MCQ1: In semiconductor, the holes indicate the absence of Answer: Electrons MCQ2: Accuracy of a measurement is determined by Answer: Relative error MCQ3: The following are factors that affect the period of the simple pendulum bob EXCEPT Answer: Velocity MCQ4: If the time taken for twenty (20) oscillations in 2 minutes 50 seconds the period (T) is ________ Answer: 8.5s MCQ5: Which of the following equation gives a relationship between period T and length l of the string for a simple pendulum? Answer: MCQ6: The main aim of the simple pendulum and bar pendulum is to determine the value of Answer: Acceleration due to gravity MCQ7: The process of gradually decreases in the amplitude of oscillations of the pendulum bob is called Answer: Damping MCQ8: Error due to wear and tear in the instrument is called Answer: Backlash error MCQ9: One of the following must be known in order to decide upon the type of a spring for a particular purpose, Answer: Spring constant MCQ10: The method of determining the spring wire is _____. Answer: Static method MCQ11: One of the following is a function of extension, in a static method of Experiment.    Answer: Load MCQ12: The magnitude of applied force up to which a specimen retains its elastic property is defined as the Answer: Elastic limit MCQ13: Precision is a function of ____. Answer: Possible error MCQ14: The time taken to complete one oscillation is called____. Answer: Period MCQ15: The maximum displacement of the bob on either side of its equilibrium position is called ___. Answer: Amplitude MCQ16: The method of determining the spring wire is ____. Answer: Static method MCQ17: The magnitude of applied force up which a specimen retains its elastic property is defines as the Answer: Elastic limit MCQ18: In static method, the measurement of extension of a spring is a function of _____. Answer: Load MCQ19: One of the following equations is the period of oscillation? Answer: MCQ20: The junction formed when the holes from the p-side diffuse into the n-side and combine with free electrons and electrons from the n-type diffuse to the p-side and combine with holes is called Answer: Depletion layer MCQ21: Two bodies moving along the same line but in opposite directions collide. This type of collision is said to be? Answer: Headon MCQ22: Where there is no external force acting on a system of particles, the total linear momentum of the system is ____. Answer: None of options MCQ23: The quality of sound produced depends upon which of the following vibration of the stretched string? Answer: Frequency MCQ24: A wave which transports energy as it propagates in space is said to be one of the following Answer: Progressive MCQ25: The points corresponding to zero amplitude are called ____. Answer: Node MCQ26: One of the following is the name of a point with maximum amplitudes Answer: Antinode MCQ27: One of the following is the equation of relation between wavelength ,λ, Tension, T and mass per unit length is Answer: None of the options MCQ28: The property of a wire to tend to come back to its original length when the suspended weight is removed is called Answer: Elasticity MCQ29: The internal force that come to play within a body that is subjected to deforming force is called Answer: Restoring MCQ30: The maximum stress a material can sustain without undergoing permanent deformation is termed as Answer: Elastic limit MCQ31: Which of the following is the principle for measurement of low resistance methods based Answer: Wheatstone`s bridge MCQ32: Which of the following principle form the basis of many experiment instrument in a physics laboratory Answer: Whetstone's bridge MCQ33: One of the following gives the relationship between electromotive force, E, resistance, R length l, resistivity ρ and thermoelectric emf, e Answer: e =(ρE/R)l MCQ34: Which of the following is the circuit containing only a coil and a resistor in series Answer: RL-series MCQ35: Which of the following is formed by combining a p-type semi-conductor with an n-type semi-conductor (P-N) Answer: P-n MCQ1: In semiconductor, the holes indicate the absence of Answer: Electrons MCQ2: Accuracy of a measurement is determined by Answer: Relative error MCQ3: The following are factors that affect the period of the simple pendulum bob EXCEPT Answer: Velocity MCQ4: If the time taken for twenty (20) oscillations in 2 minutes 50 seconds the period (T) is ________ Answer: 8.5s MCQ5: Which of the following equation gives a relationship between period T and length l of the string for a simple pendulum? Answer: MCQ6: The main aim of the simple pendulum and bar pendulum is to determine the value of Answer: Acceleration due to gravity MCQ7: The process of gradually decreases in the amplitude of oscillations of the pendulum bob is called Answer: Damping MCQ8: Error due to wear and tear in the instrument is called Answer: Backlash error MCQ9: One of the following must be known in order to decide upon the type of a spring for a particular purpose, Answer: Spring constant MCQ10: The method of determining the spring wire is _____. Answer: Static method MCQ11: One of the following is a function of extension, in a static method of Experiment.    