SOS201 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 A is very thin tube in which a liquid can move against the forces of gravity

Q2 The estimated radiant energy used for evapotraspiratin is

Q3 High level of water in the soil leads to low level of in the soil

Q4 An optimum temperature for most crops and micro organisms is called

Q5 The root environment is otherwise known as

Q6 Atleast there are about. elements considered necessary for plant growth

Q7 The nutrients are absorbed from the soil into the plant through

Q8 The major source of phosphorus in the soil is

Q9 In taking soil samples for analysis, the sampling depth should be

Q10 is that part of soil water that can be absorbed by plant roots

Q11 If excess water is unable to drain away, root become short of and fail to function

Q12 Water holding capacity of a soil depends on

Q13 Moisture enter plant by the process of

Q14 The percentage of water in the soil is approximately

Q15 The percentage of organic matter in the soil is approximately

Q16 The percentage of carbondioxide in the atmosphere is

Q17 is the last stage of decomposition

Q18 The symbol used to describe soil reaction is

Q19 A is an artificially prepared manure with a variable concentration of plant food

Q20 Fertilizers are available in forms

Q21 Complete fertilizers contains elements

Q22 Example of complete fertilizer is

Q23 A is any material that containsone or more of fertilizer element

Q24 The term used to describe the percentage of active ingredient in compound fertilizer is

Q25 Foliar fertilizer application method is particularly used for

Q26 Urea fertilizer contains % of Nitrogen

Q27 There are essential elements requored by plants

Q28 Nitrogen is a mobile element and therefore deficiency symptoms shows up firstin the part of the plant

Q29 Electric fixation of nitrogen in the soilcan be achieved through

Q30 The major source of phosphorus in the soil is

Q31 In taking soil samples for analysis, the sampling depth should be

Q32 is that part of soil water that can be absorbed by plant roots

Q33 If excess water is unable to drain away, root become short of and fail to function

Q34 Water holding capacity of a soil depends on

Q35 Moisture enter plant by the process of

Q36 is the process of gas exchange in the soil

Q37 The percentage of water in the soil is approximately

Q38 The percentage of organic matter in the soil is approximately

Q39 The percentage of carbondioxide in the atmosphere is

Q40 is the last stage of decomposition

Q41 The symbol used to describe soil reaction is

Q42 is an identification of the acidity or basicity in the soil

Q43 could be defined as any substances capable of yielding hydrogen ions, which is a proton, when dissolved in water

Q44 Soil acidity scale range of 7 means

Q45 CEC means

Q46 A is a straight path opened along a baseline in the area to be study

Q47 A person who conduct soil survey is as soil

Q48 The principal result of a soil survey is a

Q49 can be defined as the progressive developmentof an organism

Q50 is very important in the supply of radiant energy to plant

Q51 The estimated radiant energy used for photosynthesis is

Q52 The estimated radiant energy used for evapotraspiratin is

Q53 High level of water in the soil leads to low level of in the soil

Q54 An optimum temperature for most crops and micro organisms is called

Q55 The root environment is otherwise known as

Q56 Atleast there are about. elements considered necessary for plant growth

Q57 The nutrients are absorbed from the soil into the plant through

Q58 is caused by shortage of water in the plant tissue

Q59 Deficiency of water in plant causes what is known as

Q60 A is very thin tube in which a liquid can move against the forces of gravity

Q61 the behaviour of soil when pressure is applied especially at variuos moisture content it I referred to as

Q62 the portion of the soil which is usually about 2mm away from the root surface is termed the

Q63 the attraction of water molecules to other water molecule is called

Q64 the attraction of soil water to soil particles is called

Q65 the last stage of organic matter decomposition is

Q66 the sum total of all the exchangeable cations that the soil can absorb is referred to as

Q67 the term which shows the percentage of active ingredient in a fertilizer I called

Q68 soil develops from all kinds of rocks which are all refrred to as

Q69 The following crops can fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil except

Q70 All are functoins of phosphorus except

Q71 All are factors affecting the solubility and fixation of phosphorus except

Q72 One of these is pottasium fertilizer

Q73 The tools used in taing soil samples from the field include the following except

Q74 The total pore space per volume of soil is referred to as

Q75 the phyical condition of the soil in relation to ease of tillage and permeability I referred to as

Q76 the sytematic arrengement of soils into group or categories on the basis of their observed properties is called

Q77 the process whereby there is gas exchange in soil that ensures oxygen sufficiency and prevent carbon dioxide toxicity is known as

Q78 which of the following process is involved in the release of plant nutrients from organic matter

Q79 the decomposition of organic matter by heterotropic bacteria to release amino acids and amides is called

Q80 the ability of the soil to resist large fluctuations in soil PH and the cationic and anionic nutrients I referred to as

Q81 a system in which arable crops are grown in spaces between rows of planted woody shrub or tree legume is known as

Q82 soil with PH value3-4 are term to be

Q83 the sum of the concentrations of active acidity which is represented by H+ ion concentration in the soil solution is called

Q84 soils in which the sodium content or Na saturation is greater than 15% is known as

Q85 the productivity of acid soil can be improved tremendouly by application of

Q86 in saline soil the osmatic pressure of soil solution is

Q87 fertilizer that is applied to crop after emergence is referred to as

Q88 nitrogen is loss from the soil throught the process of

Q89 excess fertilizer especially phosphates and nitrogen that find their ways into rivers leading to

Q90 which of the following bacteria is associated with symbiotic nitrogen fixation

Q91 ammonium is transformed to nitrite by group of bacteria called

Q92 nitrite is transformed into nitrate by

Q93 which of the following is the principal K-fertilizer

Q94 All the following are conditions that affect soil air composition except

Q95 All the following are liming materials except

Q96 All are exchangeable cations except

Q97 Another name for inorganic is

Q98 The principal K-fertilizer is called

Q99 Nitrite is transformed to nitrate by group of bactia called

Q100 Ammonium is transformed to nitrite by group of bacteria that are called

Q101 Which of the following is associated with symbiotic fixation of nitrogen

Q102 Which of the following is associated with non-symbiotic fixation of nitrogen

Q103 The release of ammonium-nitrogen from soil organic matter decomposition by heterotropic soil organisms through series of enzymic digestion of complex protein compunds is known as

Q104 Which of the following processes leads to loss of nitrogen from the soil

Q105 Ammonium is transformed to nitrite by39. Excess fertilizer – nutrients especially phosphates and nitrogen that find their ways to lakes and rivers leads to

Q106 Fertilizer that is applied to the crop after emergence is referred

Q107 When fertilizer is spread uniformly over a surface of the land before or after planting it is said to be

Q108 Ammonium sulphate (N2), Urea (N), super phosphate (P205), Mariate of potash (K20) these are all examples of

Q109 the quantity of fertilizer that should be applied per unit area of farm land for a given crop is referred to as

Q110 Liming is done inorder to

Q111 any material that is added to the soil for the purpose of neutralizing soil acidity is referred to as

Q112 Soils in which the sodium content or Na saturation is greater than 15% is known as

Q113 A soil solution with PH value of 9 -10 are term to be

Q114 The resistance to a change in PH is referred to as

Q115 Soil with PH value 3-4 are term to be

Q116 the term used to describe the percentages of active ingridient in a compound fertilizers is referred to as

Q117 The last stage of decomposition of organic matter is

Q118 All area environmental factors that affect growth and development of plant

Q119 In photosynthesis, all the following are required except

Q120 All are earobic organisms except