Question FBQ1 : Performance budget is one of the classifications of budget. True or false _________?
Answer: True

Question FBQ2 : The foundation of personnel system does not includes _________ of incumbency
Answer: Tenure

Question FBQ3 : Board excludes ________ Agency
Answer: Inter-governmental

Question FBQ4 : The need for principles of promotion arose because the opportunities for it are _____
Answer: Limited

Question FBQ5 : The principle that stipulates that promotion would be made on the basis of qualifications and achievements of the employee is known as ______ principle 
Answer: Merit

Question FBQ6 : Public ______ is aimed at disseminating to the public information about the government policies and acts of the government. 
Answer: Relations

Question FBQ7 : The organizations which bring members of the same profession together for the exchange of information and for the advancement of their profession is called ______ 
Answer: Professional Associations

Question FBQ8 : Ministry of Finance is not a classic example of Public _________Agencies in Nigeria. 
Answer: Relations

Question FBQ9 : An employee who is equipped with in-depth knowledge of science and technology in one particular sector is known as a________ 
Answer: Specialist

Question FBQ10 : According to Waldo, the prescribed or customary way of working together with the conduct of an organization’s business is called _________________ 
Answer: Procedure

Question FBQ11 : The determination of questions of a judicial or quasi-judicial nature by an administrative agency is known as _______
Answer: Administrative Adjudication

Question FBQ12 : The process of making funds available for government activities and for ensuring the lawful and efficient utilization of these funds is called Public _________Management
Answer: Finance

Question FBQ13 : The permanency of tenure in the civil service is a product of the ________ Act
Answer: Pendleton

Question FBQ14 : The responsibility of _______ is to seek an improvement on the wages and better service conditions of their members.
Answer: Trade Union

Question FBQ15 : The essential objective of public corporation is to serve _________
Answer: Public Benefit

Question FBQ16 : A company is established with the aim of maximizing _______
Answer: Profit

Question FBQ17 : Employees other than specialists in an organization are called______
Answer: Bureaucrats

Question FBQ18 : According to Spires, ______ is nearly always voluntary in organizations.
Answer: Membership

Question FBQ19 : The fact that organizations are treated as social and legal entities derives from their ______
Answer: Corporate status

Question FBQ20 : The _______ concept refers to the emphasis on the formal design of the administrative structure of organization.
Answer: Mechanistic

Question FBQ21 : The approach that conceives organization as a miniature society is called the __________ approach
Answer: Functionalist

Question FBQ22 : The perspective that conceives organization as essentially a human phenomenon is known as the __________conception  
Answer: Humanistic

Question FBQ23 : An organization whereby leadership is prescribed is said to be ______________ in nature 

Question FBQ24 : The principle of organization which stresses technique or primary skill of a specialized type is called _______ 
Answer: Process

Question FBQ25 : According to Mooney, a pyramidal structure of an organization refers to ________ 
Answer: Scalar Chain

Question FBQ26 : The number of subordinates which a superior officer can effectively supervise, direct and control is called _________ 
Answer: Span of control

Question FBQ27 : The principle of organization which stipulates that each employee in a subordinate level should be accountable to the next higher level and only to one superior is known as unity of _____
Answer: Command

Question FBQ28 : The agencies that are concerned with the implementation of fulfillment of the primary objectives of the government and deal directly with the people is called _______
Answer: Line Agencies

Question FBQ29 : The agencies that are concerned with the implementation of fulfillment of the primary objectives of the government and deal directly with the people is called _______
Answer: Line Agencies

Question FBQ30 : A system in which service is treated as an independent unit having no direct relations to other services is known as ________ or Uncorrelated System
Answer: Independent

Question FBQ31 : An organization in which decision-making authority is vested in the top level of the organization to which all matters pertaining to a particular problem have to be referred is known as_________________
Answer: Centralized Organization

Question FBQ32 : An agency of the government through which the government manages its commercial and economic activities is called as ______
Answer: Public Enterprise

