FBQ1: Disease is known as ………………… Answer: *Pathos* FBQ2: Elementary exposes that, the cell is the ……………….. Answer: *Unit of life* FBQ3: The study of pathology is divided into ---------------------- and -------------------- pathology Answer: *General and system* FBQ4: ------------------------- are the reversible function and structural responses to more severe physiologic stresses and some pathologic stimuli, during which new but altered steady states are achieved by allowing the cell to survive and continue to function. Answer: *Adaptation* FBQ5: ----------------------- may consist of an increase in the size of cells. Answer: *Adaptive response* FBQ6: ------------------------- is the increase in the number of cells Answer: *Hyperplasia* FBQ7: Change in the phenotype of cells is known as ---------------------- Answer: *Metaplasia* FBQ8: Inflamation may be --------------------- or --------------------------- Answer: *Acute or Chronic* FBQ9: Vascular and cellular reactions of inflammation are triggered by ------------------- Answer: *Soluble factors* FBQ10: ----------------- is associated with the presence of lymphocytes and macrophages, the proliferation of blood vessels, fibrosis and tissue destruction. Answer: *Chronic inflammation* FBQ11: A fifth clinical sign loss of function was added by ---------------------- in the 19th century Answer: *Rudolf Virchow* FBQ12: Function laesa means ------------------- Answer: *Loss of function* FBQ13: Alteration in vascular calibre lead to an increase in ------------------------- Answer: *Blood flow* FBQ14: Burns, Frostbite, irradiation exposure to some environmental chemicals are examples of --------------------------------- Answer: *Thermal injury* FBQ15: Hypersensitivity reactions are also known as --------------------------- Answer: *Immune reactions* FBQ16: Healing by connective tissue replacement is known as -------------------------- Answer: *Fibrosis* FBQ17: Tissue destruction is induced by the persistent ------------------------------ Answer: *Offending agent* or by the FBQ18: ----------------------------- is a distinctive pattern of chronic inflammation that encountered in a limited number of infectious and some non-infectious condition. Answer: *Granulomatous inflammation* FBQ19: -------------------------- is a focus of chronic inflammation consisting of microscopic aggregation of macrophages that are transformed into epithelium-like cells. Answer: *Granuloma* FBQ20: ------------------ Leprosy, Syphilis and Sarcordosis are examples of diseases with granulomatoes. Answer: *Tuberculosis* FBQ21: Gram – negative bacillus is the cause of ----------------------- disease Answer: *Cat-Scratch disease* FBQ22: ----------------- is the cause of syphilis Answer: *Treponema Pallidum* FBQ23: The systemic changes associated with acute inflammation are collectively called the -------------------------------------------. Answer: *Acute-phase response* FBQ24: The systemic inflammatory response syndrome is also known as ----------------- Answer: *Acute-phase response* FBQ25: --------------------- is a common feature of inflammatory reactions especially those induced by bacterial infections Answer: *Leukocytosis* FBQ26: Treponema Pallidum is the cause of -------------------------- Answer: *Syphilis* FBQ27: During inflammation leukocytes count is usually climbs from ---------- to ----------- Answer: *15,000 to 20,000* FBQ28: ------------------- and ----------------------- are the two principal types of cell death Answer: *Necrosis and Apoptosis* FBQ29: ---------------------- is the deficiency of oxygen Answer: *Hypoxia* FBQ30: Reduced blood flow is called ----------------------------- Answer: *Ischemia* FBQ31: ------------------------ and --------------------------- extreme Temperature, radiation, electric shock etc.are physical agents capable of causing cell injuries. Answer: *Trauma, mechanical* FBQ32: ----------------------- is a special form of necrosis usually seen in immune reactions involving blood vessels. Answer: *Fibrinoid necrosis* FBQ33: ------------------- and hypoxic is the most common type of cell injury in clinical medicine. Answer: *Ischemic injury* FBQ34: ----------------------- may occur in normal tissues whenever there is hypercalcaemia. Answer: *Metastatic calcification* FBQ35: Most adhesion proteins also known as ------------------- Answer: *Cell adhesion molecules* FBQ36: Formation of granulation tissue is the ------------------------- step in wound healing. Answer: *2nd step* FBQ37: An abnormal increase in interstitial fluid within tissues is called ---------------------- Answer: *Oedema* FBQ38: --------------------------- is a severe and generalized oedema with widespread subcutaneous tissue swelling. Answer: *Anasarca* FBQ39: Low cardiac output due to the loss of blood or plasma volume is called ---------------------- Answer: *Hypovolemic shock* FBQ40: --------------------- is a loss of vascular tone and peripheral pooling of blood. Answer: *Neurogenic shock* FBQ41: -------------------- is a tightly regulated process that involves a large number of molecules and interrelated pathways. Answer: *Cell proliferation* FBQ42: The proliferation of many cell types is driven by ---------------------------- known as growth factors Answer: *Polypeptides* FBQ43: Lack of differentiation is called --------------------------- Answer: *Anaplasia* FBQ44: A tumour is said to be --------------------- when it’s microscopic and gross characteristics relatively innocent and cannot spread to other sites. Answer: *Benign* FBQ45: -------------------- is a multistep process at both the phenotypic and the genetic levels, resulting from the accumulation of multiple mutations. Answer: *Carcinogenesis* FBQ46: --------------------------- is the gene that promote autonomous cellgrowth in cancer cells. Answer: *Oncogenes* FBQ47: The modern classification of tumour antigens is based on their ----------------------------- and source Answer: *Molecular structure* FBQ48: Most cancers occur in persons who donot suffer from any ------------------ Answer: *Overt immunodeficiency* FBQ49: ---------------------------- is crucial in both benign and malignant tumours Answer: *Location* FBQ50: -------------------- is not caused by the nutritional demands of the tumour. Answer: *Cachexia* MCQ1: Pathology is the study of ------------------------------ Answer: diseases MCQ2: Elementary biology exposes that the cell is the --------------------- of life. Answer: Unit of life MCQ3: There ----------------------- aspects of disease process that form the core of pathology Answer: 3 MCQ4: Pathology is the link between --------------- and -------------------- practice Answer: Basic sciences and clinical practice MCQ5: ------------------------- is the increase in the size of the cells Answer: hypertrophy MCQ6: ---------------------- is known as the decrease in the size and metabolic activity of cells. Answer: Atrophy MCQ7: ----------------- is the ability to get rid of damaged necrotic tissues and foreign invaders Answer: Inflammation MCQ8: The following are the characteristics of chronic inflammation except ---------------- Answer: Fibrolytic MCQ9: The following are medically important causes of inflammation except ------------- Answer: Amoeba MCQ10: The following are medically important causes of inflammation except ------------- Answer: Amoeba MCQ11: Outcomes of acute inflammation are the following except -------------- Answer: Complete restitution MCQ12: The following are the examples of diseases with granulomatous inflammation except ------------------------- Answer: Elephantiasis MCQ13: One of the following diseases has unknown etiology Answer: Sarcoidosis MCQ14: Treponema pallidum is the cause of -------------------- Answer: Syphilis MCQ15: During inflammation leukocytes count usually climbs to --------------------- Answer: 15,000 to 20,000 MCQ16: --------------------- serves many normal functions and is not necessarily associated with cell injury Answer: Apoptosis MCQ17: The following are the causes of cell injury except ---------------------- Answer: Immunology genetic reaction MCQ18: Causes of hypoxia include the following except ----------------- Answer: Nutritional moderacy MCQ19: The following are the patterns of tissue necrosis except -------------------- Answer: Gageous MCQ20: There are ----------------- principal causes of hypercalcemia Answer: 4 MCQ21: The following are the steps in wound healing except ----------------------. Answer: Formation of protein/plasma MCQ22: Local and systemic factors, that influence wound healing are ------------------- and ------------------ Answer: Awareness status MCQ23: The causes of shock can be due to the following except --------------------- Answer: Infective shock MCQ24: The following are the examples of ------------------------ hypovolemic shock except ----------- Answer: Superantigens MCQ25: One of the following associated with severe haemodynamic and haemostatic derangements Answer: Septic shock MCQ26: The following are the major factors contributing to the pathophysiologic of septic shock except --------------------------- Answer: Immunity MCQ27: Neoplasia means ------------------------ Answer: New growth MCQ28: The following types of cancer are not curable, except ------------------ Answer: Hodgkin lymphoma MCQ29: Cell proliferation can be stimulated by ------------- and ---------------- conditions Answer: Physiologic and pathologic conditions MCQ30: Cell proliferation is largely controlled by --------------- Answer: Signals MCQ31: Development of nodular goitres in the thyroid is as a result of ----------------- Answer: Increased in serum levels of thyroid stimulating hormone MCQ32: The following are the tissue of the body is divided into three groups on the basis of the proliferative activity of their cells except one ------------------------ Answer: Continuous tissue MCQ33: ----------------------- tissue contain cells that have left the cell cycle and cannot undergo mitotic division in postnatal life. Answer: Non-dividing tissue MCQ34: The regenerative capacity of stable cells is best exemplified by the ability of the ----------------------------- to regenerate after partial hepatectomy and acute chemical injury Answer: Liver MCQ35: If neurones in the central nervous system are destroyed, the tissue is generally replaced by the proliferation of the following except one ---------------- Answer: Supporting ligaments MCQ36: The cell cycle consists of the following except -------------------------- Answer: G4 MCQ37: ---------------------- is as a result of increased production of cellular proteins. Answer: Hyperthrophy MCQ38: ----------------------------- is caused by excesses of hormones or growth factors acting on target cells Answer: Physiologic hyperplasia MCQ39: Characteristics of benign tumour are the following except ------------------ Answer: Microscopic and gross considered innocent MCQ40: --------------- can invade and destroy adjacent structures and spread to distant sites to cause death Answer: Tumour MCQ41: ------------------------- is one of the fundamental alterations in the process of carcinogenesis Answer: Failure of growth inhibition MCQ42: Major chemical carcinogens are the following except --------------- Answer: C - diepoxybutane MCQ43: ------------------ cause an increased incidence of squamous cell carcinoma Answer: Ultra violet rays MCQ44: --------------- and ------------------ are two major types of tumour Answer: Malignancy and benign MCQ45: Pathology is the study of --------------- Answer: Disease MCQ46: The following are the aspects of a disease process that form the core of pathology except --------------- Answer: Pathogenetic MCQ47: ---------------- type of inflammation is rapid in onset Answer: Acute MCQ48: Signs of inflammations are the following except ----------------- Answer: Draining MCQ49: A fifth clinical signs of inflammation was added by ------------- in the 19th century. Answer: Rudolf Virchow MCQ50: Hypersensitivity reactions is also known as ---------------------- Answer: Immune reaction