SED221 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 The amount of in the soil influences the water-holding capacity of the soil.

Q2 The cells that emerge at the initial stage become the primary meristems known as protoderm, ground meristem and __.

Q3 on the other hand as discussed in the previous unit, is the part of wastewater contaminated with faeces or urine of human.

Q4 habitat is unique in that it is characterized by high salinity content.

Q5 The amount of in the soil influences the water-holding capacity of the soil.

Q6 habitat is unique in that it is created by the mixing of fresh and salt water brought about by tidal actions.

Q7 Tissues that are made up of different types of cells are called tissues.

Q8 The lengthening of every shoot and root originates at meristem located in their dome-shaped tip.

Q9 soils have the greatest water-holding capacity.

Q10 The amount of in the soil influences the water-holding capacity of the soil.

Q11 are the primary producers in the open ocean.

Q12 Nitrogen is constantly been lost deep down into the soil by

Q13 Plants obtain most of their needs from the soil in form of inorganic compounds and ions from animal wastes through their roots.

Q14 cells are elongated with thick walls and adapted for the support of young growing stems and organs

Q15 The movement of matter between parts of the earth system is referred to as cycles.

Q16 Nitrogen is constantly been lost deep down into the soil by

Q17 on the other hand as discussed in the previous unit, is the part of wastewater contaminated with faeces or urine of human.

Q18 A very vital process in the lives of organisms, ensuring that carbon in the form of carbon dioxide is recycled is

Q19 is a continuous circulation of water between the atmosphere and the earth’s surface.

Q20 A is a network of crossing, interlinked food chains involving primary producers, consumers and decomposers.

Q21 An is an association of organisms and their physical environment, interconnected by an ongoing flow of energy and a cycling of materials through it.

Q22 An ecosystem consists of producers, consumers decomposers and and the energy flow and a cycling of materials

Q23 water leaves the body of plants through the .

Q24 Plants obtain most of their needs from the soil in form of inorganic compounds and ions from animal wastes through their roots.

Q25 The major or main driving factor of oxygen cycle is which is responsible for life on earth.

Q26 The part of the flower that attracts insect pollinators is called

Q27 Flowering plant life cycles extend from germination to seed then death

Q28 The amount of in the soil influences the water-holding capacity of the soil.

Q29 The science of classification is known as

Q30 grass —› grasshopper —› lizard —› snake. This illustrates

Q31 A is a network of crossing, interlinked food chains involving primary producers, consumers and decomposers.

Q32 are the primary producers in the open ocean.

Q33 are the primary producers in a bare land.

Q34 Plants fix only a small point of energy from the sun. They store half of it in their new tissues but lose the rest as

Q35 The technique whereby, a rope or tape marked at regular intervals is stretched across the study plot to determine population is __.

Q36 Adult Ascaris worm inhabits the where when fully grown they are passed out in the stool.

Q37 The acquisition of specific structural and functional properties by different cell such that the cells become specialized in different ways to carry out activities expected of them is

Q38 is a type of cell division taking place during an organism's normal growth.

Q39 is a type of cell division taking place during gamete formation.

Q40 Population of a given organism changes from time to time due to factors such as mortality rate. This is also known as rate

Q41 Is it true that Population of a given organism changes from time to time due to factors such as natality rate?

Q42 Perennials are plants that live or grow for or more years.

Q43 Several methods or techniques are used to estimate populations of organisms in a given area. These include quadrate, transect and sampling

Q44 can be determined by using quadrat sampling techniques.

Q45 refers to the maximum number of individuals that can be sustained indefinitely by the resources of a given environment.

Q46 is a collection of organisms of the same species living in a particular area or space.

Q47 is an example of a simple tissue.

Q48 All surfaces of primary plant parts are covered and protected by a dermal tissue system called .

Q49 conducts sugars and other solutes in plants.

Q50 Tissues that are made up of different types of cells that are called tissues

Q51 is a mass of similar cells specialized for a particular function.

Q52 A population may show a pattern of logistic growth and may be influenced by birth rate, death rate and

Q53 The growth regions of the plant are represented by the meristem

Q54 The lengthening of every shoot and root originates at located in their dome- shaped tip.

Q55 The increase in girth starts with

Q56 Generally, a flowering plant consists of stems, branches, leaves and roots. Each of these components has major tissue systems

Q57 is a layer of actively dividing cells, non- vacuolated cells found in regions of growth in plants.

