Question MCQ1 : The revisionist argument was known as the post Behavioral movement was spear headed by __? Answer: David Easton Question MCQ2 : Politics is therefore the constant interplay between ___ and __? Answer: The rulers and the ruled Question MCQ3 : The instrument by which the purpose of the state is realized is __? Answer: Government Question MCQ4 : The British Democracy have over time transited from absolute to ____ monarchy? Answer: Constitutional Question MCQ5 : The __method seeks an explanation of what the past institutions are? Answer: historical Question MCQ6 : Political science is a social science discipline because it deals with __? Answer: Human beings Question MCQ7 : The wealth and power of a nation is a function of the below except? Answer: Lunatics Question MCQ8 : Which of these scholars defines politics as the “art of governing mankind by deceiving them” __? Answer: Isaac Disrael Question MCQ9 : A fundamental prerequisite in a democracy for the political stability of a country is the __? Answer: Legislature Question MCQ10 : The first political scientist known to have analyzed information systematically was __? Answer: Aristotle Question MCQ11 : The policy introduced by Obasanjo to curb petroleum smuggling in Nigeria and to neighbouring countries is ------------ ? Answer: Appropriate pricing Question MCQ12 : Harold Laswell idea of politics focuses on __? Answer: Individuals Question MCQ13 : A scientific knowledge is principally based on __ and __? Answer: Reason and evidence Question MCQ14 : During the Greek City state, citizenship status or rights could only be granted by virtue of __? Answer: Birth Question MCQ15 : The utilitarian doctrine of ____ prescribes “the greatest happiness of the greatest numbers” as the purpose of government Answer: Jeremy Bentham Question MCQ16 : The method of rule of a tyrant and oligarchy leader is the use of __? Answer: Coercion Question MCQ17 : The solution to the problem of order according to Aristotle is __? Answer: Politics Question MCQ18 : The force theory has ___ components? Answer: 2 Question MCQ19 : Britain operates a __ system of government? Answer: Federal Question MCQ20 : The following are examples of countries with rigid constitutions except __? Answer: New Zealand Question MCQ21 : In governance, policies pursued by governments are inherently __? Answer: Unequal Question MCQ22 : A major distinction between pressure groups and political parties is that unlike political parties, pressure groups is not concerned with ____? Answer: power Question MCQ23 : The most popular method open to pressure groups to influence public policy making process is __? Answer: Lobbying Question MCQ24 : What happens when a hypothesis is accepted in the study of politics __? Answer: A grand theory of politics is developed Question MCQ25 : Which of these scholars is the foremost exponent of legal sovereignty? Answer: John Austin Question MCQ26 : The springboard of capitalism was __? Answer: The Industrial Revolution in 18th century Question MCQ27 : What is the central organizing principle of the international system ______? Answer: Sovereignty Question MCQ28 : Which of these scholars maintained that sovereignty belonged to the people __? Answer: J. J. Rousseau Question MCQ29 : Pressure groups can be classified in __ broad ways? Answer: Two Question MCQ30 : The second division of Political Science- political organization is otherwise known as __? Answer: Empirical studies Question MCQ31 : Politics, as Aristotle pointed out, is only one possible solution to the problem of __? Answer: Order Question MCQ32 : Which of these scholars believes that, “rebellion is a contingent obligation of citizenship” Answer: Harold Laski Question MCQ33 : The Supremacy Clause in the judiciary is known for __? Answer: Resolving inter-governmental disputes Question MCQ34 : The Parliamentary system of government was first developed in __? Answer: Britain Question MCQ35 : A fundamental prerequisite for the political stability of a country is __? Answer: Legislature Question MCQ36 : The following are the origins of human rights except __? Answer: The 1919 Versailles Peace Treaty Question MCQ37 : The regime of General Sani Abacha in November 1993 succeeded the Interim National Government led by __? Answer: Chief Ernest Shonekan Question MCQ38 : The following are examples of countries that have Practiced one party system except __? Answer: Nigeria Question MCQ39 : In all forms of government ___is common to them? Answer: Power Question MCQ40 : The interdisciplinary perspective of the behavioral approach to the study of political science may be traced to the publication of __? Answer: Arthur Bentley and Grahan Wallas Question MCQ41 : Arthur Bentley used a ___ approach to arrive at the new concept of “groups” in politics? Answer: sociological Question MCQ42 : Which scholar wrote the Leviathan in 17th Century England to justify the restoration of the Stuart dynasty? ___ Answer: Thomas Hobbes Question MCQ43 : The first Professor of Political Science in the United States was __? Answer: Francis Lieber Question MCQ44 : The assertion that that ‘power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely was made by __? Answer: John Dalberg – Acton Question MCQ45 : The city-state was an organized society of people living in what the Greeks called __? Answer: Polis Question MCQ46 : Any scientific discipline must possess the following characteristics except __? Answer: The capacity to make law Question MCQ47 : Examples of leaders who have claimed divine right in both ancient and modern governments include the following except __? Answer: The British Monarchy Question MCQ48 : Which of these political philosophers view politics as the “master science_____?” Answer: Aristotle Question MCQ49 : The concentration of political power in the hands of one visible sovereign power implies __? Answer: Unitarianism Question MCQ50 : In the 19th century, ___ , academics developed a systematic science called “Staatlehre” to provide useful information to government in -------- ? Answer: Germany Question FBQ1 : The rule of one group in their own interest is known is __? Answer: Oligarchy Question FBQ2 : Which scholar view politics as the “master science ___ ? Answer: Aristotle Question FBQ3 : The instrument by which the purpose of the state is realized is __? Answer: Government Question FBQ4 : Political science is a social science discipline because it deals with __? Answer: People Question FBQ5 : The revisionist argument known as the post behavioral movement was spear headed by __? Answer: David Easton Question FBQ6 : The ___ period is also referred to as the age of action and relevance of the science of politics? Answer: Post – Behavioural Question FBQ7 : The form of government, which is regulated by a constitution, is known as __? Answer: Constitutional Democracy Question FBQ8 : The interdisciplinary perspective of political science may be traced to the publication of Grahan Wallas and Arthur ____? Answer: Bentley Question FBQ9 : The type of constitutions whose laws can be changed or amended by simple majority votes of the members of the Parliament is referred to as ______ Constitution? Answer: Flexible Question FBQ10 : The only means by which the actions of a government and its institutions could be measured is through __? Answer: Constitution Question FBQ11 : The fundamental norms according to which a given state is governed are based on _____ ? Answer: Conventions Question FBQ12 : In situations whereby the national or central government is supreme over other levels of government within a given state, such government is said to be _____________ system? Answer: Unitary Question FBQ13 : The principle that governs a unitary constitution is ___? Answer: Unitarism Question FBQ14 : The change from absolute to Constitutional Monarchy in Britain occurred in the year __? Answer: 1215 Question FBQ15 : Politics, as Aristotle pointed out, is only one possible solution to the problem of __? Answer: Order Question FBQ16 : Political Science can be broadly grouped into __divisions? Answer: Two Question FBQ17 : The first state creation in Nigeria occurred in the year __? Answer: 1967 Question FBQ18 : A central defining characteristics of all forms of government is __? Answer: Power Question FBQ19 : The term geo-politics was coined by Alfred Thayer and Sir Halford __? Answer: Mackinder Question FBQ20 : The emphasis of post-behaviourism is on __? Answer: Values Question FBQ21 : Constitutionalism deals with rule of ______ ? Answer: Law Question FBQ22 : A charter of governance in politics is known as __? Answer: Constitution Question FBQ23 : A country with a federal constitution is called a __? Answer: Federation Question FBQ24 : A branch of study that investigates the laws of morality and formulates the rule of conduct is known as __? Answer: Ethics Question FBQ25 : In the Greek City State, citizenship status or rights could only be granted or obtained by virtue of __? Answer: Birth Question FBQ26 : The force theory has __ components? Answer: Two Question FBQ27 : Which scholar position or argument of the social contract appeared in his popular book “The Leviathan” __? Answer: Thomas Hobbes Question FBQ28 : The Leviathan in 17th Century England was written to justify the restoration of the _____ dynasty? Answer: Stuart Question FBQ29 : The instrument of production in the capitalist epoch of development is the __? Answer: Proletariat Question FBQ30 : Israel was created as a state in the year __? Answer: 1948 Question FBQ31 : The famous leader who used the force theory to convert Italy into a totalitarian state is known as __ Answer: Benito Mussolini Question FBQ32 : The collapse of feudalism, especially in Western Europe, led to the coming up of __ Answer: Capitalism Question FBQ33 : The theory of the origin of the state claims that in the beginning, life was not in a state of nature, but was peaceful is known as __ Answer: Marxian Theory Question FBQ34 : Sir Henry Maine argued vehemently that the modern State or government is __ in nature Answer: Patriarchal Question FBQ35 : The foundation for the survival and existence of the state is __ Answer: Sovereignty Question FBQ36 : The __has become the principal form of political organization among modern people Answer: Nation - State Question FBQ37 : The idea of sovereign state in diplomatic history had its roots with the signing of the Treaty of ______ in 1648 Answer: Westphalia Question FBQ38 : In most modern democracies, one of the principal institutions involved in the exercise of the sovereign power of the state is the __ Answer: Parliament Question FBQ39 : The foremost exponent of legal sovereignty is __ Answer: John Austin Question FBQ40 : The scholar who introduced the theory of sovereignty into the study of political science is known as __ Answer: Jean Bodin Question FBQ41 : A citizen unlawfully imprisoned can proceed against whoever imprisoned him through the right of __ Answer: Habeas Corpus Question FBQ42 : A citizen can protect his/her liberties by seeking ___ injunctions from a Law Court; to compel a stay of action that may violate his/her rights Answer: Interlocutory Question FBQ43 : In a monarchical system, sovereignty is located in the ___ Answer: King Question FBQ44 : Historically, the origins of human rights can be traced to the …………….of Independence of 1776 Answer: American Declaration Question FBQ45 : The facist leader who ruled Germany as a totalitarian state is called ___ Answer: Adolf Hitler Question FBQ46 : The general aim of Tyranny and Oligarchy is to coerce people for ________ Answer: Personal benefits Question FBQ47 : The study of Political Science flourished in the Ancient _____ with the periods of 4th and 5th BC Answer: Greece Question FBQ48 : The forerunner of what became the behavioural movement started from the __ Answer: Chicago School Question FBQ49 : In spite of its pitfalls, what qualifies political science as a social science discipline is its reliance on _________ Answer: Scientific method Question FBQ50 : The rule of one man in his own interest is ____ Answer: Tyranny