* FBQ40: repression of freedom, particularly political freedom, and economic exploitation are examples of ____ Answer: *structural violence* FBQ41: ______ transformation happens when man, the chief agent in conflict is empowered to transcend and reduce differences in the midst of the conflict Answer: *Actor* FBQ42: _______is when the exploited or repressed are empowered to depend less on exploitative structure Answer: *Decoupling* FBQ43: The proponents of transformational mediation include Folger and ________ Answer: *Bush* FBQ44: The shift from state-centred to people centred approach to security is known as _____ Answer: *Human security* FBQ45: Multi-Track – Diplomacy is made up of how many tracks? Answer: *9* FBQ46: United Nations Organisation introduced peacekeeping as a style of handling conflict after the second world war. True or false Answer: *True* FBQ47: ABC triangle as a tool for analysing conflict stand for, Attitude, Behaviour and____ Answer: *Context* FBQ48: The Oslo Accord was signed between Israel and _____ Answer: *Palestine* FBQ49: Post-conflict communities refers to communities in the aftermath of ________ Answer: *Conflicts* FBQ50: Niger-Delta conflict in Nigeria is an example of________ Conflict Answer: *Environmental* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ: The word Confligere which is translated as Conflict is from which language? Answer: French MCQ2: ____ defined conflict as a situation of competition in which the parties are in pursuit of incompatible Answer: Schmid MCQ3: Conflict transformation is essentially about turning conflicts into basis for future ______among social entities Answer: Domination MCQ4: _____ people define conflict as ‘danger’ plus opportunity Answer: African MCQ5: Some Nigerians view ethnic plurality or diversity as a burden rather than _________ Answer: Asset MCQ6: ______ contend that there is no viable alternative to creative conflict transformation Answer: Lund MCQ7: The word ethnic is derived from the Greek word “ethnos” meaning a group of people who share the same ______ Answer: Culture MCQ8: Clifford Geertz and_____ are the pioneers of the primordialist approach to the study of ethnicity Answer: Ernest Herbst MCQ9: the Communist Manifesto released in 1848 is associated with _____ Answer: Karl Marx  MCQ10:  When conflict are engineered to achieve political ends, it is synonymous with the______ view Answer: Primodialists MCQ11: According to Marx, “the history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of______” Answer: Ethnic struggle MCQ12: that struggles between ethnic groups constitute 70% of conflict since the end of the cold war according to _____ Answer: Minorities at Risk Project MCQ13: Otite assert that over 90% of the world’s independent countries are_____ states Answer: singular MCQ14: the primary parties in class conflicts in Nigeria are usually the______ Answer: students MCQ15: conflicts between adherents of the same religion is referred to as_____ conflict Answer: Inter-religious MCQ16: ____ is what define citizenship in Nigeria Answer: Indigeneity MCQ17: The four major sub-divisions of the earth comprise of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere and the ______ Answer: biosphere MCQ18: The conflict in the Niger-Delta of Nigeria is a classic example of ________ Answer: Class conflict MCQ19: which type of resource scarcity is caused by the depletion and degradation of resources Answer: demand-induced MCQ20: the four types of conflict theories include analytic, normative, scientific, and ______ Answer: empirical MCQ21: types of resource scarcity that can generate environmental conflict include the following except_____ Answer: artificially-induced scarcity MCQ22: _____ theories have universal applications; they are verifiable, observable and predictable Answer: normative theories MCQ23: Another word for zero-sum game is _______ Answer: win-lose game MCQ24: radical structuralists theorist include the following scholars except______ Answer: Marx MCQ25: ______ believes the aggressive pursuit of national interest among states inevitably leads to conflicts Answer: realists MCQ26: For a conflict to qualify as war, the death toll is expected to be more than_____ Answer: 999 MCQ27: Conflicts that occur due to differences in ideology, religion and general worldview are known as________ Answer: Personality based conflicts MCQ28: types of conflict handling styles include the following except____ Answer: Joint problem solving MCQ29: At the international level examples of post – conflict countries include __ and ___ Answer: Iraq & Sweden MCQ30: The Oslo Accord was signed between_______ and _______ Answer: Israel & Palestine MCQ31: What type of conflict handling style is on display when parties in conflict make concessions Answer: Dialogue MCQ32: conflict analysis techniques include the following options except____ Answer: XYZ Square MCQ33: In the Conflict Tree analytical tool, the Origin/cause of a crisis is represented by which part of the tree Answer: Trunk MCQ34: Peace – keeping as an approach of handling conflict was initiated by Answer: United Nations/ UNO MCQ35: The philosophy behind peace-keeping operations requires that troops are________ Answer: Heavily armed MCQ36: countries where third generation peacekeeping has taken place include ___ and ___ Answer: Nigeria & Ghana MCQ37: Multi-Track – Diplomacy is made up of how many tracks? Answer: 9 MCQ38: Track five in the multi-track diplomacy is _____ Answer: Private citizen MCQ39: when violence is directed against a specific set of people it is known as Answer: Homicide MCQ40: countries where rule transformation have been deployed to transform conflict include the following except ______ Answer: Togo MCQ41: Which ethnic group in Nigeria believes there can be no violation of rules or norms where none hitherto existed? Answer: Ijaw MCQ42: while hard power depend on coercion, soft power depend on the following except______ Answer: Culture MCQ43: The following serve as guide for intervenor or researcher in a conflict except ______ Answer: History of Conflict MCQ44: _______ argued that the presence of many religions is not the cause religious conflict Answer: Bishop Akinola MCQ45: _____ argues against the generalisation of conflicts in Africa as “mindless violence” and “senseless wars” Answer: Francis MCQ46: The fundamental causes of indigene – settler conflict is the contest for _____ Answer: Resources MCQ47: The assumption that democratic states hardly go to war against one another is known as the dividend of _____ Answer: European peace MCQ48: The Tuaregs are an ethnic group found in which country? Answer: Niger MCQ49: Post – conflict communities refer to communities in the aftermath of ________ Answer: conflicts or wars MCQ50: A post-conflict state will be in need of reconciliation and rehabilitation, a post-disaster state will be in dire need of ________ and ________ Answer: Relief and reconstruction