Question MCQ1 : The impact of May 29th 1999 on the history of democratisation in Nigeria is an example of which time span effect? Answer: Period Effect Question MCQ2 : The impact of the Biafran war on the orientation of the Igbos to other groups in Nigeria is an example of which time span effect. Answer: Cohort Effect Question MCQ3 : The time span of socialisation can also refer to all of the following except____ Answer: End time Effect Question MCQ4 : The impact of the annulment of June 12th election on Yoruba’s in Nigeria is an example of which time span effect Answer: Cohort Effect Question MCQ5 : Who among the following is an associate of Karl Marx on the theory of Marxism? Answer: Friedrich Engels Question MCQ6 : Who insisted that it is the economy that serves as the foundation upon which the superstructure of culture, law, and government is erected? Answer: Marx Question MCQ7 : The postulation that there exist two classes of people in the society, namely the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is an argument advanced by which group? Answer: Marxists Question MCQ8 : Which of the following is a major Criticism of the Class Approach? Answer: Economic determinism Question MCQ9 : Which of the following is not among the three major tenets of the pluralist school? Answer: Monetary power is equal to Political Power. Question MCQ10 : Which one of this is not a known type of Power? Answer: Influence Question MCQ11 : Which of the following must be present before there can be domination? Answer: All of the options Question MCQ12 : The Politics as a matter of reaching collective decisions and taking collective actions is linked to ___conception. Answer: Collective Decision and Action Question MCQ13 : The conception of politics as ‘Who Gets What, When and How is attributed to _______ Answer: Harold Lasswell Question MCQ14 : To the Greeks the earliest conception of politics is as the___ Answer: Pursuit of the public interest Question MCQ15 : The perception of the Greeks is that the public realm was__ to the private realm. Answer: Morally superior Question MCQ16 : John Rawls (1971) theory of justice are____ Answer: Liberty and Equality Question MCQ17 : What in political analysis is an abstraction or general notion that may serve as a unit of a theory? Answer: Concepts Question MCQ18 : Which of these measures is not a criterion to assess democracy? Answer: Right to occupy Question MCQ19 : Statements of generalization in the social sciences at best can be ____rather than law-like. Answer: Probabilistic Question MCQ20 : Which of these explains when tentative explanations, suppositions, or assertions are formulated to be tested and confirmed ___ Answer: Hypotheses Question MCQ 21 : A concept that takes on different values or assumes different characteristics is a ___ Answer: Hypotheses Question MCQ22 : In political analysis, what mechanism is adopted in identifying the independent variables which account for the dependent variable___ Answer: Explanation Question MCQ23 : ____of these variables has an impact on the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Answer: Uniform variables Question MCQ 24 : ___ entails explanations of uniformities that involve two or more generalizations although empirical validation for confirmation is required? Answer: Theories Question MCQ25 : ____ explains in effect why laws work, even though it is not as useful as a law in predicting particular events. Answer: A theory Question MCQ26 : What in political analysis gives direction to inquiry______ Answer: Empirical theory Question MCQ 27 : When statements of universal uniformity are used as explanatory characters and as predictive statements, it is a reference to____ Answer: Scientific laws Question MCQ 28 : Which of these activities entails the activity of grouping objects with perceived similarities or attributes into two or more named classes? Answer: Classification Question MCQ 29 : A proposition is said to be subject to___ when it has been checked or tested by experts in the field. Answer: Verifiability Question MCQ 30 : Knowledge is said to be ___when it is organized into an intelligible pattern, or structure, in a clear pattern. Answer: Systematic Question MCQ31 : Behaviouralism is a classic version of ___ Answer: Induction Question MCQ32 : In which of these is theory deduced first from principles before being tested____. Answer: Deductive reasoning Question MCQ33 : Which of these is strong on theory but on empirical testing ___? Answer: Deductive reasoning Question MCQ34 : A______ ensures the understanding the framing and structuring of knowledge production in the natural sciences. Answer: Paradigm Question MCQ35 : The aims of Science encompasses all except____ Answer: Normative Analysis Question MCQ36 : The quest for objectivity and neutrality in research refers to___ analysis. Answer: Value-free Question MCQ37 : The