Answer: Load MCQ12: The magnitude of applied force up to which a specimen retains its elastic property is defined as the Answer: Elastic limit MCQ13: Precision is a function of ____. Answer: Possible error MCQ14: The time taken to complete one oscillation is called____. Answer: Period MCQ15: The maximum displacement of the bob on either side of its equilibrium position is called ___. Answer: Amplitude MCQ16: The method of determining the spring wire is ____. Answer: Static method MCQ17: The magnitude of applied force up which a specimen retains its elastic property is defines as the Answer: Elastic limit MCQ18: In static method, the measurement of extension of a spring is a function of _____. Answer: Load MCQ19: One of the following equations is the period of oscillation? Answer: MCQ20: The junction formed when the holes from the p-side diffuse into the n-side and combine with free electrons and electrons from the n-type diffuse to the p-side and combine with holes is called Answer: Depletion layer MCQ21: Two bodies moving along the same line but in opposite directions collide. This type of collision is said to be? Answer: Headon MCQ22: Where there is no external force acting on a system of particles, the total linear momentum of the system is ____. Answer: None of options MCQ23: The quality of sound produced depends upon which of the following vibration of the stretched string? Answer: Frequency MCQ24: A wave which transports energy as it propagates in space is said to be one of the following Answer: Progressive MCQ25: The points corresponding to zero amplitude are called ____. Answer: Node MCQ26: One of the following is the name of a point with maximum amplitudes Answer: Antinode MCQ27: One of the following is the equation of relation between wavelength ,λ, Tension, T and mass per unit length is Answer: None of the options MCQ28: The property of a wire to tend to come back to its original length when the suspended weight is removed is called Answer: Elasticity MCQ29: The internal force that come to play within a body that is subjected to deforming force is called Answer: Restoring MCQ30: The maximum stress a material can sustain without undergoing permanent deformation is termed as Answer: Elastic limit MCQ31: Which of the following is the principle for measurement of low resistance methods based Answer: Wheatstone`s bridge MCQ32: Which of the following principle form the basis of many experiment instrument in a physics laboratory Answer: Whetstone's bridge MCQ33: One of the following gives the relationship between electromotive force, E, resistance, R length l, resistivity ρ and thermoelectric emf, e Answer: e =(ρE/R)l MCQ34: Which of the following is the circuit containing only a coil and a resistor in series Answer: RL-series MCQ35: Which of the following is formed by combining a p-type semi-conductor with an n-type semi-conductor (P-N) Answer: P-n FBQ1: In semi-conductor, the hole indicate the absence of Answer: Electrons FBQ2: Relative error is defined as the _____ to the total measurement. Answer: possible error FBQ3: The systematic error is also called _________ Answer: determinant error FBQ4: ____ waves are also refer to as standing wave. Answer: Stationary FBQ5: The ratio of longitudinal stress to strain within the elastic limit is ­­_______ Answer: Young modulus FBQ6: The ____ displacement of bob on either side of its equilibrium position is called amplitude. Answer: Maximum FBQ7: The points corresponding to zero amplitude are called _____. Answer: Nodes FBQ8: An isolated system vibrates with its natural ____. Answer: Frequency FBQ9: The change in length per unit original length of the wire is called ___. Answer: Longitudinal strain FBQ10: A wave which transports energy as it propagates in space is said to be _____. Answer: progressive FBQ11: The restoring force per unit area set up inside the body is called _____. Answer: Stress FBQ12: The frequency of energy transfer in a coupling system depends on _____. Answer: Time taken FBQ13: At high frequencies of LCR series circuit the inductive reactance is _______ Answer: Large FBQ14: The opposition offered by resistance is dependent on the frequency in an inductor and a _____. Answer: Capacitor FBQ15: Error that occurs due to parallax in reading a metre scale is called ____. Answer: faulty observation FBQ16: The principle of conservation of energy is particular reference to conservation of ____energy Answer: Mechanical FBQ17: Beyond the elastic limit the applied force produced ______deformation Answer: Plastic FBQ18: The magnitude of applied force up to which a specimen retains its elastic property defines the elastic _____. Answer: limit FBQ19: A simple pendulum is a _____ body capable of oscillating freely about a horizontal passing through it. Answer: Rigid FBQ20: The ability for a material to recover its original configuration is called _____. Answer: elasticity FBQ21: The simple pendulum has its equilibrium position at the _____. Answer: center FBQ22: ______motion is a universal phenomenon Answer: Oscillatory FBQ23: The process when the pendulum loses energy due to air resistance is called ___motion. Answer: Damped FBQ24: The period (T) increases with an/a _____ in the length of the pendulum. Answer: Increase FBQ25: The length of the pendulum can be determined by adding the length of the string with the _____ of the pendulum bob. Answer: radius FBQ26: A _______time is a more accurate automatic switching device. Answer: Digital FBQ27: As the temperature increases, the conductivity of the semi-conductor -------- Answer: increases FBQ28: An ordinary stopwatch has a least count of _____. Answer: 0.1seconds FBQ29: The time taken by the pendulum to complete one oscillation is called _____. Answer: Period FBQ30: The value of certain physical qualities can be determined from the slopes of a ______ line of graph. Answer: Straight FBQ31: The fluctuation in the many times repeated measurement of the same quantity is called ____error. Answer: Random FBQ32: Error that occurs as a result of zero marking of the metre scale that has been worn out is called _____. Answer: End correction FBQ33: The systematic errors is also called _____errors Answer: Determinant FBQ34: ______ unit is used when measuring the inter-city distances Answer: Kilometer FBQ35: If a coil and a capacitor appear in a series, it is called _____circuit Answer: LC-series