Question MCQ1 : For impression management to succeed, we need to
Answer: Take the role of others

Question MCQ2 : The impression we form about others in mostly influenced by our
Answer: Expectation

Question MCQ3 : How much we are willing to reveal ourselves to others is called  
Answer: Self-disclosure

Question MCQ4 : When an actor’s behaviour is stable across time and situation it is called
Answer: Consistency

Question MCQ5 : Terrors do occur in our interpretation of what?
Answer: Behaviour

Question MCQ6 : Which type of gift will force the receiver to reciprocate?
Answer: Unsolicited gift

Question MCQ7 : Once people are able to maintain particular attitudes it can help to enhance their what?
Answer: Self Worth

Question MCQ8 : Once an object becomes associated with positive outcome, the object becomes what?
Answer: Highly Rated

Question MCQ9 : When we try to change our attitudes by others it is called
Answer: Persuasion

Question MCQ10 : Greater shift is likely towards a milder what?
Answer: Attitude

Question MCQ11 : When you keep a distance without actively inflicting harm, it is called
Answer: Avoidance

Question MCQ12 : The word “Stereotype” was coined by who
Answer: Lippman

Question MCQ13 : When you assign someone to a group it is regarded as:
Answer: Stereotype

Question MCQ14 : When aggressive energy builds up it must be discharged to
Answer: An outlet

Question MCQ15 : A pregnant mother is given a drug to prevent miscarriage
Answer: Testosterone

Question MCQ16 : Aversive consequence is associated with
Answer: Punishment

Question MCQ17 : What is being made when we focus on how people behave?
Answer: Attribution

Question MCQ18 : How much we are willing to reveal ourselves to other is called  
Answer: Self-Disclosure

Question MCQ19 : Which position must be consistent with trends of events?
Answer: Minority

Question MCQ20 : Blind obedience can be commanded by:
Answer: Power Authority figure

Question MCQ21 : All of the following except one motivates impression formation
Answer: Background

Question MCQ22 : Which theory explains the use of information stored in our memory to form opinion about others?
Answer: Cognitive

Question MCQ23 : All of the following except one is not a theory of impression formation
Answer: Central Traits Theory

Question MCQ24 : Making attempts to create a good image of oneself is called
Answer: Self-Presentation

Question MCQ25 : Engaging in flattery to illicit favourable response is called
Answer: Ingratiation

Question MCQ26 : The extent to which we are likely to disclose ourselves to others is determined by  
Answer: Trust of Second Party

Question MCQ27 : Attributions are made by
Answer: Observers

Question MCQ28 : At what point do actors cover-up their underlying dispositions?
Answer: When actors break rules

Question MCQ29 : One of the following is not a dimension in Attrition theory
Answer: Locust

Question MCQ30 : One of these is not a factor affecting conformity
Answer: Anonymity

Question MCQ31 : What does our attitude not describe?
Answer: Strength

Question MCQ32 : One of these is not a component of attitude
Answer: Identity Factors

Question MCQ33 : Which of these theories best explains the desire to avoid contradictions between our attitudes?
Answer: Cognitive consistency

Question MCQ34 : The act of trying to change our attitudes by others is called
Answer: Persuasion

Question MCQ35 : When an audience is persuaded by the physical beauty of a debater rather than the logic of an argument, it is called
Answer: Heuristic Model

Question MCQ36 : Which of these is not one of MC Guire’s chain of processes?
Answer: If recipient ignores the message

Question MCQ37 : People with moderate self-esteem are
Answer: Easy to Persuade

Question MCQ38 : Selective avoidance is capable of
Answer: Increasing Resistance to Persuasion

Question MCQ39 : One of the following is not a step in the component of prejudice 
Answer: Adjudication

Question MCQ40 : The Theory that explains how we assess our in-group and out-group is called
Answer: Social Identity Theory

Question MCQ41 : Aggression informed by the desire to satisfy some needs is called
Answer: Instrumental Aggression

Question MCQ42 : When a Psychologist says somebody is not “fighting the clock”: it means
Answer: One is not competitive

Question MCQ43 : Which of the following is correct?
Answer: Aggression decreases as temperature rises

Question MCQ44 : The death instinct according Freud is called
Answer: Thanados

Question MCQ45 : The Theory that aggression builds up and must find some outlet to discharge was propounded by:
Answer: Lovenz

Question MCQ46 : The masculine hormone that is present in both male and female is called
Answer: Testosterone

Question MCQ47 : When we are motivated to learn having seen others that were rewarded, it is called
Answer: Vicarious reinforcement

Question MCQ48 : Feeling some other person’s pain is called
Answer: Empathy

Question MCQ49 : Showing concern to other people is an example of
Answer: Pro-social behaviour

Question MCQ50 : Holding similar values with other people encourages
Answer: Helping people

Question FBQ1 : The impression we form about others is mostly influenced by our___________ 
Answer: expectations

Question FBQ2 : When our behaviour towards an individual causes him to meet our expectation, the result is __________________ 
Answer: self-fulfilling prophecy