Q58 The components of a flowering plant has 3 major tissue systems. They are ground, vascular and system

Q59 system anchors a plant to the soil, absorbs water and dissolves minerals.

Q60 Flowering plant life cycles extend from germination to seed _, then death

Q61 On earth, energy enters ecosystems as ________.

Q62 An ecological "niche" can be defined as ________.

Q63 Which one of the following is not done in a habitat study? ______

Q64 What is a habitat? ______

Q65 Why is some energy always lost as it passes through the trophic levels (e.g. Primary producer ----> Herbivore ----> Carnivore)? ______

Q66 Nutrients are recycled in ecosystem by __________

Q67 Some environmental factors may be measured with instruments. What factor does a compass measure? ______

Q68 The square frame used to estimate the numbers of plants is called a __________

Q69 A line stretched across an area to be sampled, where plants are identified at regular intervals, is called a ____________

Q70 The soil in a habitat affects the organisms living in it. Which one of the following does not contribute to the kind of soil present? ______

Q71 What does it mean to migrate? ______

Q72 Which of the following creatures will you not find in the soil? ______

Q73 Why is organic matter (humus) an important part of soil? ______

Q74 Finely divided, partially decomposed organic matter found in soils are ______

Q75 The components of the soil work together to determine the soil properties which include the following except ______

Q76 Pollutants deposited in the soil or in water, then absorbed by plant in solution and passed to animals via food web are produced by ______

Q77 Which one of the following is not a 'renewable' energy source? ______

Q78 __________is a collection of organisms of the same species living in a particular area or space.

Q79 The following are some of man’s negative impact on the environment except ______

Q80 Which of the biogeochemical cycles can impact all the others directly? ______

Q81 Nitrogen is available to plants only in the form of ______

Q82 How do animals get the nitrogen they need? ______

Q83 Nitrogen is fixed into nitrates in all but which fashion? ______

Q84 In an energy pyramid, which way does energy transfer? ______

Q85 . An energy pyramid is used to show ______

Q86 Which of the following is not an outcome of high population density? ______

Q87 The natural world that surrounds an organism is called the organism’s __________________

Q88 Plants grow throughout their lives because ____ continues to divide

Q89 A plant’s roots _____

Q90 Each vascular bundle in a stem contains meristematic cells located ______

Q91 The parenchyma cells are characterized by the following except _____________

Q92 The xylem in a plant _____________

Q93 Which portion of the flowering plant anchors the plant in the soil? ______

Q94 _______________ is found at the dome shaped bud of a plant.

Q95 ____________ are the only areas of cell division in plants.

Q96 ________ make up the bulk of the plant and is supportive in function.

Q97 _______ conducts water,dissolved minerals and organic substance.

Q98 The following are examples of plant tissue system except _______________

Q99 The body plan of a flowering plant consists ____________ and ______________

Q100 which of the following is not a biennial crop? ______

Q101 The following are annual crops except _________________

Q102 The following are plant life cycles except _________________

Q103 The girth of the stem or root increases due to _____________________

Q104 Which tissue is responsible for the lenghtening of the plant? ______

Q105 Which of the following is not a simple tissue? ______

Q106 Parenchyma is a type of ____________________

Q107 The study of tissues is called________________

Q108 These are examples of pollutants except ______

Q109 The most serious environmental effect posed by hazardous wastes is ______

Q110 One of the best solutions to get rid of non-biodegradable wastes is ______

Q111 Which of the following is non-biodegradable? ______

Q112 __________ on the other hand as discussed in the previous unit, is the part of wastewater contaminated with faeces or urine of human

Q113 Some of the pollutants of __________ are refuse, and sewage agricultural wastes, crude refined oil and industrial wastes.

Q114 Pollutants which are _____are those that can be broken down by bacterial activities making them harmless substances

Q115 Which of these does not belong to the aquatic habitat? ______

Q116 Marking recapture sampling is a technique used to estimate population sizes of the following except ________

Q117 Which of the following factors in an ecosystem is biotic? ______

Q118 Detritus food chain starts from ________

Q119 All of the following are examples of environmental resistance EXCEPT ________.

Q120 Which gas is primarily responsible for Green House Effect ? ______