Question MCQ1 : Ohaja (2009) posits that magazine like newspapers meet the ________ purpose of communication for their readers Answer: Four –fold Question MCQ2 : According to Anaeto et al (2009), there are _________ broad classifications of magazines Answer: Three Question MCQ3 : __________ magazines are targeted at the general public Answer: Consumer Question MCQ4 : Daramola (2003) describes _________ magazines as specialized magazines Answer: Professional Question MCQ5 : __________ magazines are called in-house publications Answer: Company Question MCQ6 : ___________ magazines deal with different issues that cut across people Answer: General interest Question MCQ7 : The magazines that carry news and significant issues and events are ________ magazines Answer: News Question MCQ8 : Ohaja (2004) avers that there are ________ requirements that a magazine article should meet to be classified as a good writing Answer: Two Question MCQ9 : According to Ebele (2003) the first quality of any good writing is _________ Answer: Economy Question MCQ10 : The figure of speech that compares one thing to another is called ___________ Answer: Simile Question MCQ11 : The figure of speech that compares one thing to another without the use of “like” or “äs” is ___________ Answer: Metaphor Question MCQ12 : The figure of speech that exaggerates an idea to stress a point is ___________ Answer: Hyperbole Question MCQ13 : __________ portrays ideas, inanimate objects or animals as having human qualities or abilities Answer: Personification Question MCQ14 : _________ things make a piece of writing elegant Answer: Four Question MCQ15 : Words or phrases that are so old and over used are ________ Answer: Cliches Question MCQ16 : __________ indicates the end of a declarative sentence Answer: Full stop Question MCQ17 : A _________ sentence is one that is neither a question, a command or an exclamation Answer: Declarative Question MCQ18 : ____________ separates elements in dates, addresses and places Answer: Comma Question MCQ19 : Which punctuation mark is appropriate between place and publishers in a bibliography Answer: Colon Question MCQ20 : The apostrophe has __________ main uses Answer: Three Question MCQ21 : The apostrophe has __________ main uses Answer: Dash Question MCQ22 : The apostrophe has __________ main usesMCQ21 Answer: Three Question MCQ23 : Hyphen serves _________ main purposes Answer: Two Question MCQ24 : __________ is used to show a sudden shift in thought Answer: Dash Question MCQ25 : Use ________ to break a word at the end of a line Answer: Hyphen Question MCQ26 : Affect” means “influence” while effect means __________ Answer: Cause Question MCQ27 : Complementary means ‘matching’ while ‘complimentary’ is __________ Answer: Free Question MCQ28 : The contents of __________ magazines are mainly pictures of events of all kinds Answer: Picture Question MCQ29 : Areoye (2008) avers that there are _________ standard magazine sizes Answer: Three Question MCQ30 : The following are magazines sizes except ___________ Answer: Portrait Question MCQ31 : _________ size magazine are very big and wide Answer: Life size Question MCQ32 : ________ types of magazines were outlined in the study material Answer: Twelve Question MCQ33 : _________ is a report beyond straight news Answer: In-depth Question MCQ34 : __________ focuses on analyzing a particular aspect of the total situation Answer: News analysis Question MCQ35 : __________ concentrates on issues, problems or controversy Answer: Interpretative report Question MCQ36 : __________ reporting is concerned with uncovering hidden or suppressed facts behind a news event Answer: Investigative Question MCQ37 : _______ is the position of the magazine or newspaper on any given issue Answer: Editorial Question MCQ38 : The special kind of opinion article that appears regularly reflecting the opinion of the writer is _____________ Answer: Columns Question MCQ39 : __________ is basically, a sales message Answer: Advertisement Question MCQ40 : __________ concentrates on issues, problems or controversy Answer: News analysis Question MCQ41 : The time and location in which a story takes place is Answer: Setting Question MCQ42 : There are ________ essential parts of plot Answer: Five Question MCQ43 : There are ________ types of conflict Answer: Two Question MCQ44 : Professionally, ________ is the process of recording events in pictorial form Answer: Photography Question MCQ45 : Pictures can be classified into __________ forms Answer: Three Question MCQ46 : ________ is when pictures are representative of objects Answer: Representation Question MCQ47 : Picture can be a form of ________ through which we communicate happenings, events and others Answer: Expression Question MCQ48 : Basically, pictures perform ___________ functions Answer: Six Question MCQ49 : Osho (2007) outlined ____________ types of photographs Answer: Eight Question MCQ50 : A period lacking in news stories is referred to as ____________ Answer: Dry Question QFB1 : Pictures that tell stories are _______ Pictures Answer: Action