Question FBQ1 : The ___________of a good visual design is based on measuring comprehension by the audience, not on aesthetic or artistic preference.
Answer: evaluation

Question FBQ2 : There exists a variety of ways to present ____________ visually, like gestures, body languages, video and TV.
Answer: information

Question FBQ3 : Recent _______________ in the field has focused on web design and graphically oriented usability.
Answer: research

Question FBQ4 : Graphic designers use __________ of visual communication in their professional practice.
Answer: methods

Question FBQ5 : Communication is an essential aspect of _______________ life.
Answer: business

Question FBQ6 : Everyday business persons have to communicate with people at different levels of the organisation or with people external to the _____________.
Answer: organisation

Question FBQ7 : Poor or inaccurate ______________ can lead to conflict and negativity in the workplace.
Answer: communication

Question FBQ8 : Business communication examines verbal, _________and written communication in the world of business.
Answer: non-verbal

Question FBQ9 : Many people can communicate well either in _______ or speech, but often they can‘t do both.
Answer: writing

Question FBQ10 : Communication _________ is an academic field that deals with the processes of communication, commonly defined as the sharing of symbols over distances in space and time.
Answer: Studies

Question FBQ11 : Communication __________ is often considered a part of both the social sciences and the humanities,
Answer: Studies

Question FBQ12 : Most graduate programs in __________today trace their history through speech to ancient rhetoric.
Answer: Communication

Question FBQ13 : _____________is often recognised as a cornerstone of modern society—it would be hard to conceive of modern life without it.
Answer: Communication

Question FBQ14 : Communications training provides necessary skills for individuals to be effective in ___________.
Answer: Business

Question FBQ15 : Effective communication is vital for the success of personal _________ and for organisational communication.
Answer: interactions

Question FBQ16 : In organisation, it is necessary to communicate with different _________and overcome difficulties in effective communication.
Answer: sub-groups

Question FBQ17 : It is necessary to ensure that communications between individuals the various sub-cultures serve to meet the _______ and goals of the organisation.
Answer: Mission

Question FBQ18 : Communications training can assist leaders to develop the ability to perceive how various individuals and __________ relate to each other and make appropriate interventions.
Answer: sub-groups

Question FBQ19 : __________ Communication is the process of exchanging messages or information between two or more parties for the purpose of promoting business growth.
Answer: Business

Question FBQ20 : Business is conducted through various _________ of communication, including the Internet, Print, Radio, Television, Ambient media, Outdoor, and Word of mouth.
Answer: channels

Question FBQ21 : Effective business communication is crucial for the success of individuals as well as __________.
Answer: organisation

Question FBQ22 : _________communication skills help individuals to effectively interact with others in an organisation.
Answer: Good

Question FBQ23 : The basic forms of __________ communication are of two types, namely non-verbal and verbal communication.
Answer: business

Question FBQ24 : Non-verbal communication is a primitive form of communication that does not involve the use of __________.
Answer: words

Question FBQ25 : _______ communication involves the arrangement of words in a structured and meaningful manner, adhering to the rules of grammar.
Answer: Verbal

Question FBQ26 : Businesses have so far not paid much attention to _________ as a skill.
Answer: Listening

Question FBQ27 : Oral communication cannot be effective unless the audience is good at listening and most of its content is forgotten after a ____________.
Answer: Presentation

Question FBQ28 : People communicate in businesses with each other most often by ___________ communication.
Answer: Oral

Question FBQ29 : Managers have authority or the right to give orders and expect the orders to be _____________.
Answer: Obeyed

Question FBQ30 : Communication from a manager to a ____________is also different.
Answer: Subordinate

Question FBQ31 : The communication process among workers of the same level is called the ___________ form of business communication.
Answer: Horizontal

Question FBQ32 : The grapevine is the __________ way that communication takes place in an organization.
Answer: Unofficial

Question FBQ33 : The grapevine can be used by an "open" company and it will have accurate __________ however, in an authoritative culture the rumor mill may not be accurate.
Answer: Information  

Question FBQ34 : Educational institutions often offer student counseling, or provide resources for improving _________ skills.
Answer: Study

Question FBQ35 : A study method, study system, or study technique, is a formalised learning process or procedure of _______________.
Answer: Study

Question MCQ1 : Some people do not pay much attention to _________as a communication skill.
Answer: Listening

