Question FBQ1 : ________is the opposite of encoding. Answer: Decoding Question FBQ2 : We must ___________ meaning, to communicate. Answer: Share Question FBQ3 : Persuasion allows us to _______ people and sell our views to them. Answer: Influence Question FBQ4 : Linkage theory says children can hardly differentiate between ____and reality. Answer: Fantasy Question FBQ5 : The Catharsis Theory is also known as the ______Theory. Answer: Sublimation Question FBQ6 : The decoder is also known as the ________ of the message. Answer: Receiver Question FBQ7 : The ____ Theory states that people seek out and remember information that provides cognitive support for their pre-existing attitudes and beliefs. Answer: Reinforcement Question FBQ8 : The Priming Theory focuses on ___ effects. Answer: Media Question FBQ9 : ____influence the perception of the news on the audience; this form of agenda-setting not only tells what to think about, but also how to think about it. Answer: Frames Question FBQ10 : The ______ Theory states that Western nations dominate the media around the world which in return has a powerful effect on Third World Cultures by imposing on them Western views and therefore destroying their native cultures. Answer: Cultural Imperialism Question FBQ11 : The______ Theories are mass communication theories which view the influence of mass media messages on individuals as limited or even trivial. Answer: Limited Effects Question FBQ12 : The _______Theory suggests that people develop their own attitudes, opinions, and other internal states partly by observing their behaviour and concluding what attitudes that must have caused them. Answer: Self-Perception Question FBQ13 : The _____Theory focuses on media regulation of information flow. Answer: Gate Keeping Question FBQ14 : The_____ Category Theory focuses on reaction against the powerful effects of the media. Answer: Social Question FBQ15 : Mass communication media have the capability to influence people to think based on the media concepts that have been presented to them. This is the _________Theory. Answer: Priming Question FBQ16 : Giving out a message with too much information is known as _______. Answer: information overload Question FBQ17 : Social learning is also called ____ learning. Answer: Observational Question FBQ18 : The term “gate keeping” was coined by____. Answer: Kurt Lewin Question FBQ19 : The Powerful Effects theories of mass communication believe that______ is the main effect of the mass media. Answer: Persuasion Question FBQ20 : The ______theory states that mediated propaganda conditioned the audience slowly over time. Answer: Propaganda Question FBQ21 : The____ Theory assumes that mass media had a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audiences. The theory likens the message to a bullet, fired from the "media gun "into the viewer's "head" with a powerful effect on the audience. Answer: Hypodermic Needle Question FBQ22 : _____Theory in media pertains to how learning can be facilitated by mere observation of what is being presented through the media. Answer: Social Learning Question FBQ23 : ________ Theory of Public Opinion Formation assumes that everything the audience knows about their world is from the media, thus making the mass media public opinion formation. Answer: Lippmann’s Question FBQ24 : In 1973_____developed a theory which assumes that humans do not have the free will to choose how they feel, act, think, and live. They react to what they see on TV because there is nothing else to compare it to besides their own lives, usually portrayed as less than what it should be. Answer: Herb Schiller Question FBQ25 : ____ Theory assumes that people of the same social category will respond to the mass communication message in more or less uniform ways. Answer: Social Category Question FBQ26 : The ___________ theory asserts that information from the media moves in two distinct stages. Answer: Two-Step Flow Question FBQ27 : Things that get in the way of message transmission are sometimes called____. Answer: Noise Question FBQ28 : Communication helps us create communities. True or False? ______________? Answer: True Question FBQ29 : The ____Theory assumes that people’s reaction to mass media messages is modified by their informal social relationships with significant others like relations, friends, social groups etc. Answer: Social Relationship Question FBQ30 : Once a message is sent, it cannot be withdrawn; therefore communication is _________. Answer: Irrevocable Question FBQ31 : The _____ Theory focuses on the explanation of behavioural patterns. The theory explains how people acquire and maintain certain behavioural patterns, while also providing the basis for intervention strategies. Answer: Social Cognitive Question FBQ32 : The basic assumption of Normative theories is that the media tend to assume the form and coloration of the __________ in which it operates. Answer: Society Question FBQ33 : The effect of communication could be transient or____. Answer: Permanent Question FBQ34 : Who controls communication? The source or the receiver? _________ Answer: The source Question FBQ35 : Communication is ____, so it occurs in many forms and at different levels. Answer: Complex Question FBQ36 : A man who communicates with himself is engaged in ___ communication. Answer: Intrapersonal Question FBQ37 : In content analysis, what do we analyse, the source, the medium, the message or the receiver? __________________ Answer: The message Question FBQ38 : According to the _______ theory, the mass media mirror society but the mirror they present is an ambiguous one. The mass media reflect society as an organised group, while the audience members project their own individual reflections into the images presented. Answer: reflective projective Question FBQ39 : The Two-step Flow Theory was first introduced by ______, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet Answer: Paul Lazarsfeld Question FBQ40 : Communication is evolving. It improves with time, experience and age. Therefore it is ________________. Answer: Dynamic Question FBQ41 : The electronic media comprises all the mass media which rely on _________to get their messages to their audiences. Answer: Electric power Question FBQ42 : Communication follows a specific process starting from the source, through the channel to the receiver and then the feedback. This shows that it is ____. Answer: Systematic Question FBQ43 : William Stephenson, a British psychologist in propounding the ___ theory explains that people use mass communication more as play than as work, more for pleasure and entertainment than for information and improvement. Answer: Play Question FBQ44 : The____theory focuses on awareness of an interaction partner. The theory measures communication media based on the degree of awareness of the other person in a communication interaction. Answer: