MCQ1: What is the Greek name for their city state? Answer: polis MCQ 2:  Which of these is the major characteristic of Greek city state according to Plato and Aristotle? Answer: Self-sufficiency MCQ 3: What is the dominant socio-political and economic system in the middle ages? Answer: Feudalism MCQ 4:  What authority did the Reformation thinkers want to subject ecclesiastical authorities? Answer: Civil authority MCQ 5:  Who is the author of the book, The Leviathan? Answer: Thomas Hobbes MCQ 6: Whose political thought is said to have freed kings from the shackles of morality? Answer: Machiavelli MCQ 7: In what did the Enlightenment thinkers placed so much hope to free man from oppressive political and religious regimes? Answer: Reason MCQ 8: To whom do we attribute the invention of check and balance in political system? Answer: Montesquieu MCQ 9: What first emphasised that the state should not encroach on the individual liberty of the citizens? Answer: The Code Napoleon MCQ 10: What is the name of the thought system championed by Jeremy Bentham? Answer: Utilitarianism MCQ 11: What is equated with knowledge in Socrates' philosophy? Answer: Virtue MCQ 12: Who first regarded all laws as social conventions rather than a product of nature? Answer: Antiphon MCQ 13: Who is regarded as the earliest proponent of communism? Answer: Aristophanes MCQ 14: On what did Plato build his ideal state? Answer: Justice MCQ 15: The human spirit is equated with what in the politics of Plato? Answer: Soldiers MCQ 16: Which of the following defines aristocracy? Answer: Government of the best MCQ 17: At what age is the philosopher king in Plato matured to rule? Answer: 50 MCQ 18: Who held the position that: “The Gods do not care about men and do not interfere either for good or bad in their affairs?” Answer: Epicureans MCQ 19: What is the constitution that would govern the stoic’s world state? Answer: Reason MCQ 20: Which law did Cicero regard as the governor of all other laws? Answer: Natural Law MCQ 21: Who is the author of Two Treatises of Government? Answer: Locke MCQ 22: What did Aristotle regard as the highest form of government? Answer: Monarchy MCQ 23: A statement which consists of two simple statements or sub-statements is known as __? Answer: A compound statement MCQ 24: Who pioneered the application of scientific method in the study of politics? Answer: Nicollo Machiavelli MCQ 25: Who held that in addition to its truth, religion has social consequences? Answer: Marsilio MCQ 26: Who pioneered the discussion of politics and society without any recourse to ethics and jurisprudence? Answer: Machiavelli MCQ 27: The idea that a Christian is bound to obey the orders of a pagan ruler was championed by who? Answer: Aquinas MCQ 28: Which of these is the name of Augustine’s book? Answer: City of God MCQ 29: From who did Marx borrow the idea of dialectics? Answer: Hegel MCQ 30: The theory that our social status, either as slaves or as nobility, was neither a product of nature nor the gods, was first promoted in the Greek society by who? Answer: Sophists MCQ 31: Who are the ultimate rulers in Plato's political thought? Answer: Philosopher kings MCQ 32: Which of these is not among the best form of government according to Aristotle? Answer: Democracy MCQ 33: J. S. Mill's hope of forestalling the tyranny of the majority lies in ___________ Answer: Representative government MCQ 34: What are man's two sovereign masters according to Bentham? Answer: Pleasure and pain MCQ 35: Which of these is not a thinker of the enlightenment? Answer: Augustine FBQ1: Epicureans regard ____________ as the guiding principle of all men?  Answer: Self interest FBQ2: Seneca conceived the greater state which all humans belong to as _______________" Answer: Society FBQ3: ____________ defined happiness as the avoidance of pains and worries Answer: Epicureans FBQ4: The thesis that progress in arts and sciences has led to idleness, inequality and luxury was argued by who?   Answer: Rousseau FBQ5: ___________ regarded the law as the greatest good of the state Answer: Cicero FBQ6: ___________________ regarded man as a citizen of two states  Answer: Augustine FBQ7: According to Machiavelli the good ruler must possess the character of an animal called _____________  Answer: Fox FBQ8: The idea of slaves as live property was held by_________________  Answer: Aristotle FBQ9: According to Marsilio's two good lives, the first good life consists of proper study of _____________ Answer: Philosophy FBQ10: The debate concerning the dual recognition authority of the church and that of the state is famously regarded as the _______________ Answer: Doctrine of the two swords FBQ11: Rousseau believed that the first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said, “This is mine,” and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of_____________ Answer: Civil society FBQ12: In the communist society, distribution of surplus will be based on everyone according to their _______________ Answer: Need FBQ13: In the philosophy of Karl Marx, ____________ interest determines human values Answer: Economic FBQ14: Despite his possession of absolute power, the Roman king was bound to govern his state on the advice of the ______________ Answer: senate FBQ15: The medieval political system saw the joint exercise of political power between the emperor and the ________________ Answer: pope FBQ16: The Leviathan was written to promote political __________ Answer: absolutism FBQ17: The theory that securing the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people is the duty of government is known as ______________ Answer: Utilitarianism FBQ18: Rousseau’s political thought emphasised the primacy of the ________ in determining political authority Answer: General will FBQ19: According to early Greek writers, the corruption of _________ leads to mob rule Answer: Democracy FBQ20: The major characteristic of the soldier in Plato's ideal state is __________________ Answer: Courage FBQ21: Unless the state is a community for ethical purposes it is nothing more than a highway robbery on large scale, is a view attributed to __________ Answer: Augustine FBQ22: Jean Bodin held that for the power kings to remain unquestioned his rules must conform to__________________ Answer: Natural laws FBQ23: The first political thinker to insist that man has no supernatural end is ___________ Answer: Machiavelli FBQ24: In Aristotle’s ideal state ____________ is the set of people that should not be granted citizenship Answer: Traders FBQ25: Karl Marx attributes the emergence of state to emergence of____ _________________ Answer: Private property FBQ26: Historical idealism is to Hegel as __________ is to Marx Answer: Historical materialism FBQ27: In Hegel's political thought, the individual actualises his material and spiritual needs in the________ Answer: State FBQ28: In Locke's political thought, all men are God's _________________ Answer: Property FBQ29: The chief end or purpose of man on earth, according to Locke is _________ Answer: Survival FBQ30: In Hobbes' state of nature man is governed by____________________ Answer: Emotion FBQ31: According to Locke, __________________teaches all mankind that no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions Answer: Natural Law FBQ32: According to Aquinas, another name for divine law is _____________ Answer: Will of God FBQ33: Marriage and ownership of property is the sole preserve of ________in Plato's ideal state Answer: Workers FBQ34: __________ regarded truth and justice as the inherent qualities of law Answer: Cicero FBQ35: __________ ____ is referred as the father of comparative politics Answer: Aristotle