What is the principal duty of the “Nokena” ? to offer the king useful advice. What was the Maini Kanendi’s duty? chief judge of the State. Who were respected personage in the Kanem political structure Mother and sister The following represent the important noble titled holders in the Kanem-Bornu political structure EXCEPT. Meherima. One of these is NOT a nobility in Nupeland Karima Abutu Eje sometimes identified as child reared by Eje. What is Eje? leopard Which of these people operated a theocratic system of government. The Jukun AKU UKA performed the following functions EXCEPT spiritualist Who wrote the book “The Tiv of Central Nigeria” which classifies the Tiv people as the largest single ethnic group in the middle Benue basin of Northern Nigeria. Bohannan Which word refers both to the language and founding father of the group? Tiv Name the first Europeans to arrive Nigeria through Bini Kingdom. The Portuguese Which century was the British decided to abolish the transAtlantic slave trade? 19th What year did British first formally annexed Nigerian territory and took Lagos as a colony? 1861 One of these people did NOT involve in British usurpation of their independence and authority in Nigeria. Nana Attahiru What year did the whole Nigeria became responsibility of the British Colonial Office? 1900 Mention the name of the person that observes that the primary aim of the 1906 amalgamation was purely economic. Tamuna All of these people defended the interest of their people EXCEPT Chief Olusegun Obasanjo When was Northern Region splitted 1967. Some of these people belong to the West African yam belt EXCEPT. The igala Where is the original home of the Hausa people? Daura The following are great philosophers EXCEPT Darlington When was the first independent National Educational Conference on curriculum development in Nigeria witnessed. 1969 What year did the Nigerian government introduce the Universal Basic Education Programme (UBE). 1976 What is The 6-3-3-4 system? Educational system Which of these states does not share the lion part of petroleum product Enugu state What is dominant factors that slows down the growth and productivity of the Nigerian education system. the persistent conflict between foreign intellectual traditions and the African tradition Who wrote the book ‘History of Education in Nigeria’. Fafunwa What was the rank of Nigeria in 1990 by the World Bank? seventh One of these is not found in Lokoja. Crude oil All these are problems facing Nigeria EXCEPT and underemployment Youth empowerment OFN means Operation feed the Nation Which of the socio-political organization is almost the same as that of itsekiri ? Benin kingdom Which kingdom is ruled over by the Olu? Warri kingdom Which of the major ethnic group in the Niger-Delta were scattered in small fishing settlement in the creek of river Niger ? Ijaw Which tribe were particularly known as fishermen ? Ijaws ________ helped to kill a snake, which had for a long time prevented the people from taking water from a well while in Daura, *Bayajida* The ­­­_______ has always been known as the head of any typical Hausa state *Sarki* Ruler of foreign land means............. in Hausa Language *Sarkin Kasar*, _______ is the language that unites all the Kanem-Bornu people *Kanuri* Imperial state council of Kanem people consisted of________ *Twelve* The ________ was to assist the King in the day-to-day administration of Kanem. *King’s sister* ETSU NUPE” is the king of ______land. *Nupe* The acronym UBE in Nigerian education means ---------------- Basic Education *Universal* ________ is best known as the ancestor to all the Attahs. *Ayagba* In Igala Political structure, each Igalla ________ was the head of any effective Igala territory *Mela* The Jukun are also known as the ________ *Kwararafa* In Tiv land, ________ was the name of the family group and was the largest recognized entity as well. *Tsombor* British government amalgamated Lagos colony and protectorate with the protectorate of Southern Nigeria to form the new colony and protectorate of Southern Nigeria in _______ *1906* In January ______ the British government amalgamated Northern and Southern Nigeria *1914*, Frederick _______ is best known as the father of the 1914 amalgamation. *Lugard* ______ are best known as the greatest nomads of Africa. *Fulani* ________ was the backbone or a searchlight boomed on society *Education* The first independent National Educational Conference on curriculum development in Nigeria took place in _____ *1969* The Nigerian government introduced the Universal Basic Education Programme (UBE) in ______. * 1976* The tertiary education witnessed a tremendous improvement with the adoption of the 6-3-3-4 system in ______ *1981* Edo/Delta, Rivers, Imo/Abia and Cross River/Akwa-Ibom States share the lion’s part of _______ products. *Petroleum* Iron, brass and bronze are found in­­­______. *Lokoja* The structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) was introduced in Nigeria in ________ . *1986* General ­­­­­_______ inaugurated what he called 2010 vision. Sani Abacha Leatherwork was very important in Northern______. *Nigeria* _____ was baptized “home for all” and viewed as a symbol of national unity. *Abuja* OIC means *Organization of Islamic Conference* The Maini Kanendi was the ______of the State chief judge The Nupe state was located on the north bank of the Niger at its confluence with the River ______ *Kaduna* In traditional Nupe land, each village was headed by the ______ *Zitzu* The Oyemisi of the _____ land. *Yoruba* The ______ are also known as the Kwararafa *Jukun* Mbavessen or elder was the head of a unit in _____ land *Tiv* The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was the unfortunate channel that first put the British in contact with ______ . *Nigeria* ______ of Opobo, *Jaja*