FBQ1: <p style="text-align:left">The Attic Greek was a branch of the ______________. Greek. Answer: *Ionic* FBQ2: The New Testament was wriiten in ______________. Greek form. Answer: *Koine* FBQ3: <p style="text-align:left">ἐγείρω means ______________. in English. Answer: *I raise up* FBQ4: <p style="text-align:left">νόμος means ______________ in English. Answer: *Law* FBQ5: <p style="text-align:left">ὄχλος means ______________. in English. Answer: *Crowd* FBQ6: <p style="text-align:left">The ______________ case is used for people being addressed. Answer: *Vocative* FBQ7: <p style="text-align:left">ἀδελφόι is the ______________. form of ἀδελφός. Answer: *Plural* FBQ8: The Greek verb always carries the ______________sentence. Answer: *Subject* FBQ9: <p style="text-align:left">When adjectives attribute qualities to nouns, they are used ______________. Answer: *Attributively* FBQ10: <p style="text-align:left">When adjectives are used as nouns, they are used ______________. Answer: *Substantively* FBQ11: When an adjective did not carry the definitie article, it has been likely used ______________. Answer: *Predicatively* FBQ12: <p style="text-align:left">δία with the accusative case would mean ______________. Answer: *because of* FBQ13: κατά with the accusative case would mean ______________. Answer: *Along* FBQ14: <p style="text-align:left">The ______________.middle is the nearest to the basic idea of the middle voice. Answer: *Reflexive* FBQ15: <p style="text-align:left">The ______________. middle stresses the agent producing the action rather than participation in the action. Answer: *Intensive* FBQ16: <p style="text-align:left">In the predicative position, αὐτός is belived to be ______________. Answer: *Intensive* FBQ17: ______________are Greek words without accents of their own. Answer: *Enclitics* FBQ18: <p style="text-align:left">ἀποκρίνομαι means _______ in English. Answer: *I answer* FBQ19: ______________. verbs are passive in form but active in function. Answer: *Deponent* FBQ20: <p style="text-align:left">When ἀκούω has its object in the genitive it means ______________. in English. Answer: *to hear without understanding* FBQ21: When ἀκούω has its object in the accusative it means ______________ in English. Answer: *to hear with understanding* FBQ22: ______________ are verbal nouns. Answer: *Infinitives* FBQ23: ______________. tenses in Greek usually have augments. Answer: *Secondary* FBQ24: ______________. augment occurs with words beginning with a consonant. Answer: *Syllabic* FBQ25: ______________ augment occurs with words beginning with a vowel. Answer: *Temporal* FBQ26: ______________. tenses indicates continuous action in the past time. Answer: *Imperfect* FBQ27: εἰς τὸν αἰὼνα means ______________. in English. Answer: *Forever* FBQ28: εἰς τοὺς αἰὼνας means ______________ in English. Answer: *forever and ever* FBQ29: The υ stem nouns of the third declension are mostly _______________.________. Answer: *Masculine* FBQ30: The ι stem nouns of the third declension are mostly ______________. Answer: *Feminine* FBQ31: ἀνήρ is an ______________ syncopated noun. Answer: *Irregular* FBQ32: ______________. nouns are characterized by the shifting of regular accents. Answer: *Syncopated* FBQ33: ἔσομαι would be translated ______________. in English. Answer: *I shall be* FBQ34: When οὐδε is used twice in a sentence, it would be translated ______________. in English. Answer: *neither … nor * FBQ35: <p style="text-align:left">When used as an emphatic negative, οὐδε would be translated ______________. in English. Answer: *not even* FBQ36: <p style="text-align:left">When καὶ is used to mean ‘also’ it functions as a(n) ______________. connective. Answer: *Additional* FBQ37: When καὶ is used to mean ‘even’ it functions as a(n) ______________. connective. Answer: *Simple* FBQ38: <p style="text-align:left">When two nouns occur in the nominative case, one is the subject and the other would be the ______________. Answer: *subject complement* FBQ39: When οὐδέ is translated “and not”, it is used as a ______________ connection. Answer: *simple negative* FBQ40: The future tense is recognizable by the addition of consonant ______________. Answer: *Sigma* FBQ41: When the future tense is used to give a command, it is called ______________. future. Answer: *Imperative future* FBQ42: When the future is used to ask a rhetorical question, it is called ______________. future. Answer: *Deliberative* FBQ43: When the aorist is used to look at an action in its entirety, it is called ______________.aorist. Answer: *Constative* FBQ44: When the aorist emphasizes the initiation of an action, it is called ______________ aorist. Answer: *Ingressive* FBQ45: When the aorist emphasizes the result of an action, it is called ______________ aorist. Answer: *Culminative* FBQ46: The ______________ declension has to end with σι. Answer: *Third* FBQ47: The article ἡ indicates that the following noun is _______. Answer: *Feminine* FBQ48: <p style="text-align:left">The possessive noun is indicated by ______________ case in Greek