FBQ1: The term “sanction” refer to positive and negative reactions. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ2: A positive sanction expresses approval for following a norm. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ3: A negative sanction reflects disapproval from breaking a normal. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ4: Norms that are not strictly enforced are called ---------- Answer: *Folkways* FBQ5: Men’s folkways may be women’s mores. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ6: When people speak of culture they usually think of the -------------- Answer: *Higher things in life* FBQ7: Sociologists call many phenomena as--------- Answer: *Culture* FBQ8: The simplest definition of culture was stated by ------------ Answer: *Ralph Linton (1893-1953)* FBQ9: Culture is the way of life of any Answer: *Society* FBQ10: The complex whole consisting of everything we think, do and have in ------------ Answer: *Social life* FBQ11: Culture is created by --------------- Answer: *Human beings* FBQ12: Human beings make their historic way from ------------- to information Answer: *Stone age* FBQ13: To solve the problems presented by nature, human beings created such ---------- Answer: *Culture trait as dikes* FBQ14: Material cultures include ----------- Answer: *All artifacts* FBQ15: Invention therefore is the ultimate source of all ------------ Answer: *Culture traits* FBQ16: Most times, inventions owe their origin to ------------- Answer: *Mistakes* FBQ17: More often inventions are produced by ------------ Answer: *Creative thinkers* FBQ18: The process whereby men acquire new factual knowledge about empirical reality is ------- Answer: *Discovery* FBQ19: Discovery furnishes the information which inventors need to achieve Answer: *New combinations* FBQ20: Not all discoveries have led to ----------- Answer: *inventions* FBQ21: All inventions have their beginning in Answer: *Discoveries* FBQ22: Institutions combine a ------------ Answer: *Concept* FBQ23: One way to understand social institution is to see how they fulfil ------------ Answer: *Essential functions* FBQ24: Sociologists have identified five major tasks a society must accomplish if it to survive. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ25: Each society establishes a set of rules for allocation of financial and other resources. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ26: Preserving order and protecting itself from attack is a basic need of each society. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ27: People must not fell motivated to continue as members of a group or society. True or False Answer: *False* FBQ28: Patriotism does not assists people in developing and maintaining a sense of purpose. True or False Answer: *False* FBQ29: Tribal identities or personal moral codes are especially meaningful as ----------- Answer: *Motivators* FBQ30: Conflict theorists do not agree with the functioning approach to social institutions. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ31: Every society organizes its population to work. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ32: Every society does not develop a governing system of power and authority. True or False FBQ33: Institutions provide the cement that holds society together. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ34: Institutions tend to maintain stability and ------------- Answer: *Status Quo* FBQ35: Institutions which develop through rational invention and intention are --------- Answer: Enacted institutions FBQ36: Obviously, forms of marriage are different in different societies. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ37: The purpose of marriage is not the same. True or False Answer: *False* FBQ38: Monogamy is the union of one man with one women. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ39: Polygamy is not plural marriage. True or False Answer: *False* FBQ40: Polyandry, the union of one man with several women. True or False Answer: *False* FBQ41: Polygyny, the union of one woman with several men. True or False Answer: *False* FBQ42: Group marriage, involving several men with several women. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ43: Families in which authority is vested in the oldest living males are called --------- Answer: *Patriarchal* FBQ44: In patriarchal families the father holds great power over wife and children. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ45: In matriarchal families, the source of authority is the mother. