FBQ1: A _______stakeholder organization is a firm or cooperative that legally recognizes more than one type of stakeholder Answer: *Multi* FBQ2: Selection and election of the members of the board of directors is one of the most important roles performed by _________. Answer: *Members* FBQ3: The total management concept which is a distinctive feature of the __________ Answer: *agricultural cooperative* FBQ4: __________ is responsible for establishing policies for the cooperative Answer: *Board of directors* FBQ5: ___________is responsible for hiring and directing employees Answer: *Manager* FBQ6: ___________ is responsible for planning a program that will carry out the policies and objectives Answer: *Manager* FBQ7: Under _____, producers turn over the pricing and marketing decisions to the cooperative marketing staff Answer: *Market pooling* FBQ8: The basic difference in the two kinds of pool relates to the degree of control over __________ which is retained by the producers Answer: *Price* FBQ9: In ________ pool the producer, turns the product over to the cooperative to be comingled with the offerings of many other members Answer: *Seasonal* FBQ10: In _______ pool, the producer sets a minimum or reservation price below which the commodity may not be sold. Answer: *Call* FBQ11: ___________ includes the distribution of seeds and fertilizers to farmers. Answer: *input supply* FBQ12: In ___________ corporation management may be concentrated in the hands of a group of experts Answer: *Investor* FBQ13: Cooperative corporation is owned and controlled by its ____ Answer: *Members* FBQ14: The price received is usually the expected cash price on the day of delivery for___________ pool Answer: *Purchase* FBQ15: Ownership of investor corporation is based on those who buy its _________. Answer: *Stock* FBQ16: Source of funds from retained _________ is often called institutional capital Answer: *Surplus* FBQ17: A corporation is usually created by _____ government Answer: *State* FBQ18: One man one vote is a feature of________ society Answer: Co-operative FBQ19: ____________ of the cooperative elect a board ofdirectors Answer: *Members* FBQ20: In __________ co-operatives members benefit from reduced retail prices as a result of quantity-price discounts Answer: *Consumer* FBQ21: In co-operative marketing____________ of scale is an enormous benefit Answer: *Economy* FBQ22: ____________ sharing is a significant reason to cooperatively market Answer: *Resource* FBQ23: Cooperative___________ often use their power in collective bargaining Answer: *Marketers* FBQ24: The minimum age required to be a member of a primary co-operative is ____ years old Answer: *Twenty one* FBQ25: The word _______ shall be the last word in the name of every registered society with limited liability Answer: *Limited* FBQ26: _________ number of primary registered cooperative societies are required to register a secondary cooperative Answer: *Two* FBQ27: Voluntary membership is not a principle of cooperative Answer: *False* FBQ28: Cooperative marketing is also known as ___________ marketing Answer: *Alliance* FBQ29: Citizen production is based on voluntary efforts by individuals or groups to enhance the ____________ of services they use Answer: *Quantity* FBQ30: Two kinds of initial _______ needed to finance cooperatives are fixed and operating Answer: *Capital* FBQ31: Band wagon effect is a reason for joining co-operative society.True or False Answer: True FBQ32: The associative benefit from the activities of others by non-contributing members is termed _______ Answer: *Free-ride* FBQ33: _________school of cooperatives are mainly business firms that have some unique social and associational features. Answer: *Business* FBQ34: The __________ school considers cooperatives as a ‘member-owned business’ that need to modernize and professionalize in order to meet the growing competition from private firms Answer: *Business* FBQ35: Cooperatives as a social organization seeks to meet economic and __________ needs of members Answer: *Welfare* FBQ36: Agriculture includes farming, forestry, ______ and livestock Answer: *Fisheries* FBQ37: As an ___________ organization, cooperative is a business Answer: *Economic* FBQ38: In cooperatives net margins are distributed according to __________ Answer: *Patronage* FBQ39: Trade credit is offered by a ________ Answer: *Supplier* FBQ40: _______cooperatives find better markets for members' produce Answer: *Marketing* FBQ41: Co-production is the mix of activities that both public service agents and _______ contribute to the provision of public financed services. Answer: *Citizens* FBQ42: The cooperative has its own _______ personality created through a charter Answer: *Legal* FBQ43: Employee salaries, utilities are examples of _____ capital Answer: *Operating* FBQ44: Providing initial capital is a basic ______ responsibility Answer: *Member* FBQ45: The amount of debt capital which may be obtained is directly related to how much _________ capital the members are willing to provide Answer: *Equity* FBQ46: Retribution involves reward or ___________ Answer: *Sanctioning* FBQ47: Cooperative __________ are based on the popular idea of ‘one man one vote’ Answer: *Democracy* FBQ48: Cooperative marketing have __________________ distinct objectives Answer: *Objectives* FBQ49: ___________loans are usually for a year or less Answer: *Operating* FBQ50: ______ serve as a protection or insurance of thecapital investments of members Answer: *Reserves* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: Institutional and _____ capital are the