Social Presence Question FBQ45 : According to Rogers, apart from the mass media,____ also influence the adoption of innovations. Answer: opinion leaders Question FBQ46 : Time is a determinant of the context of communication. True or False ? ____. Answer: True Question FBQ47 : The purpose of the ___Theory is to explain and determine what variables should be taken into consideration when trying to figure out why people act out aggressively or a direct or indirect consequence of mass mediated violence. Answer: Aggressive Cue Question FBQ48 : Communication provides satisfaction to the communicator; therefore it is _____. Answer: Consummatory Question FBQ49 : The effect of communication could be iimmediate, delayed or _____. Answer: Intermittent Question FBQ50 : Communication gives life meaning, it comes and ends with a person’s life. This tells us that communication is ____. Answer: Continuous Question MCQ1 : Which is correct? Answer: Mass communication is more complex than interpersonal communication Question MCQ2 : The____ drives communication and without it there will be no communication. Answer: message Question MCQ3 : ____communication involves conversation with friends, peers, gossiping, etc. Answer: Informal Question MCQ4 : Communication can be intentional or unintentional._____. Answer: True Question MCQ5 : One can withdraw a message after sending it. Answer: False Question MCQ6 : If you don’t like someone, for example, you may have trouble “hearing” them.That is ____ interference. Answer: emotional Question MCQ7 : Communication occurs in many forms and at different levels. This shows that communication is ____. Answer: complex Question MCQ8 : _____communication refers to communication between different institutions in the society. Answer: Institutional Question MCQ9 : The effectiveness of communication is assessed through ____. Answer: feedback Question MCQ10 : Communication through tone, pitch, is ______ Answer: paralinguistics Question MCQ11 : The context in which communication takes place can affect the entire process.___. Answer: True Question MCQ12 : Communication follows a specific process; this shows that it is____. Answer: Systematic Question MCQ13 : A long communication chain could constitute a barrier to communication. True or False? ____ Answer: True Question MCQ14 : In content analysis we can investigate _____. Answer: videos Question MCQ15 : Communication provides satisfaction to the communicator. This shows that it is ____ Answer: consummatory Question MCQ16 : ____ is a person's inner response to a message. Answer: Meaning Question MCQ17 : The purpose of any communication, more often than not, is in the mind of the ___. Answer: source Question MCQ18 : When the message of communication does not spur an immediate reaction on the receivers of the message, then the effect of communication is _____. Answer: delayed Question MCQ19 : The lack of ____ can constitute a barrier to communication. Answer: provision for feedback Question MCQ20 : If we want to know what makes a particular medium more potent than another, then we will conduct a____. Answer: media analysis Question MCQ21 : Which is correct? Answer: Communication will not take place if the message is not received. Question MCQ22 : When the effect of communication is short-lived, it said to be ____. Answer: transient Question MCQ23 : A lecture in a lecture hall is _____ communication. Answer: group Question MCQ24 : _____communication is the communication among people of common interest and perhaps, of the same social background. Answer: Public Question MCQ25 : ____ renders communication ineffective. Answer: Noise Question MCQ26 : Which is correct? Answer: Responding is about the last lap of the communication process. Question MCQ27 : What is your view? Answer: Effect of communication refers to what communication does to those who engage in it, what it brings about in them and what those who engage in it do with it. Question MCQ28 : Communication that is beyond just what the person is saying is known as___. Answer: metacommunication Question MCQ29 : ___ is a very important role of communication, as it ranks highest on Abraham Maslow's ‘‘Hierarchy of Needs’’. Answer: Self-Actualisation Question MCQ 30 : ___ is communication through the use of space. Answer: Proxemics Question MCQ31 : What do you think? Answer: The effect of communication leads to change in behaviour. Question MCQ32 : Communication through tone, pitch is known as _____. Answer: paralinguistics Question MCQ33 : Use of touch to communicate feelings is _____. Answer: haptics Question MCQ34 : Identify your position. Answer: In mass communication, audience members have a wide variety of choices. Question MCQ35 : Mass communication is important for socialisation of people. Answer: True Question MCQ36 : Frequent exposure to mass media removes the urge for a higher standard of living from people. Answer: False Question MCQ37 : ____ is not an importance of mass communication. Answer: Tension generation Question MCQ38 : The "Watchman" function of communication is also known as the ___ function. Answer: surveillance Question MCQ39 : With instant access to media and information, we can collectively witness the same event taking place in real time somewhere else and rally round it; this is the ____ function of the mass media. Answer: social mobilisation Question MCQ40 : The mass media validates the positions and norms of particular individuals, movements, organisations or products. This is the ______ function of the mass media. Answer: status conferral Question MCQ41 : ___ is an example of a multiple step flow theory. Answer: Diffusion of Innovations Theory Question MCQ42 : ____ shows that the audience is active. Answer: Uses and Gratification Theory Question MCQ43 : The basis of media influence resides in the relationship between the larger social system, the media’s role in that system and audience relationships to the media. This notion mirrors the _____ of mass communication. Answer: Dependency Theory Question MCQ44 : The mass media bring together all the different views of the groups of people in the society so that they can work hand in hand with one another, and people can develop informed views. This is the ___ function of the mass media. Answer: Correlation Question MCQ45 : The Dissonance Theory is an example of ____ of mass communication. Answer: limited effects theories Question MCQ46 : In the ____, communication is regarded as stories. Answer: narrative paradigms Question MCQ47 : One of these is not a function of theories. Answer: They provide aesthetic value to researchers. Question MCQ48 : A phenomenon is ____. Answer: a thing Question MCQ49 : One of these is not an attribute of a theory. Answer: Psychological provocativeness Question MCQ50 : One major criticism against mass media channels is that ____. Answer: they exaggerate certain issues