Question QMC1 : List the elements of the set

Question QMC2 : List the elements of the set

Question QMC3 : The vertical line “  ” in is read as…

Question QMC4 : The set in set – builder form is written as…

Question QMC5 : Which of the following is true of the set

Question QMC6 : The set is …

Question QMC7 : Which of the following sets is not finite?

Question QMC8 : If

Question QMC9 : Let Then

Question QMC10 : Which of the following is true of

Question QMC11 : is a subset of…

Question QMC12 : Two sets A and B are not comparable if and …

Question QMC13 : Which of the following is true of

Question QMC14 : One of the following is not a family of sets

Question QMC15 : The power set of a set M is denoted by…

Question QMC16 : If M has n elements, then the power set of M has ____ elements

Question QMC17 : If A and B have no elements in common, then

Question QMC18 : In human population studies, the universal set consists of …

Question QMC19 : Let and  then E and F are …

Question QMC20 : In an axiomatic development of plane Euclidean geometry, “points” and “lines” are …

Question QMC21 : Two sets A and B are equal if every belongs to B and every belongs to A. This is called …

Question QMC22 : Which word is the odd one out in set notation

Question QMC23 : Which of the following concisely defines the union of A and B?

Question QMC24 : is read as…

Question QMC25 : Which of the following is not true in set operations

Question QMC26 : The difference of A and B may also be defined concisely by A – B = …

Question QMC27 : Let R be the set of real numbers and let Q be the set of rational numbers. Then R – Q consist of the…

Question QMC28 :

Question QMC29 : The set – theoretic product of A and B is denoted by …

Question QMC30 : The notation A/B or represents …

Question QMC31 : Let the universal set be

Question QMC32 : Let the universal set be the set of positive integers and let A be the set of the positive even numbers. Find

Question QMC33 : Given that A = {0, 1} and B = {1, 2, 3}.

Question QMC34 : Find if A = {0, 1} and B = {1, 2, 3}.

Question QMC35 : Find A – B if A = {0, 1} and B = {1, 2, 3}

Question QMC36 : Find if A = {0, 1}

Question QMC37 : Find if A = {0,1}

Question QMC38 : Find if the universal set is {1, 2, 3, 4} and A = {2, 3}.

Question QMC39 : The number of elements in the Power set is

Question QMC40 : If A and B are sets and then

Question QMC41 : The union of the sets {1,2,5} and {1,2,6} is the set ................

Question QMC42 : The intersection of the sets {1,2,5} and {1,2,6} is the set ……………

Question QMC43 : Two sets are called disjoint if their ………….. is empty set.

Question QMC44 : Which of the following two sets are disjoint?

Question QMC45 : The complement of the set A is ………..

Question QMC46 : Individual objects in a set are called …………..

Question QMC47 : Set {x: x is an odd number between 10 and 18}

Question QMC48 : Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {2, 4, 6, 8} and C = {3, 4, 5, 6}. Find

Question QMC49 : Find the equation of the circle centre (2, - 3) and radius 4

Question QMC50 : Find the distance between the points Z1 and Z2, given that and

Question QFB1 : A ______ is any well-defined class of objects
Answer: Set

Question QFB2 : The set is read as ______
Answer: A is the set of numbers x such that x is even

Question QFB3 : Given the equation 9x2 - 16y2 = 44, the intersection on x-axis is _____

Answer: 4

Question QFB4 : A set is ___ if it consist of a specific number of elements
Answer: Finite

Question QFB5 : If in counting the different members of a set, the counting process does not come to an end, then the set is ____
Answer: Infinite

Question QFB6 :
Answer: U

Question QFB7 : If then B is the ____ set
Answer: Empty

Question QFB8 :
Answer: Empty

Question QFB9 : If then there is at least ____ element in A that is not in B
Answer: One

Question QFB10 : The ____ set is considered to be a subset of every set
Answer: Empty

Question QFB11 : _______ is the locus of points equidistant from a fixed point
Answer: Circle

Question QFB12 :
Answer: 7+5i

Question QFB13 : If b2 – 4ac = 0, then the solutions of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c are real and _________
Answer: Equal

Question QFB14 : The common ratio of 2, 6, 18, 54, . . . is _____
Answer: 3

Question QFB15 : The _____ sequence is a sequence in which each term differs by a common difference
Answer: Arithmetic

Question QFB16 : If a set A is finite, then it is necessarily ____
Answer: Bounded

Question QFB17 : (3, 10) is an ____ interval
Answer: Open

Question QFB18 : The intersection of two intervals is also an _____
Answer: Interval

Question QFB19 : implies that where I is an interval 
Answer: I

Question QFB20 : and ______ have identical meaning
Answer: |x|<5

Question QFB21 : If a < b and c < 0, then _____
Answer: |x|

Question QFB22 : The set of complex numbers is a superset of the set of ____ number
Answer: Real

Question QFB23 : The number 0 is itself neither positive nor ____
Answer: Negative

Question QFB24 :
Answer: B–A

Question QFB25 :
Answer: A'

Question QFB26 :
Answer: U

Question QFB27 :
Answer: A

Question QFB28 :
Answer: {0, 1}

Question QFB29 :
Answer: null

Question QFB30 : is the set of ________ numbers
Answer: Rational

Question QFB31 :
Answer: Disjoint

Question QFB32 :
Answer: Proper

Question QFB33 : The members of a family of sets are ____
Answer: Sets

Question QFB34 : In plane geometry, the universal set consists of all the ____ in the plane
Answer: Points

Question QFB35 : Let M = {a, b}, then 2M = 4, the value of M is ___________
Answer: 2

Question QFB36 : A = {1, 3, 7, 8} and B = {2, 4, 7, 9} are not disjoint since ____ is in both sets
Answer: 7

Question QFB37 : In an axiomatic development of a branch of mathematics, one begins with ____
Answer: Undefined terms

Question QFB38 : Two different lines cannot contain more than one point in ___
Answer: Common

Question QFB39 : The _____ set, contains no elements and is a subset of every set
Answer: Null

Question QFB40 : Although physically, it might be impossible to count the number of people on the earth, the set is still _____
Answer: Finite

Question QFB41 : The ____ is the set of all elements which belong to A or to B or to both
Answer: Union

Question QFB42 : ____ is usually read “A union B”
Answer: AUB

Question QFB43 : The union of A and B is sometimes denoted by A + B and is called the set theoretic sum of A and ___________
Answer: B

Question QFB44 : The ______ is the set of elements which are common to A and B
Answer: Intersection

Question QFB45 :
Answer: B

Question QFB46 :
Answer: H

Question QFB47 : The ____________of sets A and B is the set of elements which belong to A but which do not belong to B
Answer: Difference

Question QFB48 : The ____ of a set A is the set of elements that do not belong to A
Answer: Complement

Question QFB49 : E = {2, 4, 6, . . . } is the set of ________
Answer: Even numbers

Question QFB50 : P = {1, 2, 3, . . . } is the set of ________
Answer: Natural numbers