SMS208 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 is the process of requesting attribute information from various perspectives and combinations of factors.

Q2 is the construction or the assembly of the problem solution culminating in new environment based on the solution.

Q3 is the evaluation of alternative problem solutions, and the detailed specification of the final system.

Q4 is an umbrella term that includes all technologies for the manipulation and communication of information.

Q5 A is a program designed by a computer programmer to do a certain unwanted function.

Q6 To connect computers, each of the computers needs a network card with a connection that allows a to be connected to it.

Q7 are networking devices that forward data packets between networks using headers and forwarding tables to determine the best path to forward the packets.

Q8 Switches is a marketing term that encompasses and bridges, as well as devices that may distribute traffic on load or by application content.

Q9 bridges is directly connect local area networks (LANs).

Q10 bridges can be used to join LANs or connect remote stations to LANs.

Q11 bridges can be used to create a wide area network link between LANs.

Q12 A network card, network adapter or is a piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate over a computer network.

Q13 An is a network or internetwork that is limited in scope to a single organization or entity but which also has limited connections to the networks of one or more other usually, but not necessarily, trusted organizations or entities.

Q14 An intranet is a set of networks, using the Internet Protocol and uses IP-based tools such as web browsers and ftp tools, that is under the control of a single administrative entity.

Q15 specifications are in development by several groups, and there is no common definition.

Q16 A is a data communications network that covers a relatively broad geographic area geographic area and that often uses transmission facilities provided by common carriers, such as telephone companies.

Q17 A is a network that connects two or more Local Area Networks or Campus Area Networks together but does not extend beyond the boundaries of the immediate town/city.

Q18 A is a network that connects two or more LANs but which is limited to a specific and contiguous geographical area such as a college campus, industrial complex, or a military base

Q19 is a network that covers a small geographic area, like a home, office, or building.

Q20 A is a computer network used for communication among computer devices close to one person.

Q21 As increasingly is the standard interface for networks, these distinctions are more important to the network administrator than the user.

Q22 "MAN" is __?

Q23 "WAN" is __?

Q24 "CAN" is __?

Q25 "LAN" is __?

Q26 "PAN" is __?

Q27 A is a group of interconnected computers

Q28 The short cut to UNDO an action is

Q29 files are basically sound tracks which use a collection of sounds contained in the .mid file to play a tune

Q30 The three main bitmapped format graphics used on the Internet are _, and

Q31 The screen is made up of tiny dots called

Q32 There are basically types of computer graphics.

Q33 is a collection of information stored in a way that makes it\r\neasy to retrieve, modify and search

Q34 multimedia format that is attempting to create a standardization among the various formats available.

Q35 is a computer software designed for the purpose of managing database based on variety of data models

Q36 relates to models or meethodologies that people use to develop systems

Q37 Users may also interact with the operating system by typing commands or using a

Q38 Applications access the services offered by operating systems through

Q39 The and keys are used to cycle through a menu of running tasks

Q40 windows make your desktop behave like a web site (Microsoft).

Q41 I a multitasking operating system inteded for applications with fixed deadlines (real-time computing).

Q42 The most widely used version of the microsoft windows family is windows XP, released on _(month,day and year)

Q43 As of June __, microsoft windows holds a large amount of the worldwide desktop market share.

Q44 In 1969-70, first appeared on the PDP - 7 and later the PDP-11

Q45 The computer did not have operating systems.

Q46 The provided many operating systems like features, such as disk access.

Q47 An is the software component of a computer system that is responsible for the management and coordination of activities and the sharing of resources of the computer

Q48 The term "software" was first used in this sense by John W. Tukey in

Q49 A is used to translate information transferred through telephone lines or cable.

Q50 We have basic type of printer.

Q51 are a common way of transporting information such as bringing files home from work or sharing files.

Q52 One compact disk will store Mb or about 70 or 80 minutes of music.

Q53 Every piece of software can be broken down into a series of on or off signals or its _.

Q54 Abou a million bytes is a .

Q55 the size of a file in a computer is measured in _.

Q56 Random Access Memory or RAM is the memory that the computer uses to store the information as it is being processes.

Q57 Memory is common to confuse to _memory with disk storage.

Q58 Supercomputer was name after its designer, called

Q59 All computers perform the same basic functions; they enable you to store and manipulate __.

Q60 Health and safety are crucial to the effective operation of a

Q61 Copying data from one place in memory to another involves use of a temporary storage area called

Q62 General purpose programs that do not return data but shared by different users or applications are termed

Q63 The antivirus software accessed on the Internet is an example of

Q64 Demonstration versions softwares developed by individuals or small companies is termed

Q65 The term "software was first used in respect to computing by

Q66 The type of values used in computer languages is

Q67 The software language at the lowest level is called

Q68 Operating systems include

Q69 Application software programs include the following EXCEPT

Q70 When software is stored in hardware that cannot easily be modified, it is called

Q71 Common operating systems include

Q72 The operating system acts on a machine as

Q73 DBMS software include

Q74 DBMS is characterised by

Q75 DBMS benefits include

Q76 Data administrators manage complex database by

Q77 DBMSs are classified according to their data

Q78 To move forward through the database field use the key

Q79 Paste a text using

Q80 Undo a mistake with

Q81 Cut the text off the page and into a clipboard using

Q82 Programming language was developed at

Q83 The first computer technically capable of using dual mode of operation and providing memory protection is

Q84 The classes of computer include the following EXCEPT

Q85 Micro computers have RAM of

Q86 The differences between the microcomputers and minicomputers is the use of

Q87 Supercomputers are typically tailored for

Q88 At the centre of the personal computer (PC) innovation is the

Q89 The smallest of these computer systems is

Q90 The first minicomputers generally only perform these number of tasks per time

Q91 Mini computers were typified by the number of word sizes

Q92 Laptops utilize this device for input

Q93 Mainframe often refers to computers that utilize the architecture of the

Q94 Mainframes are often colloqually referred to as

Q95 The earliest version of the mainframe refer to computers compatible with

Q96 Supercomputers and mainframes both offer

Q97 Computers dedicated to the task of storing and retrieving large amounts of data are called

Q98 Handheld devices used to capture data away from the mainframe that they are linked to include:

Q99 Embedded computers only run programs stored in

Q100 Embedded computers are found today in devices such as

Q101 Supercomputers are more suited to

Q102 Micro computers include

Q103 The computer power has been on the increase while size has been on the

Q104 The classes of computer include the following EXCEPT

Q105 Micro computers have RAM of

Q106 The differences between the microcomputers and minicomputers is the use of

Q107 Supercomputers are typically tailored for

Q108 The smallest of these computer systems is

Q109 The first minicomputers generally only perform these number of tasks per time

Q110 Mini computers were typified by the number of word sizes

Q111 Laptops utilize this device for input

Q112 The earliest version of the mainframe refer to computers compatible with

Q113 Supercomputers and mainframes both offer

Q114 Computers dedicated to the task of storing and retrieving large amounts of data are called

Q115 Handheld devices used to capture data away from the mainframe that they are linked to include:

Q116 Embedded computers only run programs stored in

Q117 Embedded computers are found today in devices such as

Q118 Supercomputers are more suited to

Q119 Micro computers include

Q120 The computer power has been on the increase while size has been on the