safest forms of funding Answer: Commercial loan MCQ2: The higher the gearing ratio, the ________ the risk the cooperative runs in losing their assets in the event of inability to repay a loan. Answer: Same MCQ3: Financial leverage is also known as _________ Answer: Clutching MCQ4: The gearing ratio as an index is used in determining the _______strength of the cooperative Answer: social MCQ5: ________is a long term source of funds Answer: Member share capital MCQ6: Members help finance the operations and growth of the cooperative through the following means except Answer: annual membership fees MCQ7: Capital for the operation and improvement of the cooperative business can come from the following except Answer: directly from members themselves MCQ8: __________ cooperative is due largely because the financial stake or contribution of the membership of the cooperative is small relative to the non-member stake Answer: Primary MCQ9: Constant __________ may provide bases for in-course corrections Answer: Planning MCQ10: ________ is the process where by management determines the results which were obtained and measures them against the objectives or goals thatwere set up for the activity. Answer: Planning MCQ11: Cooperatives in__________ assume that members operate the cooperative on jointly owned agricultural plots Answer: Consumer MCQ12: ___________encourages cooperation more effectively than does retribution Answer: rewards MCQ13: __________cooperative is opens to different portfolios of investments and activities Answer: credit MCQ14: The analysis of relevant_______ is the first stage in planning Answer: Resources MCQ16: The word _____ must not be part of the name of the cooperative society to be registered. Answer: Financialization MCQ17: __________ cooperatives find better markets for members' produce Answer: consumer MCQ18: ___________ includes the distribution of seeds and fertilizers to farmers. Answer: Input supply MCQ19: Cooperative corporation is owned and controlled by its ____ Answer: Shareholders MCQ20: ____________designs programs or plans of action to carry out the policy Answer: Manager MCQ21: ________ is often referred to as indirect reciprocity in the cooperation literature Answer: Reward MCQ22: ________ centers on the theory of “You scratch my back, I scratch yours” Answer: Reward MCQ23: External funding may be provided in co-operative by ______ Answer: Annual dues by members MCQ24: The contract pool is of ___________ general types Answer: One (1) MCQ25: ___________ is by far the more common pools Answer: Working MCQ26: ________ is a day-to-day execution of detailed activities in accordance with the necessary instructions. Answer: directing MCQ27: The ________ function is the preparation for work and not the actual performance of the work. Answer: directing MCQ28: The cooperative ________ is an overall general statement of objectives of the cooperative. Answer: Project MCQ29: It is the responsibility of the ________ to devise programs to carry out the policies Answer: Members MCQ30: Nominees to the board are required to be members of the cooperative, but __________ go far beyond membership Answer: Social capital MCQ31: ____________ control is a feature of cooperative Answer: Associative MCQ32: __________ is a motivation to join and participate in cooperatives activities Answer: nepotism MCQ33: _________ capital is needed to purchase relatively short term items in nature Answer: Working MCQ34: A _______________ is a network of trust where members benefit from the brotherhood economics associated with the group Answer: Agriculture MCQ35: The following are types of cooperative society except _________ Answer: Hybrid MCQ36: Delivery of social services to the needy is contribution by ___________ . Answer: Capitalist MCQ37: The mix of activities that both public service agents and citizens contribute to the provision of public financed services is called _____ Answer: School MCQ38: __________ involves punishment or sanctioning Answer: Reward MCQ39: __________ is the gearing up process of assembling the resources to carry out the plan. Answer: Planning MCQ40: Cooperative marketing have __________________ distinct objectives Answer: Two (2) MCQ41: ______ would eliminate the need for using borrowed funds and impairing capital Answer: Member capital MCQ42: ________ serve as a protection or insurance of the capital investments of members Answer: Member capital MCQ43: ___________ loans, usually for a year or less, Answer: Fixed MCQ44: The amount of debt capital which may be obtained is directly related to how much________ capital the members are willing to provide Answer: Short term MCQ45: __________ is a major cause of the collapse of many groups as it is an indication of lack of support by members. Answer: Risks MCQ46: Citizen production is based on _________ efforts by individuals or groups to enhance the quality and/or quantity of services they use Answer: Economic MCQ47: The study of _________ suggests that societies with higher levels of membership associations also do better economically, in addition to enjoying higher levels of trust and democratic participation Answer: Social capital MCQ48: Cooperatives function in the interests of their _________, not shareholders. Answer: stockholders MCQ49: There are ______ prong of sustainability Answer: One (1) MCQ50: ___________ is define as access by all to nutritious, safe and adequate food at all time needed to meet the body requirement for a healthy life Answer: Cooperative security. MCQ15: A corporation is usually created by _____ government Answer: international