Question FBQ1 : The Ark of Prophet Nuh landed on mount _________
Answer: Judi

Question FBQ2 : Musa noticed _________ between mount Sinai and mount Tur
Answer: Fire

Question FBQ3 : Prophet Nuh's son who perished along with the unbelievers was called _________
Answer: Yam

Question FBQ4 : Ibrahim married Hajar on the recommendation of _________
Answer: Sarah

Question FBQ5 : Adam was made superior over the Angels because he had more ________ than them
Answer: Knowledge

Question FBQ6 : Prophet _________ was often addressed in the Qur-an as Al-Masih ibn Maryam
Answer: Isa

Question FBQ7 : When Isa and his followers became hungry and tired in the wilderness, they asked him to pray to Allah for a table of _________
Answer: Food

Question FBQ8 : Another name for Shaytan is __________
Answer: Iblis

Question FBQ9 : Muhammad ran home during his first encounter with Angel Jubril and asked his wife to _________ him with clothe
Answer: Cover

Question FBQ10 : Qur'an mentions only _______ Prophets of Allah
Answer: 25

Question FBQ11 : Muhammad was _________ years old when he accompanied his uncle on trade mission to Syria
Answer: 12

Question FBQ12 : The ladies' father compensated Musa by giving him _________
Answer: one of his daughters to marry

Question FBQ13 : Musa fled from Egypt because he was declared wanted for _________
Answer: murder charge

Question FBQ14 : Muhammad belongs to the _________ tribe
Answer: Quraysh

Question FBQ15 : Muhammad was _________ years old when he accompanied his uncle on trade mission to Syria
Answer: Maysarah

Question FBQ16 : The name of the Muslim festival associated directly with Prophets Ibrahim and Isma-il is called _________
Answer: Idul Adha

Question FBQ17 : Prophet Musa was given a staff-turned-serpent and hand-turned - _________ as evidences of his prophethood
Answer: White

Question FBQ18 : The first revelation that came to Prophet Muhammad began with _________
Answer: Read

Question FBQ19 : Prophet Lut was Prophet Ibrahim's _________
Answer: Nephew

Question FBQ20 : Khadijah visited her cousin called _________ to narrate the Prophet-s experience
Answer: Waraqah ibn Nawfal

Question FBQ21 : Musa's father-inlaw requested him to serve him for _________ years
Answer: 8

Question FBQ22 : The Arabs, the Abyssinians, and the Romans are all descendants of Prophet Nuh through Sam, Ham and _________
Answer: Yafith

Question FBQ23 : Prophet Musa assisted two sisters to _________ for their flocks
Answer: fetch water

Question FBQ24 : Prophet Musa's mission was basically to free the _________ from Egyptians' bondage
Answer: Israilites

Question FBQ25 : The name of Prophet Muhammad's father was _________
Answer: Abdullah

Question FBQ26 : _________ is known as Abul Bashar
Answer: Adam

Question FBQ27 : Nabiyy means Prophet while Rasuul means _______
Answer: Messenger

Question FBQ28 : Prophet Ibrahim was a _________ by profession
Answer: Shepherd

Question FBQ29 : Musa was suckled in Pharaoh-s palace by _________
Answer: his mother

Question FBQ30 : In the Qur'an, the miraculous birth of Prophet Isa is likened to the creation of _________ who was created from the mud
Answer: Adam

Question FBQ31 : The name of Prophet Musa-s mother was _________
Answer: Yokabil

Question FBQ32 : The scripture given to Prophet Isa by Allah was known as _________
Answer: Injil

Question FBQ33 : The name of the ruling Pharaoh of Prophet Musa's time was _________
Answer: Al-Walid bn Musab

Question FBQ34 : While coming from paradise onto the earth, Adam took a stone called _________ along with him
Answer: Al-Hajaru al-Aswad

Question FBQ35 : The Arabic word for vicegerent as used in the Qur'an is _________
Answer: Khalifah