Question QFB2 : ___________ pictures are not arranged Answer: Informal Question QFB3 : ___________ are arranged pictures Answer: Formal pictures Question QFB4 : Pictures that are quarrelsome in nature are ___________________ Answer: Spontaneous Action pictures Question QFB5 : ____________ pictures are meant to entertain readers in a newspaper or magazine Answer: Dramatic Question QFB6 : _____________ refers to a story told primarily through a series of photographs with captions of current events Answer: Photorama Question QFB7 : ________ is the account of an event through picture Answer: Photo Journalism Question QFB8 : Always ________ your caption to avoid confusion as to whether it is a recent or past picture Answer: Date Question QFB9 : The first step in picture editing is _____________ Answer: Cropping Question QFB10 : The process of enlarging or reducing a photograph so that it will fit a desired space on the newspaper or magazine page is ______________ Answer: Scaling and Sizing Question QFB11 : _________ means blowing, printing or running the picture off the edge of the page of the magazine Answer: Bleeding Question QFB12 : _______________ is a repository of knowledge Answer: Library Question QFB13 : __________ means cutting pictures for negative effect of the subject to excite attention Answer: Slicing Question QFB14 : The process of improving artwork especially photographs is ______________ Answer: Retouching Question QFB15 : __________ is the changing of a direction of a picture Answer: Flopping Question QFB16 : According to Okoye (2006), interviews can be conducted in _________ ways Answer: Three Question QFB17 : A good feature writer will develop his own distinctive writing _________ Answer: Style Question QFB18 : ___________ news is not always hot or fresh news Answer: Feature Question QFB19 : __________ simply means closeness in space and time Answer: Proximity Question QFB20 : News stories are generally written with a tight __________ Answer: Deadline Question QFB21 : There are __________ major kinds of feature as outlined in the study material Answer: Six Question QFB22 : __________ has the advantage of focusing on the areas not usually covered or under covered by straight news Answer: Feature Question QFB23 : A good feature writer must unavoidably love the art of _______ Answer: Writing Question QFB24 : The account of a trip to a place of interest is ____________ Answer: Travelogue Question QFB25 : A _____________ is a periodical publication containing contributions by various writers Answer: Magazine Question QFB26 : The English word magazine originally denoted a ______________ Answer: Storehouse Question QFB27 : Drum magazine was established in the year ________________ Answer: 1960 Question QFB28 : Spear magazine was established in the year ______________ Answer: 1962 Question QFB29 : In the mid 1980s, _____________ magazine pioneered investigative Journalism Answer: Newswatch Question QFB30 : ____________ report usually focuses on why? Answer: Interpretative Question QFB31 : ____________ is the position of the magazine on any given issue Answer: Editorial Question QFB32 : The type of cartoons that comments on an issue, personality or current news event is ____________ Answer: Editorial cartoon Question QFB33 : Figurative language according to Obiaku (1999) communicates by _____________ Answer: Analogy Question QFB34 : The figure of speech that is reflected here: “the student is as proud as a peacock” is ______________________ Answer: Simile Question QFB35 : The figure of speech that compares one thing to another without ‘like or as’ is _______________ Answer: Metaphor Question QFB36 : The figure of speech used in this sentence; “that city is not just far but next to heaven” Answer: Hyperbole Question QFB37 : Four things make a piece of writing elegant. True or false ______________ Answer: True Question QFB38 : A ____________ is used to mark an accepted abbreviation Answer: Full stop Question QFB39 : The __________ is the most common mark of punctuation Answer: Question QFB40 : Use the _________ to introduce clarifying details Answer: Colon Question QFB41 : The apostrophe has ________ main uses Answer: Three Question QFB42 : A struggle with a force outside one’s self is _______________ struggle Answer: External Question QFB43 : __________ struggle is a struggle within one’s self Answer: Internal Question QFB44 : The angle from which the story is told is ________________ of view Answer: Point Question QFB45 : There are _______________ kinds of conflict in a work of fiction Answer: Four Question QFB46 : Apart from book review, ___________ other items can be reviewed Answer: Three Question QFB47 : ____________ are the beauty of a magazine Answer: Pictures Question QFB48 : Photo journalists are expected to take ___________ pictures that communicate even without caption Answer: Action Question QFB49 : Pictures taken as a situation warrants are ___________ pictures Answer: Informal Question QFB50 : Magazine generate revenue for the owner(s) mainly from ___________ Answer: Advertisement