Question QFB1 : Which year was Southern Nigerian Defender first launched in Warri _________
Answer: 1943

Question QFB2 : In the newspaper industry, ABC simply means ___________
Answer: Audit Bureau of Circulation

Question QFB3 : West African Pilot was established in the year ____________
Answer: 1937

Question QFB4 : Lagos Weekly Times was established on 3rd May, _________
Answer: 1890

Question QFB5 : John Payne Jackson was a citizen of ___________
Answer: Liberia

Question QFB6 : The full meaning of NYM is ____________
Answer: Nigerian Youth Movement

Question QFB7 : The first Television station in Nigeria was established by Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe. True or false ___________
Answer: False

Question QFB8 : Iwe Irohin was established in 1859 in ____________
Answer: Abeokuta

Question QFB9 : The longest surviving newspaper in Nigeria is Nigerian ___________
Answer: Daily Times

Question QFB10 : The first newspaper in Nigeria was published in __________ language
Answer: Yoruba

Question QFB11 : The Messenger newspaper was established in Lagos in __________
Answer: 1921

Question QFB12 : Gaskiya Tafi Kwabo was published in _________ language
Answer: Hausa

Question QFB13 : The editorial policy of the Lagos Times/Gold Colony Advertiser newspaper was “The press is a safeguard of public _________”
Answer: right

Question QFB14 : The motto of The Guardian newspaper is “Conscience, Nurtured by ___________”
Answer: Truth

Question QFB15 : African Morning Post was published in which country ____________
Answer: Ghana

Question QFB17 : In what year was Nigerian Daily Times established __________
Answer: 1926

Question QFB16 : The newspaper that was first edited by Earnest Ikoli was ___________
Answer: Nigerian Daily Times

Question QFB18 : In what year did Nigerian government buy the controlling share of Daily Times of Nigeria __________
Answer: 1975

Question QFB19 : Daily Times of Nigeria had its name changed to ____________ in 1947.
Answer: Daily Times

Question QFB20 : Nigerian government acquired _________ per cent shares of the Daily Times of Nigeria.
Answer: 60

Question QFB21 : The full meaning of WNTV is __________
Answer: Western Nigerian Television

Question QFB22 : Lagos Weekly Record was established in the year _________
Answer: 1891

Question QFB23 : Trough the Guardian, the journalist that championed the cause of democracy and human rights in Nigeria is ____________
Answer: Alex Ibru

Question QFB24 : Anglo-African newspaper was established by ___________
Answer: Robert Cambell

Question QFB25 : The agency that regulates the electronic media in Nigeria is ___________
Answer: NBC

Question QFB26 : Lagos Times/Gold Coast Advertiser was established in 1880 by _____________
Answer: Richard Blaize

Question QFB27 : Eastern Nigerian Guardian was established in the year ___________
Answer: 1940

Question QFB28 : One of the most recognised information carrier in the traditional African communication setting is a ___________
Answer: Town crier

Question QFB29 : Henry Townsend was a member of __________ mission
Answer: Presbyterian

Question QFB30 : Southern Nigerian Defender was later moved from its first place of publication to _________
Answer: Uyo

Question QFB31 : Lagos Times/Gold Colony Advertiser was established in the year _________
Answer: 1880

Question QFB32 : The waves that the radio use for transmission is known as ___________ wave
Answer: Electromagnetic

Question QFB33 : The full meaning of NTS is __________
Answer: Nigerian Television Service

Question QFB34 : The full name of the first newspaper in Nigeria is _________
Answer: Iwe Irohin Fun Awon Ara Egba Ati Yoruba

Question QFB35 : Iwe Irohin was established in the year _________
Answer: 1859

Question QMC1 : Which of these could be regarded as the first newspaper in Nigeria?

Question QMC2 : Where was The Northern Advocate newspaper published?

Question QMC3 : Pick out the oldest Nigerian newspapers among the following:

Question QMC4 : Arrange the following newspapers in order of their year of establishment.

Question QMC5 : The first newspaper in Nigeria was established by __________

Question QMC6 : Deregulation of the broadcast media in Nigeria came in __________

Question QMC7 : The publisher of The Northern Advocate newspaper is ________

Question QMC8 : The first purely indigenous newspaper in Nigeria was _________

Question QMC9 : Which of these is a forum where members of a community meet to share information in the traditional communication system.

Question QMC10 : News agency of Nigeria is a _________ news agency.

Question QMC11 : Who established National Concord newspaper

Question QMC12 : Which of these political organisation can be associated with Nigeria Pilot?

Question QMC13 : When did BBC started relaying its programmes in Lagos?

Question QMC14 : Who was the publisher of Daily Comet?

Question QMC15 : Who among the following was a newspaper publisher in Nigeria?

Question QMC16 : Who among the following was not a newspaper publisher in Nigeria?

Question QMC17 : The type of wave that radio use for transmission is _________

Question QMC18 : ________ was the publisher of Nigerian Spokesman.

Question QMC19 : PANA means ________

Question QMC20 : Which of the following Nigerian newspapers is the oldest?

Question QMC21 : The first broadcast media in the eastern part of Nigeria established in _______

Question QMC22 : The first broadcast media in Nigeria is _________

Question QMC23 : Daily Times was established in ____________

Question QMC24 : The first newspaper in Nigeria was established to serve _________ purpose

Question QMC25 : When was Nigerian broadcast media deregulated?

Question QMC26 : Who founded the first broadcast media in Nigeria?

Question QMC27 : _________ was known for information carrier in the African traditional communication setting?

Question QMC28 : NAN means ________

Question QMC29 : Who among the following was not a journalist

Question QMC30 : Who of these people was not among the founders of Nigerian Daily Times?

Question QMC31 : In which year was WNTV established?

Question QMC32 : Lagos Times/Gold Colony Advertiser was established in ___

Question QMC33 : Dele Giwa was working for a _________ as at the time he was assassinated?

Question QMC34 : In which year did Nigerian Government take over New Nigeria Newspaper?

Question QMC35 : One of the vibrant instruments used for African nationalism struggle was __________