STT102 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 In the age distribution of Receipients of Nursing scholarship of 25, 21, 22, 20, 19, 30, 27, 28, 32 and 18. The variance is __. (Hint: use\[ \S^2 = \sum (X - \bar{X})^2\]

Q2 If X=10, 12, 8, 7, 5. \[\sum_{i=1}^{5} X_{i}\] is

Q3 Let Y = 2, 5, 6, 7. \[\sum_{j=1}^{4} Y_{j}\] has the value

Q4 Take X = 29, 27, 28, 30, 35. \[\bar {X}\] is

Q5 One Precaution in correlation is that

Q6 The scores obtained by 10 students in a practical class are as follows: 20, 50, 30, 40, 60. The mean score is

Q7 In the distribution having classes 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 . . . The upper class boundary for class 3 is

Q8 Mean, Median and Mode are measures of

Q9 In attitude test, the scores for 5 newly students are as stated here, Attitude: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The percentage attributable to attitude of score 3 is

Q10 Cluster Sampling is one whose members are

Q11 Systematic Sampling is random sampling method

Q12 Simple Random Sampling (SRS) is one for which each possible sample is likely to be selected

Q13 The sample characteristics is

Q14 is An example of population characteristics

Q15 Statistics is the that deals with data collection, and summarising facts which are expressible in numerical form

Q16 The following data were collected on ten infants. Fin the standard error, \[\S_{yx}\]. Where \[\S_{yx}^2 = \sum_{i=1}^{10} ({y_{i} - \hat {y_{i}}})^2\] and \[y_{i}\] are the observed values , \[\hat y_{i}\] are the predicted values

Q17 Given the general form of linear equation \[y = b + b_{1}X\]. If \[b_{1} > 0\], then the line slopes

Q18 Consider Attitude Scores for five newly admitted Nursing students towards alcoholic patients below: Attitude: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . The percentage due to attitude 3 is ________

Q19 The data below represent systolic blood pressure readings (mm Hg), using Spearman's Rank Order Correlation method, determine correlation coefficient \[r_{s}\] of the two readings.

Q20 Determine Correlation Coefficient 'r' using the above values or from your direct-calculation

Q21 Find the value of \[S_{w_1w_2}\] in question one above

Q22 From the above, evaluate \[\S_{w_2w_2}\].

Q23 This is for Questions 1 to 4. Two weekly scores of a students are as below <> . Find \[\S_{w1w1}\]

Q24 Given that X = 20, 30, 40, 50, 60. Find \[\bar X \].

Q25 Consider this distribution 12, 20, 13, 15, 17, 15, 18. Find \[\bar X_{m}\], where \[\bar X_{m}\] is as earlier defined.

Q26 Let \[\bar X_{m}\] be the Median Score, Determine \[\bar X_{m}\] in 15, 13, 15, 12, 12, 16, 15, 14, 13

Q27 Suppose \[X_{m}\] is the Mode. Find \[X_{m}\] in 15, 13, 15, 12, 12, 16, 15, 14, 13.

Q28 Suppose X = 10, 12, 8, 7, 5. Find the value of \[(\sum_{i=1}^{5} X_{i}-2)^2\]

Q29 Determine \[(\sum_{i=1}^{5} X_{i})^2\] if X = 10, 12, 8, 7, 5

Q30 Let Y = 2, 5, 6, 7. Find \[\sum_{j=1}^{4} Y_{j}\]

Q31 If X=10, 12, 8, 7, 5 Determine \[\sum_{i=1}^{5} X_{i}\]

Q32 Given that X = 20, 30, 40, 50, 60. Find \[\bar X \].

Q33 Consider this distribution 12, 20, 13, 15, 17, 15, 18. Find \[\bar X_{m}\], where \[\bar X_{m}\] is as earlier defined.

Q34 Let \[\bar X_{m}\] be the Median Score, Determine \[\bar X_{m}\] in 15, 13, 15, 12, 12, 16, 15, 14, 13

Q35 Suppose \[ X_{m}\] is the Mode. Find \[X_{m} in 15, 13, 15, 12, 12, 16, 15, 14, 13\]