Question FBQ1 : Broadcasting is an entirely _______means of communication
Answer: Electronic

Question FBQ2 : broadcasting it uses electronic technology to_______, distribute and decode messages
Answer: Encode

Question FBQ3 : ___ the transmission of television and sometimes radio signals directly into the home by means of coaxial cable
Answer: cable-casting

Question FBQ4 : _______the transmission of special interest programmes to much smaller audience
Answer: Narrowcasting

Question FBQ5 : Radio is a medium for sending and receiving messages through the air using ______waves
Answer: Electronic

Question FBQ6 : _______ sound to explain the visuals presented on the screen. It addresses the emotion and intellect in a remarkable way
Answer: Television

Question FBQ7 : Broadcasting started in Nigeria in the year
Answer: 1932

Question FBQ8 : What year was the Radio distribution service (rediffusion) was commissioned in Lagos ?
Answer: 1935

Question FBQ9 : Sir John Stuart Macpherson commissioned the Nigerian Broadcasting _______ 
Answer: Services

Question FBQ10 : Deregulation of the media in Nigeria began in the year_______
Answer: 1992

Question FBQ11 : ______is any means by which a thought is transferred from one person to another
Answer: Communication

Question FBQ12 : NBS transformed to Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation an act of parliament on April 1, ______
Answer: 1957

Question FBQ13 : Many variables are involved, and therefore account for communication being regarded as a _______ 
Answer: Process

Question FBQ14 : The process of communication always involves the sender, the message/information, the _______ and the receiver
Answer: Medium

Question FBQ15 : Communication as a process involving many interrelated parts, all the parts are expected to ______harmoniously for the purpose of communication to be achieved
Answer: Work

Question FBQ16 : ______ is a technical term that refers to the person who initiates the exchange of idea/information
Answer: Sender

Question FBQ17 : In communication the sender must always use the basic skills in speaking and writing interpreted as the ______principle
Answer: KISS

Question FBQ18 : In communication process the attitude of understanding by the sender can serve as a motivating factor to the _______
Answer: Receiver

Question FBQ19 : The adoption of the formative _______ procedure will provide a sender the needed feedback on the receiver’s performance
Answer: Evaluation

Question FBQ20 : _________the receiver on specific points during presentation is one way find out whether the communication process is effective or not
Answer: Questioning

Question FBQ21 : The decoder is the sender of the message. True or false _________?
Answer: False

Question FBQ22 : For effective communication to take place, the decoder should be informed. True or False ___________?
Answer: False

Question FBQ23 : Anything that carries the message to the receiver is a _______
Answer: Channel

Question FBQ24 : ________in communication is a technical term for all forms of obstacles which conspire to reduce the fidelity of communication
Answer: Noise

Question FBQ25 : ________ Noise is form of disturbances to the communication process arising from health on the part of the sender and/or the receiver is referred to as the physiological noise
Answer: Physiological

Question FBQ26 : Any unfavourable state of the mind of the sender and/or the receiver is known as _______ noise
Answer: Psychological

Question FBQ27 : Poor preparation sources of communication noise especially on the part of the Sender. True or False ____________
Answer: True

Question FBQ28 : Insensitivity to the receiver and a host of others is not a source of noise. True or false
Answer: False

Question FBQ29 : When a word is mispronounced or misused is known as ___ noise
Answer: Semantic

Question FBQ30 : _______ is a technical term which refers to the available facts collected to determine the effectiveness or otherwise of the interaction between the sender and the receiver during communication process
Answer: Feedback

Question FBQ31 : Educational media can be grouped according to the senses they stimulate. True or False _____________
Answer: True

Question FBQ32 : Media in education provides a common framework of _______experience
Answer: Learning

Question FBQ33 : In presentation the ability to pronounce words distinctly and clearly is known as _______
Answer: Diction

Question FBQ34 : Clarity of meaning is the essence of good ______ in every presentation
Answer: Diction

Question FBQ35 : As much as possible, tribal or foreign accents should be avoided in broadcasting. True or False __________
Answer: True

Question MCQ1 : When wrong ______of communication is used, communication will be impaired
Answer: channel

Question MCQ2 : ______ is one of the ways of setting the right mood during presentation 
Answer: Use a Song

Question MCQ3 : The ability of the presenter to make frequent ______with the camera lens in television or a mental delivery of aural contact through the choice of words in radio can achieve the desired effect
Answer: eye contact

Question MCQ4 : ________ is when a presenter strive to know very much about the area of discuss
Answer: Competence

