Question FBQ1 :

Give the name of the part that terminates the digestive tract.
Answer: Postanal tail

Question FBQ2 :

What is the name for the part labelled G?
Answer: Anus  

Question FBQ3 :

Which of these labelled parts represent the brain of the organism?
Answer: D

Question FBQ4 :

Which of the labelled parts provide structural support?
Answer: B

Question FBQ5 : The subphylum of chordates with backbone is called ___________
Answer: Vertebrata

Question FBQ6 : Chickens, turkeys and quails belong to the Order ___________
Answer: Galliforme

Question FBQ7 : Which of the sub regions of the Australasian Region is called ‘Home of the Marsupials’?
Answer: Australian Sub-region

Question FBQ8 : Which is the largest zoogeographical region of the earth?
Answer: Palaearctic Region

Question FBQ9 : How many zoogeographical regions are presently known?
Answer: 6

Question FBQ10 : Antelopes, giraffes and hippopotamus all belong to the Order ____________
Answer: Artiodactyla

Question FBQ11 : In which sub region is Northern and central Europe, Black sea and caucasus rare found?
Answer: European Sub-region

Question FBQ12 : Notochord does not persist through life in ____________
Answer: Tunicates

Question FBQ13 : Rabbits and Hare belong to the Order ____________
Answer: Lagomorpha

Question FBQ14 : Nearctic Region is known as the headquarters of ____________
Answer: Urodel

Question FBQ15 : Europe, Asia, North of Himalayas and Northern parts of Africa comprise of the ____________ Region.
Answer: Palaearctic Region

Question FBQ16 : Armadillos and sloths are members of the Order ____________
Answer: Edentata

Question FBQ17 : Reduced or no teeth, lack of enamel and heavily clawed forelimbs for burrowing are characteristics which distinguish the Order ____________ from other members of the Eutherian Order
Answer: Edentata

Question FBQ18 : Dolphins belong to the Eutherian Order known as ____________
Answer: Cetacea

Question FBQ19 : The only mammal naturally capable of true and sustained flight belongs to the Order ____________
Answer: Chiroptera

Question FBQ20 : Name the Order in the mammalian phylum known for the possession of Odd number of toes (1 or 3)
Answer: Perissodactyla

Question FBQ21 : Horses and zebras belong to the Order ____________
Answer: Perissodactyla

Question FBQ22 : Hedgehogs, moles, shrews belong to the Order ____________
Answer: Insectivora

Question FBQ23 : ____________ is the scientific study of the areas where different animals live and the causes and effects of such distribution, especially distributions on a large or global scale.
Answer: Zoogeography

Question FBQ24 : ____________ is the emergence of diverse group of organisms from an ancestral form into several different forms that adapt to different environments.
Answer: adaptive radiation

Question FBQ25 : In the subphylum hemichordata, the notochord is called ____________
Answer: stomochord

Question FBQ26 : The evolutionary retention of juvenile or larval traits in adults is known as ____________
Answer: Pedomorphosis

Question FBQ27 : When the body heat energy of an animal is generated from within to maintain a constant high body temperature, the animal is said to be____________ 
Answer: Endo-homeothermic

Question FBQ28 : When the teeth of animal vary in structure and function, they are described as ____________
Answer: Heterodontic

Question FBQ29 : The only class of vertebrates with feathers are ____________
Answer: Aves

Question FBQ30 : Humans belong to the mammalian order ____________
Answer: Primata

Question FBQ31 : In hemichordates, ____________ as the excretory organ
Answer: Glomerulus

Question FBQ32 : The class of birds known as extinct ancient birds are scientifically referred to as ____________
Answer: Archaeonithes

Question FBQ33 : The class of birds known as recent birds are scientifically referred to as ____________
Answer: Neornithes

Question FBQ34 : What is the name given to birds with primitive jaws? ____________
Answer: Palaeognathae

Question FBQ35 : The order Struthioniformes comprised of birds called ____________
Answer: Ratites

Question FBQ36 :

Identify the bird. What is the name?
Answer: Emu

Question FBQ37 :

What is the genus of this bird?
Answer: Dromaius

Question FBQ38 :

This continent is native to which continent?
Answer: Asia

Question FBQ39 : Where is Tinamous found?
Answer: Central America

Question FBQ40 : The family of bird known as Tinamous belong to the order ________________
Answer: Tinamiformes

Question FBQ41 : Owls belong to the order ________________
Answer: Stirigiformes

Question FBQ42 : The common fowl usually around in the environment belong to the order ________________
Answer: Galliformes

Question FBQ43 : Water fowls such as ducks belong to the order ________________
Answer: Anseriformes

Question FBQ44 : Falcons belong to the order ________________
Answer: Falconiformes

Question FBQ45 : Pigeons and doves belong to the order ________________
Answer: Columbiformes

Question FBQ46 : Parrots belong to the order ________________
Answer: Psittaciformes

Question FBQ47 : Penguins belong to the order ________________
Answer: Sphenisciformes

Question FBQ48 : Kingfisher belongs to the order ________________
Answer: Coraciiformes

Question FBQ49 : Woodpecker belongs to the order ________________
Answer: Piciformes

