FBQ1: Teaching is the art of imparting ____. Answer: *Knowledge* FBQ2: NUT needs to publish a professional ____ for teachers to be a relevant body.____ Answer: *Journals* FBQ3: NUT was registered as a ____ union in 1941. Answer: *Trade* FBQ4: Teacher Grade 111 required ____ number of years for training. Answer: *3* FBQ5: Phasing out Teacher Grade 11 was actualised in ____ year. Answer: *1977* FBQ6: NUT was founded in ____ year. Answer: *1930* FBQ7: Discriminative comments by teachers on students denote ____. Answer: *prejudice* FBQ8: The teacher, the child and the subject matter are emphasised in the ____ system. Answer: *Triadic* FBQ9: Teaching is an art and a science. True or false. Answer: *True* FBQ10: The acquisition of motor skills by students is concerned with ____ domain. Answer: *Psychomotor* FBQ11: When teachers inculcate good habits on learners, they are concerned with ____ domain. Answer: *Affective* FBQ12: ____ Educational scheme necessitated the influx of children into the school system. Answer: *UBE* FBQ13: NUT is a ____ union. Answer: *Trade* FBQ14: The NCE certificate was proposed to be the minimum teaching qualification in Nigeria in ____ year. Answer: *1977* FBQ15: Discriminating students on the basis of skin colour implies ____. Answer: *Prejudice* FBQ16: The leadership style exhibited by teachers when the encourage students participation in class activities is ____ Answer: *Democracy* FBQ17: Learners tend to remember their ____ more than what they were thought. Answer: *Teachers* FBQ18: By determining the space and sequence of learning, the teacher functions as ____. Answer: *Guide* FBQ19: A teacher becomes a ____ if he/she acts as an example to students. Answer: *Model* FBQ20: Teaching is a ____ of inducing learning. Answer: *Process* FBQ21: A profession must have a quality ____ measure. Answer: *Control* FBQ22: At a time in the past, the colonial masters stopped the opening of new schools because of insufficient ____ Answer: *Teachers* FBQ23: The type of leadership adopted by teachers when ignore class activities is called ____ Answer: *Laissez-faire* FBQ24: The NUT does not have a professional ____. Answer: *Journal* FBQ25: The major NUT bargaining tool for achieving their gaols is mainly through ____. Answer: *Strike* FBQ26: Membership of Old Boys Association is ____ Answer: *Voluntary* FBQ27: Vision 2010 document stipulates that ____ percentage of annual budget expenditure should go to education. Answer: *20* FBQ28: Any educational system is a replica of its ____. Answer: *Teacher* FBQ29: When teachers are homogenous in class decision making, he/she adopts ____ leadership method. Answer: *Authoritative* FBQ30: ____ Body is responsible for the registration of the Parent Teacher Association.  Answer: *Local Education* FBQ31: Preferring students on the basis of family tree implies ____. Answer: *Favouritism* FBQ32: School Teacher Association is ____ oriented. Answer: *Student* FBQ33: Governing body for the teaching profession is ____ . Answer: *NUT* FBQ34: Acquiring the knowledge of child development involves ____ as a discipline. Answer: *Psychology* FBQ35: The traveller in the school system is the ____ Answer: *Student* Multiple Choice Question MCQ: MCQ1: Teaching is the art of imparting __________. Answer: Knowledge MCQ2: Teaching is a __________ of inducing learning. Answer: Art MCQ3: Control __________ is an attribute of a profession. Answer: Knowledge MCQ4: Expected behaviour of professional members is specified in the __________. Answer: Registrar MCQ5: British missionary schools were not concerned with the __________ development of local society. Answer: Objectives MCQ6: Conceptualising teachers as the foundation of knowledge is __________ assumption. Answer: Unitary MCQ7: Teaching aspect of cognition implies __________. Answer: Moral MCQ8: Teaching good habit to learners implies __________. Answer: Cognition MCQ9: Standing aloof in class activities Is __________. Answer: Democratic MCQ10: Teacher becomes __________as they show act as example for pupils. Answer: Model MCQ11: Discriminative comments by teachers on students denote __________ Answer: Discrimination MCQ12: Preferring students on the basis of family tree implies __________ Answer: Discrimination MCQ13: NUT needs to publish a professional __________for teachers to be a relevant body Answer: Books MCQ14: A teacher as a counsellor bears a great responsibility for -------- young people Answer: Condemning MCQ15: __________association is closer to school administrators.  Answer: OAU MCQ16: _________ Association help more in inculcating knowledge to students in the school. Answer: NUT MCQ17: For teaching to be regarded as a profession, it must eliminate _________ teachers.  Answer: Unqualified MCQ18: ………… schools were not concerned with the technological development of local society. Answer: British missionary MCQ19: Ideal teacher must inculcate _________ to students during class lesson. Answer: Praise MCQ20: Teacher becomes a ________ as they determine the space and sequence of learning Answer: Model MCQ21: Discriminative comments by teachers on students denote ________. Answer: Discrimination MCQ22: A profession must meet all under listed except ________. Answer: Remuneration MCQ23: In a profession, service occupation supersedes the ________ Answer: Public MCQ24: A professional is an expert in majorly ________ field Answer: 1 MCQ25: Teaching is an old ________. Answer: Craft MCQ26: Missionary schools teaching focused on ---------- Answer: Ideas MCQ27:  ________ Work qualifies one to be trained as a teacher in Missionary era. Answer: Messenger MCQ28: Teaching is not a profession because of ________. Answer: Free entry MCQ29: Code of conduct emphasises on ________. Answer: Remuneration MCQ30: Insufficient __________ forced colonial masters to halt opening of more schools Answer: Pupils MCQ31: Teacher Grade 111 required __________ years of training. Answer: 2 MCQ32: In-service training is accessible to all except ________. Answer: Teacher Grade 11 MCQ33: Appropriate environment for learning requires the knowledge of __________ Answer: Sociology MCQ34: Psychomotor domain deals with ………. Answer: Working with brain MCQ35: A profession has all these attributes except __________. Answer: Code of ethics