FBQ1: Moisture in the air is known as ___________ Answer: Humidity FBQ2: Pedology is the study of ______ Answer: Soil FBQ3: The formation of soil is caused by the ___________ process Answer: Weathering FBQ4: A zoo is an example of _____________ conservation of animals Answer: Ex-situ FBQ5: Very rare and uncommon plants and animals are _____________ species Answer: Endangered FBQ6: The depletion of __________ is caused by chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) in the atmosphere Answer: Ozone FBQ7: Soil fertility is enhanced by _________ rotation Answer: Crop FBQ8: Accumulation of salts in the soil is known as _______ Answer: Salinization FBQ9: ___________ refers to the thin film of oil in sea water Answer: Oil slick FBQ10: Acid is an example of _________ waste Answer: Corrosive FBQ11: Incineration of municipal waste involves ____________- Answer: Oxidation FBQ12: DDT is a ___________ pollutant Answer: Non-biodegradable FBQ12: Lead in water can cause ________ damage Answer: Kidney FBQ14: Rain water harvesting is a major method adopted in the conservation of ________ Answer: Water FBQ15: Death rate is also called __________ rate Answer: Mortality FBQ16: Birth rate is called __________ Answer: Natality FBQ17: Bronchitis is a disease aggravated by ___________ pollution Answer: Air FBQ18: Increase of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere causes _________ Answer: Global warming FBQ19: The __________ is the legally binding international agreement to reduce GHGs by 5% Answer: Kyoto Protocol FBQ20: The unit of measurement of the intensity of sound is known as ____________ Answer: Decibels FBQ21: Mulching helps in _________ conservation in soils Answer: Moisture FBQ22: The ozone layer can be found in the _____________ Answer: Stratosphere FBQ23: Smog is a mixture of __________ and __________ Answer: Smoke, Fog FBQ24: Afforestation prevents the occurrence of _________ erosion Answer: Soil FBQ25: World water crisis in mainly caused by ___________ Answer: Drought FBQ26: In biodiversity. Plants are classified as __________ Answer: Flora FBQ27: ________ are areas of standing water that support aquatic plants Answer: Wetlands FBQ28: ________ and ________ are types of aquatic ecosystems Answer: Freshwater, Marine FBQ29: The dominant second trophic level in a lake ecosystem is _________ Answer: Zooplankton FBQ30: In a biotic community, the primary consumers are __________ Answer: Herbivores FBQ31: The removal of trees consequently leads to the increase of ______ in the air Answer: Carbon dioxide FBQ32: The entire living organisms, plants and animals that exists on the planet are referred to as ______________ Answer: Biodiversity FBQ33: When a species cannot be found within its normal ecosystem, it is referred to as ___________ Answer: Extinct FBQ34: __________ is the destruction of habitat of plants and animals Answer: Habitat loss FBQ35: In biodiversity, plants can be classified as ______________ Answer: Flora MCQ1: The biological environment is called _____ component of the ecosystem Answer: Biotic MCQ2: The organisms in the ecosystem responsible for the production of food at the base level are____? Answer: Producers MCQ3: Organisms that feed only on plants can be classified as? Answer: Herbivores MCQ4: Organisms whose mode of feeding is to eat flesh are called _______. Answer: Carnivores MCQ5: Organisms whose modes of feeding are adaptive to both flesh and plants are known as? Answer: Omnivores MCQ6: The entire living organisms, plants and animals on earth are referred to as? Answer: Biodiversity MCQ7: The function of the ozone layer is to? Answer: Screen out harmful ultraviolet rays MCQ8: In which layer of the atmosphere does the ozone layer exist? Answer: Stratosphere MCQ9: Which of the following is true about ozone? Answer: It is light blue in colour MCQ10: Why is the depletion of the ozone layer a problem? Answer: Leads to increase in UV rays on earth MCQ11: Increased UV rays can cause? Answer: Increase in skin cancer MCQ12: The ultimate population size that can be supported by the earth within a set of environmental conditions is called? Answer: Carrying capacity MCQ13: ______ is the average number of children born per women in a given society Answer: Fertility rate MCQ14: The study of human population growth and prediction of future growth is called? Answer: Demography MCQ15: The most stable ecosystem is? Answer: Forest MCQ16: Which of the following is not correct about a forest? Answer: None of the options MCQ17: Green plants are also referred to as? Answer: Producers MCQ18: Which of these is not a type of desert? Answer: Marshy deserts MCQ19: Desert encroachment occur when all but one of these occur? Answer: Increase in soil depth MCQ20: All but one of these are major causes of desertification Answer: Geologic factors MCQ21: The most important reason for decrease in biodiversity is? Answer: Habitat destruction MCQ22: All are in situ conservation efforts except? Answer: Zoological gardens MCQ23: About 50% of the world species can be found in? Answer: Tropical rain forest MCQ24: Based on latitudes, biodiversity _____? Answer: Increases towards the equator MCQ25: _______ is the conservation of plants and animal species within the natural habitat Answer: In-situ conservation MCQ26: Species localised in a specific region are called? Answer: Endemic species MCQ27: Decreased transpiration as a result of deforestation leads to? Answer: Reduction in cloud formation MCQ28: USA with less than 5% of world population is responsible for ____ of world emission Answer: 25% MCQ29: Which of the following reduces carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Answer: photosynthesis MCQ30: Which of the following is not a major greenhouse gas? Answer: Water vapour MCQ31: Which one of the following is a greenhouse gas? Answer: Carbon dioxide MCQ32: Fossil fuels include all but one of this Answer: Ethanol MCQ33: The concentration of which gas is highest in the atmosphere Answer: nitrogen MCQ34: Which of the following is not a consequence of global warming? Answer: None of the options MCQ35: The depletion of the ozone layer is caused by the presence of Answer: chlorofluorocarbons