FBQ1: Phosphorylation is the synthesis of Answer: ATP FBQ2: The pressure caused by the potential of water to continuously move into a cell from outside is called ------------ pressure Answer: Osmotic FBQ3: The counterpart of osmotic pressure from inside the cell is called ------potential Answer: Osmotic FBQ4: The pressure that causes water pressure to push the plasma membrane against the cell wall is called ------- pressure Answer: Turgor FBQ5: When turgor is lost and cytoplasm shrinks away from cell wall, it is called _____. Answer: Plasmolysis FBQ6: …….. are typically move by facilitated diffusion that involves co-transport with another solute Answer: Sugars FBQ7: _____ Membranes allow the unrestricted movement of small molecules across the plasma membrane. Answer: Lipids FBQ8: Scientists measure energy in calories (cal) or _____. Answer: Joules FBQ9: A ……... is the amount of energy needed to move 1 kilogram through1 metre with an acceleration of 1 metre per second. Answer: Joule FBQ10: With the help of the enzyme pepsin, proteins can be changed to ------------ Answer: Polypeptides FBQ11: The energy being used to do work is called ---------- energy Answer: Kinetic FBQ12: Exploding a knockout is one of the example of ------------ energy Answer: Kinetic FBQ13: What are epoxy resin sections stained with after being cut with a microtome? Answer: Toluidine blue FBQ14: The two primary energy transformations in plants are ---------- and cellular transportation Answer: Photosynthesis FBQ15: …… uses light energy to convert CO2 and H2O to carbohydrates. Answer: Photosynthesis FBQ16: The chemical reactions that transform energy in cells is collectivelycalled Answer: Metabolism FBQ17: The chlorophyll is found in oval-shaped structures called _____. Answer: Chloroplast FBQ18: In plants, Extra nuclear DNA is found in Answer: Chloroplast FBQ19: Plasma membrane is composed of Protein and ------------------ Answer: Lipids FBQ20: The kinetic energy of a compound is contained in its ---------- bonds Answer: Chemical FBQ21: Most energy transformations in organisms are involve chemical reactions called Oxidations and ------------- Answer: Reductions FBQ22: ---------- is the loss of electrons either alone or with hydrogen, from a molecule Answer: Oxidation FBQ23: The sedimentation constant of ribosome is generally 70S and breaks up into two subunits whose sedimentation constants are Answer: 50S and 30S FBQ24: Metabolism is the sum of the vast array of ----------- and matter transformation in cells. Answer: Energy FBQ 25: The sequence of electron carrier is known as the electron _____. Answer: transport chain FBQ 26: The most common carotenoid is _____. Answer: beta carotene FBQ 27: Phosphorylation is the synthesis of ------------------- Answer: ATP FBQ 28: __ is the final product of glycolysis. Answer: pyruvic acid FBQ 29: The chlorophyll is found in oval-shaped structures called ___. Answer: Chloroplast FBQ 30: In plants chemical energy is used to make sugar in the __. Answer: Stroma FBQ 31: Vitamin A is a precursor of _____. Answer: Retinal FBQ 32: Even in the presence of sunlight and water, photosynthesis cannot occur in the absence of _____. Answer: Carbon dioxide FBQ 33: ____ discovered penicillin. Answer: Fleming FBQ 34: ----------- refer(s) to growing plants without soil Answer: Hydrophonics FBQ 35: The protons and electrons required to reduce NADP⁺ to NADPH₂ come from Answer: H₂O MCQ 1: Nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur are examples of Answer: Essential non-metallic elements MCQ 2: Through enzyme pepsin, proteins can be changed to Answer: Polypeptides MCQ 3: Which of the following organelles is surrounded by only one membrane? Answer: Micro-bodies MCQ 4: Sugars made in leaves are transported through Answer: Phloem tissues MCQ 5: Light absorbed by chlorophyll is converted into Answer: chemical energy MCQ 6: Carbon dioxide (CO2) taken in night is stored in form of Answer: chemical energy MCQ 7: Packets of light energy are known as -------------- Answer: Photons MCQ 8: Energy is stored in chemical bonds such as those in sugar, starch and Answer: Fats MCQ 9: Energy is stored in chemical bonds such as those in sugar, starch and Answer: Fats MCQ 10: IR is absorbed by water and Answer: carbon dioxide MCQ 11: In most plants, carbohydrates move largely as entirely as Answer: Sucrose MCQ 12: Due to chemical energy, water and carbon dioxide are converted into Answer: Carbohydrates MCQ 13: The green colour of leaves is due to solar chemical factories called Answer: Chloroplasts MCQ 14: The main difference between an animal and a plant cell is that ----------------- Answer: Animal cell lack rigid cell wall MCQ 15: Extra nuclear DNA is found in Answer: Chloroplast MCQ 16: Mitochondria was first seen by ______ Answer: Altmann MCQ 17: Plasma membrane is composed of Answer: Protein and Lipids MCQ 18: Cellular organelles containing hydrolytic enzymes are called Answer: Lysosomes MCQ 19: Ribosomes are responsible for --------------- in the cell Answer: Protein synthesis MCQ 20: Food is converted to energy in ----------- of the cell Answer: Mitochondria MCQ 21: The Chlorophyll of bacteria is called Answer: Bacteriochlorophylls MCQ 22: An essential component of chlorophyll molecule is Answer: Magnesium MCQ 23: Facilitation of entry of CO2 into the leaf is done through stomata as well as through water film on the ----------------- cells Answer: spongy mesophyll MCQ 24: Noncyclic photophosphorylation involve which of the following photosystems? I. photosystem I, II. photosystem II Answer: I and II MCQ25: In some microorganisms, the source of protons and electrons is _____. Answer: Hydrogen sulphide MCQ 26: Cork is useful in making stoppers for wine bottle because: Answer: Suberized tissues inhibit water los MCQ 27: Many metabolic functions in a cell occur in/on the ____. Answer: membranes MCQ28: Which of the following statements is not true of enzymes? Answer: they increase the energy of activation of reactions MCQ 29: Directly linked pigments to photosynthetic electron transport are _____. Answer: Chlorophylls MCQ 30: Directly linked pigments to photosynthetic electron transport are _____. Answer: Chlorophylls MCQ 31: In dark reaction, ------------ are required for the reduction of CO₂ to carbohydrates Answer: ATP and NADPH₂ MCQ 32: Microtubules are made of two types of globular proteins namely ------ tubulin Answer: Alpha and beta MCQ 33: Photosynthetic pigments other than chlorophyll are called _____. Answer: Accessory pigments MCQ 34: Which of the following enzymes catalyzes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide? Answer: Catalase MCQ 35: The region of ER that is encrusted with ribosomes is the ----------- Answer: rough ER