SMS101 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 A is a rectangular array of numbers with reference to specific rules governing the array

Q2 A salesman has below record for products sold during peak season of October to December. The products are in three variants A, B & C. How many units of product C only is he expected to sell to earn 900 commission?

Q3 The 7th term of an A.P is 15 and the fourth term is 9. Find the sequence of tenth term

Q4 The 7th term of an A.P is 15 and the fourth term is 9. Find the sequence of fifth term

Q5 The 7th term of an A.P is 15 and the fourth term is 9. Find the common difference of the sequence

Q6 The 7th term of an A.P is 15 and the fourth term is 9. Find the sequence of first term

Q7 Find the 7th term of an A.P whose first term is 102 and common difference is -3

Q8 If the two numbers 20 and x + 2 are in the ratio 2:3, find x

Q9 The buying price of a basket of oranges is N1000 and the selling price is N5 per orange. What is the profit per basket if 250 oranges are found in the basket?

Q10 What is the break even point (quantity) if the buying price of a basket remains N1000 and the selling price is N5

Q11 The buying price of a basket of oranges is N1000 and the selling price is N5 per orange. What is the profit per basket if 300 oranges are found in the basket?

Q12 There are types of Vectors

Q13 is a matrix in which all its diagonal elements are one

Q14 Rename 3/8 as a decimal

Q15 Round 2.748 to the nearest hundred

Q16 A sequence is one whose first and last element are known

Q17 If the two numbers 20 and x + 2 are in the ratio 2:3, find x

Q18 __allows the principal amount to grow at a faster rate than simple interest

Q19 have magnitude and direction but have no particular position associated with them

Q20 is defined to be the matrix obtained by replacing every number ij a of the given matrix A by its cofactor in the determinant of A

Q21 Use Cramer‟s rule to solve the following: 2x+3y=1, 5x+6y=0

Q22 Use Cramer‟s rule to solve the following: x+2y=3, 3x+4y=1

Q23 Any matrix, which has the same number of rows and columns, is called a matrix

Q24 could be said to be the inverse of integration

Q25 For Multiplication of two matrices to be possible, they must be

Q26 To find the determinant of a matrix, the matrix must be a matrix

Q27 All polynomial functions are

Q28 A could be described by its centre (fixed) and its radius.

Q29 A vector can be represented by directed _, where the length and direction of the segment corresponds to the magnitude and direction of the vectors.

Q30 is a physical quantity which as magnitude and direction.

Q31 This are defined as quantities, which are completely specified by numbers, which measure their magnitude in terms of some chosen units, but have no definite direction in space, is refered as

Q32 is a rectangular array of numbers with reference to specific rules governing the array

Q33 is a mathematical model which allows the enumeration, display, manupulation and processing of both small and large volumes of vectors easily in orther to achieve a desired result

Q34 is paid by a borrower of assets to the owner as a form of compensation for the use of the assets

Q35 Simple Interest is only calculated on the

Q36 The are the amount of time available for material purchases and construction

Q37 is the point at which the curve is neother a maximum nor a minimum value

Q38 Differentiation could be said to be the of intergration

Q39 A continous function is one which has no in its curveq

Q40 With we can define intervals on the number scale.

Q41 The curve is the relationship between quantity and price of goods

Q42 parallel lines have equal rate of

Q43 A good application of intercept of two lines is the

Q44 describe what happens to a function f(x) as its variable x approaches a particular number, say c

Q45 An sequence is one whose terms are uncountable.

Q46 A sequence is one whose first and last element are known

Q47 A sequence is a succession of terms spanned by a rule or

Q48 The coefficient of the two variables x and y of a circle must be

Q49 A circle could be described by its and its radius.

Q50 The is the distance between the centre of the circle and the circumerence

Q51 This are defined as quantities, which are completely specified by numbers, which measure their magnitude in terms of some chosen units, but have no definite direction in space, is refered as

Q52 is a rectangular array of numbers with reference to specific rules governing the array.

