FBQ1: Glycerol, Fatty acid and --------- are the three components of Phosphoglycerides Answer: *Phosphate* FBQ2: Phosphoglycerides present in the outer monolayer of human red blood cells are ____________ and ______________ Answer: *Phosphatidylcholine* FBQ3: Sphigomylins consist of glucose in its structure. True of False? Answer: *False* FBQ4: Membrane proteins that transverse the cell membrane is-------------- Answer: *Integral protein* FBQ5: Ion channels will most likely belong to ---------- category of membrane proteins Answer: *Integral* FBQ6: Major factor that affect the rate of facilitated diffusions are Answer: *Concentration gradient* FBQ7: ______________ is a major component that affect the fluidity of membrane Answer: *Cholesterol* FBQ8: Transport across membrane that required energy input is ----------------- Answer: *Active transport* FBQ9: Na+ K+ ATPase is a typical example of ---------------------- Answer: *Active transporter* FBQ10: Damage to Cl- ion channel is associated with ------------------ Answer: *Cystic fibrosis* FBQ11: Lactose and sucrose has ____________ in common Answer: *Glucose monomer* FBQ12: Sucrose is non-reducing because __________________ Answer: *It has no free anomeric carbon* FBQ13: Glucose alcohol is --------- Answer: *Sorbitol* FBQ14: Lactose is a reducing sugar. True or False? Answer: *True* FBQ15: The two components of lactose are -------- and ---------- Answer: *Glucose* FBQ16: The bond between the monomeric units in lactose is ---------------- Answer: *Β(1-4) glycosidic bond* FBQ17: The monomeric units in isomaltose is ------------------- Answer: *Glucose* FBQ18: The monomeric units are joined together by -------------------- Answer: *Α(1-6) glycosidic bond* FBQ19: Three examples of homo-polysaccharides are ---------, Starch and ------------- Answer: *Glycogen* FBQ20: The storage polysaccharide in mammals is ------------------ Answer: *glycogen* FBQ21: The nucleotide solely found in RNA is called --------------- Answer: *Uracil* FBQ22: --------------- is the Nucleotide found solely in DNA Answer: *Thymine* FBQ23: Sugar moiety of DNA differs from RNA in ----------- Answer: *The sugar is de-hydroxylated at position 2 in the ribose of DNA* FBQ24: The nucleic acid that induces hyperglycaemia in rat is ------------------- Answer: *Alloxan* FBQ25: Nucleic acids of physiological importance not found in DNA or RNA are Answer: *Uric acid* FBQ26: Examples of essential fatty acids are Linoleic acid,-------- and Linolenic acid Answer: *Arachidonic acid* FBQ27: Transportation of lipid from the intestine to the liver is carried out by ------------ Answer: *chylomicrons* FBQ28: _________ transport cholesterol from the peripheral tissue to the liver Answer: *HDL* FBQ29: The transportation of lipid in the blood is carried out by ---------------- Answer: *Lipoproteins* FBQ30: The precursor of prostaglandins is Answer: *Arachidonic acid* FBQ31: Which of the proteogenic amino acids is not optically active Answer: *Glycine* FBQ32: Glycine, Valine , Alanine , and Leucine are ----------- Answer: *Aliphatic amino acids* FBQ33: Sulphur containing amino acids are Answer: *methionine* FBQ34: Aromatic amino acids are -------- Answer: *tryptophan* FBQ35: An imino acid is Answer: *Proline* FBQ36: Proteogenic amino acids are ____ isomer Answer: *L (levorotatory)* FBQ37: ----------Is a conjugate acid base pair solution capable of resisting large change in pH upon addition of small amount of H+ or OH - Answer: *A buffer* FBQ38: A polyprotic acid will most likely has Answer: *Many ionization point* FBQ39: A weak acid will ionized _________ in water Answer: *Partially* FBQ40: Enzymes are ________ in nature Answer: *Proteinous* FBQ41: Catalytic activity takes place at ______ site of an enzyme Answer: *Active* FBQ42: Non protein part of an enzyme is refers to as Answer: *Co-factors* FBQ43: Co-enzymes , -------------------- and Metal group are the three types of co-factors Answer: *Prosthetic group* FBQ44: Co-factors that are loosely bound to enzymes are ---------- Answer: *Co-enzymes* FBQ45: Examples of Mg containing metallo-enzymes are -------- Answer: *Kinases* FBQ46: The classification of enzymes into classes divide them into _____ groups Answer: *Six* FBQ47: The first class of enzymes belongs to --------- group Answer: *Oxido-reductases* FBQ48: Enzymes that are involve in structural rearrangement of groups around a compound is ---------------- Answer: *Isomerase* FBQ49: The value obtained at half maximum velocity is Answer: *Km* FBQ50: An holoenzyme will contain -------------- Answer: *An apoenzyme and co-factors* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: Antioxidant enzymes are predominantly found in