FBQ1: When citizens exercise their political rights through election of representatives it is called representative ____  Answer: Democracy FBQ2: Another name for voters is the ___  Answer: Electorate FBQ3: Nigeria runs a ___ system of government as opposed to parliamentary system  Answer: Presidential FBQ4: Nigeria gained independence from _____ in 1960 Answer: Colonial masters FBQ5: In a democracy ultimate power rests with the ___ Answer: People FBQ6: In a monarchy and aristocracy decision- making power rests with a ---- Answer: few FBQ7: _____________ defines ddemocracy as the government of the people, by the people and for the people Answer: Abraham Lincoln FBQ8: In a democracy, mandate is given to rulers through a free and fair ____ Answer: Election FBQ9: The creation of Nigeria was through the amalgamation of ____ Answer: 1914 FBQ10: _ The second tier of government in Nigeria is the _____ Answer: State FBQ11: World Bank is an international ________ organisation Answer: Monetary FBQ12: ______ is the exact opposite of secrecy Answer: Transparency FBQ13: A feature of _______ is the acceptance of responsibility both as a positive and negative sense of the term Answer: Accountability FBQ14: The use of public fund for personal gain is called _________ Answer: Corruption FBQ15: Absolute supremacy of the law is an element of the ---- Answer: Rule of law FBQ16: Nigeria's Senate is headed by a ____ nominated among senate members Answer: President FBQ17: __________ is the highest court in Nigeria Answer: Supreme Court FBQ18: The independence of the judiciary guarantees the ______ Answer: Rule of law FBQ19: ______________________ is a process of dispersing the powers of government in such a way that the geographic area over which officials exercise political economic and administrative control is smaller than in a centralised system Answer: Decentralisation FBQ20: The struggle against discrimination between sexes is wrapped in the campaign for _____ Answer: Gender equality FBQ21: United States is a ________ society Answer: Capitalist FBQ22: A process that enables parties to a dispute to arrive at an agreement that does not have the binding force of law is called --------------------- Answer: Conciliation FBQ23: In ________ a third party who is appointed by both parties in a conflict makes decision binding on the parties Answer: Arbitration FBQ24: _________ is a peaceful means of resolving dispute usually involving the intervention of a neutral third party Answer: Mediation FBQ25: The idea of _____ development however, refers to a process ofeconomic growth that can be sustained over a long term because it does not involve the wanton destruction of the environment. Answer: Sustainable FBQ26: When parties to a dispute engage in direct communication to resolve their Answer: Negotiation FBQ27: Structural Adjustment Programme was introduced in Nigeria in the ___s Answer: 1980 FBQ28: A public official interest should not ____ with personal interest in order to make impartial judgment Answer: Conflict FBQ29: _____________ is the scholar defined conflict as a perceived divergence of interest Answer: Gurr FBQ30: ______________ conflict is said to occur when two parties or actors pursue the same scares resources Answer: Resource FBQ31: Another term that can be used for win–lose situation is _________________  Answer: Zero-sum FBQ32: In conflict, the actor or party that is directly involved is referred to as_____ party Answer: Primary FBQ33: When individuals and groups renounce their rights to resort to self-help and sacrifice their individual rights for social harmony they are said to have entered into ____ Answer: Social contract FBQ34: --------------- is the philosopher that stated that "It is not the consciousness of men that determines his existence but man's social existence that determines his consciousness." Answer: Karl Marx FBQ35: Aggregate of popular preferences on matters of public concern or interest is called ___ Answer: Public Opinion FBQ36: An election held exclusively for the electorate to determine the right policy OR agenda to be pursued by government is termed ___ Answer: Referendum FBQ37: In the United States, the two major political parties are the Republican and the _____ parties Answer: Democratic FBQ38: _____________ is an order by a High Court commanding administrative Agency to carry out a legitimate duty that has been overlooked Answer: Mandamus FBQ39: A multiparty system can be defined as a political System that legallypermits the existence of _____ or more political parties Answer: Three FBQ40: _____ includes toleration and an antipathy to closing ranks around any system of beliefs" Answer: Libralism FBQ41: The theory of the divine right of kings to impose their religion on their subjects called theocracy. TRUE OR FALSE __ Answer: True FBQ42: Marxists are opposed to ____ and its evils. It Answer: Capitalism FBQ43: Chapter ______ of 1999 constitution details the fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy Answer:   FBQ44: The law making branch of the government is referred to _____ Answer: Legislature FBQ45: Nigeria has --------------- arms of government Answer: Three FBQ46: At the inter-state level, the __________ opine that in the pursuit of national interest therein lies the inevitability of conflicts among states Answer: Realists FBQ47: One of barriers to democracy and good governance in many African countries is the over _____ of both economic and political power at the centre. Answer: Centralisation FBQ48: When the power to take decisions is not concentrated at one single level or institution, but is dispersed among several individuals and institutions it is said to be a ___ system. Answer: Decentralised FBQ49: There must be some legislative ______ in a political system to have any amount of