FBQ1: _________________ is simply aimed at ending a dispute as quickly and amicably as possible. Answer: Settlement FBQ2: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­<span style="font-size: Answer: Conflict FBQ3: ____________________ is a process whereby the parties to a dispute agree to utilize the services of a conciliator Answer: *Conciliation* FBQ4: Conflict _________ resolution" implies that conflict is bad, and is therefore something that should be ended. Answer: *Resolution* FBQ5: _________ approaches tend to result in win-lose outcomes in which only one side perceives the outcome as positive Answer: *Competitive* FBQ6: ________________ exercise political skill and use persuasion to get people to soften hard-line positions Answer: *Mediators* FBQ7: ____________ is a lawsuit or a civil action brought before a court seeking for a legal remedy, usually for an offence Answer: *Litigation* FBQ8: True conflict resolution requires a more analytical, problem-solving approach than _________________ Answer: *Dispute settlement* FBQ9: ___________requires at least two parties, one to speak and one to listen Answer: *Communication* FBQ10: ___________strategies give a mediator the opportunity to control aspects of interaction. Answer: *Procedural* FBQ11: _____is a discussion between two or more disputants who are trying to work out a solution to their problem Answer: *Negotiation* FBQ12: ______is a negotiation strategy in which parties collaborate to find a "win-win" solution to their dispute. Answer: *Integrative bargaining* FBQ13: _______________ language is one of the most causes of conflict escalation. Answer: *Inflammatory* FBQ14: Communication requires at least two parties, one to _________and one to listen Answer: *Speak* FBQ15: In every given conflict, a successful ___________requires a coordinated approach Answer: *Mediation* FBQ16: __ and other gender-based forms of violence continue to be among the highest committed war crimes during times of armed conflict Answer: *Rape* FBQ17: Peace building is a ________ term process that occurs after violent conflict has slowed down or come to a halt. Answer: *Long* FBQ18: The ___________dimension of peace building focuses on the social conditions that foster violent conflict. Answer: *Structural* FBQ19: When did the UN Security Council adopt an 'aide memoire' pertaining to protection of civilians? Answer: *2002* FBQ20: The UN Special Representative of the Secretary General was sensitive more to ___________ issues Answer: *Gender* FBQ21: _________often face severe obstacles and critical neglect to their needs in the rehabilitation and reconstruction process Answer: *Women* FBQ22: From 1995 to 1998, __________________ was the site of the world’s largest UN peacekeeping operation Answer: *Angola* FBQ23: Mediators exercise political skill and use __________to get people to soften hard-line positions. Answer: *Persuasion* FBQ24: There are ___________sovereign and legally equal states, but with different capabilities, regime-structures, and interests, which interact on the international arena. Answer: *198* FBQ25: A mediator’s personal reputation can help to build ______________ Answer: *Trust* FBQ26: Procedural _____________give a mediator the opportunity to control aspects of interaction in conflict situation Answer: *Strategies* FBQ27: _________________ strategies allow a mediator to break through a cycle of violence by changing the factors influencing the parties' decision making Answer: *Directive* FBQ28: Mediation is an effective and useful way of dealing with _____________ Answer: *Conflicts* FBQ29: ____________conflicts require commitment, resources, persistence, and experience. Answer: *Mediating* FBQ30: ____________is a discussion between two or more disputants who are trying to work out a solution to their problem Answer: *Negotiation* FBQ31: Mutual __________is one of the key causes of the changes that occur during a negotiation. Answer: *Adjustment* FBQ32: Integrative bargaining is also called "____________ based bargaining Answer: *Interest* FBQ33: ____________involves assessing the other party's priorities and interests and trying to get a better idea of what that party is likely to want. Answer: *Planning* FBQ34: Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a term generally used to refer to_______________ dispute resolution processes Answer: *Informal* FBQ35: _________________building has become a popular process for dealing with public-policy disputes, especially intractable environmental disputes. Answer: *Consensus* FBQ36: Mediation and ________________are now commonly used to settle labour-management disputes that often used to seem like intractable situations Answer: *Arbitration* FBQ37: Potential for integration only exists when there are __________issues involved in the negotiation. Answer: *Multiple* FBQ38: Most ADR processes are based on an ____________approach Answer: *Integrative* FBQ39: Inflammatory ______________is one of the most common causes of conflict escalation. Answer: *Language* FBQ40: ____________________is the hero of good communication Answer: *Listening* FBQ41: ____________________requires at least two parties: one to speak and one to listen Answer: *Communication* FBQ42: A _______________word can carry multiple meanings depending on its intonation. Answer: *Single* FBQ43: _________________signals fall under the category of body language, and include expression, posture, and gestures Answer: *Nonverbal* FBQ44: ____________ law consists of the body of rules growing out of the regulations adopted by international administrative agencies Answer: *Administrative* FBQ45: In every society, conflicts are ____________, they are normal and an integral part of human lives. Answer: *Inevitable* FBQ46: _______________are people – officials or unofficial who get involved in Conflict resolution strategies and skills as third-party Answer: *Mediators* FBQ47: _______________often face severe obstacles and critical neglect to their needs in the rehabilitation and reconstruction process, as they struggle against discrimination Answer: *Women* FBQ48: From 1995 to 1998, Angola was the site of the world’s largest ____________peacekeeping operation Answer: *United Nation* FBQ49: International ___________instruments are important tools to protect children in armed conflicts Answer: *Legal* FBQ50: When was the UN High Commission for Refugees adopted a policy on older-persons Answer: *2001* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: ­­­­­­­­­ _________often