Q53 is a mathematical model which allows the enumeration, display, manupulation and processing of both small and large volumes of vectors easily in orther to achieve a desired result

Q54 is paid by a borrower of assets to the owner as a form of compensation for the use of the assets

Q55 Simple Interest is only calculated on the

Q56 The are the amount of time available for material purchases and construction

Q57 is the point at which the curve is neother a maximum nor a minimum value

Q58 Differentiation could be said to be the of intergration

Q59 A continous function is one which has no in its curve

Q60 Two numbers are in the ratio 3:4. If 10 is subtracted from both of them the ratio will be 1:2. So the numbers are?

Q61 The mean of age of 5 men is 40 years. Three of them are of same age and they are excluded. The mean of the remaining two is 25. Age of one of the excluded person in years is?

Q62 With we can define intervals on the number scale.

Q63 The demand curve can be represented in many forms such as

Q64 is the amount of goods requested for by customers at any point in time.

Q65 The of a straight line can be defied in respect to the angle of inclination of the line with the x -axis

Q66 are quantities, which are completely specified by numbers, which measure their magnitude in terms of some chosen units, but have no definite direction in space.

Q67 is a single row or column matrix

Q68 is a matrix in which its transpose is equal to itself.

Q69 Any matrix of dimension (m x n) with all its elements equal to zero is called a matrix

Q70 One important instrument for communication, but not easily mentioned is the use of

Q71 Compute the simple interest on N5,700 for 2 years at 2.5% p.a.

Q72 The mean of 4 numbers is 9. If one number is excluded the mean becomes 8. Find the excluded number

Q73 if the mean proportional between x and 2 is 4, find x.

Q74 A bill of N1020 is due in 6 months. True discount in rupees at interest rate 4% per annum is

Q75 Ram lends Hari Rs. 1000 and Hari repays Rs. 13000 to Ram at the end of 3 years in simple interestfully. The rate of interest Ram charged to Hari per annum for repayment of loan is?

Q76 A _______ is a rectangular array of numbers with reference to specific rules governing the array

Q77 A salesman has below record for products sold during peak seson of October to December. The products are in three variants A, B & C. How many units of product C only is he expected to sell to earn 900 commission?

Q78 The 7th term of an A.P is 15 and the fourth term is 9. Find the sequence of tenth term

Q79 The 7th term of an A.P is 15 and the fourth term is 9. Find the sequence of fifth term

Q80 The 7th term of an A.P is 15 and the fourth term is 9. Find the common difference of the sequence

Q81 The 7th term of an A.P is 15 and the fourth term is 9. Find the sequence of first term

Q82 Find the 7th term of an A.P whose first term is 102 and common difference is -3

Q83 A statement or (proposition) in the context of logic is a declarative sentences or an expression of words which are

Q84 The buying price of a basket of oranges is N1000 and the selling price is N5 per orange. What is the profit per basket if 250 oranges are found in the basket?

Q85 What is the break even point (quantity) if the buying price of a basket remains N1000 and the selling price is N5

Q86 The buying price of a basket of oranges is N1000 and the selling price is N5 per orange. What is the profit per basket if 300 oranges are found in the basket?

Q87 There are _____ types of Vectors

Q88 ______ is a matrix in which all its diagonal elements are one

Q89 Find the gradient of the straight lines and their angles of inclination A(-2, 0) and B(6, -4)

Q90 Find the gradient of the straight lines and their angles of inclination A(2, -3) and B(4, 5)

Q91 Ram lends Hari Rs. 1000 and Hari repays Rs. 13000 to Ram at the end of 3 years in simple interestfully. The rate of interest Ram charged to Hari per annum for repayment of loan is?

Q92 A man bought three qualities of tea in the ratio 5:4:3 with prices per kg. N390, N375 and N450 respectively and mixed them together. The cost price of the mixture per kg. in Rs. Is?______

Q93 The mean of age of 5 men is 40 years. Three of them are of same age and they are excluded. The mean of the remaining two is 25. Age of one of the excluded person in years is?_______

Q94 The mean of age of 5 men is 40 years. Three of them are of same age and they are excluded. The mean of the remaining two is 25. Age of one of the excluded person in years is?_______

Q95 Two numbers are in the ratio 3:4. If 10 is subtracted from both of them the ratio will be 1:2. So the numbers are?___

Q96 If a business grew by 212 percent in one year, what would be the decimal equivalent?______

Q97 A bicycle has been marked down by 40percent to N120. what was its original price?