German political sociologist, Max Weber posits that an ideal type of authority entails all of these except _____authority? Answer: Secular Question MCQ38 : The analysis which places emphasis on direct observation to discover things as they really are, its relationships with other things, and the regularization of their occurrence is conceived as______ Answer: Empirical Analysis Question MCQ39 : According to David Easton, the characteristic feature of Political Science as a discipline from the beginning as well as in mid-twentieth century was that of a discipline in search of its___ Answer: Identity Question MCQ40 : The ____ of human beings actions and behavior in political science is more or less not an absolute certainty. Answer: Unpredictability Question MCQ 41 : _____ is the study of government and political processes, institutions, and behaviour. Answer: Political science Question MCQ42 : The impact of the current global economic meltdown on the Nigerian economy; is an example of which time span effect? Answer: Period Effect Question MCQ 43 : What do scientists seek out among these to achieve a system_____ Answer: Similarities and differences of political events or phenomena. Question MCQ 44 : ___ refers to an approach that seeks to apply the scientific methodologyof the natural sciences to social phenomena. Answer: Positivism Question MCQ45 : The appeal to laws or generalizations which specify relationship among variables is in relation to___ Answer: Scientific explanation Question MCQ46 : The inferring of future unknown occurrences from particular facts and laws already known presupposes___ Answer: Predicting Question MCQ47 : Which doctrine claims that there is no way we can know what is true among competing explanations of the world? Answer: Falsification Question MCQ48 : What process did Popper allude to as the progressive elimination of what is false, with what is left un-falsified representing that which is nearer the truth? Answer: Science Question MCQ49 : The construction of statements for the purpose of testing whether or not a certain relationship exists between two phenomenons refers to____. Answer: Hypothesis Question MCQ50 : The following problems necessitated the re-orientation of the study of Political Science except____ Answer: Behaviouralism Question FBQ1 : The typifying of Greek city-state politics with ‘man by nature being a political animal’ is credited to _____ Answer: Aristotle Question FBQ2 : The modern world politics was derived from the term___ Answer: Polis Question FBQ3 : Which French political philosopher was the first to use the term political science Answer: Jean Bodin Question FBQ4 : The argument that the functions of government could be encompassed within the categories of legislation, execution, and the adjudication of law is attributed to ___ Answer: Montesquieu Question FBQ5 : The first institution dedicated to the study of politics was founded in the city of ________ Answer: Paris Question FBQ6 : The advent of World War II brought about a re-think by political scientist that the________ did not exist by themselves neither did they operate independently of the other political organizations in society. Answer: Legislature Question FBQ7 : The revolution which precipitated the embarking on new fields of study by examining the political parties, interest groups, trade unions, corporations and church organizations was the ____ Answer: behavioural revolution Question FBQ8 : The theory of evolution and natural selection espoused by ____ exerted a powerful influence upon political science. Answer: Charles Darwin Question FBQ9 : The development of ______ after the 19th century prompted political scientists to give attention to the impact on government of social forces not defined with reference to the institutional outline of the state. Answer: Sociology Question FBQ10 : The evolution of the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science was adduced by Robert Dahl as regards to what influenced the rise of the movement _____________ Answer: behavioural Question FBQ11 : The crux of behavioural movement was achieving_____ Answer: Methodological pluralism Question FBQ12 : ____refers to the process by which the central values of the political culture are transmitted from one generation to another. Answer: political socialization Question FBQ13 : The four interrelated analytical categories which distinguish the different patterns of socialization are: agencies, process, time span and _____ Answer: Change Question FBQ14 : The process through which political socialization is accomplished is conceived as_____. Answer: Socialization Question FBQ15 : The family, whether nuclear or extended is considered the ___.agent of socialization. Answer: Primary Question FBQ16 : The schools, peer groups, occupation, the mass media, political parties are conceived as___ agents of political