FBQ1: The lowest energy level E1 of an atom is called_____ state energy. Answer: ground FBQ2: The positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electrons combined to give a neutral atom of radius _____. Answer: 10-10 m FBQ3: Charge quantization is also referred to as _____. Answer: Discrete form of charge FBQ4: In Bainbridge mass spectrometer, when charged particles move in the straight horizontal line through both electrical and magnetic fields, the velocity is ____ Answer: V = E/B FBQ5: ____measures the different isotopes of anion. Answer: Mass Spectrometer FBQ6: Elements of the same atomic number that have different neutrons number are known as _____. Answer: Isotopes FBQ7: J. J Thomson model of an atom can also be referred as _________ Answer: Plum pudding model FBQ8: Which model visualises an atom just like planets move around the sun? Answer: Rutherford’s model FBQ9: The atomic model which presents the atom as consisting of positively charged nucleus at the centre of an atom and negatively charged electrons moving round the nucleus in circular orbits is ______. Answer: Rutherford’s model FBQ10: An electron jump from the orbit of energy E2 to and orbit of energy E1 leads to emission of _______ Answer: Radiation FBQ11: An electron jump from the orbit of energy E2 to and orbit of energy E1 leads to emission of _______ Answer: Radiation FBQ12: The lowest lying energy level Eo in the hydrogen spectra is the __________ Answer: Ground state FBQ13: The wavelength of the photon emitted when an electron falls from energy level of 0.56 eV to -1.54 eV is ______. Answer: 5.93 x 10-7 m Fill in the Blank (FBQs) 13: The arrangement of a negative charge and a positive charge of equal magnitudes a distance r apart from one another is called _________________. Answer: an electric dipole FBQ14: The arrangement of a negative charge and a positive charge of equal magnitudes a distance r apart from one another is called _________________. Answer: an electric dipole FBQ15: Dipole moment, μ is calculated from the following relation _________ Answer: μ = q x r FBQ16: The product of linear momentum, mv and the distance of the electron from the nucleus of an atom r is called _________. Answer: Angular momentum FBQ17: In Rutherford Nuclear atom model, electron distribution gives ____to the atom Answer: stability FBQ18: The possible values of the spin quantum number ms are __________. Answer: +1/2 and -1/2 FBQ19: _____________ is the property of an electron which is responsible for its angular momentum about an axis within the electron. Answer: Electronic spin FBQ20: Two possible directions which the electron spin can point at are ________. Answer: Up, down FBQ21: “It is impossible for two electrons with the same spin quantum number to be in the same orbit “, is a statement of ________________ principle. Answer: Pauli exclusion FBQ22: Orbital and spin arrangement of electrons in the atom follow the __________ method. Answer: Aufbau FBQ23: ___ is the orbital and spin arrangement of electrons in the atom, specifying the quantum numbers of the electrons in the atom in a given state. Answer: Electronic Configuration FBQ24: ___________ states that electrons will fill a set of degenerate orbitals by keeping their spin parallel. Answer: Hund’s rule FBQ25: The electronic structure of Nickel, atomic number 28, is --------------- Answer: 1S2, 2S2, 2P6, 3S2, 3P6, 4S2, 3d8 FBQ26: In the X-ray spectra, K-series X-ray are produced when an electron is knocked out of the __________ K-shell. Answer: Lowest FBQ27: ____________ are produced when fast moving electrons are stopped by a metal target. Answer: X-rays FBQ28: The quality and energy of X-rays produced depend on the ____________ at which the electron transition takes place. Answer: energy level FBQ29: When electrons from L-Shell move in to fill a gap in K-Shell, __________ are produced. Answer: Kα X-rays FBQ30: The electronic configuration of Zinc, atomic number 30, is __________. Answer: 1S2, 2S2, 2P6, 3S2, 3P6, 4S2, 3d10 FBQ31: X – rays is produced when __________ are stopped by a metal target. Answer: fast electrons FBQ32: ______occurs when free electrons of high energy penetrate deep into atoms and knock out electrons from deep energy levels. Answer: Photoelectric effect FBQ33: __________ of high-energy photons are produced when electrons jump from one atomic orbit to another Answer: X-ray FBQ34: When electrons undergo series of transitions between K, L, M and N – shells is known as --- Answer: X – ray spectra FBQ35: The orbital and spin arrangement of electrons in the atom is called_____ configuration Answer: electronic MCQ1: The energy and quality of X-rays produced depends