Answer: Peroxisome MCQ2: Which of the following has no effect on the fluidity of the plasma membrane Answer: Asymmetry nature of phospholipids MCQ3: Which of the following substances are not actively transported through the cell membrane Answer: Sodium ion MCQ4: Which of the following is not true of phosphoglycerides of cell membrane Answer: They contain glycerol back bone MCQ5: Which of the following is not true about the property of peripheral protein Answer: Detergents are required to removed them MCQ6: The factor that regulate facilitated diffusion across membrane is Answer: The concentration gradient MCQ7: Cystic fibrosis is a disorder of Answer: Cl- channels MCQ8: The detoxification of toxic compounds and drug metabolism takes place in the Answer: mitochondria MCQ9: Sodium and potassium channels are example of ----------------- Answer: Voltage gated channels MCQ10: Cell death resulting from the lack of essential growth factors is known as -------- Answer: Lession MCQ11: Which of these nucleic acid bases can cause glycosuria Answer: Adenine MCQ12: The condensation product of purine and pyrimidine bases with sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) is-------- Answer: DNA MCQ13: Cyclic AMP is an example of Answer: Nitrogenous base MCQ14: The distance between adjacent base pair in a DNA duplex is -------- Answer: 0.34 nm MCQ15: The distance between neighbouring nucleotide in a DNA strand is Answer: 0.34 nm MCQ16: A substance that reduces the pH of a solution by removing OH- from solution is most likely a ----------------- Answer: Acid MCQ17: A conjugate acid bas pair will give raise to which of the following? Answer: Acidic solution MCQ18: Protein buffer system is most likely to be found in ------- Answer: ECF MCQ19: Increase in blood pH as a result of rigorous exercise is called Answer: Metabolic acidosis MCQ20: The pH of 0.0001 M HNO3 is Answer: 1 MCQ21: What will be the new pH if 50 ml of distilled water is added to 100 ml of the solution above in question 20 Answer: 2.5 MCQ22: When the concentration of acid and conjugate base in a solution is equal, which of the following statement is in-correct? Answer: The pH = pka MCQ23: Which of the following is the type of glycosidic bond in cellulose Answer: β-(1-4) MCQ24: The specific optical rotation of equilibrium mixture of α and β- D glucose is Answer: 18.7 degree MCQ25: Anomerism is produced with reference to one of the following Answer: Carbon 1 in aldose and ketose MCQ26: When glucose is reduced, the product is Answer: Mannitol MCQ27: Galactose reacting in the presence of nitric acid and heat will give a compound called Answer: Mucic acid MCQ28: The bond found in sucrose is between Answer: Carbon 1 of glucose and carbon 2 of fructose MCQ29: The following amino acids have right handed stereoisomerism except Answer: Valine MCQ30: Which of the following naturally occurring amino acids is not L-amino acids? Answer: Histidine MCQ31: Which of the following is not a branch chain amino acids Answer: Methionine MCQ32: Toxix non protein amino acids include Answer: Ornithine MCQ33: Ketogenic amino acids include the following except Answer: Phenylalanine MCQ34: Which of the following is not a class of lipid Answer: Simple lipids MCQ35: The major function of cholesterol is all of the above except Answer: Synthesis of bile salt MCQ36: The following are essential fatty acids except Answer: Linoleic acid MCQ37: Which of the following is the precursor of prostaglandins Answer: Linoleic acid MCQ38: Which of the following enzymes are involved in the hydrolysis of triacylglycerol Answer: Cyclooxygenase MCQ39: The following are true concerning linolenic acid except Answer: It is synthesized in the kidney MCQ40: All of the following are correct regarding triacylglycerol except Answer: TAG are esters of alcohol and fatty acids MCQ41: The unit of catalytic constant is Answer: Katal MCQ42: The intercept on the X axis for a Woolf plot is Answer: Km / Vmax MCQ43: The slope of Eadie-Hofstee plot is Answer: Km / Vmax MCQ44: The slope of Lineweaver burk plot is Answer: Km / Vmax MCQ45: The intercept on the horizontal axis of Linweaver burk can be use to estimate Answer: Km / Vmax MCQ46: The value derived at half maximum velocity is of an enzyme catalyzed reaction is Answer: Km / Vmax MCQ47: The linear transformation of Michaelis-Menten equation will give raise to the following except Answer: Lineweaver Burk plot MCQ48: Catalysis takes place on ­­­­_______ site of an enzyme Answer: Active site MCQ49: Regulation of enzyme activity by cleavage of some residue from the enzyme is known as Answer: Allosteric regulation MCQ50: A non-protein part of an enzyme is known as the Answer: Co-factor