Q98 A dress selling for N45 was reduced by N9. by what percent was the item discounted?

Q99 What is the total cost including shipping and handling for a N20.15 order with a rate of 10 percent and minimum charge of 3.00?

Q100 If the two numbers 20 and x + 2 are in the ratio 2:3, find x________

Q101 Round 2.748 to the nearest hundred

Q102 Rename 3/8 as a decimal

Q103 Find the due date of a three month loan made on April 15

Q104 Find the amount of trade discount offered for a purchase of N7,800 less a 25 percent discount

Q105 Rename 63 percent as decimal

Q106 when homes and other real estate are financed, the installment loans are known as:

Q107 The smallest number that can be divided evenly by each original denominator is the

Q108 When requesting an order of merchandise of materials , the originating documents Is referred to as a:

Q109 When multiplying any number times zero, the resulting product is always

Q110 The symbol < means:

Q111 When changing from one unit of measurement to another, a conversion factor is used to:

Q112 In statiistics, the word "mean" is

Q113 Roll a die 18 times. On each roll, define a success as the event that the face value is one. Find the probability of getting at least 3 ones in 18 rolls of the die

Q114 Find the bank interest to the nearest cent. Prinicipal N2,500. Rate: 9%; Time: 180days: Interest: ?

Q115 Mr John has N600 in his savings account earning 5 3/4 annual interest. After 12 months, and using the simple interest method, what amount of interest will he earned?

Q116 With _____ we can define intervals on the number scale.

Q117 The ____ curve is the relationship between quantity and price of goods

Q118 Any matrix, which has the same number of rows and columns, is called a ______ matrix

Q119 _________ could be said to be the inverse of integration

Q120 For Multiplication of two matrices to be possible, they must be _____

Q121 To find the determinant of a matrix, the matrix must be a _____ matrix

Q122 All polynomial functions are _________

Q123 ______ is a matrix in which all its diagonal elements are one

Q124 The necessary and sufficient conditions for two lines to intercept are that they must be consistent and ______

Q125 A matrix is said to be singular if the determinant is equal to ____

Q126 The ______ of a matrix is the interchanging of its row with the column.

Q127 Two or more matrices can be added or subtracted if they are of same _______

Q128 A _______ is a rectangular array of numbers with reference to specific rules governing the array

Q129 If the angle between two lines is zero it means that they are

Q130 Which line is called y-axis

Q131 On a graph which line is referred to as the x axis

Q132 Fill in the blank- Two lines are said to be ________ when their gradient is the same

Q133 A statement or (proposition) in the context of logic is a declarative sentences or an expression of words which are

Q134 Mathematics can also be applied to some real life happening

Q135 Mathematics is the science of numbers and _____

Q136 In order to apply linear programming, there must be as its title suggests a linear relationship between the ______

Q137 A _______ is the term wise summation of a sequence.

Q138 A _______ sequence is a sequence in which each successive terms of the sequence are in equal ratio.

Q139 A sequence may be ______

Q140 In a circle, the coefficient of the two variables x and y must be the same

Q141 A circle is the locus of a curve (equidistant from a point).

Q142 With_______ we can define intervals on the number scale.

Q143 The demand curve can be represented in many forms such as _______

Q144 ______ is the amount of goods requested for by customers at any point in time.

Q145 The ______ of a straight line can be defied in respect to the angle of inclination of the line with the x -axis

Q146 ______ are quantities, which are completely specified by numbers, which measure their magnitude in terms of some chosen units, but have no definite direction in space.

Q147 _____ is a single row or column matrix

Q148 ________ is a matrix in which its transpose is equal to itself.

Q149 Any matrix of dimension (m x n) with all its elements equal to zero is called a _______ matrix

Q150 One important instrument for communication, but not easily mentioned is the use of ________