face severe obstacles and critical neglect to their needs in the rehabilitation and reconstruction process Answer: Women MCQ2: The ___________dimension of peace building focuses on the social conditions that foster violent conflict. Answer: Structural MCQ3: When was the UN Security Council adopted an 'aide memoire' pertaining to protection of civilians? Answer: 2002 MCQ4: Competitive approaches tend to result in __________outcomes in which only one side perceives the outcome as positive Answer: Lose-lose MCQ5: Mediators exercise political skill and use _________to get people to soften hard-line positions Answer: Settlement MCQ6: True conflict ________requires a more analytical, problem-solving approach than dispute settlement Answer: Resolution MCQ7: ___________is a lawsuit or a civil action brought before a court seeking for a legal remedy, usually for an offence Answer: Litigation MCQ8: True conflict resolution requires a more analytical, problem-solving approach than _________________ Answer: Dispute settlement MCQ9: Conflict___________ correctly assumes that conflicts are long-term processes that often cannot be quickly resolved. Answer: Management MCQ10: All the following are potential mediators in conflicts except Answer: Family MCQ11: ________is a negotiation strategy in which parties collaborates to find a "win-win" solution to their dispute. Answer: selective bargaining MCQ12: ____________strategies give a mediator the opportunity to control aspects of interaction. Answer: Procedural MCQ13: ___________ seekers detained for non-criminal reasons should never be detained together with common law prisoners Answer: Refugees and asylum MCQ14: The most basic orientation that allows people enter into negotiations is Answer: struggle MCQ15: The __________approach is considered as a constructive resolution process. Answer: mutual gains MCQ16: Conflict ______________is a term that describes the natural process of conflict. Answer: Transformation MCQ17: Conflict transformation is also a __________________concept. Answer: Prescriptive MCQ18: ___________________usually transforms perceptions by accentuating the differences between people and positions. Answer: Conflict MCQ19: _______________usually has no authority to seek evidence or call witnesses Answer: Conciliator MCQ20: Litigation is a __________or a civil action brought before a court in which the party commencing the action, the plaintiff, seeks a legal remedy, usually for an offence. Answer: Lawsuit MCQ21: ____________is widely used in all sorts of disputes, ranging from divorces to civil lawsuits to very complex public policy problems to international conflicts Answer: Mediation MCQ22: .All the following are basic sources of mediator trust except Answer: Family members MCQ23: ________________describes mediator behaviour at the low end of the intervention spectrum Answer: Communication-Facilitation Strategies MCQ24: Directive Strategies made _________to works hard to shape the content and nature of a final outcome in a conflict situation Answer: Mediator MCQ25: _____________describes a phase in the life cycle of the conflict where the parties feel exhausted and hurt Answer: Perceive stage MCQ26: _____________must take place at an optimal or ripe moment in a conflict situation Answer: Settlement MCQ27: All the following are approaches to Negotiation except Answer: positional bargaining MCQ28: Effective ______________is crucial to meeting negotiation objectives in a conflicting environment Answer: Mediation MCQ29: Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a term generally used to refer to ________dispute resolution processes Answer: Authorized MCQ30: __________________is crucial for ADR processes to work effectively Answer: Engagement MCQ31: ____________involves assessing the other party's priorities and interests and trying to get a better idea of what that party is likely to want. Answer: Mediating MCQ 32: Communication requires at least all the following except Answer: speaking MCQ33: ___________signals fall under the category of body language, and include expression, posture, and gestures. Answer: Language MCQ34: All the following are essential elements to be found in a complete conflict prevention planning and decision cycle except Answer: Conflict diagnosis MCQ35: All the following are elements of the early warning process except Answer: Gathering information MCQ36: Mediation involves all the following except Answer: Providing a suitable step for negotiation. MCQ37: _____________and other gender-based forms of violence continue to be among the highest committed war crimes during times of armed conflict Answer: Violence MCQ38: From 1995 to 1998, __________was the site of the world’s largest UN peacekeeping operation Answer: Kenya MCQ39: In which year the Second World Assembly on Ageing adopted specific policy commitments concerning older persons in emerging situation Answer: 2007 MCQ40: When was the Security Council adopted an aide memoire (S/PRST/2002/6) pertaining to protection of civilians Answer: August MCQ41: According to the United Nations (UN) document on Agenda for Peace, peace building consists of a wide range of activities associated with all the following except Answer: capacity building MCQ42: ________________is a process that facilitates the establishment of durable peace and tries to prevent the recurrence of violence Answer: Peace conciliation MCQ43: _____________peace building is connected to peacekeeping, and often involves demobilization and reintegration programmes, Answer: Short-time MCQ44: Peace building measures in every conflict situation is aim to prevent conflict from _______________ Answer: Re-current MCQ45: The structural dimension of peace building focuses on the ___________that foster violent conflict Answer: Social problem MCQ46: ___________seeks to establish legitimate and stable political institutions and civil liberties that allow for meaningful competition for political power Answer: Government MCQ47: _____________________building targets both the micro and macro-level and aims to create economic opportunities and ensure that the basic needs of the population are met. Answer: Peace MCQ48: The ___________dimension of peace building focuses on reconciliation, forgiveness, trust building, and future imagining. Answer: Social MCQ49: ______________actors form the core of a peace constituency Answer: International MCQ50: An important task in sustaining peace is to build a peace _________within the conflict setting Answer: Initiatives