Question MCQ1 : The Ulul-‘Azmi among the Prophets are ----
Answer: 5

Question MCQ2 : The Prophets of Allah whom are specially endowed with high positions are called -------
Answer: Ulul-‘Azmi

Question MCQ3 : The Prophets of Allah whom are specially endowed with high positions are called -------
Answer: Ulul-‘Azmi

Question MCQ4 : The people to whom Prophet Nuh was sent were called -----
Answer: Banuu Rasiib

Question MCQ5 : The popular figure taken as the number of the Prophets of God is -------
Answer: 120000

Question MCQ6 : Another name for Satan is --------
Answer: Iblis

Question MCQ7 : Ibrahim married Hajar on the recommendation of ---------
Answer: Sarah

Question MCQ8 : Ibrahim had ----- siblings
Answer: 2

Question MCQ9 : The word ‘prophet’ takes its root from ------- language
Answer: Greek

Question MCQ10 : Nabiyy means Prophet while Rasuul means ---------
Answer: a messenger

Question MCQ11 : ”Behold thy Lord said to the Angels, ‘I will create a vicegerent on earth---’” (Q2:30). Which of the following does not agree with the above statement?
Answer: Angels had been living on earth before the creation of man

Question MCQ12 : The Prophet Muhammad’s response to miracles demanded from him in Q17:90-93 was ---------
Answer: Glory to my Lord! Am I aught but a man an apostle?

Question MCQ13 : Prophet ------- was miraculously saved from fire into which he was thrown by the idolaters
Answer: Ibrahim

Question MCQ14 : _______ is known as Abul Bashar
Answer: Nuh

Question MCQ15 : The flood which destroyed the recalcitrant people of Prophet Nuh is called --------
Answer: Tufan

Question MCQ16 : While coming from paradise onto the earth, Adam took along ---------
Answer: Hajaratul-Aswad

Question MCQ17 : Chapter 71 of the Holy Qur’an was named after Prophet -------
Answer: Nuh

Question MCQ18 : All the following are world great monotheistic religions except -------
Answer: Pantheism

Question MCQ19 : Two Prophets whose creations by Allah are comparable are -----------
Answer: Adam and Isa

Question MCQ20 : The period between Nuh and Adam according to As-Sabuuni, is more than --------- years
Answer: 1000

Question MCQ21 : ______ prominent gods and goddesses of the people of Prophet Nuh were mentioned in the Qur’an
Answer: 5

Question MCQ22 : Qur’an mentions only ------- of the Prophets of Allah
Answer: 25

Question MCQ23 : The ‘Resolute Prophets’ of Allah were so named because of their -----
Answer: determination and perseverance

Question MCQ24 : In Q17:90-93 Prophet Muhammad was requested to perform all the following miracles except ----------
Answer: to bring out a camel from the rock

Question MCQ25 : Isma’il was ------ years older than Ishaq
Answer: 12

Question MCQ26 : All the following are Ulul-‘Azmi Prophets except --------
Answer: Daud

Question MCQ27 : According to a hadith of the Prophet the number of messengers of Allah is --------
Answer: 315

Question MCQ28 : Names of ------- Prophets of Allah were mentioned together in a single chapter of the Qur’an
Answer: 18

Question MCQ29 : The creation of Adam passed through -------- stages
Answer: 3

Question MCQ30 : The Arabs, the Abyssinians, and the Romans are all descendants of Prophet Nuh through Sam, Ham and --------respectively
Answer: Yafith

Question MCQ31 : Prophet Ibrahim was a -------- by profession
Answer: Shepherd

Question MCQ32 : Evidences and testimonies with which Prophets of God were equipped are generally known in Islam by the following terms except --------
Answer: Sihrun

Question MCQ33 : Ibrahim had ----- siblings
Answer: 2

Question MCQ34 : According to Islam appointment of a Prophet is an exclusive responsibility of --------
Answer: Allah

Question MCQ35 : Prophet Nuh’s son who perished along with the unbelievers was called ------
Answer: Yam