TSM142 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 Nigeria is still struggling to create infrastuctural

Q2 WTO is anon governmental

Q3 A tourist not only travels but also stays

Q4 Different authority/scholars define tourism as an industry

Q5 There are kinds of visa available to foreign

Q6 WTO works toward the removal of barriers to

Q7 World Tourism Organization was founded in

Q8 Over the years a number of organizations have emerged in

Q9 Shops and emporiuns sell various products to the

Q10 Different authority/scholars define tourism as an industry

Q11 A tourist not only travels but also stays

Q12 Third world destinations are seen as destination

Q13 The social impact of tourism is equally

Q14 The future of tourism is

Q15 The boundaries of tourism are extremely

Q16 Different authority/scholars define tourism as an industry

Q17 Handicrafts and sounenir industry today are totally dependent on tourists for their

Q18 The measurement of tourism phenomeon poses

Q19 World Tourism Organization was founded in

Q20 Standard deviation is the square root of

Q21 There are kinds of visa available to foreign

Q22 WTO works towards of removal of tourism

Q23 WTO is anon governmental

Q24 Different authority/scholars define tourism as an industry

Q25 Standard deviation is the square root of

Q26 IATA is a non governmental air

Q27 There are kinds of visa available to foreign

Q28 Different authority/scholars define tourism as an industry

Q29 WTO is anon governmental

Q30 There are kinds of visa available to foreign

Q31 IATA is anon governmental air

Q32 WTO works towards the removal of tourism

Q33 Over the years a number of organizations have emerged in

Q34 Handicrafts and sounenir industry today are totally dependent on tourists for their

Q35 Shops and emporiuns sell various products to the

Q36 Many state govts operate emporiuns in their

Q37 World Tourism Organization was founded in

Q38 The intermediaries consistute the travel agency, tour operators and

Q39 A tourist not only travels but also stays

Q40 The social impact of tourism is equally

Q41 The future of tourism is

Q42 Tourism system has a four tier

Q43 Tourism system must estimate the carrying

Q44 The measurement of tourism phenomeon poses

Q45 The boundaries of tourism are extremely

Q46 Third world destinations are seen as destination

Q47 Tourism system must estimate the carrying

Q48 The future of tourism is

Q49 Today golf tourism is a prime draw for the world's highest spending

Q50 The tourism system influences governments, industry

Q51 Tourism system must estimate the carrying

Q52 The measurement of tourism phenomeon poses

Q53 Third world destinations are seen as destination

Q54 The boundaries of tourism are extremely flexible

Q55 Tourism system must estimate the carrying

Q56 WTO is anon governmental

Q57 The measurement of tourism phenomeon poses

Q58 The basic measure of volume is tourist

Q59 Standard deviation is the square root of

Q60 Tourism is a social

Q61 Investment in tourism is always based on perception of return on investment and payback periods

Q62 An average is the most representative value of a sample unit

Q63 IATA is a non governmental carrier

Q64 Different authority/scholars define tourism as an industry

Q65 Diplomatic visa is issued to head of mission without charge

Q66 There different types of visa for entry into Nigeria

Q67 Statistics is a useful tool for the measurement of any qualtative phenomeon

Q68 The value of tourism to an economy is mainly reflected in tourist expenditure at destination

Q69 The second main volume statistics is the average length of stay

Q70 Tourism is a social phenomeon with significant economic consequences

Q71 Shops and emporiuns sell various products to tourists

Q72 Tourism is a social phenomeon with significant economic consequences

Q73 The basic measurement of volume is tourist arrivals

Q74 The volume of tourism to an economy is mainly reflected in the tourist expenditure at destinations

Q75 Investment in tourism is always based on perception of return on investment and payback periods

Q76 The measure of tourism phenomeon poses several problems

Q77 The boundaries of tourism are extremely flexible

Q78 Tourism system operates with a global economic environment

Q79 Tourism destinations should promote , re-orient the business cycle

Q80 Third world countries do not estimate leakages on the tourism account correctlt

Q81 The social impact of tourism is equally complex

Q82 The tourism of today is the outcome of the combinee efforts of its various consistuents

Q83 Today's tourism is a mix of the output and services

Q84 Nigeria is still struggling to create infrastructural facilities in tourism

Q85 Today the travel industry is a highly developed industries with various branches

Q86 A tourist not only travels but also stays somewhere

Q87 The intermediaries consistute the travel agency, tour operators and tour guide

Q88 Different forms of entertainments are provided as attractions at the destinations

Q89 The consistuuents of tourism industry are varied

Q90 The social impact of tourism is equally complex

Q91 Management contracts and franchises are on the increase so leaksges are likely to be greater

Q92 The basic measurement of volume is tourist arrivals

Q93 The value of tourism to an economy is mainly reflected in tourist expenditure at destination

Q94 Tourism system must estimate the carrying capacity

Q95 Tourism system operates with a global economic environment

Q96 IATA is a non governmental carrier

Q97 Today's golf tourism is a prime draw for the world's highest spending travellers

Q98 WTO is an intergovernmental body

Q99 The measure of tourism phenomeon poses several problems

Q100 Tourism system must estimate the carrying capacity

Q101 Third world countries do not estimate leakages on the tourism account correctlt

Q102 The social impact of tourism is equally complex

Q103 The travel agency has specialized departments

Q104 WTO works towards the removal tourism barriers

Q105 International Union of Official travel organization existed from 1947-1985

Q106 Many state governments have opened the emporiuns in their states

Q107 Insurance companies offer short term safety or accident policies to tourists

Q108 Shops and emporiuns sell various products to tourists

Q109 Handicrafts and souvenirs industry today are totally dependent on tourism for their sales

Q110 Over the years a lot of organizations have emerged in travels

Q111 World Tourism Organization was founded in 1985

Q112 Internal Air Transport Association is anon governmental carrier

Q113 There are many types of visa available to foreign tourists

Q114 Today's golf tourism is a prime draw for the world's highest spending travellers

Q115 Third world destinations are seen as destinations only

Q116 The future of tourism is bright

Q117 The measure of tourism phenomeon poses several problems

Q118 Diplomatic visa is issued to head of mission without charge

Q119 IATA is a non governmental carrier

Q120 WTO is an intergovernmental body