language. Answer: *Genitive* FBQ49: <p style="text-align:left">When two nouns occur in the nominative case, one is the subject and the other would be the ______________. Answer: *subject complement* FBQ50: Mood is the element of a verb that indicates the relation of the action to ______________. Answer: *Reality* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: Which syllable is the penult in the word ἀπολαμβάνομεν? Answer: νο MCQ2: Which of the following words can be translated ‘tongue’? Answer: ἀγάπη MCQ3: Which of the following words can be translated ‘tongue’? Answer: ἀγάπη MCQ4: Which of the following words can be translated ‘death’? Answer: θάνατος MCQ5: In translating, which of the following do you look out for first? Answer: verb MCQ6: In which of the following is the adjective used substantively? Answer: ὁ ἀγαθὸς λόγος MCQ7: Which of the following carries two aspects of he verb? Answer: voice MCQ8: Which of the following would be translated as “are we loosing?” ? Answer: λύομεν MCQ9: ὁ λόγος ὁ ἀγαθός is an example of ____ usage of the adjective. Answer: predicative MCQ10: Which of the following is a noun of the first declension? Answer: ἁμαρτία MCQ11: Which of the following has the same meaning with ἄλλος? Answer: μονός MCQ12: Which usage is indicated when the passive voice uses ὐπο? Answer: indirect agent is indicated MCQ13: Which usage is indicated when the passive voice uses dative case? Answer: direct agent is indicated MCQ14: Which of the following middle voices uses the plural subject? Answer: reciprocal middle MCQ15: Which of the following middle voices pictures the result of the action directly on the agent? Answer: reflexive middle MCQ16: ὁ ἀπόστολος ὁ αὐτός would be translated as ________. Answer: the same apostle MCQ17: αὐτὸς ὁ ἀπόστολος would be translated as ________. Answer: the apostle himself MCQ18: οὖτος ὁ ἄνθρωπος would be translated as ______. Answer: the same man MCQ19: Which form of verb is ἀναγινώσκω? Answer: <p style="text-align:left">Simple MCQ20: ἀναγινώσκω would be translated _______ in English. Answer: <p style="text-align:left">I passed MCQ21: Which of the following would you use to depict a repeated action? Answer: <p style="text-align:left">λέγοντες MCQ22: Which of the following is an infinitive verb? Answer: ἐξέβαλλον MCQ23: Which of the following is a post positive? Answer: <p style="text-align:left">οὐκ MCQ24: How would you translate καὶ in the construction: γινώσκουσι καὶ ἁμαρτωλοι τὸν νόμον? Answer: and MCQ25: How would you translate καὶ in the construction: τοῦτο δὲ καὶ ἐγὼ γινώσκω? Answer: and MCQ26: Which of the following is used to construct a rhetorical question? Answer: simple predictive future MCQ27: What is the most obvious difference between the aorist and the future tense? Answer: <p style="text-align:left">the use of σ as a connective MCQ28: Which of the following does τὸν πρῶτον λόγον ἐποιησάμεν examplify? Answer: constative aorist MCQ29: Which of the following is the major difference between first and second aorist? Answer: <p style="text-align:left">the absence of augments MCQ30: Which of the following is a liquid stem? Answer: χαρίς MCQ31: Which of the following is a liquid stem? Answer: πατήρ MCQ32: Which of the following would be traslated ‘daughter’? Answer: σαρκός MCQ33: What letter does β produced when added to σι? Answer: ξι MCQ34: What is the root word for ἤνεγκα? Answer: γινώσκω MCQ35: What is the root word for ἤγαγον? Answer: <p style="text-align:left">λέγω MCQ36: οὐ γινώσκω τοῦτο, οὐδέ γινώσκεις αὐτό is best translated as _____. Answer: I know this and you know that MCQ37: οὐδέ οἱ προφῆται βλέπουσιν τὸν Θεόν is best translated as _____. Answer: <p style="text-align:left">Both prophets see God MCQ38: οὐδέ οἰ μαθηταὶ γινώσκουσι τοῦτο οὐδέ οἱ προφῆται shows _____ use of οὐδέ. Answer: simple negative MCQ39: καὶ οἱ λόγοι καὶ αἱ γραφαὶ τῶν προφητῶν ἠκούοντο shows the _____ use of καὶ. Answer: correlative connective MCQ40: Identify the future verb in this sentence: ὁ Χριστὸς ἄξει τοὺς μαθητὰς αύτοῦ εἰς τὴν ὁδον τῆς ἀγάπης. Answer: μαθητὰς MCQ41: Translate ἤκουσα into English. Answer: <p style="text-align:left">I knew MCQ42: Translate ἔπεμψα into English. Answer: I told MCQ43: Translate ἔσωσα into English. Answer: I preached MCQ44: Which of the following captures the use of the aorist in this sentence: δι᾽ὑμᾶς ἐπτώχευσε Answer: Cohortative MCQ45: Which of the following captures the use of the aorist in this sentence: τὸν πρῶτον λόγον ἐποιησάμην Answer: Cohortative MCQ46: Which of the following captures the use of the aorist in this sentence: ἐβάπτιστε τοὺς ἀνθρώπους Answer: Cohortative MCQ47: Which of the following represents the best difference between first and second aorist? Answer: <p style="text-align:left">Function MCQ48: Which aorist form did λύω not have? Answer: <p style="text-align:left">First MCQ49: The basic difference between the future and aorist passive in form is ______. Answer: <p style="text-align:left">Both are spelt the same way MCQ50: νύξ is a _______ noun of the third declension. Answer: Disyllabic