Question MCQ5 : ______ presenter should cultivate an acceptable
behaviour that makes him loveable any time his voice is heard over the
radio or his face is seen on the screen
Answer: Charisma

Question MCQ6 : A good presenter ______audience and influences individual and group
activity either by viewing television or listening to the radio
Answer: directs

Question MCQ7 : ________of presentation are those things that the presenter has to acquire, possess and exhibit in the performance of his or her job so that he or she would be accepted and believed by the audience.
Answer: Principles

Question MCQ8 : _________as the transmission of education programmes through radio waves from a television or radio station or any other broadcast device, to the audience in far and near places
Answer: educational broadcasting

Question MCQ9 : ________ broadcasting, that is, programming geared towards providinggeneral information and informal education largely addressed to adults.
Answer: Extensive educational

Question MCQ10 : ________Educational Broadcasting is a process of harnessing television to the formal educational system
Answer: Intensive

Question MCQ11 : The first major breakthrough in educational broadcasting was the establishment of (NETC)
Answer: National Educational Technology Centre (NETC)

Question MCQ12 : The NETC was established in
Answer: 1984

Question MCQ13 :

In Educational broadcasting, radio has the teaching qualities of

_______ is when radio brings dramatic feelings into the
classroom and can carry to the listener
  Answers Hints/Feedback Grade
  Involvement   0
  Enjoyment   0
  Emotional Impact   100
  Direction   0

Answer: Realism

Question MCQ14 : _______ is when radio brings dramatic feelings into the
classroom and can carry to the listener
Answer: Emotional Impact

Question MCQ15 : _________ is when radio brings into classrooms expertise and authority in
subject matters 
Answer: Authenticity

Question MCQ16 : ____ is not a category of Educational broadcasting
Answer: Children in Urban Communities

Question MCQ17 : One of the Importance of Educational Broadcasting for Children is that it __ 
Answer: helps in the Childs Phonic education

Question MCQ18 : Educational broadcasting for children facilitates _____ experience
Answer: Learning

Question MCQ19 : ________ means the various ways through which education can appear on television for children
Answer: methods

Question MCQ20 : ________ one of the challenges of Broadcasting to Children
Answer: Audience analysis

Question MCQ21 : Experience-infused teaching is one of the ______ of Educational Broadcasting for the Adult Learners
Answer: challenges

Question MCQ22 : ____ is a method where a presenter introduces a particular topic which is then discussed by the audience
Answer: Talk-show

Question MCQ23 : In educational broadcasting ____ is one of the methods of reaching the Urban Communities Educationally
Answer: Drama

Question MCQ24 : The radio documentary makes use of _______ to make the documentary interesting to the listeners
Answer: embellishments

Question MCQ25 : In radio documentary, the musical breaks are used to address the issue of too much of _______ 
Answer: talking

Question MCQ26 : _____ documentary about the life and times of nation’s heroes, their achievements, frustrations, their thought processes and the lives they affected they were alive
Answer: None of the option

Question MCQ27 : A documentary on marine engineering falls under the category of _____
Answer: Scientific documentary

Question MCQ28 : ______ is not one of th the classification of documentary
Answer: docu-dram documentary

Question MCQ29 : The most conventional way to estimate the rural broadcasting systemsrelative stage of development is a _____expressed as the average number of rural receivers available for every thousand persons in the are
Answer: receiver-to-population ratio

Question MCQ30 : ______ is a strategy for radio broadcasting through which broadcast is directed to an unorganised audience
Answer: Open broadcasting

Question MCQ31 : _________ strategy in broadcasting is used to teach
practical skills, cooperative and civic responsibility to rural communities
Answer: Radio study groups

Question MCQ32 : Radio rural forum is the broadcast strategy which makes use of radio with ______ and _____for rural groups 
Answer: discussion and decision

Question MCQ33 : The basic aim of __________strategy inn broadcasting is to offer fundamental, integral education which goes beyond mere reading, writing and cognitive skills andtries to change the passive and dependent attitude of the rural man
Answer: Radio schools

Question MCQ34 : Teaching Methods mean approaches to effective teaching that are______ for an audience at a particular time for a particular purpose only to achieve the desired end
Answer: appropriate

Question MCQ35 : One of the advantages of _______ method of teaching is that cheap to operate as no special apparatus is needed
Answer: Lecture

Question MCQ1 : When wrong ______of communication is used, communication will be impaired
Answer: channel

