FBQ1: ___________ is the main component of cell walls of plants. Answer: *cellulose* FBQ2: Number of moles of soluteMass of solven<mi Answer: *Molality* FBQ3: __________ is defined as the ratio of the weight of solute to the total weight of solute plus solvent multiplied by 100. Answer: *Weight percentage* FBQ4: A solution with a relatively small concentration of solute is said to be __________.  Answer: *Dilute*   FBQ5: Complete hydrolysis of starch is proved by positive ____________ test.  Answer: *Benedict's*   FBQ6: Calculate the mole fraction of C2H5OH in a solution that contains 46 grams of ethanol, C2H5OH, and 64 grams of methanol, CH3OH._________ Answer: *1/3* FBQ7: The S. I. unit of concentration is _____.  Answer: *g/dm3* FBQ8: The gram-equivalent weight of an acid is that weight of the acid in grams which produces 1.008g of _____.   Answer: *Hydrogen ion* FBQ9: The S I unit for amount is _______  Answer: *Mole* FBQ10: _______ possess between 3 to 7 carbon atoms in their structure.   Answer: *Monosaccharide*s   FBQ11: The levels of blood glucose are sensitively regulated by ________.  Answer: *Hormones* FBQ12: _____ reacts with Iodinemonochloride (ICI) to release iodine from the double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids. Answer: *Potassium iodide* FBQ13: In thin layer chromatography, the thin layer of adsorbent particles attached to a solid plate is the ______ phase.   Answer: *Stationary* FBQ14: In thin layer chromatography, neutral lipids are separated using _________ solvents.  Answer: *Non-polar* FBQ15: The concentration of concentrated laboratory H2SO4 is about ____ M.   Answer: *18* FBQ16: Iodine number test is carried out to calculate the relative ____ of fats.  Answer: *Unsaturation* FBQ17: Carbohydrates have characteristics_____ that can distinguish them from other molecules.  Answer: *tests* FBQ18: ____ are very, important biological macromolecules that predominantly occur in almost all living things.  Answer: *Carbohydrates* FBQ19: The basic units of carbohydrates are _____.   Answer: *Monosaccharides*   FBQ20: How many carbon atoms are present in a molecule of fructose________ Answer: *6* FBQ21: In separating lipids using TLC, the lipids are separated into groups according to their ____. Answer: *Polarity* FBQ22: In Folin-Wu Method, the concentration of phosphomolybdous acid is proportional to the concentration of _____.   Answer: *glucose* FBQ23: Diabetes is the disease associated with changes in the blood _____level from the normal level.   Answer: *glucose* FBQ24: The most used method for separation of lipids is ____.   Answer: *thin layer chromatography* FBQ25: Nitrogen-containing compounds of high molecular weight found in association with proteins in the cell are known as _____.   Answer: *Nucleic acids* FBQ26: _____ act as a store of genetic information.   Answer: *DNA* FBQ27: A general reaction for pentose that depends on the formation of furfural when the pentose is heated with concentrated hydrochloric acid is known as ____.   Answer: *Orcinol reaction*   FBQ28: For rough indication of pH, ____ can be used.   Answer: *indicator papers* FBQ29: Inorganic phosphate reacts with ____ in an acid solution to form phosphomolybdic acid.  Answer: *ammonia molybdate* FBQ30: The principle of a ____ is that known amounts of pure substance being assayed are treated, and then the readings taken.   Answer: *calibration-curve* FBQ31: The volume of the solute present in 100 parts by volume of solution is called the _____________.  Answer: *Volume percentage* FBQ32: The symbol "N" stands for the concentration of solutions in _______.  Answer: *Normality* FBQ33: _____ test can be undertaken to differentiate between glucose and fructose.  Answer: *Seliwanoff* FBQ34: A solution with a large concentration of solute is said to be ______.   