Question QMC1 : Why are measurements in physics inexact?

Question QMC2 : Which of the following pair of measurement are more precise?

Question QMC3 : The maximum displacement of the bob on either side of its equilibrium position is called _____

Question QMC4 : If the time taken for twenty (20) oscillations in 2 minutes 50 seconds the period (T) is ________

Question QMC5 : The time taken by the pendulum to complete one oscillation is known as ____

Question QMC6 : Pendulum bulb loses energy due to which of the following?

Question QMC7 : The process of gradually decreases in the amplitude of oscillations of the pendulum bob is called

Question QMC8 : Error due to wear and tear in the instrument is called

Question QMC9 : One of the following must be known in order to decide upon the type of a spring for a particular purpose,

Question QMC10 : The method of determining the spring wire is _____.

Question QMC11 : One of the following is a function of extension, in a static method of Experiment.

Question QMC12 : The magnitude of applied force up to which a specimen retains its elastic property is defined as the

Question QMC13 : Precision is a function of ____.

Question QMC14 : The time taken to complete one oscillation is called____.

Question QMC15 : The maximum displacement of the bob on either side of its equilibrium position is called ___.

Question QMC16 : The method of determining the spring wire is ____.

Question QMC17 : The magnitude of applied force up which a specimen retains its elastic property is defines as the

Question QMC18 : In static method, the measurement of extension of a spring is a function of _____.

Question QMC19 : One of the following equations is the period of oscillation?

Question QMC20 : The junction formed when the holes from the p-side diffuse into the n-side and combine with free electrons and electrons from the n-type diffuse to the p-side and combine with holes is called

Question QMC21 : Two bodies moving along the same line but in opposite directions collide. This type of collision is said to be?

Question QMC22 : Where there is no external force acting on a system of particles, the total linear momentum of the system is ____.

Question QMC23 : The quality of sound produced depends upon which of the following vibration of the stretched string?

Question QMC24 : A wave which transports energy as it propagates in space is said to be one of the following

Question QMC25 : The points corresponding to zero amplitude are called ____.

Question QMC26 : One of the following is the name of a point with maximum amplitudes

Question QMC27 : One of the following is the equation of relation between wavelength ,λ, Tension, T and mass per unit length is

Question QMC28 : The property of a wire to tend to come back to its original length when the suspended weight is removed is called

Question QMC29 : The internal force that come to play within a body that is subjected to deforming force is called

Question QMC30 : The maximum stress a material can sustain without undergoing permanent deformation is termed as

Question QMC31 : Which of the following is the principle for measurement of low resistance methods based

Question QMC32 : The resistance to motion of a pendulum bulb is known as ____.

Question QMC33 : One of the following gives the relationship between electromotive force, E, resistance, R length l, resistivity ρ and thermoelectric emf, e

Question QMC34 : When a body is subjected to an external force, it tries to maintain its shape and size. As applied force is removed, it tends to recover its original configuration. This property is known as ____

Question QMC35 : The magnitude of applied force up to which a specimen retains its elastic property is known as ____

Question QFB1 : In semi-conductor, the hole indicate the absence of
Answer: electrons

Question QFB2 : The ratio of possible error to the total measurement is called ____.
Answer: Relative error

Question QFB3 : Error due to wear and tear in instruments such as screw gauge or spherometer due to defective fittings is called_________
Answer: Back lash error

Question QFB4 : ____ waves are also refer to as standing wave.
Answer: Stationary

Question QFB5 : The ratio of longitudinal stress to strain within the elastic limit is ­­_______
Answer: Young modulus  

Question QFB6 : The ____ displacement of bob on either side of its equilibrium position is called amplitude.
Answer: Maximum

Question QFB7 : The points corresponding to zero amplitude are called _____.
Answer: Nodes

Question QFB8 : An isolated system vibrates with its natural ____.
Answer: Frequency

Question QFB9 : The change in length per unit original length of the wire is called ___.
Answer: Longitudinal strain

Question QFB10 : A wave which transports energy as it propagates in space is said to be _____.
Answer: progressive

Question QFB11 : The restoring force per unit area set up inside the body is called _____.
Answer: Stress

Question QFB12 : The type of error present if three or more observers carrying out an experiment separately and using the same set of instruments obtained different sets of values is known as___.
Answer: Random error

Question QFB13 : Errors which affect measurements in a regular way or in some constant proportion such as instrument errors arising from faulty instruments are ______.
Answer: Systematic error

Question QFB14 : The opposition offered by resistance is dependent on the frequency in an inductor and a _____.
Answer: Capacitor

Question QFB15 : Error that occur due to parallax in reading a metre scale is called ____.
Answer: faulty observation

Question QFB16 : The principle of conservation of energy is particular reference to conservation of ____energy
Answer: Mechanical

Question QFB17 : Beyond the elastic limit the applied force produced ______deformation
Answer: Plastic

Question QFB18 : The magnitude of applied force up to which a specimen retains its elastic property defines the elastic _____.
Answer: limit

Question QFB19 : A simple pendulum is a _____ body capable of oscillating freely about a horizontal passing through it.
Answer: Rigid

Question QFB20 : The ability for a material to recover its original configuration is called _____.
Answer: elasticity

Question QFB21 : The simple pendulum has its equilibrium position at the _____.
Answer: center

Question QFB22 : ______motion is a universal phenomenon
Answer: Oscillatory

Question QFB23 : The process when the pendulum loses energy due to air resistance is called ___motion.
Answer: Damped

Question QFB24 : The period (T) increases with an/a _____ in the length of the pendulum.
Answer: Increase  

Question QFB25 : The length of the pendulum can be determined by adding the length of the string with the _____ of the pendulum bob.
Answer: radius

Question QFB26 : A _______time is a more accurate automatic switching device.
Answer: Digital

Question QFB27 : As the temperature increases, the conductivity of the semi-conductor --------
Answer: increases

Question QFB28 : An ordinary stopwatch has a least count of _____.
Answer: 0.1seconds

Question QFB29 : The time taken by the pendulum to complete one oscillation is called _____.
Answer: Period

Question QFB30 : The value of certain physical qualities can be determined from the slopes of a ______ line of graph.
Answer: Straight

Question QFB31 : The fluctuation in the many times repeated measurement of the same quantity is called ____error.
Answer: Random

Question QFB32 : Errors arising from arithmetic miscounting a number of periods, faulty electrical contacts, wrong scale reading are ____.
Answer: Erratic error

Question QFB33 : The systematic errors is also called _____errors
Answer: Determinant

Question QFB34 : Errors arising from various individual judgements in estimating scales, fluctuating conditions in temperature, pressure, voltage measurements and inhomogeneity of material measured are _____
Answer: Random error

Question QFB35 : The measurement of the length of a table yields the following data. L1 = 135.0cm L2 = 136.5cm, L3 = 134.0cm, L4 = 134.5cm. The average value and precision ____is 135.0 cm, 0.375
Answer: index