FBQ 1: A system in which the appointment and conditions of service of an employee are determined solely at the employees own intrinsic qualifications and personal capacities and physical fitness is called the ______ Answer: Merit system FBQ 2: A system whereby the public office constitutes a spoil to be enjoyed by the victorious political party at the polls is known as _________ Answer: Spoils system FBQ 3: ________ Act gave the civil service permanency of tenure and its present character Answer: Pendleton FBQ 4: The establishment of a two-way flow of mutual understanding and information between an organisation and its public has been the fundamental objective of ______ Answer: Public relations FBQ 5: The organisations which bring members of the same profession together for the exchange of information and experience and for the advancement of their profession is known as ________ Answer: Professional Association FBQ 6: The averred objective to seek an improvement on the wages and other conditions of service of their member is the responsibility of ___________ Answer: Trade unions FBQ 7: An employee that is equipped with in-depth knowledge of science and technology in one particular branch or sector is known as __________ Answer: A specialist FBQ 8: The employees who are non-specialists or technocrats in an organisation are called ________ Answer: Bureaucrats FBQ 9: The specialists are commonly termed as _________ Answer: Technocrats FBQ 10: A career person within the executive branch who by the breath of his experience is competent to deal effectively with complex problems of relationship among agencies or officials is known as _________ Answer: A generalist FBQ 11: In an organisation, the grading of duties not according to different functions, but according to degrees of authority and corresponding responsibility is called ______ Answer: Scalar process FBQ 12: The flow of instructions or communications from the immediate superior to the top officer in an organisation is described as _________ Answer: Proper channel FBQ 13: In Public administration, such activities in an organisation which aid the head of department or the chief executive in discharging his duties is known as _________ Answer: Staff FBQ 14: _______ are the agencies which do not serve the public but the line agencies Answer: Auxiliary agencies FBQ 15: The traditional administrative organisation is called _________ Answer: Department FBQ 16: At the federal level in Nigeria, the political head of every department is known as _________ Answer: Minister FBQ 17: A group of members who are required to act collectively upon all matters falling within their jurisdiction is called ______ Answer: Board FBQ 18: An organisation which has the leadership of the department in one person is called _________ Answer: Bureau type of organisation FBQ 19: _______ refers to where decision making authority is vested in the top level to which all matters pertaining to a particular problem are channelled. Answer: Centralized organisation FBQ 20: The dispersal of authority among a number of individuals or units is referred to as _________ Answer: Decentralization FBQ 21: An agency of the government through which the government manages its commercial and economic activities is known as _______ Answer: Public enterprise FBQ 22: An enterprise established under the ordinary company law of the country in which the government has a commanding interest through its ownership of all or some of the shares is known as __________ Answer: State company FBQ 23: A public corporation is constituted largely for ________ Answer: Public benefit FBQ 24: The essence of a company is maximization of Answer: Profit FBQ 25: A personnel system where the employees are classified into a hierarchical sections, divisions, etc is describes as ___________ system Answer: Bureaucratic FBQ 26: A system where a distinction is made between different grades of personnel and promotion from lower to the higher grade is strictly restricted is called _______ Answer: Aristocratic system FBQ 27: A system in which no man has any more intrinsic right to official station than another is known as ______ Answer: Democratic system FBQ 28: The German sociologist that gave a systematic analysis of bureaucracy is ______ Answer: Max Weber FBQ 29: In public administration, the grouping together of posts into various classes on the basis of their respective duties and responsibilities is known as ____________ Answer: Classification FBQ 30: According to Waldo, __________ is the prescribed or customary way of working together with the conduct of an organisation’s business. Answer: Procedure FBQ 31: The day-to-day work of the government is done through the________ Answer: Procedure FBQ 32: In a broader sense, the study of the entire process of management, viz planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating, directing, and controlling refers to as _________of management. Answer: Organization and Methods FBQ 33: In specific term, that which determines the amount of discretion permitted to administrative officers and agencies is known as _________law Answer: Administrative FBQ 34: The law-making power transferred to executive by the legislature itself is called _________ Answer: Delegated legislation FBQ 35: The determination of question of a judicial or quasi-judicial nature by an administrative department or agency is known as ________ Answer: Administrative adjudication FBQ 36: The process which upgrades employees and makes them bear heavier and greater responsibilities in an organisation is ___________ Answer: Promotion FBQ 37: Apart from on the ground of request, another grounds for effecting the transfer of an employee from one place of work to another is ______ Answer: Routine FBQ 38: Dissemination of information to the public about the government’s policies and acts of the government is the core objective of _______ Answer: Public Relations FBQ 39: Distinction is made between different grades of personnel and promotion from lower to the higher grade is strictly restricted under ______ Answer: Aristocratic system FBQ 40: The eminent German sociologist that gave a systematic analysis of bureaucracy is _______ Answer: Max Weber FBQ 41: In public administration, the process of grouping together of posts into various classes in the basis of their respective duties and responsibilities is known as ________ Answer: Classification FBQ 42: The system that is also