on the _______ which the electrons transition takes place. Answer: Energy level MCQ2: The property of an electron which gives rise to its angular momentum about an axis within the electron defines one of the following; Answer: electronic spin MCQ3:  Which of the following is quantized according to Bohr's theory of atom? Answer: Angular momentum of electron MCQ4: All but one are the properties of waves. Answer: Excitation MCQ5: Einstein's energy mass equation is related by E=mc2. What is C? Answer: Speed Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) For PHY202 5: If unstable nuclide undergo beta decay, this will lead to an increase in the number of one of these particles Answer: Proton MCQ6: If unstable nuclide undergo beta decay, this will lead to an increase in the number of one of these particles Answer: Proton MCQ7: Which nuclides require more neutrons than protons? Answer: heaviest nuclides MCQ8: The principal quantum number is normally represented by one of these symbols Answer: L MCQ9: The potential energy acquired by an electron is attributable to one of the following; Answer: attraction of the nucleus MCQ10: Which of these scientists visualized an atom as consisting of positively charged nucleus at the centre of an atom? Answer: Rutherford MCQ11: The negative electric charges are usually called ____. Answer: Electrons MCQ12: If the emitted radiation should increase in wavelength, the electron continuously loses one of the following as it spirals inward toward the nucleus. Answer: Energy MCQ13: X-ray wavelength can be measured quite precisely by one of these methods Answer: crystal diffraction techniques MCQ14: Electrons in an X-ray tube are accelerated by a potential difference of 10.0kv. If an electron produces one proton on impact with the target, what is the minimum wavelength of the resulting x-rays? Answer: 0.124nm MCQ15: X-rays have many practical application in medicine and industry because x-ray photons are of; Answer: high energy MCQ16: Which of the following is not a model of atom? Answer: Albert Einstein model MCQ17: The energy emitted during excitation is accompanied by ____. Answer: Gamma rays MCQ18: The X-rays in the same series, say K or L produced from an element of higher atomic weight is _____ that produced from an element of low atomic weight Answer: less than MCQ19: The key properties of the nucleus include the following except one: Answer: Heat energy MCQ20: The following points hold for a stable nuclides except one Answer: Binding energy is small MCQ21: The following are types of detectors except one Answer: infra-red MCQ22: The following are the component of mass spectrometer except one Answer: magnetic plate MCQ23: In Bainbridge mass spectrometer, when charged particles move in the straight horizontal line through both electrical and magnetic fields, the velocity is _______. Answer: MCQ24: _______ measures the different isotopes of anion. Answer: mass spectrometer MCQ25: Kα are x-ray produced when electron from (L) shell move in to fill the gap in one of these shells. Answer: L MCQ26: Who suggested that the orbital angular momentum experienced by an electron in allowed orbit is equal to an integral multiple of ? (Where h is the Planck’s constant. L = mvr = n ћ where n = 1, 2, ____ and n is called principal quantum number). Answer: Bohr’s model MCQ27: Which of the following is not a Bohr’s postulate? Answer: An atom or ion emits radiation when an electron makes a transition from an initial allowed orbit with a quantum ni to a final allowed orbit with quantum number, nf for ni>nf. MCQ28: X-ray emission is the inverse effect of one of these process: Answer: photoelectric effect MCQ29: Which of these is formed as a consequence of transformation of the kinetic energy of an electron into the energy of a proton? Answer: X-ray MCQ30: The transformation of energy of a photon into kinetic energy of an electron is called _____. Answer: photoelectric emission MCQ31: When an electron jumps from higher orbit to a lower orbit, it ______energy. Answer: Absorbs MCQ32: An electron can move in an orbit of certain radius. This is a statement of which of these great scientists? Answer: Bohr's theory of atom MCQ33: The frequency of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a hydrogen atom which undergoes a transition between energy levels of -1.36 X 10-19 J and -5.45 X 10-19 J, is _____ (Use Planck’s constant h = 6.6 X 10-34 Js) Answer: 102.6 Hz MCQ34: The wavelength of the radiation associated with a transition from energy levels (-4.0 eV) to (-1.8 eV) is ____. Answer: 5.625 x 10-7 m MCQ35: An unstable nuclide can undergo a decay so that its proton number Answer: decreases