Answer: *concentrated* FBQ35: A solution made by dissolving 9.81 g of a non volatile nonelectrolyte in 90.0 g of water boiled at 100.37 oC at 760 mm Hg. What is the approximate molecular weight of the substance? (For water, Kb = 0.51 oC/m) Answer: *150 g/mol* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: Which of the following is the correct definition of the Avogadro’s constant (L)?  Answer: No of particles divided by mass of species MCQ2: Which of these tests will give the quantity of carbohydrate in a sample? Answer: Molisch’s reaction MCQ3: The following are components of Fehling’s reagent except ____.  Answer: Potassium sodium tartate MCQ4: Failure of pancreas to produce sufficient insulin is a condition found in ____________. Answer: hepatitis MCQ5: The reaction of Barfoed’s reagent with reducing monosaccharides gives a _____ colour. Answer: Violet MCQ6: Which test is used to distinguish simple sugar from complex sugars? Answer: Benedict’s test MCQ7: One of these statements is NOT entirely true of carbohydrates: Answer: They are biological macromolecules that predominantly occur in almost all living things. MCQ8: The general test of carbohydrates is ___________. Answer: Benedict'sTest MCQ9: The following tests are based on derivatives of furfural or furfural formation except _________.  Answer: Molisch MCQ10: The normal blood glucose range in an average man is ___________. Answer: 4-8 mmol/L MCQ11: One of these statements best defines a Standard Solution. Answer: One that contains 100g of the substance in 100 ml of solvent. MCQ12: Which of these tests takes advantage of the acid catalysed dehydration of simple sugar to produce either furfural or 5-OH methyl furfural which combines with α–naphthol to produce a purple complex? Answer: Iodine Test MCQ13: The number of moles of NaCl in 3 litres of 3 M solution is ______________. Answer: 1 MCQ14: Which of the following entities changes with temperature? Answer: Molarity MCQ15: Nucleic acids can be analyzed experimentally by their ___________. Answer: Molecular weight MCQ16: RNA differs from DNA in all of the following ways except _____________. Answer: The presence of Thymine MCQ17: RNA is sometimes the genetic material in ______________. Answer: Yeast MCQ18: Further purification during the isolation of RNA from yeast can be made by treating the preparation with ____________. Answer: Amylase MCQ19: The denatured protein during RNA isolation from yeast is removed by ___________. Answer: Distillation MCQ20: The difference between Benedict's and Barfoed's test is ___________. Answer: Benedict's test is carried out in weak alkaline medium while Barfoed's is in acidic medium MCQ21: Complete hydrolysis of starch is proved by positive ____________ test. Answer: Iodine MCQ22: Carbohydrates are found in all but one of these substances: Answer: They are found in insulin MCQ23: Carbohydrates form part of the following except :  Answer: Nucleic acid MCQ24: ___________ is defined as the number of grams of iodine absorbed by 100 grams of lipid. Answer: Iodine number MCQ25: Carbohydrates are involved in all these EXCEPT Answer: Digestive Enzymes MCQ26: A risk factor for heart disease includes _________.  Answer: Active lifestyle MCQ27: The hydrolysis of fat by alkali is called ____________. Answer: Saponification MCQ28: What colour does iodine solution give with glycogen? Answer: blue MCQ29: Which of the following gives reddish yellow precipitate when it is boiled with Benedict's solution? Answer: Sucrose MCQ30: Fehling's solution is prepared by dissolving 6.93g of __________ in 100 ml of distilled water.  Answer: Sodium sulphate MCQ31: One of these is NOT a reducing sugar: Answer: Sucrose MCQ32: The S.I. units for length, mass, time and amount are _______.  Answer: centimeter, gram, second and mole MCQ33: The condition in which the blood sugar level is high is referred to as ____________.  Answer: Hypochlorea MCQ34: In the determination of iodine number of a lipid the following reagents will be required except Answer: chloroform MCQ35: The concentration of phosphomolybdous acid is proportional to concentration of glucose is the principle applied in one of these methods of estimation Answer: Folin-Wu method