socialization. Answer: Secondary Question FBQ17 : The agent that accomplishes political socialization through its curriculum is known as _________ Answer: School Question FBQ18 : The ____ transmit information and messages, but also provide visual pictures of 'government activities. Answer: Mass Media Question FBQ19 : The _____ of socialization refers to an individual’s formative or mature years Answer: time span Question FBQ20 : A ____ is an organized group of persons seeking to take control of government though elections Answer: political party Question FBQ21 : In the USA, ____ are known for their support of business, conservative positions on social issues, and concern about the size of government. Answer: Republicans Question FBQ22 : The___ in the USA have supported labor and minorities and believe that government can solve many of the nation's problems. Answer: Democrats Question FBQ23 : The ___Constitution of Nigeria granted three legislative council seats to Nigerians on the colonial legislative council. Answer: 1922 Clifford Question FBQ24 : The Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP) was established in 1923 by___. Answer: Herbert Macauley Question FBQ25 : In 1945, Chief Awolowo formed a Pan-Yoruba cultural organization called____ Answer: Egbe Omo Oduduwa Question FBQ26 : The Northern People’s Congress (NPC) was inaugurated in____, it was formed from the merger of two political societies-the Northern Elements Progressive Association and the Northern People’s Congress. Answer: 1949 Question FBQ27 : Most parties are organized at the local, state, and____ levels. Answer: National Question FBQ28 : The 1999 Nigerian Constitution stipulates that political parties must have_____spread as well as offices that spread across the whole of the country. Answer: national Question FBQ29 : A group of top party members who often meet to plan strategies and take a common position on a piece of legislation is a___ Answer: Caucus Question FBQ30 : The variable impacts on the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is known as _______ variable Answer: Explanatory Question FBQ31 : A party _____ consists of a small group of party members. Answer: Cell Question FBQ32 : A group in an organization that seeks to influence political decisions is said to be centered on ____. Answer: interest Question FBQ33 : The following, Afenifere, Arewa People’s Congress, Ohaneze Ndigbo (Igbo) are examples of ____ Interest Groups Answer: Ethnic Question FBQ34 : The ways in which interest groups shape legislation and bring the views of their constituents to the attention of decision-makers is known as _______ Answer: Lobbying Question FBQ35 : The____ a system whereby one person rules for life as the Head-of-state and passes on power to their children or family (dynasty or royalty) when they die. Answer: Monarchy Question FBQ36 : The____ adjudicates in disputes between the executive and the legislature, between other government departments. Answer: Judiciary Question FBQ37 : The school is a key agent of political ______ Answer: Socialisation Question FBQ38 : The change which fundamentally alters the structural foundation of power relations of a polity is said to be _____. Answer: Systemic Question FBQ39 : _______is often seen as conservative, stabilising or system maintaining process rather than change producing process. Answer: Socialisation Question FBQ40 : _____Political Socialisation is a formal method of political socialisation in which the individual consciously learns political behaviour. Answer: Direct Question FBQ41 : The informal method of political socialisation is conceived as _____ Answer: Indirect Question FBQ42 : Interpersonal transfer is an example of ………………………political socialisation. Answer: Indirect Question FBQ43 : ______ is the transmission of political culture from one generation to another. Answer: Political socialization Question FBQ44 : The approach in political science which focuses on division of society into classes and how this social stratification determines social conflict and social change is known as ____ approach Answer: Class Question FBQ45 : Class Analysis Approach can also be regarded as ______ Answer: Marxism Question FBQ46 : ___________ in its classical form believes that politics and decision making is located mostly in the governmental framework. Answer: Pluralism Question FBQ47 : _____ is a theory of representation in a democracy. Answer: Pluralism Question FBQ48 : _______ is the idea that a few select interest groups are actually (often formally) involved in the policy formulation process, to the exclusion of the myriad of other 'interest groups Answer: Corporatism Question FBQ49 : The intensely ___ theory deals with normative specifications of what and how policies ought to be Answer: Prescriptive Question FBQ50 : The behaviour feature of behaviouralism entails____ Answer: Observation