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ46: In neolocal arrangements, the married couple lives away from bothsets of parents. True or False Answer: *True* FBQ47: The need for affection and companionship appear to be a fundamental human need. True or False FBQ48: A system of beliefs and ritual dealing with the sacred is ----------------- Answer: *Religion* FBQ49: In a small organization the upper limit is about -------------- numbers Answer: *30* FBQ50: In a large organization, the upper limit is about ------ members Answer: *50,000* Multiple Choice Question MCQs: MCQ1: The idea of applying the scientific method to the social world is known as -------- Answer: Auguste Comte MCQ2: From the Greek word, “LOGOS” means ------------- Answer: Study on MCQ3: From the Latin word, “SOCIUS” means ---------- Answer: Being with another MCQ4: Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) is sometimes called ---------- Answer: The 1st founder of sociology MCQ5: Societies evolve from lower means ---------------- Answer: Barbarian MCQ6: Societies evolve to higher means ------------- Answer: Barbarian MCQ7: Who view the evolution of societies as social Darwinism? Answer: Karl Marx MCQ8: Who got sociology recognized as a separate academic discipline? Answer: Spencer MCQ9: One of the most influential sociologists is ------------- Answer: Weber MCQ10: Who is the pioneer of sociology? Answer: Karl Marx MCQ11: The word sociology is a combination of ----------- Answer: Latin only MCQ12: The word “LOGY” means ------------ Answer: Study of life MCQ13: The word “SOCIO” means ---------- Answer: Society MCQ14: When did Auguste Comte coin the term “Sociology”? Answer: 1898-1957 MCQ15: Who summed up in his famous phrase: “To know, To Predict and to control” --------- Answer: Karl Marx MCQ16: How many approaches are involved in mapping out the subject matter of sociology? Answer: Five MCQ17: All are the founding fathers of sociology EXCEPT ----------------- Answer: Auguste Comte and Positivism MCQ18: Who urged sociologists to get back to social reform in 1956 ---------------- Answer: C. Wright Mills MCQ19: How many major orthodox view of the goals and tactics of the natural sciences ------- Answer: Four MCQ20: How many generalization are in social science in general and sociology in particular? Answer: Seven MCQ21: Social sciences as natural sciences have how many important reasons -------- Answer: Five MCQ22: How many views offered by scientific explanation ------------- Answer: Six MCQ23: Identify the third level of analysis in sociology ----------- Answer: The group level MCQ24: Social interaction has how many zones -------------- Answer: Two MCQ25: How many forms of accommodation do we have as an adjustment in social processes? Answer: Eight MCQ26: How many types of social movements do we have? Answer: Four MCQ27: How many stages are in the development of social movements? Answer: Five MCQ28: All are levels of social organization EXCEPT ---------- Answer: Interpersonal relationship MCQ29: Which level are sociologists particularly concerned with in social organization --------- Answer: First level MCQ30: Which of the levels in social organization has to do with father to son, teacher to student? Answer: Fourth level MCQ31: The fundamental elements of social organization are --------- Answer: Norms MCQ32: Statuses that are not attained through any individual effort or merit are called ------- Answer: Ascribed status MCQ33: Statuses that attained through individual effort are called -------- Answer: Ascribed status MCQ34: Ascribed statuses are involuntary and depend on ----------- Answer: Age MCQ35: The statuses of husband and wife are example of --------------- Answer: Ascribed status MCQ36: A role that often follows a change of status is called --------------- Answer: Role performance MCQ37: Sociological classification of groups are ------------- Answer: Eight groups MCQ38: The group that members engage in intimate interaction and cooperation is ------- Answer: In-group MCQ39: Relatively small group size is a characteristics of which group --------------- Answer: Primary group MCQ40: The group that tend to be large and to exist for a short period of time is ---------- Answer: Voluntary group MCQ41: The group that has formal interaction is ---------------- Answer: Primary group MCQ42: The group that members have feelings of “we”, “us”, “our” is ----------- Answer: Voluntary group MCQ43: A group that an individual aspires to belong and pattern his behavior is -------- Answer: Reference group MCQ44: A formal or informal organization to which an individual belongs is ---------- Answer: Reference group MCQ45: Where an individual cannot choose the family, state, town to which there were born is ------------- Answer: Voluntary group MCQ46: Groups to which individuals freely join are called --------- Answer: Reference groups MCQ47: A sanction that expresses approval for following a norm is --------- Answer: Negative sanction MCQ48: A sanction that reflects disapproval from breaking a norm is ----------- Answer: Positive sanction MCQ49: Monetary reward is an example of what sanction ------------ Answer: Non-positive MCQ50: A fine is an example of what type of sanction -------------- Answer: Negative