Question FBQ33 : The actions of public employees through refusal to work in order to further their objectives and get their demands fulfilled is referred to as ___________
Answer: Strike

Question FBQ34 : That which is well accepted to achieve desired ends in an organization is called ______ 
Answer: Good procedure

Question FBQ35 : _____ has been widely acknowledged as the fuel for the engine of public administration. 
Answer: Finance

Question FBQ36 : The organ of government that is responsible for the formulation of the financial policy of the government and preparation of the estimates of expenditure and revenue for the ensuing financial year is _________ 
Answer: Executive

Question FBQ37 : The financial plan which contains estimates of revenue and expenditure of a country, or an organization is called ______
Answer: Budget

Question FBQ38 : The Human Relations theory is mostly associated with _______
Answer: Henri Fayol

Question FBQ39 : The late 1930s marked the emergence of a revolt against _______ in organizational theory.
Answer: Traditionalism

Question FBQ40 : The solid foundations of administration lie within the _______
Answer: Departments

Question FBQ41 : A group of members who are required to act collectively upon all matters falling within their jurisdiction is called _________
Answer: Board

Question FBQ42 : _____ are created to satisfy the needs of the people locally and globally.
Answer: Field – stations

Question FBQ43 : _____ is concerned with the economic welfare of the people.
Answer: Public Enterprises

Question FBQ44 : The traditional unit of public administration is known as ______
Answer: Department

Question FBQ45 : A systematic analysis of bureaucracy was given by _______
Answer: Max Weber

Question FBQ46 : The grouping together of persons or things in some common basis is known as ________
Answer: Classification

Question FBQ47 : The basic unit of an administrative organization is called _______
Answer: Position

Question FBQ48 : The duration which civil servants will hold office is referred to as _________
Answer: Tenure

Question FBQ49 : _______ means that public office constitutes a spoil to be enjoyed by the political party victorious at the polls
Answer: Spoils System

Question FBQ50 : A system in which the appointment and conditions of service of an employee are determined solely by his educational and technical qualifications and personal capacities is known as ____ 
Answer: The Merit System

Question MCQ1 : The foundations of the modern personnel system includes_____________ 
Answer: Tenure system

Question MCQ2 : ___________is not among the obstacles to good public relations 
Answer: The influence of diplomacy

Question MCQ3 : The various objectives of the unions exclude________ 
Answer: To insist on the spoils system

Question MCQ4 : _____ does not include the legal rights of employees 
Answer: Right to absence without leave

Question MCQ5 : The advantages of strikes do not include one of the following 
Answer: It exposes the weakness of labour unions

Question MCQ6 : The conception of procedure as “the prescribed or sustaining way of working together with the conduct of an organization’s business” was by ________ 
Answer: Waldo

Question MCQ7 : The day-to-day work of the government is done through the________ 
Answer: Procedure

Question MCQ8 : All but _____ include the functions of O and M 
Answer: Demonstration

Question MCQ9 : _____ is not associated with Administrative Law 
Answer: Waldo

Question MCQ10 : The criticism of Dicey’s views include all with the exception of _______ 
Answer: Supremacy of the Law

Question MCQ11 : The following justify the imperative of delegated legislation except ________ 
Answer: Need to check abuse of powers

Question MCQ12 : The following is excluded from the causes of the growth of Administrative Adjudication 
Answer: Violation of the rule of law

Question MCQ13 : One of the advantages of Administrative Adjudication is ______ 
Answer: Cheapness

Question MCQ14 : _____ is an agency of financial administration 
Answer: Complementary budget

Question MCQ15 : The characteristics of organizations exclude _________ 
Answer: Partisanship

Question MCQ16 : The organization of administrative work on the basis of the class or classes of people for whom it is meant is known as __________ 
Answer: Max Weber

Question MCQ17 : _______ has officially prescribed goals and relationship 
Answer: Formal organization

