Question QFB1 : The second world war ended in _____________
Answer: 1945

Question QFB2 : ___________ was the leader of Germany during the second World war
Answer: Adolf Hitler

Question QFB3 : The League of Nations was formed in ____________
Answer: 1918

Question QFB4 : The word ‘peace’ is derived from the latin word _____
Answer: Pax

Question QFB5 : __________ is a situation where there is absence of war and direct violence
Answer: Positive peace

Question QFB6 : _____________ refers to absence of direct violence even where other forms of visible threats exist.
Answer: Negative peace

Question QFB7 : The first World war started in _________
Answer: 1914

Question QFB8 : The process by which decisions are made and implemented is known as __________
Answer: Governance

Question QFB9 : The concept of human security connotes freedom from ______ and fear.
Answer: Wants

Question QFB10 : President ________ of Russia
Answer: Putin

Question QFB11 : Russia is a member of NATO?
Answer: False

Question QFB12 : ________ is aimed at achieving equality of opportunity
Answer: Social Justice

Question QFB13 : Human security is a Post-Cold concept. True or false _______________
Answer: True

Question QFB14 : The term used to describe freedom from wants and fear is known as ______
Answer: Human Security

Question QFB15 : ____________ means a situation where a social structure kills people slowly by preventing them from meeting their basic needs
Answer: Structural Violence

Question QFB16 : ___________ is a process of imparting specific skills, attitude and knowledge on people.
Answer: Peace Education

Question QFB17 : The Korean war ended in ___________
Answer: 1953

Question QFB18 : _____________ as the systematic collection and analysis of information coming from the area of crises for the purpose of anticipating escalation of violence
Answer: Early Warning

Question QFB19 : United Nations’ Agenda for Peace document was published in _________
Answer: 1992

Question QFB20 : President _________ of France
Answer: Macron

Question QFB21 : ____________ is a term used to describe a situation where issues are settled by getting agreement from every person involved.
Answer: Consensus

Question QFB22 : __________ is a term used to describe ‘Society of friends’.
Answer: Quaker

Question QFB23 : Direct Negotiation can be divided into coercive and ______ method.
Answer: Non-coercive

Question QFB24 : ________ is a term used to describe a process whereby learner builds new ideas or concept based upon current or past knowledge or experiences.
Answer: Constructivism

Question QFB25 : Who defined peace as what we have when creative transformation takes place non-violently?
Answer: Galtung

Question QFB26 : The French Revolution took place in ___________
Answer: 1789

Question QFB27 : The French Revolution took place in __________
Answer: 1789

Question QFB28 : The United Nations was established in __________
Answer: 1945

Question QFB29 : The culture of peace programme by UNICEF was a product of UNGA Resolution passed on 10 November, ____________.
Answer: 1998

Question QFB30 : The term _________ connotes a blank human mind that is empty of ideas
Answer: Tabularasa

Question QFB31 : ________ created the educational philosophy called pansophism.
Answer: Komensky

Question QFB32 : The term ‘pansophism’ means_____________
Answer: Universal Knowledge

Question QFB33 : Another term for War Studies is ___________
Answer: Polemology

Question QFB34 : _________ is a term used to describe an attempt to bring conflict to a stop using force of diplomacy and mediation.
Answer: Peace making

Question QFB35 : Nigeria is made up of ________ States
Answer: 36

Question QFB36 : The capital of Zimbabwe is _______________
Answer: Harare

Question QFB37 : Mediation, ____________, and Shuttle Diplomacy are vital components of peace making.
Answer: Negotiation

Question QFB38 : Under Chapter _______ of United Nations (UN) Charter, UN can authorise the use of military action to enforce peace.
Answer: VII

Question QFB39 : The first President of post-apartheid South Africa is ____________
Answer: Nelson Mandela

Question QFB40 : The key components of durable peace are: security, justice and _______________
Answer: Freedom

Question QFB41 : According to President Eisenhower, peace and ____ are two sides of the same coin.
Answer: Justice

Question QFB42 : Conflict can be positive or ________________
Answer: Negative

Question QFB43 : Peace Enforcement is a term introduced by ____
Answer: Butrous-Ghali