Question MCQ2 : Verbal communication cannot be effective unless the audience is good at _________and most of its content is forgotten after a presentation.
Answer: Listening

Question MCQ3 : ________communication is the process of communicating through sending and receiving wordless messages.
Answer: Non-verbal

Question MCQ4 : ___________communication plays a key role in every person's day to day life, from employment to romantic engagements.
Answer: Non-verbal

Question MCQ5 : Written texts have non-verbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words, or the use of ________.
Answer: Emotions

Question MCQ6 : Environmental factors such as furniture, architectural style, interior decorating, lighting conditions, colours, temperature, noise, and music affect the _______________of communicators during interaction.
Answer: Behavior

Question MCQ7 : ___________is the study of how people use and perceive the physical space around them.
Answer: Proxemics

Question MCQ8 : The space between the sender and the receiver of a ____________influences the way the message is interpreted.
Answer: Message

Question MCQ9 : The perception and use of space varies significantly across _________and different settings within cultures.
Answer: Cultures

Question MCQ10 : Space in non-verbal communication may be divided into __________ main categories.
Answer: Four

Question MCQ11 : The distance between communicators will also depend on ________, status, and social role.
Answer: Sex

Question MCQ12 : Chronemics is the study of the use of ________ in non-verbal communication.
Answer: Time

Question MCQ13 : The way we perceive time, structure our time and react to time is a powerful _________ tool, and helps set the stage for communication.
Answer: Communication

Question MCQ14 : __________ perceptions include punctuality and willingness to wait, the speed of speech and how long people are willing to listen.
Answer: Time

Question MCQ15 : The timing and frequency of an action as well as the tempo and rhythm of ____________ within an interaction contributes to the interpretation of non-verbal messages.
Answer: Communications

Question MCQ16 : Kinetics is the study of body movements, facial expressions, and _______.
Answer: Gestures

Question MCQ17 : Kinesic behaviors include _____ gaze, smiling, facial warmth or pleasantness, childlike behaviors, direct body orientation, and the like.
Answer: Mutual

Question MCQ18 : ________ can be used to determine a participant‘s degree of attention or involvement, the difference in status between communicators, and the level of fondness a person has for the other communicator.
Answer: Postures

Question MCQ19 : A gesture is a non-vocal bodily movement intended to express _______________.
Answer: Meaning

Question MCQ20 : The boundary between language and gesture, or verbal and non-verbal communication, can be hard to ___________.
Answer: Identify

Question MCQ21 : A ____________hello or a peace sign are examples of speech-independent gestures.
Answer: Wave

Question MCQ22 : Haptics is the study of ____________ as non-verbal communication.
Answer: Touching

Question MCQ23 : The study of the role of _______ in non-verbal communication is sometimes referred to as "oculesics".
Answer: Eyes

Question MCQ24 : Gaze comprises the actions of looking while talking, looking while listening, amount of gaze, and frequency of glances, patterns of fixation, pupil dilation, and ____________ rate.
Answer: Blink

Question MCQ25 : Characterisers are emotions expressed while speaking, such as laughing, crying, and _______________.
Answer: Yawning

Question MCQ26 : A/an____________ qualifier is the style of delivering a message - for example, yelling "Hey stop that!",
Answer: Voice

Question MCQ27 : Repeating consists of using gestures to strengthen a verbal message, such as pointing to the object of _________________.
Answer: Discussion

Question MCQ28 : Verbal and non-verbal messages within the same interaction can sometimes send opposing or conflicting _______________.
Answer: Messages

Question MCQ29 : A person verbally expressing a statement of truth while simultaneously fidgeting or avoiding eye contact may convey a mixed message to the _____________ in the interaction.
Answer: Receiver

Question MCQ30 : Accurate _______of messages is made easier when non-verbal and verbal communication complements each other.
Answer: Interpretation

Question MCQ31 : Non-verbal cues can be used to elaborate on ________ messages to reinforce the information sent when trying to achieve communicative goals etc.
Answer: Verbal

Question MCQ32 : Non-verbal ________is sometimes used as the sole channel for communication of a message.
Answer: Behavior

Question MCQ33 : _______learn to identify facial expressions, body movements, and body positioning as corresponding with specific feelings and intentions.
Answer: People

Question MCQ34 : Non-verbal signals are used to __________ the interpretation of verbal messages.
Answer: Alter

Question MCQ35 : _______________communication as the name suggests is communication through visual aid.
Answer: Visual