Question FBQ3 : When we are favourably regarded by others, it is a _______for many positive life outcomes
Answer: prerequisite

Question FBQ4 : For impression management to succeed, we need to take the ____________.  
Answer: roles of others

Question FBQ5 : Ways we appreciate or flatter others can result in favourable responses from them is called ________________________ 
Answer: ingratiation

Question FBQ6 : Self-disclosure refers to how much we are willing to ________________ ourselves to others
Answer: reveal

Question FBQ7 : _______ is how much we can trust someone determines also how much we are likely to disclose. 
Answer: Trust

Question FBQ8 : When we focus on how people behave, we make __________ as observers.
Answer: attributions

Question FBQ9 : ___________describes how stable the actor’s behaviour is across time or situation.
Answer: Consistency

Question FBQ10 : Both the behaviour and the ______________ must be seen and recognised as similar.
Answer: disposition

Question FBQ11 : We can infer that intended behaviour agrees with some underlying disposition by analysing ________________
Answer: uncommon effects

Question FBQ12 : Errors do occur in our interpretation of _____________ behaviours.
Answer: human

Question FBQ13 : ____________ is the tendency to favour one cause over another when explaining some effects. 
Answer: Bias

Question FBQ14 : Cultural studies have revealed that attributional errors may not be _____________. 
Answer: universal

Question FBQ15 : Minority position must be consistent with ____________ trends of events. 
Answer: current

Question FBQ16 : The fear of being ridiculed __________ the minority view resulting in conformity to the group.
Answer: suppresses

Question FBQ17 : It is assumed that unsolicited gift forces the receiver to ____________in line with stated request
Answer: reciprocate

Question FBQ18 : Flattery could backfire of taken as ____________ by others .
Answer: insincere

Question FBQ19 : Door-in-the-face is another way of obtaining ___________ that is almost the opposite of DIF technique  
Answer: compliances

Question FBQ20 : Social roles place certain individuals at advantage in ________
Answer: relationships

Question FBQ21 : Know that power authority figures have the power to command ______________
Answer: blind obedience

Question FBQ22 : Attitudes describe our feelings, thinking and __________
Answer: behaviour

Question FBQ23 : Once people are able to maintain particular attitudes, this can help enhance their feeling of __________
Answer: self-worth

Question FBQ24 : Once an object becomes associated with positive outcomes, the object becomes ____________.  
Answer: highly rated

Question FBQ25 : ____________ is the form of learning where rewards strengthen attitudes and punishments weakens attitude.
Answer: Operant conditioning

Question FBQ26 : _______________is the desire to avoid contradictions between our attitudes and behaviours.
Answer: Cognitive consistency

Question FBQ27 : __________theory suggests that attitude shift within the individual instead of similarities and inferences between people.
Answer: Congruity

Question FBQ28 : Greater shift is likely towards a milder
Answer: attitude

Question FBQ29 : The act of trying to change our attitudes by others is called.
Answer: Persuasion

Question FBQ30 : Advertisers use __________ model to associate their products with such beauty
Answer: attractive

Question FBQ31 : Distraction may make the audience more susceptible to __________ more than having them pay full attention
Answer: persuasion

Question FBQ32 : The ___________ can be easily persuaded compared to the adults.
Answer: young

Question FBQ33 : Keeping a distance without actively inflicting harm is called _____________
Answer: avoidance

Question FBQ34 : Prejudice can be learned just like we learn other ________________.
Answer: attitudes

Question FBQ35 : People with authorization personality are likely to exhibit _____ more.
Answer: prejudice

Question FBQ36 : While prejudice is an attitude, discrimination is a ____________.
Answer: negative behaviour

Question FBQ37 : The word “stereotypes” was coined by __________
Answer: Lippman

Question FBQ38 : No two ______________ are exactly alike, not even identical twins
Answer: people

Question FBQ39 : Assigning someone to a group of people is called _______
Answer: stereotypes

Question FBQ40 : Stereotypes differ from in-groups to _____________
Answer: out-groups

Question FBQ41 : One of the intentions for being aggressive could be to satisfy some needs known as __________.
Answer: instrumental aggression

Question FBQ42 : Aggression can also be natural or ________________
Answer: pathological

Question FBQ43 : Actions are usually depended on our_____________ concerning the exhibited behaviour.
Answer: attributions

Question FBQ44 : Sensation seeking and _____________________ are likely to go together for one who likes taking risk.
Answer: impulsivity

Question FBQ45 : People high in sensation seeking experience _____________ and hostile feelings.
Answer: anger

Question FBQ46 : Chemical changes in the air are likely to result in _________ if inhaled in large quantity.
Answer: aggression

Question FBQ47 : Hotter years are associated with higher rate of __________.
Answer: violent crime

Question FBQ48 : When aggressive energy builds up it must find ______________ to be discharged.
Answer: outlet

Question FBQ49 : A pregnant woman is given _____________ during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage.
Answer: testosterone

Question FBQ50 : Punishment is the delivery of ____ consequences in order to reduce aggression.
Answer: aversive