MCQ1: Scene design is a --------------art Answer: spatial MCQ2: In Classical Greece, Pisistratus instituted prizes for the best……………. Answer: Three Plays and Actors MCQ3: In scene design, the three-dimensional solid structure indicating how the stage will look like when fully constructed is called------. Answer: model MCQ4: Wrangling in the church precipitated the decline of drama in the ---------------period. Answer: Medieval MCQ5: In Scene design, the method of using colours to paint the picture of the setting as it would appear when completed is called--------------------. Answer: perspective painting MCQ6: In theatre, a young man can be turned into an octogenarian through --------------make-up, Answer: Character MCQ7: The -------------- is an architectural way of depicting the arrangement of scenery on stage. Answer: ground plan MCQ8: The first duty of the ---------is to choose a play to direct. Answer: Director MCQ9: A ---------- is the design of the scenery as can be seen from above. Answer: ground plan MCQ10: The period of artistic integration of all elements of play production that takes place mostly shortly before the performance is called-----------. Answer: Technical/dress rehearsals MCQ11: The designer’s concept of the dramatic environment can be expressed in three major ways: ground plan, perspective painting and three dimensional--------------  Answer: model MCQ12: Trade guilds at a point took over dramatic productions in ---------------- period. Answer: Medieval MCQ13: The purpose of --------------- is to harmonize all scales and to time the production. Answer: Technical/dress rehearsals MCQ14: Stage ----------------is the art of controlling and caring for the stage, its properties and the cast for effective stage transactions, Answer: Management MCQ15: Cycle plays are associated with the ---------- period  Answer: Medieval MCQ16: Mystical, morality plays are associated with the --------------age  Answer: Medieval MCQ17: In a play production, the ----------------prepares the prompt book where he records the director’s blocking of actors and actresses, their movements and postures.  Answer: Stage manager MCQ18: The theatre where the acting area is set in a hollow and the audience sit on raised edge of the theatre is called the-------------- Answer: pit MCQ19: Euripides as a playwright did not feature the --------- in his plays.   Answer: chorus MCQ20: -------- the Athenian leader gave official recognition to theatre by making it part of their greatest festival-the City Dionysia  Answer: Pisistratus MCQ21: The first function of stage lighting is -----------------------  Answer: for illumination MCQ22: The age that emerged after the Commonwealth in England is------------  Answer: Restoration MCQ 23: The crane like device used in suspending the gods in air in Greek theatre is --------------  Answer: Deus ex Machane MCQ24: Another name for the Greek trap door is ----------------  Answer: Anapiesmata MCQ25: The restoration of --------- of England marked the beginning of the Restoration period.  Answer: Charles II MCQ 26: Tambourlaine and Jew of Malta are plays written by ------------------------  Answer: Christopher Marlowe MCQ27: The counterpart of Renaissance in France is called -------------------  Answer: Neo classicism MCQ28: The neo-classical rule that insists that dramatic event must be similar to life or the tradition of the people is called ---------------  Answer: verisimilitude MCQ29: The beheading of --------------- marked the end of the Renaissance period and the beginning of the Commonwealth  Answer: Charles I MCQ 30: The neo-classical rule that insists that characters must be true type is ------------ Answer: decorum MCQ 31: ------ headed the Commonwealth in England.   Answer: Oliver Cromwell MCQ32: ------------------ in its extended form is naturalism Answer: Realism MCQ33: Laying of the scenes in a play in different acting areas at the same time is called ------------- Answer: simultaneous staging MCQ34: ---------------------- is used to describe staging arrangements that tend towards the symbolic.  Answer: Theatricalism MCQ35: Perspective scenery in theatre was introduced in the-------------- period.  Answer: Renaissance  FBQ1: Iliad and Odyssey are the two major Epics of the Classical Age recorded by---------- Answer: Homer FBQ2: In Greek theatre, the actors used -------------------to cover their faces Answer: masks FBQ3: William Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest dramatist of the ---------- age in England Answer: Renaissance FBQ4: In Classical Greek theatre, choral songs chanted in honour of Dionysus is called------------- Answer: Dithyramb FBQ5: The three genres of Greek classic theatre are, tragedy, comedy and ……… Answer: satyr FBQ6: The church which instrumental to the demise drama was also responsible for its resuscitation during --------age Answer: Medieval FBQ7: Oedipus Rex or King Oedipus is a play written by Answer: Sophocles FBQ8: In the Classical Greek theatre, acting was highly Answer: stylized FBQ9: Stage lighting is an art of using artificial light (now mostly electric light) to --------the stage. Answer: Illuminate FBQ10: Stage lighting became one of the powerful tools in theatre performance during the-----------period Answer: Renaissance FBQ11: Ideally, the scene designer should follow his ground plan andperspective up with ----------------drawings Answer: Elevation FBQ12: There was an attempt to introduce colour in stage lighting during the -----------period Answer: Renaissance FBQ13: As the theatre moved indoors from the --------the need for visibilitybecame imperative. Answer: Arena FBQ14: The most influential quality of stage lighting in termsof production of variety of mood is ------------. Answer: Colour FBQ15: Two broad categories of stage lighting instruments are spot lighting and --------lighting instruments”. Answer: Flood FBQ16: The Oresteian Triology was written by ----------------- Answer: Aeschylus FBQ17: Basically the stage is divided into ---------acting areas. Answer: Nine FBQ18: The composite form of these various parts of the acting areas is what is referred to as the stage-------. Answer: geography FBQ19: Violent actions, such as killing, stabbing, and death, all took place ------------------in the Classical Greek theatre Answer: Backstage FBQ20: The building crew in theatre should possess sufficient skill incarpentry, or must be guided by a master--------------------. Answer: carpenter FBQ21: Subject matters of plays in Greek theatre were drawn from popular myths and ---------------------------.  Answer: History FBQ22: Scene construction deals with the actualization of the dream or vision of the ----------------in concrete terms. Answer: designer FBQ23: At the head of the construction team in theatre is the --------------- Answer: technical director FBQ24: Classical Romans essentially perceived theatre as means of mere--------------, and not an avenue to explain moral principles Answer: Entertainment FBQ25: Theatre is referred to as a temporal ------------- Answer: Art FBQ26: By the First Century A.D., mime and pantomime had developed to become the most popular forms of dramatic performances in the -------------theatre Answer: Roman FBQ27: The --------------------performs the pre-rehearsal functions ofaccompanying the director to meetings, especially those organisedbetween the director and the technical crew Answer: stage manager FBQ28: In the Roman Empire, the Patricians, the upper class championed the------------------as form of entertainment Answer: pantomime FBQ29: The theatre staff who prepares a prompt book where he records the director’s blocking of movements and postures is the --------. Answer: Stage manager FBQ30: The art of controlling and caring for the stage, its properties and the cast, for the purposes of promoting smooth and efficient stage transactions is referred to as --------------- Answer: Stage management FBQ31: Generally speaking, costume can be described as stage -----and its accessories like headgear,hat, ear-rings and necklace, etc Answer: Dress FBQ32: -------------- is the type of lighting equipment with lens used to focus light as demanded by the production. Answer: Spotlight FBQ33: Quem quaeritis was a form of drama that originated in the church during the period Answer: Medieval FBQ34: Costume and ---------play fundamental roles in defining characters on stage. Answer: make-up FBQ35: Costume can be categorised into two major groups, ethnic and ----------------costumes Answer: period