FBQ1: Agitation of a mixture of solution can be achieved using ______________. Answer: *Magnetic stirrer* FBQ2: To avoid the errors in mass due to the use of balances that are not calibrated, one should weigh by a method called ______________. Answer: *Weighing by difference* FBQ3: The mass of an empty beaker is 20.1672g; if the mass obtained after sodium trioxocarbonate (iv) was added to the beaker and weighed is 22.7587g, what is the mass of the sodium trioxocarbonate? Answer: *2.5915g* FBQ4: _________ is used in the laboratory to separate a mixture of two miscible liquids with different boiling points Answer: *Distillation* FBQ5: Flammable solvents in a mixture should be boiled away in a ____________. Answer: *Fume cupboard* FBQ6: __________ is worn in the laboratory to avoid chemicals splashing into the eyes. Answer: *Safety googles* FBQ7: ____________ glassware is used to heat and evaporate liquids. Answer: *Evaporating dish* FBQ8: Volumetric glassware is the most _____ method of transferring and delivering liquids Answer: *Precise and accurate* FBQ9: To prevent bumping of a hot liquid out of the container, ______ is added.  Answer: *boiling chip* FBQ10: A metal sphere weighing 19.48g is added to 20ml of water in a graduated cylinder. If the density of the metal is 4.50g/ml, what will be the new level of water in the graduated cylinder? Answer: *24.33ml* FBQ11: Reaction requiring low temperature of 00C can be carried out in the laboratory by employing ________. Answer: *Ice water bath* FBQ12: ________ are used to crush solids into powders for experiments. Answer: *Mortar and pestle* FBQ13: Tongs are used to hold apparatus when they are __________ . Answer: *Hot* FBQ14: The apparatus below is called __________.  Answer: *Flat bottom flask* FBQ15: The most basic technique for the purification of organic solids is ______________. Answer: *Recrystallization* FBQ16: __________ are often used for heating in a chemical laboratory because they have low heat – resistance, they are less subject to thermal stress and are inert. Answer: *Borosilicate glasses* FBQ17: Anhydrous compounds are kept dry in a ______________. Answer: *Dessicator* FBQ18: Desiccant is a __________ agent Answer: *Drying* FBQ19: Bunsen burners are used for heating and exposing items to ______. Answer: *Flame* FBQ20: Filtration involves the separation of ________solid materials from a liquid. Answer: *Insoluble* FBQ21: An impure substance melt at _________and over a wider range Answer: *A lower temperature * FBQ22: The colour of bromine solution turns alkene compound to _________. Answer: *Colourless* FBQ23: The loss of water from a molecule is called ____________ Answer: *Dehydration* FBQ24: A __________ is used to contain/put a small quantity of substance to be heated to a very high temperature? Answer: *Crucible* FBQ25: Cycloalkane are called saturated hydrocarbon because of ___________ Answer: *single bond* FBQ26: Domestic scale is a type of ___________ weighing scale. Answer: *Digital* FBQ27: The balance which display its mass reading in grams to 2 decimal place is called ________. Answer: *Top loading balance* FBQ28: ________ type of distillation is based on large number of theoretical vaporization-condensation cycle. Answer: *Fractional distillation* FBQ29: Separation techniques involving distillation obey _________ type of law. Answer: *Raoult’s law* FBQ30: ­­­­­­­­­­ _______ is based on the principle of the equilibrium distribution between two immiscible phases. Answer: *Extraction* FBQ31:  The object shown above is called _____________. Answer: *Wash bottle* FBQ32: The mass of a substance divided by the volume of the substance is known as ____________. Answer: *Density* FBQ33: Vinegar contains a carboxylic acid called _____________. Answer: *Acetic acid* FBQ34: The temperature of an object/substance can be determined using a ______________. Answer: *Thermometer* FBQ35: A mixture of sand and water can be separated from each other by Filtration, decantation and _______________. Answer: *Evaporation* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: The __________is used in vacuum or suction filtration in order toseparate solids from liquids. Answer: Evaporating dish MCQ2: Which of the following is used to hold solids when being weighed orTransported? Answer: Conical flask MCQ3: During chemical reactions in the laboratory, reagents are stirred so as to ____________, Answer: Mix the reagents or initiate the reaction MCQ4: _________ is a more accurate weighing balance amongst the options listed below. Answer: Analytical balance MCQ5: All of the options below are part of a sample distillation apparatus exept_____________. Answer: Heating mantle MCQ6: ______________ is not a laboratory heating device. Answer: Hot plate MCQ7: _____________ is used for heating solutions up to 1000C and not more. Answer: Water bath MCQ8: Which weighing balance will you use if a procedure tells you to weigh the sample accurately? Answer: Analytical balance MCQ9: Which of the following separation technique does not give a pure product? Answer: Simple distillation MCQ10: The glassware above is used for _____________. Answer: temporary storage MCQ11: Which of the following will introduce error when weighing an object or substance? Answer: Placing the weighing balance in a location with low levels of vibration and air current MCQ12: Liquids are separated from solids with the following except _______. Answer: Decanting MCQ13: What would you do if you were to heat a sample in a dish? Answer: Weigh it immediately MCQ14: . Most fire in the laboratory can be prevented by the use of _______. Answer: Extinguisher MCQ15: The following are the first things to be done when determining the density of an unknown metal cube except ________. Answer: Weigh the metal cube MCQ16: Using an unclean volumetric glassware during experiment will ___________. Answer: Slow the rate of the reaction MCQ17: Amongst the options listed below _________ is a better choice for the heating of flammable substances. Answer: Evaporating dish MCQ18: What is the first thing to do when a person inhales vapour of an irritating or toxic substance? Answer: The person should be taken away immediately to fresh air first MCQ19: Vaporization and condensation are involved in _______ processes. Answer: Simple distillation MCQ20:  This apparatus is used for _____________. Answer: For transfer of liquids MCQ21: Amongst the glassware listed below ___________ is the most precise and accurate method of transferring and delivering liquids.  Answer: Medicine droppers MCQ22: _____________ is not a separation technique frequently employed in the laboratory to isolate one or more components from a mixture.  Answer: Recrystallisation MCQ23: Which of these statement is true? Answer: Fractional distillation involves one cycle of vaporisation - condensation MCQ24: A graduated cylinder is filled to the 40.00 ml mark with mineral oil. The masses of the cylinder before and after the addition of mineral oil are 124.966 g and 159.446 g. Determine the density of the mineral oil. Answer: 34.48 g/ml MCQ25: ______ amongst the options is not used in gravity filtration? Answer: Beaker MCQ26: _________ is not a volumetric glassware. Answer: Round bottom flask MCQ27: A chemist would determine several physical and chemical properties of a compound because _________. Answer: he wants to know more about the compound MCQ28: Which of the following will you do when a chemical accidently get into your eye? Answer: Clean your eye with a clean cloth MCQ29: Compound A was found to have a higher molecular weight than Compound B. Which of them will have a higher boiling point?  Answer: Compound B MCQ30: What does a foreign particle do to a crystal lattice?  Answer: It interrupts its uniform structure MCQ31: Which of these is/are more accurate and precise in taking weight measurements?  Answer: Iron Scale MCQ32: The process that boil reactant while continually cooling the vapour back to the flask as liquid is called ____. Answer: Condensation MCQ33: The type of distillation that shows more precision and efficiency is _________. Answer: Simple distillation MCQ34: The commonest type of stirrer used for a reaction mixtures that is very viscous is __________. Answer: Magnetic stirrer MCQ35: Which weighing balance will you use if a procedure tells you to weigh about 3g of ammonium sulphate? Answer: Analytical balance