FBQ1: Three hundred şā‘ make one ____________ Answer: *Wasq* FBQ2: The nişāb for farm produce is five _____________. Answer: *Wasq* FBQ3: The time for Ushr is the _________season. Answer:   *Harvest* FBQ4: The current value of _________should be used to assess the Zakāt of money. Answer: *Silver* FBQ5: From the point of view of Islam, all wealth and its resources belong to_____________________ Answer: *Allah* FBQ6: Islam says that labourers should be paid their wages before their ___________ dries off. Answer: *Sweat* FBQ7: Zakāh aims at giving out specific percentage of one’s wealth to a specific set of people at a specific __________________ Answer: *Time* FBQ8: Paying Zakāt is accepted while monopoly is ____________ Answer: *Not accepted* FBQ9: Zakāt guides against evil by purifying ­­­­­­­­­­­­____________of men from excessive and unlawful acquisition of wealth. Answer: *The hearts* FBQ10: Al-faqr refers to __________ in English. Answer: *Poverty* FBQ11: Al-Faqīr refers to the ___________ in English Answer: *The poor* FBQ12: Al-Miskīn refers to the _____________ Answer: *Needy* FBQ13: "poverty is an evil": is the opinion of the ____________ Answer: *Fatalists* FBQ14: It is by the will of ___________that people become poor Answer: *Allah* FBQ15: "Poverty is self-made, a luck or destiny" is the opinion of the _____. Answer: *Quranic group* FBQ16: "The end justifies the means" is the opinion of the ________. Answer: *Capitalist* FBQ17: "Poverty is a problem which has a solution" is the view of ______. Answer: *Islam* FBQ18: Personal laziness and lacking initiative to strive can induce ________ Answer: *Poverty* FBQ19: _____________ can cause an increase in crime rate. Answer: *Poverty* FBQ20: The pillar of Islam that is a solution to poverty is called ___________. Answer: *Zakāt* FBQ21: The fifth pillar of Islam is ______________. Answer: *Hajj* FBQ22: The money taking from the rich and given to the poor is called _____ Answer: *Zakāt* FBQ23: The first among the categories entitled for Zakāt is the ________ Answer: *Poor* FBQ24: The second among the categories entitled for Zakāt is the ________ Answer: *Needy* FBQ25: The third among the categories entitled for Zakāt is the ________ Answer: *Collectors* FBQ26: The fourth among the categories entitled for Zakāt is the ________. Answer: *New coverts* FBQ27: The fifth among the categories entitled for Zakāt is the ________ Answer: *Slaves* FBQ28: The sixth among the categories entitled for Zakāt is the ________. Answer: *Debtors* FBQ29: The seventh among the categories entitled for Zakāt is the ________ Answer: *Wayfarers* FBQ30: The eighth among the categories entitled for Zakāt are those in the course of _______. Answer: *Allah* FBQ31: Zakāt is seen as a right of the poor and a debt upon the ____in Islam. Answer: *Rich* FBQ32: In Islam those who give are better than those who _______. Answer: *Receive* FBQ33: Umar bn al-Khattab exhorts that it is better for people to get ropes and become hewers of wood than going about_______ whether they are given or not. Answer: *Begging* FBQ34: The second pillar of Islam is _________. Answer: *Şalāt* FBQ35: The fourth pillar of Islam is _________ Answer: *Şiyām* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: How many Adhān do we call during Janāzah prayer? Answer: Neither Adhān nor Iqāmah MCQ2: Which direction does the dead body faces in the grave Answer: The direction of Ka‘bah (Qiblah) MCQ3: What is the proof for Janāzah prayer in absentia? Answer: The Prophet (S.A.W) prayed for the King of Abyssinia in absentia MCQ4: According to Sunnah, how many potions of the Quran should be recited every night during Tarāwīh prayer? Answer: Juz’u MCQ5: What is the literary meaning of Tahajjud? Answer: To break the sleep and get up. MCQ6: What is the literary meaning of Istikhārah? Answer: To desire good and seek well being MCQ7: When does a Muslim do Istikhārah? Answer: When he wakes up in the night MCQ8: When do Muslims observe Salatu `l- Istisqā? Answer: When there is hunger MCQ9: Where can Salatu `l- Istisqā be observed? Answer: In the Mosque MCQ10: How many rak‘ahs are there in Salatu `l- Istisqā? Answer: Eight rak‘ahs MCQ11: After Salatu `l- Istisqā, what does the members do while returning home? Answer: They shout Takbīr MCQ12: What is Şalawātu`l-Khusuf? Answer: Eclipses of the Moon and the Sun Prayers MCQ13: How many rak‘ahs are there in Şalawātu`l-Khusuf? Answer: Two rak‘ahs MCQ14: How many times is Ādhān called during Şalawātu`l-Khusuf? Answer: Two times as usual MCQ15: When do we observe Şalātu `l- khawf? Answer: When imam dies MCQ16: What is the Farā’id of Şalāt Answer: Obligatory acts of Şalāt MCQ17: What is the Sunnan of Şalāt? Answer: Obligatory acts of Şalāt MCQ18: What is the Mustahabbāt of Şalāt? Answer: Obligatory acts of Şalāt MCQ19: What is the Mubtilāt of Şalāt? Answer: Obligatory acts of Şalāt MCQ20: How many are the Farā’iđ of Şalāt? Answer: Ten MCQ21: How many are the Sunnan of Şalāt? Answer: Ten MCQ22: How many are the Mustaħabbāt of Şalāt? Answer: Ten MCQ23: How many are the Mubţilāt of Şalāt Answer: Ten MCQ24: What is the literary meaning of Zakāt? Answer: Growth/ Blessing/ Goodness/purification MCQ25: What is the technical meaning of Zakāt? Answer: One fifth of a Muslims total wealth given to the government at when due MCQ26: When does Islam permit a Muslim to pray in the position of Qa‘dah? Answer: The sick one MCQ27: When can a Muslim pray symbolically? Answer: When he is sick MCQ28: What can a patient do if he suffers persistent weakness and misses five consecutive prayers? Answer: He stands exempted and need not offer them later MCQ29: In washing a dead Muslim, which parts of his body do we first begin with? Answer: We begin with the head MCQ30: Where does the imam stand while the dead body is in front of him? Answer: Towards the head MCQ31: Haw many takbīrs are they in Janāzah prayer? Answer: Two takbīrs CQ32: What does the Imam recite after the first takbīr during Janāzah prayer? Answer: Suratu `l-Mulk MCQ33: What does the Imam recite after the second takbīr during Janāzah prayer? Answer: Tasbihatu Zahra`u MCQ34: What does the Imam recite after the third takbīr during Janāzah prayer? Answer: Tasbihatu Zahra`u MCQ35: What does the Imam do after the third takbīr during Janāzah prayer? Answer: Offers a prayer for the forgiveness of the deceased