FBQ1: Let G = {1, -1, i, -i}. Then G is a group under usual multiplication of complex numbers, in this group, the order of i is _____. Answer: 4 FBQ2: Answer: (4,1) FBQ3: Answer: N FBQ4: The order of (12) in is ___________________.  Answer: 2 FBQ5: In a permutation, any cycle of length two is called __________________.  Answer: Transposition FBQ6: A field K is called _____________ of F if F is a subfield of K, thus Q is a subfield of R and R is a field extension of Q Answer: Field extension FBQ7: Answer: Proper subfield FBQ8: Answer: Primitive FBQ9: We call an integral domain R a _______________ if every non – zero element of R which is not a unit in R can be uniquely expressed as a product of a finite number of irreducible elements of R Answer: Unique factorization domain FBQ10: Answer: Greatest Common divisor FBQ11: Given two elements a and b in a ring R, we say that c is a ______________ of a and b if c|a and c|b.  Answer: Common divisor FBQ12: We call an integral domain R a ________________ if every ideal in R is a principal ideal. Answer: Principal ideal FBQ13: ______________.  Answer: 2 FBQ14: Let R be an integral domain, an element a R is called a unit or an ____________ in R if we can find bR such that ab = 1 i.e if a has a multiplicative inverse Answer: Invertible element FBQ15: A domain on which we can define a Euclidean valuation is called ________. Answer: Euclidean domain FBQ16: Answer: Euclidean Evaluation FBQ17: Answer: Root of multiplicity m FBQ18: Let F be a field and f(x) Fx we say that an element a F is a ____________ (or zero) of f(x) if f(a) = 0 Answer: Factor FBQ19: If S is set, an object ‘a’ in the collection S is called an_________________ of S Answer: Element FBQ20: A set with _____________element in S is called an empty set Answer: No FBQ21: ____________ method is sometimes used to list the element of a large set Answer: Roster FBQ22: The set of rational numbers and the set of real numbers are respectively represented by the symbol_______________ and __________________. Answer: Q and R FBQ23: The symboldenotes __________________. Answer: There exist FBQ24: If A and B are two subsets of a set S, we can collect the element that are common to both A and B, we call this set the _______________of A and B.  Answer: Intersection FBQ25: A relation R defined on a set S is said to be ________________ if we have Answer: Reflexive FBQ26: A relation R defined on a set S is said to be ________________if Answer: Symmetric FBQ27: A relation R defined on a set S is said to be ________________ if a R b and Answer: Transitive FBQ28: A relation R defined on a set S that is reflexive, symmetric and transitive is called ________________ relation Answer: Equivalence FBQ29: A ________________ f from a non – empty set A to a non – empty set B is a rule which associates with every element of A exactly on element of B Answer: Function FBQ30: A function is called ______________ if associates different elements of A with different element of B Answer: Injective FBQ31: A function is called ____________ if the range of f is B.  Answer: Onto FBQ32: Answer: Projection FBQ33: A function that is both one to one and onto is called ________________ Answer: Bijective FBQ34: __________________ set. Answer: Finite FBQ35: A set that is not ______________ is called infinite set Answer: Finite FBQ36: __________________  Answer: Bijective FBQ37: 1 and p Answer: Prime FBQ38: _____________ number Answer: Composite FBQ39: _______________ on A.  Answer: Identity function FBQ40: ______________ on S.  Answer: Binary operation FBQ41: Answer: Closed FBQ42: Answer: Associative FBQ43: Answer: Commutative FBQ44: __________.  Answer: Distributive over FBQ45: Answer: Identity element FBQ46: The Cayley table is named after the famous mathemathecian Answer: Arthur Cayley FBQ47: ____________ system consists of a set with a binary operation which satisfies certain properties is called a group Answer: Algebraic FBQ48: Answer: The integral power FBQ49: is an equivalence relation, and hence partition Z into disjoint equivalence classes called ____________ modulo n.  