Question FBQ50 : Hemichordata body is divided into three sections namely: proboscis, collar and ________________
Answer: trunk

Question MCQ1 : Which of these statements is NOT true of Chordates?
Answer: The heart of chordates is ventrally located with dorsal and ventral blood vessels and closed blood system

Question MCQ2 : Which of these chordate subphyla is also known as tail chordates?
Answer: Urochodata

Question MCQ3 : Which of these characteristics is not true of subphylum Hemichordata ?
Answer: The have four pharyngeal slits

Question MCQ4 : Which of these makes the hemichordates incomplete chordates?
Answer: Presence of pharynx

Question MCQ5 : Which of these features is common to hemichordates, tunicates and chordates?
Answer: U-shaped gut

Question MCQ6 : Members of the subphylum Cephalochordata are so called because_____
Answer: The notochord runs from the tail to the tip of the nose on the head

Question MCQ7 : The Superclass Agnatha is so called for one of the following reasons
Answer: Lack of jaws

Question MCQ8 : One of these is NOT a class of hemichordates.
Answer: Thaliacea

Question MCQ9 : Which of these is not characteristic of Order Proboscidea ?
Answer: Sweat gland

Question MCQ10 : Which of these is NOT TRUE of enteropneusts
Answer: Gaseous exchange occur only through the pharyngeal slits

Question MCQ11 : Which of these features is not present in an adult urochordate
Answer: Notochord

Question MCQ12 : Marsupians include all but one of the following:
Answer: Emu

Question MCQ13 : All these animals are found in the Mediterranean Sub-region
Answer: Moles

Question MCQ14 : All these are true of monotremes EXCEPT
Answer: The testes are well protected in the scrotum

Question MCQ15 : Which of these animals is not found in the East African sub-region
Answer: lemurs

Question MCQ16 : Which of these animals is not common to West African sub-region
Answer: bandicoots

Question MCQ17 : All these are birds of the Palaearctic Region EXCEPT
Answer: parrot

Question MCQ18 : All these characteristics distinguish reptiles from the urodelans EXCEPT
Answer: Visible tail

Question MCQ19 : Which of these animals belong to the Order Squamata?
Answer: lizard

Question MCQ20 : All these refer to Urochordates EXCEPT
Answer: acorn worms

Question MCQ21 : All these are Reptiles EXCEPT
Answer: Paleognathae

Question MCQ22 : All these are characteristics of Aves EXCEPT
Answer: Cold blooded

Question MCQ23 : Which of the listed structures is present in all chordates?
Answer: Notochord

Question MCQ24 : Bilateral symmetry occurs in the body organization of ______
Answer: Annelids arthropods and vertebrates

Question MCQ25 : In which of the following is the heart not ventral in positioned?
Answer: Crabs

Question MCQ26 : All these are true of strigiformes EXCEPT
Answer: They are herbivores

Question MCQ27 : The class Thaliacea has the following features EXCEPT
Answer: They lack mucous

Question MCQ28 : All these are members of the Order Primata EXCEPT
Answer: Pikas

Question MCQ29 : Which of these belong to the Superclass Gnathostomata
Answer: Shark

Question MCQ30 : Which of these is not a class within the Superclass Gnathostomata
Answer: Cyclostomata

Question MCQ31 : Which of these characteristics is NOT true of Amphibians
Answer: amniotic eggs

Question MCQ32 : Which of these Order is NOT of the Class Amphibia
Answer: Testudinata

Question MCQ33 : Which of these features distinguishes amphibians from reptiles?
Answer: amniotic egg

Question MCQ34 : Which of these is not a characteristic feature of all mammals?
Answer: A pair of pentadactyl limbs

Question MCQ35 : Which of these animals uses the heat energy generated from within the body to maintain a constant body temperature?
Answer: toad

Question MCQ36 : Based on how their offsprings are born, mammals can be classified as:
Answer: Monotremes, marsupials, and placentals

Question MCQ37 : Which of these are mammals that lay shelled eggs?
Answer: Protherians

Question MCQ38 : A major feature of the metatherians is the:
Answer: Pouch

Question MCQ39 : Which of the following is not a marsupial?
Answer: rat

Question MCQ40 : The Eutherias are noted for having a:
Answer: Placenta

Question MCQ41 : Which of these are mammals are capable of true flight?
Answer: Bat

Question MCQ42 : Which of these animals is the slowest mammal known?
Answer: Sloth

Question MCQ43 : Which of the following is NOT a feature of the mammalian order Cetacea ?
Answer: Have blowholes on their tails

Question MCQ44 : Which of the following is not a rodent?
Answer: Shrew

Question MCQ45 : How would you distinguish the rat from the rabbit by looking at their teeth?
Answer: Rats have two while rabbits have four continuously-growing chisel-like incisor teeth

Question MCQ46 : Which chordate is said to have provided an excellent model for the movement of chordates from water to land?
Answer: Mudskipper

Question MCQ47 : Chordates are believed to have evolved from:
Answer: Urochordates

Question MCQ48 : Which of these is NOT true of the Ave family
Answer: They can all fly

Question MCQ49 : Which of these is not true of birds?
Answer: They are tripedal

Question MCQ50 : All these are adaptations for flight EXCEPT
Answer: low metabolic rate