MCQ1: The Biological name for the plant is _____ Answer: Havea brasiliensis MCQ2: Addition of Million reagent to a colloidal solution of protein which is heated gives a __colour. Answer: red MCQ3: The yam slice or rice grain turn blue black in colour if a drop or two of dilute_____ solution Answer: iodine MCQ4: Glucose is a useful raw material in the production of ____ Answer: ethanol MCQ5: The resources whose stock are in continuous supply are called _____ Answer: Renewable resources MCQ6: The refrigeration is a modern fashion of the ___. Answer: Clay pot MCQ7: The glucose formed is converted to____ and cellulose and stored in the body of plants. Answer: Starch MCQ8: The nuclear processes of the sun produce a large quantity of energy which is transmitted in the form of ___and heat waves. Answer: light MCQ9: An aspect of chemistry that deals with the study of interconversion of heat and other kinds of energy is known as __ Answer: thermodynamics MCQ10: Bitumen materials are also called ___ Answer: kerosene MCQ11: Oil and gas provide about ____per cent of the energy used in the world Answer: 75 MCQ12: The oil shale deposits are usually rich in ______ materials. Answer: bitumen MCQ13: ____is not a condition to determine if a reaction will occur spontaneously Answer: internal energy MCQ14: ____is the energy in a body at rest Answer: potential energy MCQ15: ____ is a device which converts solar energy to electricity. Answer: solar cell MCQ16: Burning of ____in power plants to convert chemical energy to electricity Answer: coal MCQ17: _____ involves process of changing energy from one form to another. Answer: energy conversion MCQ18: Energy conversion to a man-made process in which energy is made more____ Answer: useable MCQ19: Energy available for doing work in a chemical system is ____ Answer: Free energy MCQ20: There are main types of chemical____________ Answer: 3 MCQ21: These are different forms of energy except___________ Answer: chemical MCQ22: Wallace and Darwin made a joint presentation on natural selection in year________ Answer: 1858 MCQ23: The order Primate includes all except_________ Answer: fishes MCQ24: Some endothermic processes take place Answer: Spontaenously MCQ25: Entropy is a measure of degree of_________in a substance Answer: Randomness MCQ26: For every substance, as _______increases, the degree of disorder or entropy increases Answer: Temperature MCQ27: _________ is not a condition to determine if a reaction will occur spontaneously Answer: Internal Energy MCQ28: Energy available for doing work in a chemical system is_____ Answer: Free-energy MCQ29: All chemical changes in nature involve____ Answer: Energy Changes MCQ30: The ___________usually take place in chemical systems Answer: Chemical changes MCQ31: ___________Involves process of changing energy from one form to another Answer: Energy conversion MCQ32: Which of these is not an evidence to support the theory of evolution______ Answer: Photosynthesis MCQ33: Man belongs to a group of higher animals called ______________ Answer: Mammals MCQ34: Current evidence suggests that the earlier set of organisms were_________ Answer: Heterotrophs MCQ35: Geothermal Energy has been successfully utilize in the following countries except in __________ Answer: California FBQ1: Origin of life on earth has been accounted for by which theory ___________ Answer: Mutational theory FBQ2: The only theory concerning the origin of life that appears scientific is - Answer: Theory of evolution FBQ3: The theory that God created the world in 4004 BC, from October 23rd, was propounded by _______ Answer: Archbishop Usher of Armagh FBQ4: The theory of …………..has remained controversial because It cannot be subjected to any form of testing  Answer: special creation FBQ5: The theory of spontaneous generation was propounded by Answer: Aristotle FBQ6: The theory that certain particles of matter contain "an active principle" which could produce living organisms under favourable conditions is referred to as ___ theory Answer: Spontaneous generation FBQ7: All these belonged to the theory of spontaneous generation except Answer: Darwin FBQ8: ________is the wise use of natural available resources in such a way that wastage, loss and harm are reduced or prevented Answer: conservation FBQ9: There are________ main methods of conservation Answer: three FBQ10: Iron is usually found in the combined state as___________ Answer: ore FBQ11: There are ……………main types of chemical system Answer: three FBQ12:  Energy available for doing work in a chemical system is___________ Answer: Free-energy FBQ13: Some endothermic processes take place Answer: Spontaneously FBQ14: Entropy is a measure of degree of___________in a substance Answer: Randomness FBQ15: For every substance, as___________increases, the degree of disorder or entropy increases Answer: Temperature FBQ16:  ___________ is the heat content of a system Answer: Enthalpy   FBQ17: Burning of ________ in power plants to convert chemical energy to electricity Answer: coal FBQ18: Main objective of energy conversion system is to make energy __________to man Answer: Available FBQ19: All chemical processes are associated with formation or breaking of _________ Answer: bonds FBQ20: There is need to conserve and__________the natural resources Answer: preserve FBQ21: Energy conversion to a man-made-process in which energy is made more _____ Answer: Useable FBQ22: Man belongs to a group of higher animals called_________ Answer: invertebrate FBQ23: The energy stored within the structural units of chemical substances is called________ Answer:   chemical FBQ24: __________ is a useful raw material in the production of ethanol Answer: Glucose FBQ25: The order Primate includes all except_______ Answer: Fishes   FBQ26: Which of these is not an evidence to support the theory of evolution Answer: Photosynthesis FBQ27: Wallace and Darwin made a joint presentation on natural selection in ______ Answer: 1858 FBQ28: Current evidence suggests that the earlier set of organisms were Answer: Heterotrophs FBQ29: The oil shale deposit is usually rich in ______ materials.  Answer: Bitumen FBQ30: Oil and gas provide about ____per cent of the energy used in the world Answer: 75% FBQ31: The refrigeration is a modern fashion of the ___. Answer: Clay pot FBQ32: The resources whose stock are in continuous supply are called _____ Answer: renewable FBQ33: Glucose is a useful raw material in the production of__________ Answer: ethanol FBQ34: The glucose formed is converted to____ and cellulose and stored in the body of plants. Answer: starch FBQ35: An aspect of chemistry that deals with the study of interconversion of heat and other kinds of energy is known as __ Answer: light