Question QFB44 : ___________ is the Secretary General of United Nations?
Answer: Antonio Gutteres

Question QFB45 : _________ requires the intervention of a third party.
Answer: Mediation

Question QFB46 : ____________ Peace requires a high level of cooperation among parties involved.
Answer: Durable

Question QFB47 : Chapter VI of United Nations’ Charter advocates pacific settlement of disputes, True or False?
Answer: True

Question QFB48 : _________ education deals with everyday experiences which are not planned or organised.
Answer: Informal

Question QFB49 : Theory of _________ was developed by Skinner, B.J
Answer: Behaviourism

Question QFB50 : Peace, like __________ is an amorphous term.
Answer: Conflict

Question QMC1 : …..... Peace requires high level of cooperation between parties

Question QMC2 : Mediation requires the intervention of a …………. party

Question QMC3 : Another word for the term ‘polemology’ is …………….

Question QMC4 : Which country is not a member of African Union?

Question QMC5 : Under Chapter ……………, United Nations Charter, military action can be authorised to enforce peace.

Question QMC6 : Peace enforcement is a term introduced by …………………….

Question QMC7 : Hugo Chavez is a former president of ………………..

Question QMC8 : The first president of post – apartheid South Africa is……………….

Question QMC9 : __________ is an attempt to stop conflict using diplomacy and mediation

Question QMC10 : The Secretary General of United Nations is ………………….

Question QMC11 : Freedom, ________ , and security are the key components of durable peace

Question QMC12 : President Eisenhower of United States once said that justice and ________ are two sides of the same coin.

Question QMC13 : Which President of United States died in office?

Question QMC14 : Human security is a _____________ concept.

Question QMC15 : ____________ violence is the term used when social structure prevent people from meeting basic needs.

Question QMC16 : Nigeria became a republic in ______

Question QMC17 : What is the process by which decisions are made and implemented?

Question QMC18 : __________ Peace is a situation where there is absence of war or direct violence.

Question QMC19 : Which does not depict the meaning of conflict?

Question QMC20 : ___________ peace places more value on the relationship between human and the environment.

Question QMC21 : Which year did Nigeria become independent?

Question QMC22 : Conflict has ____________ consequences

Question QMC23 : Contradiction arising from differences in interests, ideas, ideologies, orientations, beliefs, perceptions or tendencies is

Question QMC24 : Boko Haram crisis is which category of conflict?

Question QMC25 : Recent clash between Cattle Rearers and the host community is ------------- conflict.

Question QMC26 : The President of Venezuela is ___________?

Question QMC27 : Who wrote extensively on structural conflict?

Question QMC28 : The United Nations was established in ____________

Question QMC29 : The culture of peace programme by UNICEF was passed in United Nations on ______

Question QMC30 : The French revolution took place in __________

Question QMC31 : The process of building new ideas based on current or past experience is known as _______

Question QMC32 : Which is not a classification of conflict?

Question QMC33 : __________ means universal knowledge

Question QMC34 : ________ created the education philosophy called pansophism

Question QMC35 : Who states that the more the rate of inequality in the distribution of resources in the society, the greater the conflict of interest between its dominant and subordinate segments

Question QMC36 : Conflict is better understood as ___________

Question QMC37 : The proponent of frustration – aggression theory is __________

Question QMC38 : The overriding concern of Karl Marx is that social conflict is an imperative route to

Question QMC39 : The second world war ended in ______

Question QMC40 : An attempt to gain a view of the whole world is __

Question QMC41 : Peace Operation in United Nations involves peacekeeping, peacemaking and ____________

Question QMC42 : Chapter _______ of United Nations Charter deals with peaceful settlement of dispute.

Question QMC43 : International Court of Justice is based in ___________

Question QMC44 : The first world war ended in ________________

Question QMC45 : The Nigerian civil war ended in ________________

Question QMC46 : ____________ is a process of preventing recurrence of violence by addressing root causes and effects of conflict.

Question QMC47 : Critical tasks in post conflict peacebuilding are: De-mining and_______________

Question QMC48 : ___________ is the capital of Zambia

Question QMC49 : The second world war started in ______________

Question QMC50 : ------------------- requires the intervention of a third party