Question MCQ1 : Marketing is a total system of business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want-satisfying goods and services to present and potential customers by Answer: Stanton 1964 Question MCQ2 : ___________ is someone seeking a resource from someone else and willing to offer something of value in exchange Answer: A marketer Question MCQ3 : In the___________, for example, competition may have a very negative influence on the enterprise, lowering the profitability of the enterprise and impacting negatively on wage negotiations with the labour force. Answer: Market environment Question MCQ4 : Those weapons used to inform and persuade the markets, regarding a company’s products. Answer: Promotion Question MCQ5 : Intermediaries are gap between the manufacturer and suppliers Answer: Wholesalers Question MCQ6 : In order to ensure the success of an enterprise, the management must take a careful look at the marketing environment using Answer: SWOT analysis Question MCQ7 : These variables 4Ps are known as controllable Answer: True Question MCQ8 : A product can be described as goods, services, ideas, people, places, and even organisations that are offered for exchange Answer: True Question MCQ9 : Standardised products and services usually of low unit values that consumers wish to buy immediately as needs arise and with little buying efforts Answer: Convenience Product/goods Question MCQ10 : Akanbi (2002) classifies industrial products into four Answer: True Question MCQ11 : The channel of distribution is used to refer to the various intermediaries who help in moving products from the producer to consumers. Answer: True Question MCQ12 : Channels of distribution are the most powerful element among marketing mix elements Answer: Very sure Question MCQ13 : For selling perishable products like bread and milk or vegetable, it is important to have _________ channel of distribution Answer: a short Question MCQ14 : The aim of physical distribution is to manage supply chains and value-added flows from suppliers to ________________ Answer: final users Question MCQ15 : Which of the following is not part of product lifecycle? Answer: Braking stage Question MCQ16 : An introduction of a new product is ________ decision Answer: Not an easy Question MCQ17 : ______________ is defined as the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that the firm blends together to produce the response it wants in the target market Answer: Marketing mix Question MCQ18 : Which of these is not one of the activities of physical distribution? Answer: Promotion Question MCQ19 : Stanton in the year ________ defines a market as people with needs to satisfy, money to spend and willingness to spend it Answer: 1981 Question MCQ20 : Segmentation is a_________ between mass marketing and individual marketing Answer: Midpoint Question MCQ21 : This consists of dividing the market into groups based on variables such as age, gender, family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race and nationality Answer: Demographic Segment Question MCQ22 : A ________ is a word, mark, symbol, device or a combination thereof, used to identify some product or service. Answer: Brand Question MCQ23 : ___________ reports that ‘brand is the name, term, symbol, or design or a combination of these which is employed to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers, and to differentiate them from those of competitors’ Answer: Akanbi Question MCQ24 : __________legal protection as an exclusive use of a particular company Answer: A Trademark Question MCQ25 : Brand management is one of the most important areas of marketing especially with reference to consumer _________ Answer: Product Question MCQ26 : ______________ defines packaging as including the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. Answer: Kotler Question MCQ27 : A label may not be part of a package, or it may be a tag attached indirectly to the product. Answer: False Question MCQ28 : Monopolies are constantly reducing due to the following reasons Answer: All of the options Question MCQ29 : __________ is a market situation characterised by a few sellers, each having an appreciable share in the total output of the commodity. Answer: Oligopoly Question MCQ30 : Customary prices may be maintained even when products are ________ Answer: changed Question MCQ31 : An experimental study in Nigeria showed that more than _________ of the respondents revised their ratings of ready-made shirts after knowing their prices, indicating thereby that price information does have a significant effect on quality perception. Answer: 50 percent Question MCQ32 : Quantity discounts are __________ related to the quantities purchased Answer: Demand Question MCQ33 : The AIDA acronym stands for________ Answer: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action Question MCQ34 : _____________ is a conversation with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making sales. Answer: Oral presentation Question MCQ35 : Communication deals with sharing of ___________________ Answer: Information Question MCQ36 : Advertisements for machinery and machine tools form part of ___________________ Answer: Industry advertising Question MCQ37 : Advertisement of the ones for footwear, cornflakes or edible oil, form _____________________ Answer: Consumer advertising Question MCQ38 : Advertising constitutes one of the four components of a firm’s________, which in turn forms an integral element of the firm’s marketing mix Answer: Promotion mix Question MCQ39 : According to DAGMAR, the communication task of the brand is not to gain (a) awareness, (b) Comprehension, (c) Conviction, (d) Image and, (e) Action Answer: False Question MCQ40 : Publicity, which is essentially aimed at building position image, goodwill or favourable visibility, has acquired a sound footing to assist a company in its marketing ______________ Answer: efforts Question MCQ41 : Advertising is an impersonal mass selling and communication _______ Answer: Method Question MCQ42 : Personal selling is defined as ‘___________ in a conversation with or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making sales’ Answer: Oral presentation Question MCQ43 : Promotion is an important marketing function of each ________ Answer: Firm Question MCQ44 : __________ defined Marketing research as the systematic, objective and exhaustive search for and study of the facts relevant to any problem in the field of marketing. Answer: Crisp Question MCQ45 : The purpose of marketing research is that it helps to increase the risk associated with the process of decision-making. Answer: False Question MCQ46 : Which period was science regarded as a body of systematised knowledge? Answer: 1950's-1960's Question MCQ47 : In the ___________, Ford Motor Company in the USA had a 25 per cent share of the automobile market Answer: Mid-1950’s Question MCQ48 : Marketing is concerned with identifying and fulfilling customer _______ and wants Answer: Needs Question MCQ49 : __________ as a tool for decision-making is gaining wide acceptance Answer: Marketing Research Question MCQ50 : In deciding on the sampling size, you have to make a trade-off between the desired accuracy of the results