designated as “hiring and firing” of public officials and employees is called ______ Answer: Spoils system FBQ 43: The Unions that are generally formed by the employees of subordinate public services is called _____ Answer: Trade Unions FBQ 44: When constitutional methods fail to yield fruits, Trade Unions may resort to ______ Answer: Strike FBQ 45: The____ refers to the system in which the appointment and conditions of service of an employee are determined solely on qualifications Answer: Merit system FBQ 46: According to Torpey, the process of developing skills, habits, knowledge and attitude in employees for the purpose of increasing their effective performance is known as ______ Answer: Training FBQ 47: The aspect of training that is carefully conceived, prearranged and conducted under expert guidance is called _______ training Answer: Formal FBQ 48: A company constituted for ________ Answer: Private profit FBQ 49: Need for funds is one of the justifications for ______ Answer: Public Enterprises FBQ 50: An organisation in which decision-making authority is vested in the top level of the organisation is described as ________ Answer: Centralized MCQ1: One of the following is not a classification or type of Budget Answer: Profit budget MCQ2: The following are important principles of budget making except____________ Answer: Budget should be staggered MCQ3: The advantages of delegated legislation exclude _________ Answer: Interest of the people ignored MCQ4: _____ is not among the major criticisms against Dicey’s interpretation of administrative law Answer: Universality of administrative law MCQ5: A renowned scholar in administrative law is _________ Answer: Ivor Jennings MCQ6: The functions of O and M do not include _______ Answer: Industrialization MCQ7: The main defects of procedures include all but _______________ Answer: Efficiency MCQ8: The legal rights of public employees includes the following with the exception of _____ Answer: Right to embezzlement MCQ9: _____ is not among the objectives of public employee union Answer: To take over administration MCQ10: The obstacles to good public relations exclude _______  Answer: Cordiality MCQ11: ____ is not among the techniques of ascertaining public opinion Answer: Motivation MCQ12: The principles of promotion does not include Answer: Confrontation MCQ13: Strictly speaking, ______ does not belong to the formal training Answer: Parental Training MCQ14: The following are advantages of the merit system exclude _____ Answer: It leads public administration to the morass of political intrigues MCQ15: The defects of spoils system exclude ____ Answer: Motivates the employees MCQ16: The foundation of personnel system includes all but _________ Answer: Tenure for incumbency MCQ17: _____ is not among the essential characteristics of bureaucracy Answer: Personification of office in the incumbent MCQ18: The German sociologist that popularized the study of bureaucracy is _________ Answer: Max Weber MCQ19: The problems of public corporation exclude_______ Answer: The problem of precondition MCQ20: _____ is not a feature of public corporation Answer: Profit – oriented MCQ21: One of the following is not a type of public corporation in Nigeria.  Answer: Federal Character Commission MCQ22: The following reasons justify government participation in economic activities except________ Answer: Need to plunder the economy MCQ23: ______ is not among the types of public enterprises based on the ownership. Answer: Amnesty MCQ24: Factors necessitating centralization and decentralization exclude ________ Answer: Absence of managers MCQ25: Advantages of a centralized system does not include _____ Answer: It lacks flexibility of approach MCQ26: All except one of the following are the disadvantages of a centralized system. Answer: It makes administrative abuses difficult MCQ27: The bureau type runs the following risks except _________ Answer: The head may develop expertise MCQ28: The disadvantages of Board type do not include _____ Answer: The single head is necessary in a disciplined activities MCQ29: _____ is not a type of Board or Commission Answer: Revenue board MCQ30: The four principles or bases on which a department is organized exclude ______ Answer: Rotational principle MCQ31: The functions of Auxiliary Agencies exclude ____________ Answer: Encroaches upon the responsibilities of his agencies MCQ32: ______ is not among the functions of staff agencies. Answer: Decision making MCQ33: The following are factors determining the degree of span of control except _______ Answer: Lack of consensus MCQ34: The bases of organization exclude ________ Answer: Public relations MCQ35: The following are the characteristics of organization except _________ Answer: Profit maximization MCQ36: The foundations of the modern personnel system include all except ________ Answer: Spoils system MCQ37: The Pendleton Act was passed by the United States Congress in the year ______ Answer: 1883 MCQ38: The Act that gave the civil service permanency of tenure and its present character is known as ___ Answer: Pendleton Act MCQ39: Such a method of recruitment aimed at providing equality of opportunities to all to compete in open market public service is known as ______ Answer: Merit system MCQ40: _____ is not among categories of training in an organization Answer: Disengagement Training MCQ41: An organisation aimed at achieving a public purpose authorized by law is known as _____ Answer: Government corporation MCQ42: The main characteristics of a government company include all except _____ Answer: It is welfare – oriented MCQ43: The grading of duties according to degrees of authority and corresponding responsibility in organisation is known as _______ Answer: The scalar process MCQ44: The line agencies do not perform one of the following functions. Answer: Repressing workers MCQ45: According to Mooney, staff functions do not include _______ Answer: Budgeting MCQ46: ____ is not among the kinds of independent establishments Answer: Information services MCQ47: The Bureau Type of Organisation is bedevilled by the following defects except ____ Answer: It eliminates partisan politics MCQ48: _____ is not among the techniques of ascertaining public opinion Answer: The Judiciary MCQ49: In a broader sense of institutional process, the term O and M refers to ________ Answer: Organization and Management MCQ50: ______ is not a notable scholar in Administrative Law? Answer: Max Weber