FBQ1: Every organization desires his business surroundings to be -------------------- Answer: Attractive FBQ2: Geographical area in hospitality industry is a variable used to segment both ------- and Food service market Answer: Accommodation FBQ3: In deciding what course of action to take, the manager must consider the -------------- and Reliability of the findings Answer: Validity FBQ4: ------------ data are gathered directly from the subjects. Answer: Primary Data FBQ5: ------------- data deals with information that had been previously collected Answer: Secondary FBQ6: Secondary data can be ------- or External to the organization Answer: Internal FBQ7: Disposable income is linked in to --------- class Answer: socio- economic FBQ8: Hospitality industry is known as the business that can identify with the core products that satisfy the demand for accommodation, beverage and ----------- away from home Answer: Food FBQ9: External secondary information is available from a large number of source such as marketing research, firms, government, educational institutions, international sources and ---------------- Answer: Other publications FBQ10: -------------- is associated with liquidating assets Answer: Harvest strategy FBQ11: Since question-marks drain resources in the longer term unless their market share can be improved, suggest an alternative strategy ----------------- Answer: Investment strategy FBQ12: Self-esteem, self-actualization, self-accomplishment and ------------------- are Maslow 5-level hierarchy of needs. Answer: Self-fulfilment FBQ13: One important goal of marketing is to provide customer -------------- Answer: Satisfaction FBQ14: The first level of the Hierarchy of needs is -------------need. Answer: Physiological FBQ15: Top management demonstrate their level of ______ or denial of a plan by Monetary support. Answer: Acceptance FBQ16: Total Quality Management (TQM) is part of marketing concept. True OR False Answer: True FBQ17: -------- involves planning, implementation and control of sales force activities. Answer: Sales FBQ18: Marketing is the business function that identifies current unfulfilled ------------- and Wants. Answer: Needs FBQ19: Business Travellers, Holiday Traveller and Group traveller are the most common variables used to segment hospitality markets. True OR False. Answer: True FBQ20: _______ can be defined as selling and advertising on a micro level. Answer: Marketing FBQ21: ________ orientation explains why it is important for an organization to focus on Customers for customers’ satisfaction. Answer: Customer FBQ22: The target of business is to Attract --------- until they become loyal customers. Answer: Buyers FBQ23: Buying and selling processes supported by electronic means refers to --------. Answer: E- Commerce FBQ24: E-marketing, e- purchasing or e- procurement can be collectively called _____ Answer: E- Commerce FBQ25: The buying side of e- commerce can be referred to as_______. Answer: E- marketing FBQ26: Good information expected from marketing researchers must be ------------. Answer: Usable. FBQ27: There are three major steps in target marketing. The first is market________. Answer: Segmentation FBQ28: A ______ Market consists of a set of buyers who share common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve. Answer: Target FBQ29: ------------ referred to the short term decisions made when implementing strategy for marketing objectives to be achieved within a given time frame. Answer: Tactics FBQ30: ---------- is the aspect of marketing mix that is concerned with informing the target market and others in the channel of distribution about the product. Answer: Promotion. FBQ31: --------- is a strategy associated with maintaining a market share of each cow in order to generate strong positive cash flow. Answer: Milking strategy. FBQ32: ----------- is not among the characteristics nature of service industry. Answer: Invariability. FBQ33: Strength and weakness are identified through ______ ______. Answer: Customer research. FBQ34: The Quantitative and Qualitative are both ______methods. Answer: fore-casting FBQ35: Mutual Profitable Exchange is also referred to as Profit ------------- Answer: Orientation MCQ1: The product-life cycle has Answer: Four stages MCQ2: Which is odd among the group Answer: Death MCQ3: Price is the only marketing mix element that produces revenue. This statement is Answer: True MCQ4: Pricing is the least understood of the marketing variables. This statement is Answer: False MCQ5: “Non-purposive” is a major problem associated with which of these Answer: Publicity MCQ6: It is important to know how much to spend on promotion and how to divide such a budget with the various promotional tools. This relates to Answer: Budgeting for promotion MCQ7: Three types of communication problems include the following except Answer: Variable seeking MCQ8: When you have a conventional organizational structure, everyone works to please Answer: The boss MCQ9: Which is true Answer: E-commerce is more specific than e-business MCQ10: An organization can always increase customers satisfaction by Answer: Lowering profit MCQ11: What can you say is the major difference between a loyal and satisfied customer? Answer: A loyal costumer will add value to the company MCQ12: Which is True Answer: Offensive marketing costs more than defensive marketing MCQ13: Studies have shown that it costs ________ as much to create a customer as it does to maintain an existing one Answer: Four to six times MCQ14: On the average, one satisfied guest will tell __________, while a dissatisfied guest will tell __________ or more people Answer: Five others, ten MCQ15: When designing a website Answer: One must not forget the customers and the importance of communicating with them in the method they desire MCQ16: Next year’s marketing plan begins Answer: The day the year’s plan is approved MCQ17: An ideal business is the one with______. Answer: Major opportunities and low threats MCQ18: A major business is one with Answer: Low in opportunities and threats MCQ19: CRS as used in HCM 237 is an acronym for Answer: Computer Reservation System MCQ20: Recurrent marketing problems includes the following except Answer: Whether to launch a new food and beverage format MCQ21: Which is odd amongst the list Answer: Monovariate MCQ22: Which of these would eat-out more frequently Answer: Extended family MCQ23: Which of these is more likely to increase spending on restaurants when they receive a salary increase Answer: Single women MCQ24: Singles spend heavily on______. Answer: Entertainment MCQ25: Which of these is the odd among the list for SBU Answer: Planning MCQ26: Marketing can be defined as Answer: Selling and advertising on a micro level MCQ27: A customer is seen as Answer: Central to a few things MCQ28: Marketing involves Answer: Everyone MCQ29: Creating a customer means Answer: Finding a product or service that a number of people need or want MCQ30: The greatest challenge of marketing is Answer: Making buyers become customers MCQ31: Selling is a technique of Answer: Getting people to exchange their cash for your product. MCQ32: Marketers have discovered that what puts them in business is not the capital they put together such as: land, labour, money and entrepreneurial skills but the buyers that make unrepeated purchases. Answer: False MCQ34: Customers are always right. This statement is Answer: True MCQ34: The target of business is to until they become loyal customers Answer: All of the options MCQ35: Who is responsible for finding out what the customer’s requirements are, presents exactly that or exceed it. Answer: Management