and your ______________ Answer: Budget Question FBQ1 : Marketing is a social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and ------------ and value with others (Kotler, 1984). Answer: Exchanging products Question FBQ2 : The most basic concept underlying marketing is that of ________ Answer: human needs Question FBQ3 : People have almost ________ but limited resources Answer: unlimited wants Question FBQ4 : People normally satisfy their wants and needs with ____ offered in the market Answer: Products Question FBQ5 : Specifically, _______ can be defined as an object, service, activity, person, place, organisation or idea. Answer: A product Question FBQ6 : _______ takes place when people decide to satisfy needs and wants through exchange Answer: Marketing Question FBQ7 : ­­­___________ is therefore the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return Answer: Exchange Question FBQ8 : _______________ is a process of creating, maintaining and enhancing strong value-laden relationships with customers and other stockholders. Answer: Relationship marketing Question FBQ9 : _______________ is a business philosophy that states what the consumers want – satisfaction - is the economic and social justification for a firm’s existence. Answer: Marketing concept Question FBQ10 : The year when the marketing department became well known and so much important in the U. S. A Answer: 1960’s Question FBQ11 : Product planning starts with ________ , idea screening and development of a prototype product Answer: Idea generation Question FBQ12 : The marketing environment consists of three components, also called sub-environments, which are known as the micro-environment____________ and macro-environment Answer: Market environment Question FBQ13 : The micro-environment of an enterprise refers to all the activities that are executed by that ____________ Answer: Enterprise Question FBQ14 : Managing the product entails __________ the right products and/or services to be marketed by the company’s executives Answer: Planning and developing Question FBQ15 : The variables in micro –environments are product, price, promotion and ___________________ Answer: Distribution Question FBQ16 : The key variables in the market environment are ____________ , competitors, intermediaries and suppliers Answer: Consumers Question FBQ17 : What do SWOT analysis stand for Answer: Strengths and Weaknesses of Opportunities for and Threats to the Enterprise Question FBQ18 : Businesses are set up to produce products or goods and _____________ Answer: services Question FBQ19 : Services are ____________ that can provide value and satisfaction and are also classified as products Answer: Intangible items Question FBQ20 : ________________ can be described as goods, services, ideas, people, places, and even organisations that are offered for exchange Answer: A Product Question FBQ21 : Stanton, ________ defines a product as a set of tangible and intangible attributes including packaging, colour, price, manufacturer’s prestige, retailer’s prestige, and manufacturer’s and retailer’s services, which the buyer may accept as offering want-satisfaction Answer: 1981 Question FBQ22 : Products are classified into two types namely: consumer products and ______________ Answer: Industrial products Question FBQ23 : _________________ are generally subject to greater standardization, as against certain consumer products which require frequent changes in fashion and style Answer: Industrial products Question FBQ24 : The term ______________ is used to refer to the various intermediaries who help in moving products from the producer to consumers. Answer: Channel of distribution Question FBQ25 : Distribution is the all-important link between a manufacturer and his ______________ Answer: Customers Question FBQ26 : ______________ is defined as a middleman who sells mainly to the ultimate consumer Answer: A retailer Question FBQ27 : At the introductory stage, we have to increase and thus spend a lot on physical distribution and ____________ Answer: Promotion Question FBQ28 : ___________ is defined as the amount of money that consumers must pay in exchange for the product, service or idea Answer: Price Question FBQ29 : _____________is a midpoint between mass marketing and individual marketing Answer: Segmentation Question FBQ30 : ______________ calls for dividing the market into different geographical units such as nations, states, regions, countries, cities or neighbourhoods Answer: Geographical segmentation Question FBQ31 : ________________ consists of dividing the market into groups based on variables such as age, gender, family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race and nationality. Answer: Demographic Segmentation Question FBQ32 : The factors that influences how company select their segment include Company thrust, size and growth potential, investment needed, profitability, risk and ____________ Answer: Competition Question FBQ33 : ______________ is a word, mark, symbol, device or a combination thereof, used to identify some product or service Answer: A brand Question FBQ34 : Kotler (1997:458) defines packaging as including the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. True/False Answer: True Question FBQ35 : _____________ is a market situation characterised by a few sellers, each having an appreciable share in the total output of the commodity Answer: Oligopoly Question FBQ36 : A broker brings buyers and sellers together and assists in negotiation. True or False______ Answer: True Question FBQ37 : Product development involves careful planning and implementation. True or False______ Answer: True Question FBQ38 : _____________ are relatively small stores that are located near residential areas. Answer: Convenience store Question FBQ39 : A poorly designed product may experience a slow take. True or False_____________ Answer: True Question FBQ40 : In the ____________ stage promotional efforts would have to be increased to try and sustain the sales. Answer: Maturity Question FBQ41 : At the _______, we have to increase and thus spend a lot on physical distribution and promotion to create awareness and enhance sales. Answer: Introductory stage Question FBQ42 : Product include only goods and not services. True or False___________ Answer: False Question FBQ43 : _______the amount of money that consumers must pay in exchange for the product, service or idea. Answer: Price Question FBQ44 : Distribution is made up of __________components. Answer: Two Question FBQ45 : The objective of physical distribution is to move goods to consumers at _____________ cost. Answer: Minimum Question FBQ46 : _______ is the process of dividing the consumers in a given economy into target markets. Answer: Market segmentation Question FBQ47 : Market segmentation is a ___________ philosophy Answer: customer-oriented Question FBQ48 : _______________ is the last link and the most important intermediary in the chain of distribution. Answer: Retailer Question FBQ49 : Retail business originated through the use of ________ engaged in house to house sales. Answer: peddlers Question FBQ50 : ___________ carry a narrow product line with a deep assortment with limited line. Answer: Specialty store