Question MCQ18 : Auxiliary agencies perform various important functions which exclude _____ 
Answer: Expel workers from organization

Question MCQ19 : All except ________ are types of Budget 
Answer: Complementary budget

Question MCQ20 : Auxiliary agencies perform various important functions which exclude _____ 
Answer: Render useful services to the departments

Question MCQ21 : The pitfalls of procedures exclude______ 
Answer: Efficiency

Question MCQ22 : The agencies which do not serve the public but the line agencies is known as ______ 
Answer: Auxiliary Agencies

Question MCQ23 : ______ refers to an agency of the government through which the government manages its commercial and economic activities 
Answer: Administration

Question MCQ24 : A collaborative effort by people to accomplish certain goals is referred to as ________ 
Answer: Administration

Question MCQ25 : _____ is not associated with public corporation. 
Answer: Political Autocracy

Question MCQ26 : The main functions of the staff as summarized by L.D. White include___________ 
Answer: All the under mentioned

Question MCQ27 : With the exception of _______, bureaucracy has the following essential characteristics 
Answer: Personalization of office

Question MCQ28 : The process of attracting the proper and suitable type of candidates for particular jobs in administration is referred to as _______ 
Answer: Recruitment

Question MCQ29 : The problems of securing the right and competent persons for administration exclude ______ 
Answer: Methods of remuneration

Question MCQ30 : In public administration, the conscious effort made to improve or increase an employee’s skill, powers or intelligence and to develop his attitudes and schemes of values in desired direction is called ______ 
Answer: Training

Question MCQ31 : The activities directed towards improving the performance of individuals who are actually at work is known as _______ 
Answer: In-Service training

Question MCQ32 : The process that is aimed at acquainting an employee with the basic concept of his job, new work environments, organization and its goals is called________ 
Answer: Orientation Training

Question MCQ33 : The redeployment of an employee from one place of work to another in the same grade and on the same position is known as _______ 
Answer: Transfer

Question MCQ34 : The upgrading of an employee to a higher position saddled with heavier and greater responsibilities is referred to as ______ 
Answer: Promotion

Question MCQ35 : Transfer is usually based on the request of the employee and on _________ 
Answer: Routine ground

Question MCQ36 : The importance of promotion includes the following except ______________ 
Answer: It helps in demoralizing employees

Question MCQ37 : The principle which favours promotion on the basis of qualifications and achievements of the employee irrespective of length of service is known as _________ 
Answer: Merit Principle

Question MCQ38 : ________ is not among the three methods of judging the merits of the candidates 
Answer: State of origin

Question MCQ39 : ________ is excluded from the many methods adopted by the unions to achieve their objectives 
Answer: Support of the government

Question MCQ40 : ________ is not a career person within the executive branch 
Answer: A Specialist

Question MCQ41 : The main advantages of O and M exclude _________ 
Answer: Aura of technicality not avoided

Question MCQ42 : All except _______ are some of the major defects of delegated legislation. 
Answer: Avoidance of legislation

Question MCQ43 : The agencies of administrative adjudication may not compose _______ 
Answer: A legislative council

Question MCQ44 : The organization of a department on the basis of the nature of function or purpose is known as _______ 
Answer: The Functional Principle

Question MCQ45 : An attempt to group all services whose operations fall in the same general field into departments presided over by officers having general oversight of them all is called _______ 
Answer: Integrated or Departmental System

Question MCQ46 : The Bureau type runs the following risks except _______ 
Answer: It leads to a unity of purpose

Question MCQ47 : Centralization and decentralization are products of the following except_______ 
Answer: Financial crisis

Question MCQ48 : The techniques of ascertaining public opinion do not include _______ 
Answer: Proclamation

Question MCQ49 : _____ does not fall into the features of formal organization 
Answer: Control based on fulfillment of groups needs

Question MCQ50 : An employee who is equipped with in-depth knowledge of science and technology in one particular branch or sector is known as ________ 
Answer: A Specialist