Answer: Congruence class FBQ50: If the set X is finite, say X = (1,2,3, …, n) then we denote S(x) by and each of is called a _______________ on n symbols Answer: Permutation MCQ1: In a principle ideal Domain an element is prime if and only if it is Answer: Reducible MCQ2: Answer: I only MCQ3: Answer: 3x+1 MCQ4: Answer: II only MCQ5: Answer: II only MCQ6: Answer: MCQ7: Answer: 1 MCQ8: Answer: f(a) = 1 MCQ9: Express x4+ x3+5x2-x  as (x2 +x+1)+rx in Q[x] Answer: None of the options MCQ10: Let F be a field. Let f(x) and g(x) be two polynomials in F[x] with g(x) ≠0. Then I There exist two polynomial q(x) and r(x) in F[x] such that f(x) = q(x)g(x) + r(x), where degr(x) < degg(x).IIThe polynomial q(x) and r(x) are unique, which of the following is a properties of Division Algorithm  Answer: I only MCQ11: Which of the following polynomial ring is free from zero divisor Answer: Z6  MCQ12: . Let R be a ring and f(x) and g(x) be two non – zero element of R[x]. Then deg(f(x)g(x)) ≤ degf(x) + degg(x) with equality if Answer: R does not have a zero divisor MCQ13: If p(x), q(x) ∈ Z[x] then the deg(p(x).q(x)) is Answer: Max (deg p(x), deg q(x)) MCQ14: If f(x) = a0+a1x+…+anxn and g(x) = b0+b1x+…+bmxm are two polynomial in R[x], we define their product f(x).g(x) = c0+c1x+…+cm+nxm+1 where ci is   Answer: ai bi ∀ i = 0,1, …, m+n MCQ15: Consider the two polynomials p(x), q(x) in Z[x] by p(x) = 1+2x+3x2, q(x) = 4+5x+7x3. Then p(x) + q(x) is Answer: 5+7x+3x2+7x3 MCQ16: Determine the degree and the leading coefficient of the polynomial        1+x3+x4+0.x5 is Answer: (3,1) MCQ17: The Degree of a polynomial written in this form deg(∑i=0naixi) if an ≠0 is Answer: 0 MCQ18: Let R be a domain and x ∈ R be nilpotent then xn = 0 for some n ∈ N. Since R has no zero divisors this implies that Answer: x = 1 MCQ19: An ideal m Z of Z is maximal if and only if m is Answer: An even number MCQ20:  Every maximal ideal of a ring with identity is Answer: A field MCQ21:  Let R be a ring with identity. An ideal M in R is Maximal if and only if R/M is Answer: A field MCQ22:  An ideal p of a ring R with identity is a prime ideal of R if and only if the quotient ring is Answer: An integral domain MCQ23:  The characteristics of a field is either Answer: None of the options MCQ24: Zn is a field if and only if Answer: n is an even number MCQ25:  Which of the following is an axioms of a field Answer: Is commutative MCQ26:  Let R be a ring, the least positive integer n such that nx = 0 ∀ x ∈ R is called Answer: The order of R MCQ27: Which of the following is not a property of an integral domain Answer: Is a commutative ring MCQ28: A non – zero element in a ring R is called zero divisor in R if there exist a non – zero element b in R such that Answer: ab = 0 MCQ29: If H is a subgroup of a group G and a, b ∈ G then which of the following statement is true Answer: Ha = H Iff   a∈ H MCQ30: Let G be a group and a∈G such that O(G) = t, then an= am, if and only if Answer: None of the options MCQ31: Which of these does not hold for ‘×’ distributive over , and ‘ – Answer: A× (BC) = A×B A×C MCQ32: The symmetric difference of two given sets A and B, denoted by A ∆ B is defined by Answer: A ∆ B = ( A – B) or (B – A) MCQ33: The (relative) complement (or difference) of a set A with respect to a set B denoted by B – A (or B\A) is the set Answer: B – A = {x B :x∈A} MCQ34: Which of the following is of the operations and Answer: Associative A(BC) = (AB) C and A(BC) = (AB)C for three sets A,B,C MCQ35: The intersection of two sets A and B written as AB is Answer: The set AB = {x:x∈A and x∈B} MCQ36: A set X of n elements has Answer: 2n subsets MCQ37: If G is a finite group such that O(G) is neither I nor a prime, then G has Answer: Non – trivial proper subgroup MCQ38: Which of the following is not the definition of Euler Phi – function MCQ39: Every group of prime order is Answer: Non – abelian MCQ40: An element is of infinite order if and only if all its power are Answer: Real MCQ41: Consider the following set of 8 2 ´ 2 matrices over ¢. Q8 = {±I, ±A, ±B, ±C} where I = , A = , B = , C = and i = -1. If H = <A> is a subgroup, how many distinct right cosets does it have in Q8  Answer: 8 MCQ42: Let H = 4Z. How many distinct right coset of H in Z do we have? Answer: 2 MCQ43: A function f : A B is called one – one if and only if different element of B. some time is called Answer: Bijective MCQ44: Let G be a group, g ∈ G and m, n ∈ Z. which of the following does not hold Answer: (gm)n = gmn MCQ45: Let G be a group. If there exist g ∈ G has the form x = gn for some n ∈ Z then G is Answer: A cyclic group MCQ46: Let H = {I, (1, 2)} be a subgroup of S3. The distinct left cosets of H in S3are Answer: H, (123)H, (12)H MCQ47: The order of in Q8 is   Answer: 4 MCQ48: The order of (12) in S3 is  Answer: 1 MCQ49: A group generated by g is given by <g> = {e, g, g2, …,gm-1} the order of g is Answer: 0 MCQ50: Let H be a subgroup of a finite group G. We call the number of distinct of H in G _____. Answer: index