accountability required in check and balances. Answer: Autonomy FBQ50: In a federation _______ legislative list specifies what the federal government can do without recourse to the other federating units Answer: Exclusive MCQ1: The term leadership is an art of ____ the behaviour of a group of people in order to achieve specific objectives and goals Answer: influencing MCQ2: The form of conversation that tries to inform but not to persuade or resolve any issue is________________ Answer: Dialogue MCQ3: The arm of government that interprets the law is referred to _____ Answer: Judiciary MCQ4: The federal capital of Nigeria is situated in ____ Answer: Oyo MCQ5: Democracy is a system of government where the majority have their way and the minority have their __ Answer: say MCQ6: _______ include ideas, habits, custom and beliefs that define a particular social community Answer: Culture MCQ7: Nigeria has _____ states Answer: Thirty six MCQ8: Win zero sum game can also be described as Answer: Win-lose outcome MCQ9: Those not directly locked in conflict and are unknown but have hidden interests are ____ Answer: Shadow Parties MCQ10: Which of the following country does not have two or three levels of government? Answer: Canada MCQ11: The _______ legislative list contains what the Federal and State Governments legislature can both act on Answer: Concurrent MCQ12: Which of the following scholars was the proponent of separation of power? Answer: Montesquieu MCQ13: Which arm of government is responsible for executing laws of a state? Answer: Executive MCQ14: What form of legislature do we operate in Nigeria? Answer: Bicameralism MCQ15: ------------- is a superior court of record Answer: High Court MCQ16: The Communist Party belonged to which defunct union? Answer: Soviet Union MCQ17: In United states, the political contest is usually between ___ major political parties Answer: two MCQ18: Supremacy of the constitution means ____ Answer: constitutionalism MCQ19: _____ is a tool for sorting out issues central to the conflict Answer: The conflict tree MCQ20: Which constitution is found in different legislation without a specific document? Answer: Unwritten constitution MCQ21: A _______ society is one where people are free from fear of different kinds Answer: Peaceful MCQ22: What is name given to the practice and conduct of government by means of equality before the law Answer: Rule of law MCQ23: The principle of fair hearing is a fundamental human ___ Answer: right MCQ24: The fundamental rights of citizen is enshrined in chapter_____ of constitution Answer: Four MCQ25: Absolute supremacy of law is a concept propounded by_____ Answer: Dicey Heys MCQ26: In conflict mapping, circles indicate the _______ involved in the situation Answer: parties MCQ27: What term is used to describe the use of political power to manage a nation's public affairs and its economic and social environment? Answer: Governance MCQ28: In conflict mapping, double connecting lines indicate________ Answer: Alliance MCQ29: In conflict mapping______ ___ indicate informal or intermittent links Answer: Dotted lines MCQ30: A process whereby those who occupy positions of leadership in the government must give account to the people is referred to as ____ Answer: Accountability MCQ31: A process of carrying out government business in an open, easy to understand and explicit manner is called_____ Answer: Transparency MCQ 32: ____underdevelopment is one of the main obstacles to democracy and good governance in many countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Answer: Economic MCQ33: What is the full meaning of UNDP Answer: United Nations Development Programme MCQ34: The provision of borehole by UNDP to a community who constantly fight over water is a form of ____ Answer: Peace building MCQ35: ________ is the application of intelligence and tact to the conduct of official relations between governments of independent states Answer: Diplomacy MCQ36: Morgathan (1993:361) describes_____ as the instrument of achieving permanent peace and accommodation amongst states Answer: Diplomacy MCQ37: ________ is a conceptual framework of nine tracks designed to encompass activities contributing to international peacemaking and peace building Answer: Multi-track Diplomacy MCQ38: Centralised control of economic power further ____ the generalpublic from political participation Answer: alienates MCQ39: A system of government in which ultimate power rests with the people Answer: Democracy MCQ40: When people are appointed based on their competence to a public office it is said that ____ is put in place Answer: meritocracy MCQ41: Form of government in which the final decision making rests with a King who is considered the ruler and others subject Answer: Monarchy MCQ42: Another word for ultimate power of the state over its affairs and territory is _______ Answer: sovereignty MCQ43: The main obstacle to economic development in the new States ofAfrica, Asia and Latin America is widespread _____ Answer: corruption MCQ44: A form of government in which the final decision making power rests with a small number of rich and landowners Answer: Aristocracy MCQ45: In the pre-colonial time the Obas and Emirs combined both spiritual and ___ authority Answer: political MCQ46: Fulani intelligentsia under the leadership of ____succeeded in overthrowing the Hausa dynasties in Sokoto, Gwandu, Kano and Katsina. Answer: Othman Dan Fodio MCQ47: In the old Oyo empire the ___ formed the Advisory Council to the Alafin and named a new Alafin on the demise of a king Answer: Oyomesi MCQ48: Which of these is the highest degree of conflict? Answer: Violence MCQ49: Extreme violence by humans against nature is called______ Answer: Ecocide MCQ50: When did the fourth republic start in Nigeria democratic experience Answer: 1999