The degree of agreement between individual measured values in a series of measurement and the average value is called_________ *Precision* The sum of measurements divided by the number ofmeasurements that have been made is known as­­­­________ *Average* ________ is the representation of a number in the form A x 10n, where A is a number with a single nonzero digit to the left of the decimal point, and n is a whole number *Scientific notation* Convert 0.008972 in scientific notation to decimal form *8.972 x 10-3* Measurement has two properties i.e. magnitude and_____ *Unit* ______is the act of determining the size or amount of something. *Measurement* The Celsius, Kelvin and _______scales are inter convertible *Fahrenheit* In what unit of measurements will you measure height of 5-year old child *Centimeter* An absolute temperature scale is one in which the lowest temperature is given the value______ *Zero* Perform 25K to Celsius degree *-2480C* The standard unit for measuring length is in______ *Meters* An intensive property of an object that is often used to help identify substances is called_______ *Density* _________is a general problem solving technique in which one uses the units of quantitiesto help one decides how to set up the problem. *Dimensional analysis* The Basic unit for measuring mass is * Gram* ________is a quantity that relates the mass of an object to its volume *Density* _____units enable scientists, engineers and mathematicians to measure using the same specifications *Basic* _______are natural variations in measurements that come about for a variety of reasons ranging from human to instrumental *Uncertainties* The line that runs straight from top to bottom of paper or the planar or facing the northit runs north to south is called______ *Vertical* The parallel angles are called ______ when they are added up to 1800 *Supplementary* ______can be defined as a measure of rotation or turning .It is measured in degrees. *Angle* ________is a branch of mathematics that deals with the studyof linear measurement and angular or rotational measurement *Geometry* A 3 – dimensional solid with six rectangular sides is known as______ *Cuboids* The line drawn from the centre of a circle to a point on the circumference is known as ________ *Radius* _______is a straight line that touches any two points on the circumference of a circle *Chord* _______is any plane shape bounded by straight line segment *Polygon* A rhombus is a parallelogram in which a pair of adjacent sides are______ *Equal* Any polygon whose sides are all equal to each other is called a______ *regular polygon* The triangle that has no equal side and no equal angle is called_____ *Scalene* ________is a special circle that has two circular surfaces *Annulus* A four sided solid polygon which has a plane shape enclosed by focus line segments is called_____ *Quadrilateral* A parallelogram in which all the four angles are right angles is called______ *Rectangle* In a trapezium ABCD, the sides AD and BC are parallel,BC = 40cm, AD = 30cm and the distance between BC and AD is 20cm. Calculate the area of the trapezium *700cm2* Calculate the total surface area of a closed cylinder whose radius is 3.5cm and height is 7cm *231cm2* The most familiar metric system unit of volume is the______ *Celsius* The procedure of dropping non-significant digit in a calculation result and perhaps adjusting the last remaining digit upward is called_______ *Rounding* The degree of agreement between measured value and accepted true value of a quantity is called_______ Accuracy Express the 7932.9 in scientific notation 7.932 x 103 . Write the 0.005262 in scientific notation 5.262 x10-3 Convert 0.08972 in scientific notation to decimal form 8.972 x 10-2 In what unit of measurements will you measure distance between cities kilometer Gram is the basic unit for measuring________ mass Perform 200C to Kelvin 293K Round off 25.053 to 3 significant figure 25.1 What is the density in gm1-1 of a piece of metal that has a volume of 25ml and a mass of 125g 50gm-1 A steel rod is measured and reported to be 11.0080cm long how many significant figure does this have. 6 Simplify 5.41 –0.398 and round off the answer to 3 significant number 5.01 If a piece of rod weighs 1461lb. what is this mass in kilogram? 66.226kg Liquid oxygen used in rocket engines boils at 90k under normal atmospheric pressure. Express this boiling point on the Celsius scale -1830C A thermometer in a laboratory room registers 880f What is the temperature on the Celsius scale? 310C Ethanol has a density of 0.789g/cm3, if the volume of a sample ofethanol is 39.7cm3. What is the mass? 31.3g ______units are obtained from the basic units by comparing two or more basic units Derived One of the causes of uncertainties in measurements are the following except_______ two people can read an instrument in exactly the same way ______uncertainty shifts all the measurements away fromthe true value by the same amount and it can significantly affect the accuracy of a measurement. systematic ______is a line which cuts two or more parallel line transversal line An angle that is less than 900 is called_______ acute angle when two or more angles add up to 900 is called______ complementary angles A solid object having four faces, six edges and four vertices is called_______ tetrahedron _______of a circle is a plane figure bounded by two radii (plural of radius) and an arc sector Examples of quadrilateral are as follows except______ Pentagon Find the sum of the interior angles of a polygon with 14 sides 21600 Find the number of sides in a polygon, if the sum of the angles is 1800 12 sides Find the area of a triangle with sides a = 10cm b = 6cm and c = 8cm. 24cm2 A rectangular room is 30cm by 20cm, find the area in square metres 6m2 If the circumference of a circle is 176cm. Find its area 2464cm2 Different kinds of lines are as follows except_______ Congruent A rhombus has the following properties except_______ it contains a major arc Find the area of the circle of radius 7cm. (take p = 22/7) 154cm2 Find the area of a sector of a circle radius 14cm, which subtends an angle of 600at the center 102.7cm2 Express 0.000464 in scientific notation 4.64 x 10-4 An angle that is greater than 1800 but less than 3600 is known as______ reflex angle