FBQ1: A generalization is a statement of broad applicability that shows a ------------ between two or more concepts.
Answer: Relationship

FBQ2: The Mombassa conference was sponsored by EDC Newton USA and -------------- London. 
Answer: CREDO

FBQ3: EDC means -------------------
Answer: Educational Development Centre

FBQ4: CREDO means --------------
Answer: Centre for Curriculum Renewer in Educational development overseas

FBQ5: The number of Africa countries (including Nigeria) represented at the conference were ----------------
Answer: Eleven (II)

FBQ6: The major decision reached at the Mombassa conference was that -------------- for social studies, for schools in Africa should be developed. 
Answer: New Curricula

FBQ7: A condition in which some people in a community view as undesirable can be referred to as -----------------------
Answer: Social problem

FBQ8: The identification of a social problem depends on the believe system and --------------------- of people living in the relevant society
Answer: Values

FBQ9: To recognise a problem as being social in nature, there must be a significant discrepancy between social standard and social ----------------
Answer: Reality

FBQ10: Interests, benefits, advantages, rules of conduct and forbearance in a given social setting which are recognised and protected by law and capable of enforcement by a legal process are called -----------------
Answer: Rights

FBQ11: Rights of individual to enjoy what every human being deserves is called --------------
Answer: Human Rights

FBQ12: The concept of human rights began in Ancient -----------------------
Answer: Greece

FBQ13: CEDAW means ------------------- of all Forms of Discrimination Against Wome
Answer: Convention on the Elimination

FBQ14: CRC means -----------------------
Answer: Convention on Rights of the Child

FBQ15: The first generation rights is -------------------
Answer: Civil and Political Rights

FBQ16: The rights that relate to social equality are called Economics, Social and ------------- rights.
Answer: Cultural

FBQ17: A specially written document  which outlines the principles and basic political institutions by which a state is governed is called ----------
Answer: Constitution

FBQ18: The human right that states that no citizen can be detained unlawfully is referred to as ------------------
Answer: Right to personal liberty

FBQ19: The right to hold opinions, receive and import ideas and information without interference is called Right to freedom of -------------------
Answer: Expression

FBQ20: AU means ---------------
Answer: African Union

FBQ21: The AU is governed by the AU Assembly of Heads of State and the ----------------- parliament
Answer: Pan African

FBQ22: The new social studies in Britain emphasizes insights, concepts and generalization, partially derived from --------------
Answer: Social Sciences

FBQ23: Five subjects under the social sciences that are related to social studies are Political Science, Geography, Economics, -------- and ----------
Answer: Anthropology and Sociology

FBQ24: ASSP means --------------------------
Answer: African Social studies programme

FBQ25: Goals of social studies includes Developing well informed and -------------- citizens
Answer: Responsible

FBQ26: Building attitudes and ---------- that are consistent with society desires
Answer: Values

FBQ27: Developing the appreciation and understanding of learners ------------ heritage and its role in contemporary society
Answer: Cultural

FBQ28: Acquisition of academic knowledge and Skills related to the study of ------------ and other consequences as they live individually as well as in groups and in a variety of places and time.
Answer: human actions

FBQ29: ASESP means -----------------
Answer: African Social and Environmental Studies programme

FBQ30: Among the goals of social studies is the development of --------- for one’s country and positive attitude to citizenship
Answer: Love

FBQ31: To promote the sympathetic appreciation to the diversity and ---------- among peoples of all races, colours and creeds. 
Answer: Interdependence

FBQ32: To make learners become more responsive to the ---- and -------- of others, so that they can act courageously towards bringing about changes that are in line with democratic ideals and processes of the society. 
Answer: Needs and problems

FBQ33: Fraenkel (1973) defined concepts as mental -------- invented by human actors to describe the characteristics that are common to a number of experiences. 
Answer: Construction

FBQ34: Two types of classificatory concepts are ---------- and --------
Answer: Conjunctive and Disjunctive

FBQ35: Social studies in Africa emerge after 1960's when most African countries were -------- colonies 
Answer: European

MCQ1: The main goal of social studies programme involves 
Answer: All of the options

MCQ2: What year did ABU Zaria introduced the Bed programme in social studies
Answer: 1978

MCQ3: What year was social studies made a core subject at primary and junior secondary school
Answer: 1980

MCQ4: The primary objective and function of social studies is
Answer: Human relationship

MCQ5: The social studies teacher is expected to package and teach subject content that promote _______________
Answer: Patriotism and citizenship

MCQ6: What is growth 
Answer: All the options

MCQ7: Objective of social studies in Nigerian secondary school is 
Answer: Study physical, social and political environment

MCQ8:  Values of Social Studies include
Answer: Cultural heritage

MCQ9: Which of the following statement is an example of generalization 
Answer: Honesty is the best policy for successful living

MCQ10: Which of these is an organ of African Union
Answer: General assembly

MCQ11: Right to Education and shelter can be categorized under
Answer: Economic, social and cultural right

MCQ12: One of the ideal definition of social studies given by frost and Rowland (1969) sees social studies 
Answer: As studies of human relationship

MCQ13: The development of social studies in the United states started in what year 
Answer: 1900

MCQ14: Keybook and curriculum projects in social studies emerged in Britain in the year
Answer: 1968

MCQ15: A continental concern for social studies in Africa started in 
Answer: 1967

MCQ16: The new social studies began in what year 
Answer: 1960's

MCQ17: Social studies is defined as 
Answer: Amalgamation of arts and social sciences 

MCQ18: Which of these constitute a social problem in our society
Answer: Prostitution

MCQ19: Ohio state university of USA trained some Nigerians in social studies in the year 
Answer: 1958

MCQ20: Quartey (1984) gave definition of social studies as 
Answer: Equipping youths with tools for solving personal and community problems

MCQ21: What is SOSAN
Answer: Social Studies Association of Nigeria 

MCQ22: Social studies was introduced to Western Nigeria in years between 1964 and 1965 through 
Answer: Aiyetoro Comprehensive high school project

MCQ23: What affected the success of social studies in Eastern Nigeria 
Answer: The Civil War

MCQ24: When was social studies introduced into Ahmadu Bello University Zaria
Answer: 1969

MCQ25: The first social studies national conference was held where and in what year
Answer: Lagos 1969

MCQ26: Social studies materials produced for primary and teachers colleges in Northern Nigeria came out which year
Answer: 1970

MCQ27: The first curriculum workshop was held in
Answer: Ibadan

MCQ28: Which body sponsored the workshop
Answer: NERC

MCQ29: The social studies syllabus for teachers colleges was produced in 1972 by 
Answer: Nigeria Education Research Council

MCQ30: The first social studies syllabus for primary schools was produced when 
Answer: During the first national workshop

MCQ31: The goal of social studies according to NCSS (1992) is 
Answer: Education for Cultural Integration and sustainable living

MCQ32: Social studies is about
Answer: All of the options

MCQ33: The content and purpose of social studies focus on
Answer: Relationships

MCQ34: Which country is considered to be the 'mother' country of social studies 
Answer: United State of America

MCQ35: Who are the founders of social studies 
Answer: All of the options