Question MCQ2 : ______ is one of the ways of setting the right mood during presentation 
Answer: Use a Song

Question MCQ3 : The ability of the presenter to make frequent ______with the camera lens in television or a mental delivery of aural contact through the choice of words in radio can achieve the desired effect
Answer: eye contact

Question MCQ4 : ________ is when a presenter strive to know very much about the area of discuss
Answer: Competence

Question MCQ5 : ______ presenter should cultivate an acceptable behaviour that makes him loveable any time his voice is heard over the radio or his face is seen on the screen
Answer: Charisma

Question MCQ6 : A good presenter ______audience and influences individual and group activity either by viewing television or listening to the radio
Answer: directs

Question MCQ7 : ________of presentation are those things that the presenter has to acquire, possess and exhibit in the performance of his or her job so that he or she would be accepted and believed by the audience.
Answer: Principles

Question MCQ8 : _________as the transmission of education programmes through radio waves from a television or radio station or any other broadcast device, to the audience in far and near places
Answer: educational broadcasting

Question MCQ9 : ________ broadcasting, that is, programming geared towards providinggeneral information and informal education largely addressed to adults.
Answer: Extensive educational

Question MCQ10 : ________Educational Broadcasting is a process of harnessing television to the formal educational system
Answer: Intensive

Question MCQ11 : The first major breakthrough in educational broadcasting was the establishment of (NETC)
Answer: National Educational Technology Centre (NETC)

Question MCQ12 : The NETC was established in
Answer: 1984

Question MCQ13 : In Educational broadcasting, radio has the teaching qualities of
Answer: Realism

Question MCQ14 : _______ is when radio brings dramatic feelings into the classroom and can carry to the listener
Answer: Emotional Impact

Question MCQ15 : _________ is when radio brings into classrooms expertise and authority insubject matters
Answer: Authenticity

Question MCQ16 : ____ is not a category of Educational broadcasting
Answer: Children in Urban Communities

Question MCQ17 : One of the Importance of Educational Broadcasting for Children is that it __ 
Answer: helps in the Childs Phonic education

Question MCQ18 : Educational broadcasting for children facilitates _____ experience
Answer: Learning

Question MCQ19 : ________ means the various ways through which education can appear on television for children
Answer: methods

Question MCQ20 : ________ one of the challenges of Broadcasting to Children
Answer: Audience analysis

Question MCQ21 : Experience-infused teaching is one of the ______ of Educational Broadcasting for the Adult Learners
Answer: challenges

Question MCQ22 : ____ is a method where a presenter introduces a particular topic which is then discussed by the audience
Answer: Talk-show

Question MCQ23 : In educational broadcasting ____ is one of the methods of reaching the Urban Communities Educationally
Answer: Drama

Question MCQ24 : The radio documentary makes use of _______ to make the documentary interesting to the listeners
Answer: embellishments

Question MCQ25 : In radio documentary, the musical breaks are used to address the issue of too much of _______

Answer: talking

Question MCQ26 : _____ documentary about the life and times of nation’s heroes, their achievements, frustrations, their thought processes and the lives they affected they were alive
Answer: None of the option

Question MCQ27 : A documentary on marine engineering falls under the category of _____
Answer: Scientific documentary

Question MCQ28 : ______ is not one of th the classification of documentary
Answer: docu-dram documentary

Question MCQ29 : The most conventional way to estimate the rural broadcasting systemsrelative stage of development is a _____expressed as the average number of rural receivers available for every thousand persons in the are
Answer: receiver-to-population ratio

Question MCQ30 : ______ is a strategy for radio broadcasting through which broadcast is directed to an unorganised audience
Answer: Open broadcasting

Question MCQ31 : _________ strategy in broadcasting is used to teach practical skills, cooperative and civic responsibility to rural communities
Answer: Radio study groups

Question MCQ32 : Radio rural forum is the broadcast strategy which makes use of radio with ______ and _____for rural groups 
Answer: discussion and decision

Question MCQ33 : The basic aim of __________strategy inn broadcasting is to offer fundamental, integral education which goes beyond mere reading, writing and cognitive skills and tries to change the passive and dependent attitude of the rural man
Answer: Radio schools

Question MCQ34 : Teaching Methods mean approaches to effective teaching that are______ for an audience at a particular time for a particular purpose only to achieve the desired end
Answer: appropriate

Question MCQ35 : One of the advantages of _______ method of teaching is that cheap to operate as no special apparatus is needed
Answer: Lecture