No questions imported because the language of the labels in the Word file does not match your current Moodle interface language. "" != "en": No questions imported because the language of the labels in the Word file does not match your current Moodle interface language. "" != "en" Fill in the Blank (FBQs): FBQ1: A diagrammatic report of laboratory studies (practical work) of a specimen is called ______. Answer: *Drawing* FBQ2: Sectioning can be achieved using ______ Answer: *sharp blade* FBQ3: The lines of biological drawings in practical works should not be _______ Answer: *Wavy* FBQ4: The correct way to draw guideline is _________ Answer: *horizontally* FBQ5: Where could the different chemicals (acids/photosensitive/heat sensitive) be safely stored? Answer: *Safety cabinet* FBQ6: A slide was labelled ‘Paramecium WM’ What is the meaning of WM. Answer: *Whole amount* FBQ7: Sterilization using hot air oven can be achieved at the temperature of ______ for one hour. Answer: *1600C* FBQ8: The required temperature in water bath is maintained by a ________ system. Answer: *thermostatic* FBQ9: In centifugation, rpm means ___________ Answer: *Revolution per minute* FBQ10: Answer: *Dissecting needle* FBQ11: The unit of measurement in micrometry is __________   Answer: *Micrometer* FBQ12: The unit of measurement in micrometry is __________   Answer: *Micrometer* FBQ13: A place where plant specimens are kept is called _________. Answer: *Herbarium* FBQ14: Fungi are plants that do not possess ___________. Answer: *chlorophyll* FBQ15: The ferns have ______ roots, stems and leaves unlike the fungi. Answer: *True* FBQ16: The fixative used in squash technique for onion root tip preparation is ___________. Answer: *acetic alcohol solution* FBQ17: ________ is a means of obtaining contrast between the different structures by adding colour. Answer: *Staining* FBQ18: Operculum in fishes is also called __________. Answer: *Gill cover* FBQ19: The fold of skin below the lizard chin is called _______. Answer: *jugular* fold FBQ20: The fold of skin between the upper arm and the fore arm of birds is called __________. Answer: *alar membrane* FBQ21: Warm-blooded animals are covered with ______ which provides insulation. Answer: *Hair*s FBQ22: The body of all mammals comprise of head, neck, trunk and ______.   Answer: *Tail* FBQ23: Mammalians hearts has ________ chambers. Answer: *Four* FBQ24: Rabbits are warm-blooded animals as birds are _________ animals. Answer: *Cold-blooded* FBQ25: A true tail is short and is called the ________. Answer: *uropygium* FBQ26: The bird’s digit that is directed backwards is called _______. Answer: *hallux* FBQ27: In mammals, the ear lobe is also called________. Answer: *pinna* FBQ28: Whiskers found around the mouth in rabbit are otherwise called _____. Answer: *Vibrissae* FBQ29: The dissection of an insect revealed that the nervous system contain three thoracic ganglia and ______ abdomen ganglia. Answer: *Five* FBQ30: Purple is to Gram positive bacteria as ________ is to Gram negative bacteria. Answer: *Red* FBQ31: This diagram best describes a __________ Answer: *Pressure Cooker* FBQ32: The part labelled 3 in the diagram above is the _______ Answer: *Prism* FBQ33: The trunk of a fish bears ____ pectoral fins? Answer: *Two* FBQ34: After being killed, insects are pinned on the pinning board with the help of ______ pins. Answer: *entomological* FBQ35: ______ media support large varieties of microbes especially fungi and are useful for routine laboratory cultures Answer: *Complex media* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: Which of the following best describe this figure? Answer: Longitudinal section of a mango fruit MCQ2: Why should an arrow not be put at the head of the guidelines in Biology? Answer: arrow show movement at direction MCQ3: The following are items that should be included in practical report except ________ Answer: Date MCQ4: Which of the following is the odd one? Answer: Hand lens MCQ5: Displayed instructions/rules in the laboratory are very important for following reasons except one. Answer: Housekeeping MCQ6: Specimen labels should therefore carry the following essential information except ____. Answer: Common name of organism MCQ7: Which of the following laboratory equipments is not used for sterilization? Answer: Pressure cooker MCQ8: Using 40X objective lens and 15X eye piece lens of a microscope, what is the magnification that will be obtained? Answer: 3X MCQ9: The following are some common problems encountered while setting up the microscope except _________ Answer: Inability to obtain a sharp image MCQ10: To maximize the light gathering ability of the lens, immersion oil can be used to increase the ________ Answer: refractive index MCQ11: Live animals are collected with the use of the following accessories except ______ Answer: Nets MCQ12: Which of the following insects cannot be collected using aspirator? Answer: Mosquitoes MCQ13: ________ are commonly known as vascular cryptogams. Answer: bryophytes MCQ14: The following information should be included on the label for display of insects specimen except _________ Answer: name of the insect MCQ15: Fungi are best grown on one of the following cultures. Answer: Nutrient Agar MCQ16: Chlamydomonas and Volvox are ___________ that are found in freshwater ponds and ditches. Answer: Phytoflagellates MCQ17: Staining a slide of Chlamydomonas with Noland’s solution help to achieve which of the following? Answer: Stabilize the cell MCQ18: Washing of slides during preparation of permanent whole mount is carried out using ________________ alcohol in ascending order. Answer: 30%, 50%, 70% and 90% MCQ19: ________, piano concave and double concave are the basic cross sectional shapes of microtome knives. Answer: convex MCQ20: Which of the following are precautions during centrifugation except ____. Answer: Secure the lid properly. MCQ21: Alcohol can be used for the following purposes except ________ Answer: Hydration MCQ22: Which of the following is not true about toad? Answer: no neck MCQ23: The round eyes in tilapia lack ________ membrane Answer: Tympanum MCQ24: The 2N Hydrochloric acid used during squash technique serves which of the following purpose? Answer: Hydrolysis MCQ25: The following are stains except _______. Answer: Groain’s stain MCQ26: The loss of water by a plant through the stomata is called _________. Answer: transpiration MCQ27: A _________ apparatus can be used to determine muscle and heart contraction of a frog. Answer: Kymograph MCQ28: Mammals are ________ and show parental care. Answer: Oviparous MCQ29: Each of a lizard’s hind-limbs has femur, _______ and pes. Answer: Tibia MCQ30: The body of a lizard is divisible into three distinct parts namely _____, _____ and _____. Answer: head, trunk and tail MCQ31: ______ is/are used to examine various kinds of cells, tissues, and micro-organisms. Answer: Optical microscope MCQ32:  When growing materials for squash preparation, root tips may be obtained by allowing them to germinate on a ______ blotting paper disc Answer: glacial MCQ33:  Which of the plants above is rich in protein? Answer: a MCQ34: In the placement of items based on available space in the Laboratory, which of these questions should be considered? Answer: Is the present arrangement satisfactory? MCQ35: The following are materials required for smear technique for cheek scrapings except ____ Answer: Disposable spatula